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1、2020下半年教师资格高中英语学科知识与教学能力真题及答案注意事MbC. which to base uponD. upon which to be basedL 为送时间为120分忡.湎分为150分.Iff% B2.诜技规定在答比k上加深、作答.在试卷上作器无效.不予非分.7. !,d tiue that vaur vill eontinue to beit Is Iexlay-in irporlance to oxycn.-嚷双选杼册本大冏共30小期.毋小照2分,共60分)A. ho*B. vhich1. / and /z/ can be disl iiisuisbcd by Ihe.C.

2、 asD. vhalA. place of articulationB. state of tensuetffXl DC. state of vocal cordsD. nanncr of articulation8. He is helpless under such circunstanccs. :_t件案】cA. bonvvcr brilliant a si nd he nny have2. Thn wird -rpiil ixntinn* cdnaism; ofsyllabi。); mdn.B. btmvvcr a bri 1 linnt nind Hp nay havoA. five

3、; firR. fiv。: fourC. bnNwor brilliant a nind nay hn hav。C. four; threeD. four; fmirD. Bwv” i brilHoni mind nay he have【答案】C【答窠】A3. Ihich of the following is least associated with newspaper publishing?9. Which of following refers to *the part of input that Kas been inurnallzd by learners* ?A. proofre

4、adingB. editorialA. feedback8 outputC. censorshipD. citizenshipC. IntakeD. v&Bhback(w D【群案】C4. Which of the fol lewins best describes the relutian betren piece* and *pcaccM ?10. Ihich of the follovinE describes the lansuaEc of an individual speaker vith its uniqueA. synonjuyB. hamnynycharacteristics

5、?C. amonysyD. hypcaynyA. IdiolectB. Tabon监窠】IIC. Rcgiannl dialectD. Social dinlcct5. Shn vas nnt ispro%M*d by thp alory P.wl xhnr*d vith hor. for shn 2d Already hoard of it.【芥窠】AA. in the lenstB. at the rwstII. hnt role does he/she play when n techt- explains the purpose of a usk, theto do itC. 1931

6、 of allD. for the no$tand its tine limit?【答案】AA. An organizer.B. An observer6. Without facts. * exnt fom rorUwtUle opinions, for k tu*ed to have factual krxmledgeC. An evaluatorD. A proipterour thinkinc.【齐案】AA. which lo be based uponB. upon which li base)2. Ahal dues bc/she intend lo do when a teach

7、er vriles the Fol lovins ijcnleoccs She gels up early.She vears a unifom. She works ven* hid- * on the blackboard at the presentatico stage?A. Practice 为onionc。 patterns using rxidcl sentences.B. Chock if studfintj; enn prnxninc4* tbp sntoncoj; correctly.C. Hnni tar vhothor studentj; enn Accumtc*ly

8、oxproj;% their idee夕.D Drw students, dttwtiom to the forn of a n” UngiMge iten.【答案】D13. ihat skill does hc/abe use twn a student u会8 lutxguage knwkde and contextual clues I。figure out the neaning of a new word?A. Contras I i fi k.B. SuimrixingC. DeducingD. Predict ins【答X】(:14. Supplcnonting, deletin

9、g;, sirp ifying and reordering arc often used inA. adaptin teaching nstcrialsB. delivering teachinj: zatcrialsC. evaluating touching (intoriRls;D. prsenting tAchin mtnrials【答案】415. Which of the following is least rccm?nded ot the kad-in gtngo in a reading cos?X. Activating students scherH of tM topi

10、c.B. Giving advice on hew to u rvedtng diratgles.C. Sharing baclqjrcund infomtion abuul the text.D. Correct Ins lanuutiKe til stakes 3lu*nl3 have itde.【备案】D16. Ihich of the follcrvinc best describes the phcnanxMin that learners apply the skills acquired in cne field to another?A. TransferB. Deductio

11、nC. ContextualiztionD. Induction【答案】417. Jf the focus i placed on. students re supposed to go through tM gtmg、of drafting, rceivihg feedbeck, and revising before submitting the final version of their Titing.B. processC. ganr。A. ProductD. fomnt【芥窠】“Ifl. Vhat vould ho/sho ch of the following gemencsg

12、using ihe passive voic. M ?A. SkillB. MeaningC. StructureD. Function【备案】C说同说充成第21、25小地.P&3alsc 11 have personally cam to understand that -ezponenient* is not a lesson that can be thought by vay of textbooks or lectures, projects or field trips, and not even by way of principles and inspirational tea

13、ching. Il rust be taught by poronnl cxiinples.VhMi vip *1仆 nur students ho eng fron dikodvan*egad backgrounds;, or those, rho fcc a ppronnl lifestyle this in direct conflict to the prifKiples that w uuich. ve hiivc to M rilling to she* then bow to overpower, km to nake the trinsitioo freo one 818s o

14、f being into the next, hem to be erpemerd.Vc rust riake the lessen of crpox*nijcnt eaxe to life, in a real, up doxe and personal vay. And the only vny this enn bo done ix uMn nl Iw ourselves to hccon living exiinplos of what vc tcach.Prnfxirntory school for Glcibm】 LihXcr夕hip (PSCI.) is n xhool that

15、【stnrtnd bnenvso 1 bolinvcd tKit I hnd racthnd, n vny of teaching and Innming would erpnuvr tbp urhnn diwAdvAntegad child. But as 1 sit Iwk And think nbout it now. PSGl a school thnt 1 started so that【would ghwc*依 enpwrnent to a group of students (and stuff)ho needed a life, exwle of hw to grew beyo

16、nd me, s current circina tance.Vhen I inflect on try Journey M start in the school, 1 realize that every 8sp along the way personally teachlnc abuul enpuwvrnxiX.【I is unc thine to leach (I. but ft is another to live il. Vnless k experience rrpcmenient on a personal level, e can not help students lea

17、rn it. circumcnl obsluclcx as they ari” and develop and crploy the ne skills needed to functicn to be rrpowrrd.Iknr can get in tbc face of a student and push hin to a place that is foreign and scary, asking hi to bcccoc Rreatcr than his cnvironn?nt? We cant. hy? Because e do not kn(w what it lucks l

18、ike. “ do not kiwi what it fcsl like. Our rnlo na a tcsachcr bccooc*:; terhnica, causing us to niss xit cti thn spirit of truly good cMhing. uhorc on。 t*ncbcs vith rplovnncy, nuthnnticity and cipcrianca.Vhon I look the faces of tlwso students. I know thnt wy process of starting the school was for ih

19、en Vhen I becene xhai “ughi. vhen eo但red nys*?lf in 卯ac8 where there nhs no one ihore co Mipwer ne, when I ch叱 to auccewi vithout excuses. I becaie a living lesson.The students sa” w and our siaff hb extensions of the 】的约此 ve ere trying io leach. (Xir lives, not by our per feci Ion. but by our effor

20、t, sbemed students bcm is apply shtH ” taught.21. Which of the full。育inc cn bv resarded as a necessary cundilion fur teachers to enpewer their students?A. liavins been successful in dipcr/erinR students.B. Possessing the expertise in tbc subject they teixzh.C. Ikwing received adequate training on wi

21、pmemcnt.D. lining nble to intngratp prsoY)l experience); into thir tohing.22. Which of the foJlwing can lx? inferred froo th?叱g,ige?X. Ohly childrco from didadvantegd background need to be Efxcerqd.Y. The dutbnr is dble to cipcnrcr herself when faced vith difficulties.Z. Tenchnrs with personal exper

22、ience of crpcmvnicni cannot toiach.AA. The autbnr dne夕 not practice vhiit she? ndxncAtos in her i*n life.23. Ahich cf the follenring is trun Ahout the? PrpArntory School for Global dprhip?A. It is the inst renamed of its kind in Uw world.B. Its graduates are veil reived by their erployers.C. Its sta

23、ff are unwilling to enprwr thenlves as living exsipka.D l atns at enpowrlriK trainees to sroM beyond ibeir ciicumtanced.24. Vliich of the rolluviiiK is closest in neaniiiK li the underlined vord *chcumenl* in PaiHgidph 4?A. Overconc*.B. Encxintcr.C. Move around.D. Take a*-ay.25. ihy docs the author

24、highly value a teacher, s experience of cfipcwcrnont in touchinj;?A. To ciuibl。students to Uam and use new skills;.R. To turn toAching thnicn) with dngwitic lectures.C. To mke teaching rd”nnt. nuthentic. tind convincing.D. To extend and perfect his professiocwil carmr as a teacher.21 .【答窠】D22 .【答案】B

25、23 .【答案】D24 . (WXJ A25 . ( C请阕谀Paswi:e2.完成第26、30小盘.Pas&age 2Cats have tbc widest hearing range of nearly any namal * not coly can they perceive sound in what vp dofino as the Ultrasonic* rang。, they c-in aIao npprnciAtc n)I th。Dr Dre con thryi At tbK Th” con swivel their Rhigkorg forwds while huntin

26、g to provide kind of jthort-rnnge nidar. And they can gg exceptioneDy el) in the Ark thanks to a reflective surface behind the retina tht bounces liRht back, giving it a second chance to hit a photoreceptor. They see orc distinct iuigcs per second than we do.Dng partisans wiI Appeal to the doj?,夕 al

27、Icgndly superior intelligent。- though if that gr。 thn prinary criterion for choosdn a pct, one* nnuld oxpact to ms n lot nor。crovs And squid an load% Around tetvn. In fact, cats niv rather cS、,orr thnn comonly assuned. as the biologist nnd an i ml-behaviour expert John Bradshav sh(ws in his ne book.

28、 They can even M trained to an extent tiich was news to te Bradshaw, s book nixes pel leu of cat lore Mth accounts of feline evolution. anaiiy genet les and develocnent newbom kitten to adulthood, plus descriptions of ct-psycho logy experiiXs in Che labordlory* nany of uhlch be has condoctcd hintcel

29、f. Scot? of the fust intei-esiinK parts indicate boles in of pleying kit ion 夕 nut bn nbout thp intrting unsolved prohlrn in science.The Celt is en opparcot Iy ohMoviW bedst, but Bradshan points out ikn cdts wxzrigc。strong MoUna. fltxi scae Unes night be suffering in silence. Ihey aren* t parti oil

30、ar ly sociable, and cal a who ai* housed with others ho wej*n* t littfr-iwies - perhaps by v countorproductivo election prpsjiuro w currently oxort oo the daiwiic cat when we neuter bou馥 cats before they reproduce. Thiw noans. he oxpl加n& that the * friendliest, mst docile* cats are prevented frci le

31、aving any descendants, while vild - which arc noic jaispicious of buians and better at hunting - will leaveraoreoffspring Cnintcoticoally, v。arc causing cats to avolvo intn animU society nont like ns nuch.Cat hiitorw prok)bly won, t appreciate this; bonk, but Anyone olso night. It is; vrittpn in a f

32、riendly And engaging vny. him helpful tip% far cat nwnprss, nnd is pocked with xd cats erv at tvisting atd-eir to land on their fet. Uit they have an eveo ware ifpreasive trick: saw cats ado a *paruchuie* position during a long fall, with all four legs stuck out to the side, befsw ccaitu: back to th

33、e landing position at the ladi twnxil. This cat-parachute pose, Bradxhav calculates. * linits the fallinc speed to a luximi* of Ci fly-three ni )cs an hour1 so enabling 500? cats to fal 1 froti hish-rise bui Idtnes and walk d*uy unhurt. 1* d like to see a dos try that.26 . Ihat can be inferred about

34、 cats frea Bradshaw* 5 research?A. Cats, whiskers cun aid then to confuse preys.R. Cats can detnet rounds far nrny fron then.C. Cats can process inages better than ve do.D. CatN intelligence hnw bzn underest27. According u Par财re由 X which of the following constitutes a potential research topic?A. Do

35、l憾 cat-psycholcy experU?ntd.B. Decodii playing kium/ tai 1-lanKUaKe.C. Didcoverinic hy cats can class!fy shapes.D. Invcsticaling vhy cats ro crazy fre offspring.B. Destroying songbirds habitet.C. Killing the country* s songbirdf.D. Being supiciouj; of hunan beings30. According to th。author, what is

36、inpressivn about cam during a long fal I in Rradshav a vri ting?A. Cftts can be trained to nnd safely.B. Cats tend to us4? tbeir clavs as brakes.C. Sow cats can adopt a *paichute* position.D. Wm cals hm ood at playing trlckd in nid-dir.瓯【答案】C27. rnjB28. rnjD29. 【答案】B30. JC二、截答鹿本大题】小题,20分)极抠鹿”要求完成下列任

37、务,用中文作辞.31初述送行班女听力(dictation)的”的6分)幻三个屈本步”(6分),丐出短文听,的一个优点(4 分)W 个统点(4分).【每看苦案】| ;人文听写是一种门败听力却盘方大.僖:鲂的助学1丹元i就口1W拼写句法、,工川一 记和一定的书面表达等多方面的技傩,肥-科兼修遇二输入与珀山的训续方式.短文听写的三个基本步器听能修菊3果足所月填空.流一步:快速浏览制料 了解大念,BiiW内科浏览”同时.尤其要关注所侑UW的汴 用部分以及空格值厉的部分.要确定空格餐求填写电词的同性、制复数以及时态语态;根据上卜文推测要 填单词的可使词义;极州上下文及短文主感推测句子可能昧述的内容.所中

38、速记通常,妞文听写会引导学生听2-3理录fh听第 退录音时.历总急于完隹地顶引倔个空格这一 谒的主要任芬主奏是理潴文章的脉络.可以班当做点蓟的的记求,胆词可乘用缗引成只记求开头字印. 注点以所为主.从整体上把挪句子含义的施提卜适当记录美健词.殷三、四个单河即可,n不可贪 多而膨响了对句子含义的理道,m至影响对成面句子的听寸.所采尚录音时,要尽嫉使用缩略词送行 记录,松的词语可以先写个头,对于不近变的好词、介词等施行划方,争取杷成要的值总邨也住.研第 三两家音时,加戌放在空格非分,一方而要对所以内存进行任储核听;另一方而炎点关注设有听怪或不 是校盯把握的地方,用出林全役芍亏出的内容,听后检衣三谕

39、录音所光取后,务必迸行*tB检元.利用语法知识和一段习惯表达方式拉衣所写文本内容.如果听 出的朱词或词组、语法知识不轩,从湎法上讲足常温的.这IH要相怕语法,因为有拄时候一或笊词由ed或一发 amw.可他会听不济楚.把相应的总词或词组成为正确的通法格式.(3)优缺且优自:短文所年使物舞顺毋备场入与输出的训摊.在考我学生的标合语篇理蛹能力的耻砒卜.恰泅学生的词 /、*沈等方面的学习效果.有助于全面考我学生的侏介第二运用能力.WA:做文听月的形式不够灵活对于学生的自主语方为出水平.她升有梁,靖以体现英语林学的人文性将 点.三.故学怫境分析也(本大法1小题.20分)啜据踽“要未完成下列任务,用中文怀

40、芬.32. Tffllte 节孤中英出读堂收学片段次聚T: Arn yourself with unacreen, sungleases and a hat in a period of hot leather.51: H(w can yc*u am yourself? You already have tx ains - ho* do you put on sre?T: Can e nure cut the iieaning of Hain* fixa the text? Look For another place wtiene the wrd “scxiscrecn,appears.52

41、: In this sefitcncc:* Health cxpcrls rained people, when uutxide. to apply sunscreen with a sun protection factor-*53: So I think *am yourself is kind of *applyM .SI: Oh. ttc mkc sense. U he right?T: ! could anAvnr you, but【d like you to find oui the running of Fim in th。dicicnnry.T: Got it? Cun you explain it in English?


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