1、英语演讲教程:引入话题 II。Introduing the Subjet and the outline of the Presentation 引入话题 Bakground InformationI ould like to start b briefl revieing the histor of open heart surger。Let us start ith the theoretial basis of this ne tehnique。To begin ith,e have to onsider the priniple。I think it ould be best to s
2、tart out b looking at a fe slides。I should like to prefae m remarks ith a desription of the basi idea。Ma I begin ith a general outline of this projet?The first thing I ould like to talk about is the definition of the terms I shall use in m leture。The first point Id like to make is the historial bakg
3、round of the invention。First,I shall explain to ou h this ne program is orret and feasible。TopiI ould like to onentrate on theproblem Of antibioti abuse in hospitals。I shall devote m talk to the surgial treatment of oronar disease。I ant to onfine m talk to the latest developments in ivil engineering
4、。Toda,I am going to give a talk on the appliation of puters in mediine。M topi toda ill deal ith the observation of supernova。In todas talk,I 11 restrit mself to the etiolog of 15-epai;s。In m presentation this morning,I 11 limit mself to three major points onl。I take the libert of restriting m disuss
5、ion mainl to higha bridge onstrution。No,I ould like to address mself to the most important aspet of this problem。Among the man languages,I shall mention onl BASIC。What I am going to present toda is the methodolog and the data analsis。Im not going to sa muh about that exept to disuss the literature o
6、n that topi。OutliningM talk toda onsists of to parts。One is。and the other is。Ive divided m presentation into four parts。I shall first talk about。and then touh on。and finall disuss。The subjet an be looked at under the folloing headings:。I ould like to divide m talk into to parts。The first part deals
7、ith,the seond part onerns。M presentation ill be given in four parts。The first part deals ith。The seond part relates to。The third part onerns。And the last part disussesPurposeObjetiveThe purpose of this presentation is to。This talk is designed toComprehensive SamplesSample 1 Thank ou,Mr。Chairperson,M
8、r。Diretor-General,distinguished members of the ILOs Governing Bod and friends。I ele this opportunit to be here toda,ith an Organization hih in man as belongs to all of us orkers。I an think of,in fat,no other international bod that one an laim as ones on so unambiguousl。I have also had a longstanding
9、 formal assoiation ith the ILO。Man of m earl piees on omen and tehnologial hange and on land rights ere published b the ILO,as ell as as the ork of man other sholars。It is therefore a pleasure for me to be here on this important Smposium。The anvas of the Smposium is ver large。I ill fous on to aspets
10、 of gender inequalit that entrall effet millions of omen as orkers but perhaps have failed to reeive the attention the deserve。First,the gender gap in mand over propert and Produtive assets and,seond,gender biased soial pereptions and soial norms。Sample 2 I learned last Ma that ou have to be areful
11、in speaking to a group of professional muniators。After I onduted a riter s orkshop at the Toronto Conferene of the International Assoiation of Business Communiators,Janine Lihazrote asked me to speak here tonight and used the muniation tehniques I had remended。She even inluded a footnote iting m let
12、ure。I am suseptible to good muniation and to flatter so I am pleased to be ith ou to disuss our topi for the evening,the use of language in the art of speeh riting。I suppose e must begin b shaking our heads,oefull,over the sad state of language toda,hether in formal speehes,asual onversation,or in r
13、iting。Most of us in this room no doubt agree ith the generall negative tone of Time Magazines ear-end assessment hih laims“our language has been besieged b vulgarities。But to preserve our sanit as professionals in muniation of us ould probabl join Time in optimistiall expeting English someho to surv
14、ive and even to prosper。Expressions on Other OasionsCorreting the Title of the PresentationFirst of all,I ould like to mention that the title of m presentation should be。Please allo me to orret a mistake in the title of m speeh hih appeared in the program。Instead of。it should read。Reading。Another Pe
15、rsons PaperSometimes ou are seleted to read another persons paper,as he or she is absent。I shall read a paper b Dr。Li from Guangzhou,hina,ho regrets that he ould not be here。The title of his paper is。Im going to read the paper b Dr。Wang。Its a great pit that,beause of a health problem,he ould not be
16、here。I as asked b the author to read his paper。He apologizes for not being able to e here。The next speaker,Prof。Zhang,regrets that she ould not be here and has submitted her paper to me。I am not sure if I an present it as ell as she expeted。I am not sure hether I 11 be able to be ver onfident in ans
17、ering speifi questions。Hoever,I am somehat familiar ith his ork,so I 11 tr m best。Cheking the MirophoneFirst I ant to hek if all of ou an hear me learl。Am I speaking learl and loudl enough for those in the rear of the room?I onder if those in the rear of the room an hear me。If those in the rear of t
18、he room an hear me,ould someone please raise his hand?Can ou hear me learl?Can ou hear me if I am*from the mirophone?Is the mirophone orking?*Summar-Ho to Prepare a Good IntrodutionRealize file great importane of the introdution of file presentation mad then do our best in delivering it。Don t make f
19、ile introdution either too ord,or too brief。Usuall,it overs 10 to 15 perent of our entire speeh。Selet tile as to apture the audiene attention。Indiate tile topi。Outline our Speeh。Announe our purpose。Prepare several versions of tile introdution,pare them,and then selet the best version。Finall,learn it b heart so as to be able to deliver it easil mid fluentl。Dont start our speeh ith apologies。Pa attention to our bod language。