1、 天味食品工艺展示及菜品食用功效(好人家系列)1.好人家麻婆豆腐调料HAORENJIA MAPO BEAN CURD SEASONING特选优质原料,精选上等牛肉,配以传统工艺精心炒制,烹调出来的菜品色泽红亮,具备麻、辣、烫、香、酥、嫩、鲜、活八大特点,鲜香扑鼻,回味无穷。Select the superior material, matched with the traditional technique. The dish cooked with the seasoning will be bright red color. And it is featured by spicy, del
2、icate and soft.麻婆豆腐以火辣见长,冬天食用最适宜,能刺激胃液分泌、开发胃口。且可祛寒,运动最少、循环不佳、不发汗者都适宜;惟肠胃虚弱、胃酸分泌异常或有溃疡者不宜多食。2.好人家腊肉调料HAORENJIA PRESERVED HAM SEASONING在传统工艺基础上大胆革新,选用优等原辅料,最大限度的突显腊肉的本色。用“好人家”调料制作出的腊肉,腌腊风味突出,肥肉透明发亮,瘦肉色泽鲜艳透红,吃起来味道醇香,肥而不腻,瘦不塞牙。Make innovation on the basis of traditional craft, selecting the superior mat
3、erial, and make the preserved ham feature stand out. The preserved ham will be delicate and invite your taste.腊肉性味咸甘平,具有开胃祛寒、消食等功效。3.好人家老腊肉调料HAORENJIA DRIED PORK SLICES SEASONING运用先进的调味工艺将传统原料巧妙搭配,科学合理的突出老腊肉的风味特点,使用“好人家”调料制作出的老腊肉,烟熏味突出,肉质黄里透红,既有持久的烟熏味,又有浓浓的腌腊味,让人久食不厌,回味悠长。Adopt the advanced flavor t
4、echnique to match with the traditional raw material, which stands out the dried pork slice features. The sootiness taste and yellowish-red color. After you taste it, you will like it.老腊肉性味咸甘平,具有开胃祛寒、消食等功效。4.好人家酱肉调料HAORENJIA SAUCE MEAT SEASONING选用上等面酱经过传统方法多个工序精心晒制,配以多种香辛料为辅,使其酱香更加浓郁纯正,用“好人家”调料制作出的酱肉
5、,酱香突出、肉质色泽自然。Select superior noodle sauce and make it with traditional technique, matching with some kinds of spices. Therefore the sauceflavor will be more pure. The sauce meat is featured by the sauce aroma and natural color.酱肉色泽鲜明,肌肉呈鲜红或枣红色,脂肪乳白色;肉身干爽结实,指压无明显凹痕;入口鲜美甜咸,清香生津,肥而不腻,越品越浓,酱香浓郁。5.好人家香肠调
6、料(特麻辣,麻辣,五香,川味,广味)HAORENJIA SAUSAGE SEASONING (PEPPERY FLAVOR)沿用四川传统香肠配料方法结合现代调味技术,让风味更加突出。未添加亚硝酸盐,美味更健康,肉色红艳更自然,肉脂香突出。广味,甜而不腻;麻辣味,麻辣爽口;川味,复合味美;特麻辣味,麻辣刺激;五香味,鲜香浓郁。Use Sichuan traditional sausage ingredients and combining modern flavor technique, make the prominent flavor, delicious, healthy and more
7、 natural, Guangdong flavor is sweet but not fatty; spicy flavor is spicy and tasty; Sichuan flavor is compound tasty; peppery flavor is full of spicyaromas; mixed spicy flavor is full of fresh.香肠可开胃助食,增进食欲。6.好人家青花椒鱼调料HAORENJIA SPICY FISH SEASONING精选上等青花椒, 采用传统工艺精心炒制而成,使之烹饪出来的鱼肉清香四溢,椒香持久, 麻味绵长。Select
8、ing all kinds of pepper to develop and produce, the spicy degree will upgrade again. Add more flavor for the fish slice, and give you unparalleled appetite stimulation.促进唾液分泌,增加食欲;使血管扩张,从而起到降低血压的作用;有芳香健胃、温中散寒、除湿止痛功效。7.好人家麻辣鱼调料HAORENJIA SPICY FISH SEASONING优选各地知名辣椒进行综合调制,辣度再升级,为鱼味增加更多美妙滋味,带给您劲爽无比,酣畅淋
9、漓的口感刺激。Selecting all kinds of pepper to develop and produce, the spicy degree will upgrade again. Add more flavor for the fish slice, and give you unparalleled appetite stimulation.麻辣鱼,一道家常菜,麻辣味道,美味爽口。同时具有治疗高血压、营养不良等多种功效。8.好人家麻辣香水鱼调料HAORENJIA SPICY AND FRAGRANT FISH SEASONING特选精制小磨香油,令浓香喷薄而出,更增添顺滑口感
10、,在您品鉴的时候让嗅觉和味觉都充分感受到无比的舒畅。Selected refined grinding sesame oil, so fragrant gushing out, but also add smooth taste in your tasting time, to provide the sense of refresh and comfortable when you smell and taste it.麻辣香水鱼,麻辣鲜香,口味顺滑。具有开胃健脾,降压降脂的功效。9.好人家老坛酸菜鱼调料HAORENJIA PICKLE CABBAGE FISH SEASONING选用上等香
11、料,陈年老盐卤水腌渍而成的正宗老坛酸菜,味正鮮香,绝无添加任何色素与防腐剂,并采用传统工艺精心炒制,使鱼肉鲜嫩,汤汁酸辣,滑爽细腻。Select the superior spices, and authentic pickled Chinese cabbage which is pickled with the aged salt water, with delicious flavor, without any additives pigment and preservative. Meanwhile adopt the traditional craft, make the fish d
12、elicate, sour and spicy juice.酸菜鱼的主材鱼含丰富优质蛋白,人体消化吸收率可达96%,并能供给人体必需的氨基酸、矿物质、维生素A和维生素D;鱼的脂肪多为不饱和脂肪酸,能很好的降低胆固醇,可以防治动脉硬化、冠心病,因此,多吃鱼可以健康长寿。10.好人家水煮鱼调料( 经典2000 198)HAORENJIA SPICY BOILED FISH SEASONING CLASSIC 精选上等原料,采用传统工艺精心炒制而成,使之烹饪出来的鱼肉鲜美可口,椒香扑鼻,辣而不燥,麻而不苦,经久耐食。Select the superior material, adopts the t
13、raditional craft and make it carefully, The fish cooked with the seasoning will be tasty, and fullof pepper aromas, spicy but not dry, as well the lingered flavor.并具有暖胃和中、平肝祛风、治痹、截疟、益肠明眼目之功效,主治虚劳、风虚头痛、肝阳上亢、高血压、头痛、久疟。还有健脑、抗疲劳、抗癌,防止牙龈出血、心血管硬化及低胆固醇等功效。11.好人家烧鸡公调料HAORENJIA BRAISED ROOSTER SEASONING精选贵州辣
14、椒和汉源花椒,并以现代食品安全与营养学的原理进行生产加工,不仅保证了营养成分保留的最大化,同时也使烹调出来的菜品红亮诱人,椒香宜人,辣而不燥,香而不腻。Select the superior Guizhou chili and Hanyuan Chinese prickly ash, and process it according to modern food safety and nutrition principle, which not only ensure the maximize nutrients reserves, but also make the dishes glow
15、and smell inviting, full of chili aromas, spicy but not dry, savory but not greasy.对营养不良、畏寒怕冷、乏力疲劳、月经不调、贫血、虚弱等有很好的食疗作用。祖国医学认为,鸡肉有温中益气、补虚填精、健脾胃、活血脉、强筋骨的功效。12.好人家辣子鸡调料HAORENJIA SPICY CHICKEN SEASONING辣椒精选上等贵州辣椒,并采用独特辣椒加工工艺,最大化提取辣椒的香味和颜色,并配以名贵香料和上乘花椒,使烹调出来的菜品红亮诱人,辣香浓郁,香辣爽口,回味悠长。Select the superior Huiz
16、hou chili and adopt unique chili processing technique, Maximized extract the spicy and color of chili. Meanwhile match with expensive spice and excellent Chinese prickly ash to make the dishes glow and smell inviting, and full of chili aromas, spicy and pleasant, as well the lingered flavor.性平、温、味甘,
17、入脾、胃经;可温中益气,补精添髓;用于治疗虚劳瘦弱、中虚食少、泄泻头晕心悸、月经不调、产后乳少、消渴、水肿、小便数频、遗精、耳聋耳鸣等。常吃鸡肉炒菜花可增强肝脏的解毒功能,提高免疫力,防止感冒和坏血病。13.好人家酸萝卜老鸭汤炖料Haorenjia pickled radish and duck soup seasoning酸萝卜选自正宗高山白萝卜,按照民间秘方在老坛中腌制1年以上,再配以现代调味技术调配的料包,烹调出来的汤色黄亮宜人、酸爽可口。Sour turnips select from the authentic white turnips in the high mountains.
18、 The turnips are pickled in the old jar according to the folk secret recipe more than one year, and match with seasoning made with the modern technology. The soup will be bright yellow and relish. The flavor will be pleasant and delicate.适用于体内有热、上火的人食用;发低热、体质虚弱、食欲不振、大便干燥和水肿的人,食之更佳。同时适宜营养不良,产后病后体虚、盗汗
19、、遗精、妇女月经少、咽干口渴者食用。14.好人家红焖牛羊兔调料HAORENJIA STEWED BEEF&MUTTON SEASONING以肉嫩、味鲜、汤醇、价廉深受各路食客的好评,很快便风靡牧野。一些头脑精明者也抓住这一商机,由食客变成了老板。红焖羊兔很快便红遍中原,闯进京都,成了名闻遐迩的一道豫菜新品。在最鼎盛的1995年,新乡、郑州等地出现了“红焖炊烟浩荡处,今日早市没有羊”的奇特景观,并在全省首届豫菜大赛中荣获特别金奖。Stewed beef & mutton is famous for the tender meat, tasteful, mellow soup, cheap pri
20、ce and soon became popular in the plain. Some smart minds seize this business opportunity, from diners to become a boss. Stewed beef & mutton soon became popular in the Central Plains and soon spread to the Capital, then became one of the new Henan cuisine. In the most flourishing 1995, Xinxiang, Zh
21、enzhou and other places where Stewed beef & mutton restaurant is mighty morning market there is no mutton. And Stewed beef & mutton restaurant is mighty morning market there is no mutton. And Stewed beef & mutton won the first gold medal in Henan province cuisine contest.经常食用可保护血管壁,阻止血栓形成,对高血压、冠心病、糖
22、尿病患者有益处,并增强体质,健美肌肉,它还能保护皮肤细胞活性,维护皮肤弹性。15.好人家水煮肉片调料HAORENJIA BOILED PORK FILLET IN HOT SAUCE水煮肉片是以瘦猪肉、鸡蛋为主料用植物油烹制的辣味肉菜,不仅可以增加食欲,还可以补充优质蛋白质和必须脂肪酸、维生素、铁等营养素。值得一提的是,这种肉的制作法,将肉片挂糊再烹制,可以保持肉质鲜嫩,易消化,整个过程中又没有经过长时间高温油炸,是一种比较科学的肉类烹制法。Boiled pork fillet in hot sauce is a kind of spicy dishes made of the lean po
23、rk, eggs, vegetable oil. It not only can improve appetite, also can add high-quality protein and essential fatty acids, vitamins, iron and other nutrients. It is worth mentioning is the cooking method. Before cooked, you can mix it with starch, which can keep the meat tender, digestible, and the whole process has not been a long time in high-temperature frying. It is a more scientific kinds of meat cooking method.对于护肤、养颜、防止女性乳腺癌、润肠排毒、促进人体对动物蛋白的吸收等,都有极大功效。