1、我家的小狗课堂笔记 作文体裁包括:记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。我家有一个可爱的小狗,它的外表很可爱。它有一对水汪汪的大眼睛,有一个小巧玲珑的鼻子,有一个大嘴巴,还有一对灵敏的耳朵,还有一个圆圆的小脑袋,还有一个绳子似的小尾巴,还有一个圆圆肚子。它的毛的颜色很特别,它的胸前和头上各存有一块白色的毛外,其它的毛都就是白的。它胸前和头上的白毛的形状和边线都有点特定。头上的那块白毛短在它的美人痣上,形状就是竖着的椭圆形,类似于西游记中的二郎神。胸前的那块白毛短在它脖子的下面,形状就是一个小三角形。他的生活习惯也有点特殊。冬天的时候,它会自己从地上挖一个洞,晚上它就会在那个洞里睡觉,我觉得它在那个洞
2、里应该很暖和不然得话它也不会睡在那里。夏天的时候,它总是钻进我家门前的大树林里睡觉、玩耍,因为里面很凉快。i love my dog。英文翻译 my dog my family has a cute dog,look very cute.it has a pair of watery eyes,there is a small size of the nose,there is a big mouth,and a pair of sensitive ears,there is a small round head,and a rope like a small tail,and a round
3、 stomach.its hair color is very special,its chest and head have a white hair,the others hair is black.it is the shape and position of the chest and the head of white hair are a bit special.piece of the head of the long white hair on its beauty spot,is vertically oval shape,a bit like erlang journey
4、to the west.chest piece of white hair below its long neck,the shape is a big triangle.his lifestyle is a bit special.in the winter,it will dig a hole from the ground,it will sleep at night in the cave and i think it should be very warm in the cave,then it would not otherwise have to stay the night.in the summer,its always got big trees in front of my house to sleep,play,because it was very cool.i love my dog.