1、2022年中考英语作文满分范文2022年中考英语作文满分范文 第1篇 The thermometer had dropped to 18 deGREes below zero, but still chose to sleep in the porch as usual Though they were a mere sprinkle of twinkling dots, yet I had become so accustomed to them that their occasional absence would bring me loneliness and ennui My room
2、mate and I, each wrapped in a quilt, were seated far apart in a different corner of the porch, facing each other and chatting away I beamed and said pointing to a tiny lamplight on the opposite mountain, “Its Jupiter over there!” More and more lights came into sight as we kept pointing here and ther
3、e With the distinction between sky and forest obscured by snowflakes, the numerous lamp-lights now easily passed for as many stars With the illusory stars hanging still overhead, I was spared the effort of tracing their positions when I woke up from my dreams in the dead of night. Thus I found conso
4、lation even on a lonely snowy night ! 2022年中考英语作文满分范文 第2篇 在那流云走岚的山冈上, 一朵花开了。 一阵风吹来。 留下一缕花香, 却在不经意间发觉。 花瓣早已碾转成泥。 遥遥望着远方的风儿。 题记 小时候,坚信,我们是祖国的花朵。向着太阳,盼着一每天长大。 不要可怕漆黑的走廊,千万别看着课桌上的口水发傻。坚韧的孩子不畏惧全部。 在那百宝箱里有自己的隐秘,很小很小的隐秘。别偷看,那只是一只烂掉的钢笔罢了。可那又是自己的幻想了把,老师,我想成为一个宏大的作家。呵,脸红了,像熟透的柿子。 同桌在睡觉,揉揉眼,连续。嘿!听到没有,我的幻想是写出好的
5、文章。你呢? 间或坐在阳台上,听妈妈说自己从前是多么的调皮。躺在摇篮里,抱着可爱的熊娃娃,听着那香香的摇篮曲。但是,是睡不着的,由于我在数星星,其实那时的我连1、2、3也是不熟识的。 骗我,妈妈。 吖,别笑了,妈妈。 少年了,时间让人成长。还是坚信,花会开的,由于已经有了小小的芽。像刚睡醒一样,懵懵懂懂,把沙发当成一座高高的讲台,阔阔的念自己的稚气文章。父亲说不错啊,妈妈说儿子好有文采啊。 沉醉,沉醉,不知归路。上帝啊,既生雄,何生太白啊!感叹一句,心情好的时候还可以做那繁杂的作业的。 紧急的时候到了,喘不过气来了。 老师在讲台上,抬抬眼镜,再咳嗽两声。 “杨智雄,100分。恩,连续啊!” 掌
6、声成片,啧啧,雄真的不一样。爸爸看了会怎么说,表扬我,让他睡觉都笑醒把,儿子真有出息! 别笑过头了,孩子。 到了现在,时间可以傲慢了,孩子成熟了,算个大大人了。 花开花开,引来一群蝶,招来兴奋的蜜蜂。风,轻轻的吹,拂过我的脸旁。花香,那么的醉人。 回到家,爸爸!作文竞赛的结果下来了,要听吗?确定的诱惑。 “呵呵。第一,拉!” “哦,是吗?儿子。可不要高傲啊!”爸爸笑着说,还放下手中的报纸。“去,看看爸爸养的花怎么样了!去看嘛!” 我是不懂这些的所以也是不清楚这是什么花,但道是很好看的,开了很大的花朵,粉粉的,明丽的,不失淘气的耷拉着。 “爸,你不错嘛!花开得很漂亮啊” 客厅里有了那痴醉的笑声。
7、略带颤音,早已不是那么年轻的笑了。 花瓣伴随花的成长,像是一幅连环画,点点滴滴,倾注爱。 花,最终还是开了。 可是,花瓣呢?伴随他的成长,给他力气,却随时间的风散了。但是芳香留下,在花的心中,您,没有老去。 2022年中考英语作文满分范文 第3篇 Nowadays, the world is facing the big problem of energy shortages. The energy that we can use is running out day by day. Maybe one day we will all end up drinking dirty water i
8、f we dont do anything about it. Here are some things that everyone can do to help save energy. First, we must try not to use too much air conditioning during the summer months. That consumes a great deal of electricity. Second, we should try to remember to turn off the shower while washing our hair.
9、 Third, we must not let leaky taps run all day. Fix them as soon as possible. Also, try to close the fridge as soon as possible. This will save a lot of electricity and is good for the fridge as well. Another thing we can try is to ride our bicycles instead of driving cars or riding buses. They drin
10、k lots of petrol, which comes from oil, a nonrenewable resource. Finally, dont forget to turn off the lights when leaving a room. It doesnt take much time but saves a lot of electricity. I hope more and more people will realize the importance of energy saving and do what they can to use less so that
11、 life on Earth will be good in the future. 2022年中考英语作文满分范文 第4篇 Growing up heathily is our duty. Every one of us should try our best to keepourselves healthy. First of all, keep a balanced diet. We should eat a lot of vegetables and fruitevery day. Dont eat junk food. Drink water instead of , get eno
12、ugh sleep and enough exercise. Early to bed and early torise help a lot to our health. Try to sleep eight or nine hours every night. Try toexercise every day or at least two or three times a week and relax ourselvesby listening to light music. Besides the physical health, we also need friendship. We
13、 should try to getalong well with people around us. We can share our problems and happiness withthem. And we should often municate with our parents and teachers. Communication plays an important part in our healthy lifestyle and municating well with others can help us grow up. 2022年中考英语作文满分范文 第5篇 Ha
14、ppiness is for everyone. Some students think happiness comes from studying hard at their lessons. Their parents are always taking good care of their life and their health. They feel happy. Some students say when they do something wrong, people around them will help them to correct it. They believe t
15、his is happiness. I agree with them. I love my friends congratulating me when I enjoy success. When I do something kind to others, I feel happy, too. When we think of these things, we realize that happiness is all around us. 2022年中考英语作文满分范文 第6篇 This is my first week in * Senior Middle here is new fo
16、r school is an old school but its very have 50 new classmates in my re all very excellent, I think, and I felt a little Im too come to think of it,its a very good believe I can also be very excellent if I study with such excellent didnt know why Ms * chose me to be the committee of I know its a good
17、 chance for me to raise my I can do is do my best in the am sure that Ms * and my classmates can help me when I do something wrong. Because theyre all very s a pleasure to work and study with m really very m not an outstanding student in this class,but I can do the same thing like believe I wont mak
18、e anyone disappointed. 2022年中考英语作文满分范文 第7篇 It was my special day last Sunday because it was my mothers forty-first birthday. I did a lot of things on that day. In the morning, I went to the supermarket. I bought a yellow sweater for my mother as her birthday present .It was my first time that I boug
19、h the present for my I make money by myself. I sold newspapers for a week. My mother was very pleased with what I did. How happy my mother and I were. 2022年中考英语作文满分范文 第8篇 Anyone coming to Guangzhou is sure to have a good time It is a beautiful city with a history of more than 2000 years The wind blo
20、ws gently in spring and it often rains In autumn, the air is cool and dry Guangzhou is known as the Flower City because there are flowers all the year round Also, Guangzhou is famous for its delicious food I advise you to go to the Canton Tower Guangzhau is waiting for you. 2022年中考英语作文满分范文 第9篇 There
21、 will be a speech on our school playground this Saturday afternoon, whose theme is “To civilize schoolyard is my responsibility”. All the teachers and students are required to attend. In the activity, the first two winners in each grade will give such valuable advice as follows: we should not litter
22、 anywhere in order to keep our campus clean; we should love flowers, grass and trees so that everyone can enjoy the greenness; we should behave well instead of running after one another, quarreling and fighting noisily; we should care for others so that our school will be full of love. We believe ou
23、r school will become more and more beautiful and peaceful. 2022年中考英语作文满分范文 第10篇 夏日,静好。如水的日子散发着淡淡的清欢,花香鸟鸣的早晨,宠爱依着一杯茶的馨香,倚在窗前,看天上白云轻轻飘过,任光阴静静的在指尖流淌,让一颗被尘世烟火渲染的心渐渐沉静下来,默念一份心灵的温婉,拥有一段清寂的时间。 始终认为最好的心境,不是避开车水马龙,而是在心中修篱种菊。尘世的纷纷扰扰,总是会让人倦了累了,找一个闲适的午后,关上心灵窗子,隔绝人世的喧嚣,一杯茶,一本书,便是一段静谧的光阴。茶,便可以品尝人生的百味;书可以找回心灵的皈依。轻
24、拥一米阳光入怀,和着书香,任流淌的心事,在季节中浅漾,生命就在这闲适的时间中婉约成一朵花。 与文字相依相偎的日子,天是蓝的,风是轻柔的,心是清宁的,光阴是美的。拈一指墨香,江南的清韵,唐诗宋词的婉约,于微雨红尘处,观一朵莲的超凡脱俗,赏一抹山水的灵气,让风儿吹去满心的疲乏,让云儿拂去眉间的苦恼,将唯美写进诗行,将爱恋寄情山水,将温和一路牢记,在清净的文字中邂逅自己,静静地享受春花开的绚丽,秋叶落的静美。任时间之笔在岁月的纸笺上写下沧桑,独守清欢,文字生香,便是人间好季节。 素来宠爱那种浅淡的芳香,一如兰花的芳香,不张扬,不厚重,却也芳香怡人。淡是人生的底色,淡如水,是生命的源泉;淡如清风,轻柔
25、闲适。行走在尘世间,千般经受,万般找寻,最美不过拥有一颗淡然的心。淡,在岁月里;静,在心里;而清欢,则在眉眼间。拈一颗素于流年里,褪却指尖浮华,揽一份闲适和诗意,与时间对饮,拈花浅笑,在光阴的角落里,寻一处心灵的桃花源,任时间散尽,岁月荏苒,暮然回首,希望我们仍还有一颗清亮如初的心。 2022年中考英语作文满分范文 第11篇 First, my math teacher is patient with me. She helps me to study math better. Second, my classmates help me a lot. My friend Li Yun help
26、ed me running and I ran faster. Also, I care my teachers and classmates. One day my English teacher had a cold and I told her to drink more hot water. She felt warm and thanked me. I believe if we help each other, our school is a better place. 2022年中考英语作文满分范文 第12篇 他痛感19世纪与20世纪之交的欧洲是一个骚动担忧,布满着腐败风气的社会
27、,是一个需要伟人的社会,他为此写了名人传。叙述贝多芬,米开朗琪罗和托尔斯泰的苦难和坎坷的一生,赞美他们高尚品德和坚韧奋斗的精神。他是谁呢,他就是20世纪上半叶法国著名的人道主义作家罗曼罗兰。 罗曼罗兰是一个特殊爱国的人道主义作家。名人传是其代表作之一。名人传与其他传统不同,名人传使我们看到了德国音乐家贝多芬,意大利画家和雕塑家米开朗琪罗。俄国作家列夫托尔斯泰他们与常人一样有自己的苦痛,挣扎和冲突。尽管他们的事业不同,贡献不同,所处的时代和国家不同,但都是各自领域里的常人。他们在肉体上和精神上经受了人生的种种磨难,却为制造不朽的杰作,贡献了毕生的精力。罗曼罗兰指出人生的坎坷,生活中布满了贫困,忧
28、虑,孤独和辛苦,人们却彼此隔膜不懂得相互劝慰,所以他写名人传。要把宏大的力气献给受苦难的人们,使其得到劝慰。 罗曼罗兰认为英雄的宏大不在于他的体魄,而在于他的心灵及其品德。他认为唯有实在的苦难,才能使人不抱幻想,直面人生;唯有真实的苦难,才能使人经受残酷的命运。因此,伟人们的生活往往是长期受难,他们的身心患病凄惨,命运的熬煎,然而也正是忧患造就他们的们的将来。贝多芬、米开朗琪罗这样的人才竟然终身未婚,未能享受他们真正的爱情,而托尔斯泰夫妻之间持续数十年的不理解,这是他的悲剧最直接根源。他们在社会上受到了最冷酷的对待。贝多芬面对的是怀着敌意的城市维也纳,他的音乐受到了欢呼,他的困难却无人过问;米
29、开朗琪罗除了为教皇服务外,他每从事一项工程,都必定遭到一些卑鄙下流之士出于嫉妒和怨恨,对他进行恶毒的攻击,托尔斯泰面对的则是整个贵族上流社会,以免于被认为“叛教者”,从而开除了教籍。 贝多芬写给友人阿芒达牧师的信中提到耳聋之事,可想而知,耳朵对于音乐家而言是多么重要!不仅影响自己的工作,也导致他过着孤独凄凉的生活,这一切可以看到当时社会的冷酷无情,人与人之间的冷漠、自私。 从贝多芬传的最终一段可以看出贝多芬的宏大,不仅在于他是杰出的音乐家,而是由于他的音乐是为苦难的人们而写的,他隐藏自己的苦痛,却用他的苦痛换来欢快来劝慰人们,给人们一种力气。 一个患病不幸和排斥的人,要在孤独中死去,要么不屈服
30、地抗争,这三们伟人属于后者,贝多芬在生命的末日写出了不朽的欢快颂,米开朗琪罗直到临终的几天还刮着雕像,最终留下传世巨作,托尔斯泰直到生命最终一刻,才下定了摆脱贵族的决心。 他们为我们树立了高大的形象,罗曼罗兰的写作技术值得我们确定,要想独树一帜,就要寻求最佳解决途径,要有成功的心态,有成功心态者,处处都能发觉成功的力气。 耳边回响起铿锵的音乐。 2022年中考英语作文满分范文 第13篇 Traveling is interesting. You will have lots of fun things to do and see during the trip. Just imagine th
31、at you are walking in the beautiful mountains, enjoying the fresh air and listening to the birds singing. Its amazing, isnt it? Sometimes, you may meet people from different places and make friends with them, which makes your trip a more pleasant oe. Also, you may have many interesting things to sha
32、re with your friends when you are back. All the pleasure of your trip will be kept in your memory. Its not surprising that so many students cant wait to go traveling after the examination! Traveling is usually boring. There are always too many people in places of interest in China and it is crowded
33、everywhere, especially on holidays. Just imagine that you are waiting in line, hungry and thirsty. “Why do I come here? To see the crowd?”you may complain. If you are unlucky , you may meet a bad guide who pushes you to shop here and there. Its terrible, isnt it? Also, you may have to get up early t
34、o take the plane or wait in the airport for hours because of the delayed flight. Therefore, I prefer to stay at home than go traveling after the examination We are going to visit the Science Museum tomorrow. We will meet at the school gate at eight in the morning and we will go there on foot. Take y
35、our pens and notebooks with you. We should listen and watch carefully and write down something interesting when you visit the museum. Please don t make any noise in the museum and don t take any pictures. You ll have to hand in a report about the visit next Monday. Peple ce t this wrld, the ain prbl
36、e facing is hw t be a real an and d what persn. 2022年中考英语作文满分范文 第14篇 One rainy day, Li Li went home by taxi. In the car she found (that) the driver was learning English. He said to Li Li: vI was weak in English when I was at school. Now Im working hard at it to help with the Beijing 2008 Olympic Gam
37、es.v I think I should learn from the driver. English is very important to us because it is widely used all over the world. As a student, Ill do my best to learn English well at school. And Im going to speak English as much as possible to show support for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. 2022年中考英语作文满分
38、范文 第15篇 Everyone knows that there is a very important sports meeting over the world called the Olympic Games. Its held once every four twenty-ninth Olympic Games will be held in Beijing which is the captial of China. Beijing is an old but beautiful city, there are many places that are famous for the
39、ir scenery or historical relics here. For example , the Great Wall , the Forbidden City , the Temple of Heaven and so on, they all show the history and culture of China. “One World , One Dream”is the slogan of the twenty-ninth Olympic Games. And do you know the five happy babies? They are Beibei、Jin
40、gjing、Huanhuan、Yingying and Nini. In fact, theyre the personifications of animals. With the nice city, with the good slogan and the five happy babies, the most important is with the industrions Chinese people. I think the twenty-ninth Olympic Games will have a great success! Welcome to Beijing , wel
41、come to China ! 2022年中考英语作文满分范文 第16篇 1。 叙述的人称 英语的记叙文一般是以第一或第三人称的角度来叙述的。用第一称表示的是由叙述者亲眼所见、亲耳所闻的经受。它的优点在于能把故事的情节通过“我”来传达给读者,使人到真实可信,如身临其境。如: The other day, I was driving along the street。 Suddenly, a car lost its control and ran directly towards me fast。 I was so frightened that I quickly turned to the
42、 left side。 But it was too late。 The car hit my bike and I fell off it。 Little Tom was going to school with an umbrella, for it was raining hard。 On the way, he saw an old woman walking in the rain with nothing to cover。 Tom went up to the old woman and wanted to share the umbrella with her, but he
43、was too short。 What could he do? Then he had a good idea。 2。 动词的时态 在记叙文中,记和叙都离不开动词。所以动词消逝率最高,且富于变化。记叙文中用得最多的是动词的过去的,这是英语记叙文区分于汉语记叙文的关键之处。英语写作的漂亮之处就在于这些动词时态的变化,正是这一点才使得所记、所叙有鲜活的动态感、鲜亮的层次感和立体感。 3。 叙述的挨次 记叙一件事要有确定的挨次。无论是顺叙、倒叙、插叙还是补叙,都要让读者能弄清事情的来龙去脉。顺叙最简洁操作,较简洁给读者供应有关事情的空间和时间线索。但这种方法也简洁使文章显得平铺直叙,读起来平淡乏味
44、。倒叙、插叙、补叙等叙述方法能有效地提高文章的结构效果,让所叙之事跌宕起伏,使读者在阅读时思维产生较大的跳动,从而为文章所吸引,深化其中。但这些方法假如使用不当,则简洁弄巧成拙,使文章结构散乱,头绪不清,让读者不知所云。 4。 叙述的过渡 过渡在上下文中起着承上启下、融会贯穿的作用。过渡往往用在地点转移或时间、大事转换以及由概括说明到具体叙述时。如: In my summer holidays, I did a lot of things。 Apart form doing my homework, reading an English novel, watching TV and doing
45、 some housework, I went on a trip to Qingdao。 It is really a beautiful city。 There are many places of interest to see。 But what impressed me most was the sunrise。 The next morning I got up early。 I was very happy because it was a fine day。 By the time I got to the beach, the clouds on the horizon we
46、re turning red。 In a little while, a small part of the sun was gradually appearing。 The sun was very red, not shining。 It rose slowly。 At last it broke through the red clouds and jumped above the sea, just like a deep-red ball。 At the same time the clouds and the sea water became red and bright。 Wha
47、t a moving and unforgettable scene! 5。 叙述与对话 引用故事情节中主要人物的对话是记叙文提高表现力的一种好方法。适当地用直接引语代替间接的主观叙述,可以客观生动地反映人物的性格、品质和心理状态,使记叙生动、好玩,使文章内容更加充实、具体。试比较下面两段的叙述效果: I was in the kitchen, and I was cooking something。 Suddenly I heard a loud noise from the front。 I thought maybe someone was knocking the door。 I as
48、ked who it was but I heard no reply。 After a while I saw my cat running across the parlor。 I realized it was the cat。 I felt released。 2022年中考英语作文满分范文 第17篇 First, my math teacher is patient with me. She helps me to study math better. Second, my classmates help me a lot. Im not good at sports. My friend Li Yun helped me with running and I ran faster. Also, I care about my teachers and classmates. O