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1、If winter comes,can spring be far behind?Shelley-Ode to the west wind (西风颂西风颂)Unit2 Poems1.What is mama going to buy for the baby if that mockingbird wont sing?A.a looking glass B.a diamond ring C.another billy-goat D.nothing2.What is mama going to buy for the baby if the mirror gets broken?A.a mock

2、ingbird B.a diamond ring C.looking glass D.a billy-goat BDLook at the video:Look at the video:ReadingReading1.Why do people write poetry?2.How many kinds of poems does the text mention?What are they?Five Five kindskindsNursery rhymesList poemsCinquainHaikuTangpoems童谣童谣 清单诗清单诗 五行诗五行诗 俳句诗俳句诗 唐诗唐诗Fast

3、reading Fast reading AB&CD&EF&GH Hush,little baby,dont say a word,Papas going to buy you a mockingbird.If that mockingbird wont sing,Papas going to buy you a diamond ring.If that diamond ring turns to brass,Papas going to buy you a looking glass.If that looking-glass gets broke,Papas going to buy yo

4、u a billy-goat.If that billy-goat runs away,Papa is going to buy you another today.Nurseryrhyme(童谣童谣):dina:suei I saw a fish-pond all on fire,I saw a house bow to a squire,I saw a person twelve-feet high,I saw a cottage in the sky,I saw a balloon made of lead,I saw a coffin drop down dead,I saw two

5、sparrows run a race,I saw two horses making lace,I saw a girl just like a cat,I saw a kitten wear a hat,I saw a man who saw these too,And said though strange they all were true.Listpoem(清单诗清单诗)Our first football matchWewouldhavewonifJackhadjustscoredthatgoal,ifwedhadjustafewmoreminutes,ifwehadtraine

6、dharder,ifBenhadpassedtheballtoJoe,ifwedhadthousandsoffansscreaming,ifIhadnttakenmyeyeofftheball,ifwehadntstayedupsolatethenightbefore,ifwehadnttakeniteasy,ifwehadntrunoutofenergy,Wewouldhavewonifwevebeenbetter!1.What sports do you think the speaker is writing about?2.Did his team win the game?3.How

7、 many excuses did they make to explain why they didnt win?4.Does the speaker really believe his own excuse?FootballNoNine POEM C POEM C:and answer the following questions:and answer the following questions If no,what is the reason for their failure?NoThe reason why they are fail is that they are not

8、 good enough.BrotherBeautiful,athleticTeasing,shouting,laughingFriendandenemytoomineCinquain(五行诗五行诗)(poemDandE)-oneword(topic)-twoadjs-threeverbswithing-fourwords-onewordFive linesDoes the speaker like the topic?E:No.The reader gets the feeling that the speaker cannot wait.The words drooping,dreadin

9、g,week in,week out and endless convey(传达传达)this feeling.SummerSleepy,saltyDrying,drooping,dreadingWeekin,weekoutEndless A fallen blossom is coming back to the branch.look,a butterfly!(by Moritake)Snow having melted,The whole village is brimful of happy children (by Issa)落下的花朵回到了树枝上。瞧啊,是个蝴蝶!作者Moritak

10、e 雪儿融化了,整个村庄充满着 欢乐的儿童。作者IssaHaiku(俳句诗俳句诗)17 syllablesWhere she awaits her husband,On and on the river flowsNever looking back,Transformed into stone.Day by day upon the mountain top,wind and rain revolve.Should the journeyer return,this stone would utter speech.(by Wang Jian)1.Whats the title?A.A.蝶恋

11、花蝶恋花 B.B.竹枝词竹枝词 C.C.望夫石望夫石 D.D.一剪梅一剪梅望夫石望夫石王健王健望夫处,江悠悠。望夫处,江悠悠。化为石,不回头。化为石,不回头。山头日日风复雨,山头日日风复雨,行人归来石应语行人归来石应语。相传远古时代,这里是汪洋大海,有一少妇,因相传远古时代,这里是汪洋大海,有一少妇,因丈夫出海打鱼,久而不返,遂登山望夫,感而成丈夫出海打鱼,久而不返,遂登山望夫,感而成石。石。Which of the following words can convey the womans feelings A.loneliness B.joy C.love D.trust E.anger

12、F.hate G.sorrow A.lonelinessC.loveD.trustG.sorrow?Till,raising my cup,I asked the bright moon,To bring me my shadow and make us three.举杯邀明月,对影成三人。举杯邀明月,对影成三人。Translation:蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处When all at once I turn my head,find her there lantern(灯笼灯笼)light is dimly(朦朦胧地胧地)shed.Wildfire never

13、quite consumes them-They are tall once more in the spring wind.野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。Nursery RhymesThey have strong rhyme and a lot of repetition.List PoemsThey repeated phrases and some rhyme,and easy to write.CinquainThey are made up of 5 lines,and convey a strong picture,and easy to write.Haiku

14、They are made up of 17 syllables,and give a picture and a special feeling.Tang PoemsTheir translations have a free form.CharacteristicsForm1.All the following make small children like nursery rhymes EXCEPT:A.strong rhyme B.strong rhythm C.much meaning D.a lot of repetition2.What kinds of poems can b

15、e written by the students themselves easily?A.List poems and cinquain.B.Tang poetry and cinquain.C.Haiku and nursery rhymes.D.Cinquain and nursery rhymes.3.Children who learn and recite nursery rhymes can easily _ A.form the ability of writing poems B.learn about their language C.make progress in st

16、udies D.produce love to their parents4.Which of the following are English speakers interested in copying?A.Chinese and Japanese poems B.Chinese and French poems C.Japanese and American poems D.Japanese and Russian poemsChoose one of these forms,and try to write a poem in groups,and tell why you writ

17、e the poem.Nursery rhymeList poemCinquainHaikuTang poemPlayers,Proud and joyful Take a well deserved rest.Dedication and sacrifice Paid off.Sunshine Lovely,cheerfulWarming,welcoming,calmingI sing with youBrightnessCinquain(五行诗五行诗)What is Love Love is giving,Love is living,Love is taking someones loa

18、d(负担负担),Love helps them along the road.Love is caring,Love is sharing,Love will seek the best for others,Love treats everyone as brothers.List poem(列举诗列举诗)A RainbowCurvingup,thendown.MeetingblueskyandgreenearthMelding(合并)(合并)sunandrain.Haiku(俳句俳句)A SPRING MORNINGI awake light-hearted this morning of spring,Everywhere round me the singing of birds,But now I remember the night,the storm,And I wonder how many blossoms were broken.春晓春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多少。Tang Poem(唐诗唐诗)


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