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1、 2011 Edition of the Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories 2011 Edition of the Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories EPA 820-R-11-002 Office of Water U.S.Environmental Protection Agency Washington,DC Winter 2011 Date of update:January,2011 Recycled/Recyclable Printed on paper that

2、contains at least 50%recycled fiber.iThe Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories Tables are revised periodically by EPAs Office of Water in order to update RfD and Cancer values so that they are consistent with the most current Agency assessments of chemical contaminants that may occur in dri

3、nking water and to introduce new Health Advisories.The following information should be kept in mind when using the 2011 Edition of the Tables:Reference dose(RfD)values are updated to reflect the values in the Integrated Risk Information System(IRIS)and the Office of Pesticide Programs(OPP)Reregistra

4、tion Eligibility Decisions(RED)Documents.The Drinking Water Equivalent Level(DWEL)has been adjusted accordingly.Thus,both the RfD and DWEL in the Tables differ from the values in the Health Advisory document when the IRIS or OPP RfD is more recent than the Health Advisory document value.RfD values f

5、rom IRIS that differ from the values in the Health Advisory documents are presented in BOLD type.Values derived from the REDs are given in BOLD italics.For unregulated chemicals with a recent IRIS or OPP RfD,the lifetime Health Advisory is calculated from the DWEL using the relative source contribut

6、ion value published in the Health Advisory document.For regulated chemicals,no lifetime value is provided in the Tables when the revised lifetime value would differ from the Maximum Contaminant Level Goal(MCLG).The cancer group designation or cancer classification and 10-4 cancer risk values reflect

7、 those presently in IRIS or in the OPP RED.New IRIS cancer designations and 10-4 cancer risk values are presented in BOLD type and those derived from the REDs are in BOLD italics.The IRIS Toxicological Reviews can be accessed at:http:/www.epa.gov/IRIS.The OPP REDs can be accessed at:http:/www.epa.go

8、v/pesticides/reregistration/status.htm.In some cases there is a Health Advisory value for a contaminant but there is no reference to a Health Advisory document.These Health Advisory values can be found in the Drinking Water Criteria Document for the contaminant.With a few exceptions,the RfDs,Health

9、Advisory,and cancer risk values have been rounded to one significant figure following the convention adopted by IRIS.The Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories Tables may be reached from the Water Science home page at:http:/www.epa.gov/waterscience/.The Tables are accessed under the Drinking

10、 Water icon.Copies the Tables may be ordered free of charge from SAFE DRINKING WATER HOTLINE 1-800-426-4791 Monday thru Friday,9:00 AM to 5:30 PM EST iiDEFINITIONS The following definitions for terms used in the Tables are not all-encompassing,and should not be construed to be“official”definitions.T

11、hey are intended to assist the user in understanding terms found on the following pages.Action Level:The concentration of a contaminant which,if exceeded,triggers treatment or other requirements which a water system must follow.It is the level of lead or copper which,if exceeded in over 10%of the ho

12、mes tested,triggers treatment for corrosion control.Cancer Classification:A descriptive weight-of-evidence judgment as to the likelihood that an agent is a human carcinogen and the conditions under which the carcinogenic effects may be expressed.Under the 2005 EPA Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Asse

13、ssment,descriptive terms for carcinogenicity replace the earlier alpha numeric Cancer Group designations(US EPA 1986 guidelines).The suggested descriptive terms are as follows:Carcinogenic to humans(H)Likely to be carcinogenic to humans(L)Likely to be carcinogenic above a specified dose but not like

14、ly to be carcinogenic below that dose because a key event in tumor formation does not occur below that dose(L/N)Suggestive evidence of carcinogenic potential(S)Inadequate information to assess carcinogenic potential(I)Not likely to be carcinogenic to humans(N)The letter abbreviations provided parent

15、hetically above are now used in the Tables in place of the prior alpha numeric identifiers for chemicals that have been evaluated under the new guidelines(the 2005 guidelines or the 1996 and 1999 draft guidelines).Cancer Group:A qualitative weight-of-evidence judgment as to the likelihood that a che

16、mical may be a carcinogen for humans.Each chemical was placed into one of the following five categories(US EPA 1986 guidelines).The Cancer Group designations are given in the Tables for chemicals that have not yet been evaluated under the new guidelines.Group Category A Human carcinogen B Probable h

17、uman carcinogen:B1 indicates limited human evidence B2 indicates sufficient evidence in animals and inadequate or no evidence in humans C Possible human carcinogen D Not classifiable as to human carcinogenicity E Evidence of noncarcinogenicity for humans 10-4 Cancer Risk:The concentration of a chemi

18、cal in drinking water corresponding to an excess estimated lifetime cancer risk of 1 in 10,000.iiiDrinking Water Advisory:A nonregulatory concentration of a contaminant in water that is likely to be without adverse effects on health and aesthetics.DWEL:Drinking Water Equivalent Level.A lifetime expo

19、sure concentration protective of adverse,non-cancer health effects,which assumes that all of the exposure to a contaminant is from drinking water.HA:Health Advisory.An estimate of acceptable drinking water levels for a chemical substance based on health effects information;a Health Advisory is not a

20、 legally enforceable Federal standard,but serves as technical guidance to assist Federal,State,and local officials.One-Day HA:The concentration of a chemical in drinking water that is not expected to cause any adverse noncarcinogenic effects for up to one day of exposure.The One-Day HA is normally d

21、esigned to protect a 10-kg child consuming 1 liter of water per day.Ten-Day HA:The concentration of a chemical in drinking water that is not expected to cause any adverse noncarcinogenic effects for up to ten days of exposure.The Ten-Day HA is also normally designed to protect a 10-kg child consumin

22、g 1 liter of water per day.Lifetime HA:The concentration of a chemical in drinking water that is not expected to cause any adverse noncarcinogenic effects for a lifetime of exposure.The Lifetime HA is based on exposure of a 70-kg adult consuming 2 liters of water per day.The Lifetime HA for Group C

23、carcinogens includes an adjustment for possible carcinogenicity.MCLG:Maximum Contaminant Level Goal.A non-enforceable health goal which is set at a level at which no known or anticipated adverse effect on the health of persons occurs and which allows an adequate margin of safety.MCL:Maximum Contamin

24、ant Level.The highest level of a contaminant that is allowed in drinking water.MCLs are set as close to the MCLG as feasible using the best available analytical and treatment technologies and taking cost into consideration.MCLs are enforceable standards.RfD:Reference Dose.An estimate(with uncertaint

25、y spanning perhaps an order of magnitude)of a daily oral exposure to the human population(including sensitive subgroups)that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of deleterious effects during a lifetime.SDWR:Secondary Drinking Water Regulations.Non-enforceable Federal guidelines regarding cos

26、metic effects(such as tooth or skin discoloration)or aesthetic effects(such as taste,odor,or color)of drinking water.TT:Treatment Technique.A required process intended to reduce the level of a contaminant in drinking water.ivABBREVIATIONS D Draft F Final I Interim NA Not Applicable NOAEL No-Observed

27、-Adverse-Effect Level OPP Office of Pesticide Programs P Proposed Pv Provisional Reg Regulation TT Treatment Technique Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories Winter 2011 Page 1 1 Standards Health Advisories 10-kg Child Status mg/L at CASRN Status MCLG MCL HA 10_4 Cancer Cancer Life-Chemicals

28、 Number Reg.(mg/L)(mg/L)Document Risk Descriptor1One-day Ten-day RfD DWEL time (mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/kg/day)(mg/L)(mg/L)ORGANICS Acenaphthene 83-32-9-0.062-Acifluorfen(sodium)62476-59-9 -F 8822 0.010.4-0.1L/NAcrylamide 79-06-1 FzeroTT2F 871.50.3 0.002 0.07-LAcrylonitrile 107-13-1 -0.006B1Alachlor 15972-60

29、-8 Fzero0.002F 880.10.1 0.010.4-0.04B2Aldicarb3 116-06-3 F40.0010.003F 950.010.01 0.0010.0350.007-DAldicarb sulfone3 1646-88-4 F40.0010.002F 950.010.01 0.0010.0350.007-D3Aldicarb sulfoxide 1646-87-3 F40.0010.004F 950.010.01 0.0010.0350.007-DAldrin 309-00-2-F 920.00030.0003 0.000030.001-0.0002B2Ametr

30、yn 834-12-8-F 8899 0.0090.30.06-DAmmonium sulfamate 7773-06-0-F 882020 0.282-DAnthracene(PAH)5 120-12-7-0.310-DAtrazine 1912-24-9 F0.0030.003F 88-0.020.7-NBaygon 114-26-1-F 880.040.04 0.0040.10.003-CBentazon 25057-89-0-F 990.30.3 0.0310.2-EBenzaanthracene(PAH)56-55-3-B2Benzene 71-43-2 Fzero0.005F 87

31、0.20.2 0.0040.1-0.1HBenzoapyrene(PAH)50-32-8 Fzero0.0002-0.0005B2Benzobfluoranthene(PAH)205-99-2-B2Benzog,h,iperylene(PAH)191-24-2-DBenzokfluoranthene(PAH)207-08-9-B2Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl)ether 108-60-1-F 8944 0.0410.3-DBromacil 314-40-9-F 8855 108-86-1-D 8644 0.0080.30

32、.07-I 1 Chemicals evaluated under the 2005 Cancer Guidelines or the 1996 or 1999 drafts are demoted by an abbreviation for their weight-of-the-evidence descriptor(see page iii).If the agency has not completed a new assessment for the chemical,the 1986 Guidelines Group designation(see page iii)is giv

33、en in the Cancer Descriptor column.2 When Acrylamide is used in drinking water systems,the combination(or product)of dose and monomer level shall not exceed that equivalent to a polyacrylamide polymer containing 0.05%monomer dosed at 1 mg/L.3 The MCL value for any combination of two or more of these

34、 three chemicals should not exceed 0.007 mg/L because of a similar mode of action.4 Administrative stay of the effective date.5 PAH=Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon.Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories Winter 2011 Page 2 2 Chemicals CASRN Number Standards Status HA Document Health Advisorie

35、s Cancer DescriptorStatus Reg.MCLG(mg/L)MCL(mg/L)10-kg Child One-day(mg/L)Ten-day(mg/L)RfD(mg/kg/day)DWEL(mg/L)Life-time(mg/L)mg/L at 10_4 Cancer Risk Bromochloromethane 74-97-5-F 89501 Fzero0.081-10.6 0.0030.1-0.1LBromoform(THM)75-25-2 Fzero0.081-50.2 0

36、.031-0.8LBromomethane 74-83-9-D 890.10.1 0.0010.050.01-DButyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7-0.27-CButylate 2008-41-5-F 8922 0.0520.4-DCarbaryl 63-25-2-F 8811 0.010.4-4LCarbofuran 1563-66-2 F0.040.04F 87-0.00006-NCarbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 Fzero0.005F 8740.2 0.0040.1-0.05 LCarboxin 5234-68-4-F 8811 0.13

37、.50.7-DChloramben 133-90-4-F 8833 0.0150.50.1-DChlordane 57-74-9 Fzero0.002F 870.060.06 0.00050.02-0.01B2Chloroform(THM)67-66-3 F0.070.081-44 0.010.350.07-L/NChloromethane 74-87-3-F 8990.4 -IChlorophenol(2-)95-57-8-D 940.50.5 0.0050.20.04-DChlorothalonil 1897-45-6-F 880.20.2 0.0150.5-0.15B2Chlorotol

38、uene o-95-49-8-F 8922 p-106-43-4-F 8922 2921-88-2-F 920.030.03 0.00030.010.002-DChrysene(PAH)218-01-9-B2Cyanazine 21725-46-2-D 960.10.1 0.0020.070.001-1 1998 Final Rule for Disinfectants and Disinfection By-products:The total for trihalomethanes(THM

39、)is 0.08 mg/L.Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories Winter 2011 Page 3 3Chemicals CASRN Number Standards Status HA Document Health Advisories Cancer Descriptor Status Reg.MCLG(mg/L)MCL(mg/L)10-kg Child One-day(mg/L)Ten-day(mg/L)RfD(mg/kg/day)DWEL(mg/L)Life-time(mg/L)mg/L at 10_4 Cancer Risk

40、 1Cyanogen chloride 506-77-4-0.050.05 0.052-D2,4-D(2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid)94-75-7 F0.070.07F 8710.3 0.0050.2-DDCPA(Dacthal)1861-32-1-F 0822 0.010.350.07-CDalapon(sodium salt)75-99-0 F0.20.2F 8933 103-23-1 F0.40.4-2020 0.6200.43CDi(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 11

41、7-81-7 Fzero0.006-0.020.7-0.3B2Diazinon 333-41-5-F 880.020.02 0.00020.0070.001-EDibromochloromethane(THM)124-48-1 F0.060.082-0.60.6 Fzero0.0002F 870.20.05-0.003B2Dibutyl phthalate 84-74-2-0.14-DDicamba 1918-00-9-F 88-0.5184-NDichloroacetic acid 76-43

42、-6 Fzero0.063-55 0.0040.1-0.07LDichlorobenzene o-95-50-1 F0.60.6F 8799 0.0930.6-D 4Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1-F 8799 0.0930.6-DDichlorobenzene p-106-46-7 F0.0750.075F 871111 0.140.075-CDichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8-F 894040 0.251-DDichloroethane(1,2-)107-06-2 Fzero0.005F 870.70.7-0.04B2Dichloroethyl

43、ene(1,1-)75-35-4 F0.0070.007F 8721 0.052-0.006SDichloroethylene(cis-1,2-)156-59-2 F0.070.07F 9041 0.0020.07-IDichloroethylene(trans-1,2-)156-60-5 F0.10.1F 87201 75-09-2 Fzero0.005D 93102 0.062-0.5B2Dichlorophenol(2,4-)120-83-2-D 940.030.03 0.0030.10.02-EDichloropropane(1,

44、2-)78-87-5 Fzero0.005F 87-0.09-0.06B2Dichloropropene(1,3-)542-75-6-F 880.030.03 0.031-0.04LDieldrin 60-57-1-F 880.00050.0005 0.000050.002-0.0002B2Diethyl phthalate 84-66-2-0.8 30-D 1 Under review.2 1998 Final Rule for Disinfectants and Disinfection By-products:The total for trihalomethanes is 0.08 m

45、g/L.3 1998 Final Rule for Disinfectants and Disinfection By-products:The total for five haloacetic acids is 0.06 mg/L.4 The values for m-dichlorobenzene are based on data for o-dichlorobenzene.Drinking Water Standards and Health Advisories Winter 2011 Page 4 4Standards Health Advisories 10-kg Child

46、Status mg/L at CASRN Status MCLG MCL HA One-day Ten-day RfD DWEL Life-time10_4 Cancer Cancer Chemicals Number Reg.(mg/L)(mg/L)Document(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/kg/day)(mg/L)(mg/L)Risk Descriptor -Diisopropyl methylphosphonate 1445-75-6 F 8988 0.0830.6-D-Dimethrin 70-38-2-F 881010 0.3102-D-Dimethyl methylphosp

47、honate 756-79-6-F 9222 phthalate 131-11-3-D-Dinitrobenzene(1,3-)99-65-0-F 910.040.04 0.00010.0050.001-D-Dinitrotoluene(2,4-)121-14-2 -F 08 1 1 0.002 0.1-0.005 L-Dinitrotoluene(2,6-)606-20-2 -F 08 0.4 0.04 0.001 0.04-0.005 LDinitrotoluene(2,6&2,4)1 -F 92-0.005 B2 Dinoseb 88-85-7

48、F0.0070.007F 880.30.3 0.0010.0350.007-DDioxane p-123-91-1-F 8740.4 0.0310.2.035LDiphenamid 957-51-7-F 880.30.3 0.0310.2-DDiquat 85-00-7 F0.020.02-0.0050.02-EDisulfoton 298-04-4-F 880.010.01 0.00010.00350.0007-EDithiane(1,4-)505-29-3-F 920.40.4 330-54-1-F 8811 0.0030.1-0.2LEndotha

49、ll 145-73-3 F0.10.1F 880.80.8 0.0070.250.05-NEndrin 72-20-8 F0.0020.002F 870.020.005 0.00030.010.002-DEpichlorohydrin 106-89-8 FzeroTT2F 870.10.1 0.0020.07-0.3B2Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 F0.70.7F 87303 0.130.7-DEthylene dibromide(EDB)3 106-93-4 Fzero0.00005F 870.0080.008 0.0090.3-0.002LEthylene glycol 1

50、07-21-1-F 87206 27014-DEthylene Thiourea(ETU)96-45-7-F 880.30.3 0.00020.007-0.06B2Fenamiphos 22224-92-6-F 880.0090.009 0.00010.00350.0007-E 1 Technical grade.2 When epichlorohydrin is used in drinking water systems,the combination(or product)of dose and monomer level shall not exceed that equivalent


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