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1、48MODERN URBAN TRANSIT2/2009现代城市轨道交通安 全 防 护杨 骏:深圳市地铁有限公司1 号线建设分公司,经理,高级工程师,深圳 5 1 8 0 2 6杨骏吴永芳纪学伟邢二民1 工程概况深圳地铁1 号线是深圳市轨道交通线网规划中一条重要的东西走向干线。一期已开通 1 7k m 运营线路,正在续建的延长线工程 2 3k m,目前续建工程的运输与施工状况如下。(1)由业主、监理、轨道承包商联合组成调度办公室。负责轨行区各承包商的施工计划安排。并委托轨道承包商项目部设立调度员执行调度室日常工作,并进行现场管理和检查执行情况。(2)涉及在轨行区施工的承包地铁施工过程中 轨行区

2、安全风险评估摘要:通过对深圳地铁1 号线施工车辆经过轨行区(包括部分既有线)发生安全事故的可能性、作业人员在危险环境中的危险程度以及事故发生后果进行数字化安全风险分析,最终评估出地铁轨行区施工的危险性程度。并根据轨行区施工及地铁既有线运输的特点,制定有效的应急预案,最大程度地保证人员与施工安全。关键词:地铁;轨行区;安全风险源;评估商计有1 4 家,施工内容包括轨道线路、常规安装装修、消防、通信、信号、供电及屏蔽门等专业。(3)轨行区运输大型设备有轨排铺架机、泵车,施工材料包括轨排、钢筋、电缆、人防设备,这些设备与施工材料的运输均从已正常运营的竹子林车辆段经深圳地铁 1 号线一期既有线(约有4

3、.5k m)进入在建工程的轨行区。目前由于轨行区施工环境较差,存在诸如行车了望条件差,参建单位多,相互交叉作业施工及程序复杂,信号、道岔、监控系统设施正在建设等不利条件。在小空间、大作业条件下,夜间施工尚无通讯联系信号等因素,使得续建工程安全受到威胁,极易发生安全事故,造成重大损失。2 风险源的数字化评估方法2.1危险性程度识别安全风险分析引入危险性因素模型,其计算式为 D=L E C,式中L 为事故可能性大小;E 为暴露于危险环境的频繁程度;C为发生事故产生的后果。D 值越大,说明该项目的风险性越大。通过实施安全措施,改变发生事故的可能性或减少人体暴露于危险环境中的频繁程度,减轻事故损失,使

4、项目的危险性可控,确保危险性因子数值保持较低。具体风险源数值分析如下。(1)发生事故的可能性 L。其大小用概率来表示,绝对不能发生的概率为0,而必然发生的概率为1。用 L 的分数值预料发生事故的可能安 全 防 护49现代城市轨道交通2/2009MODERN URBAN TRANSIT表 3发生事故产生的后果数值表 C发生事故产生的后果1 0 0大灾难,群死群伤4 0灾难,数人死亡1 5非常严重,一人死亡7严重,重伤3重大,致残1引人注目,需要救护表 4危险程度数值表D危险程度3 2 0极其危险,不能继续作业1 6 0 3 2 0高度危险,要立即整改7 0 1 6 0显著危险,需要整改2 0 7

5、 0一般危险,需要注意2 0稍有危险,可以接受地铁施工过程中轨行区安全风险评估杨 骏等性大小,见表 1。表 2暴露于危险环境的频繁程度数值表 E暴露于危险环境的频繁程度1 0连续暴露6每天工作时间内暴露3每周一次或偶然暴露2每月一次暴露1每年几次暴露0.5非常罕见的暴露表 1发生事故可能性数值表L事故发生的可能性1.0完全可以预料0.6相当可能0.3可能,但不经常0.1可能性小,完全意外0.0 5很不可能,可以设想0.0 2极不可能0.0 1实际不可能(2)暴露于危险环境的频繁程度 E。人员出现在危险环境中的时间越多,危险越大。E 的分数值设定见表 2。(3)发生事故产生的后果C。C的分数值设

6、定见表3。(4)危险性分值D。总分在2 0以下是被认为低危险,比日常骑自行车上下班还要安全。D 值见表 4。一类重大危险源轨行区危险源:3 2 0,极其危险,需要控制。2.2 轨行区运输及施工安全风险评估及其对策轨行区分解成子项目进行管理,子项目重要工序的风险评估包括:轨行区行车运输,区间、站区施工,既有线管理。(1)轨行区行车运输。根据风险源评估模式,取 L=0.5,E=1 0,C=4 0,求得风险源因数 D=2 0 0,根据表4 判断,其输出风险水平为高风险。很可能发生人员伤亡、车辆损害、设备设施损害事故,纳入高度危险的风险评估结论。降低行车运输风险源的措施:严格遵守调度命令准许范围运行,

7、遵守安全行车各项规章制度;确保车辆设备完好,加强了望、确认信号、道岔、施工作业人员是否进入行车区域,施工设施机具是否侵限;车辆推进必须有专人引道呼唤应答;确保车辆完好,防冒、防溜。(2)轨行区(区间、站区)施工。根据风险评估模式取 L=0.5,E=8,C=4 0,求得风险源因数 D=1 6 0,根据表 4 判断,输出风险水平为高风险。很可能发生人员伤亡、车辆损害、设备设施损害事故,纳入高度危险的风险评估结论。降低轨行区风险源的措施:首先处于车站范围和隧道内的轨行区施工人员与车辆配合作业。人员施工必须有组织、设立防护;严格按审批作业时间完成;保证信息畅通;作业完毕,清查现场,确认无侵限,严格遵守

8、消点程序。车辆与人员配合施工必须有专人统一指挥;除按照人员组织程序外,还应遵守行车规定;车辆服从作业指挥,不得随意动车;携带施工人员,必须有车长负责乘车人员在安全范围内乘车;携带施工机具及材料,要固定牢靠且无偏载、无超限;保持信息畅通。(3)既有线行车管理。根据风险评估模式取 L=0.3,E=6,C=1 0 0,求得风险源因数D=1 8 0,根据表4 判断,输出风险水平为高风险。很可能发生人员伤亡、车辆损害、设备设施损害事故,纳入高度危险的风险评估结论。通过既有线区段运输的安全管理措施:一切施工在确保既有线行车安全情况下进行;严格遵照审批作业程序,在调度命令批准的作业点内完成工作任务;不超越限

9、界,不延点、砸点;建立安全防护措施,实时清理施工现场,完毕后,立即撤出防护、消点。地铁轨行区施工及既有线运输的风险评估模式风险源及数据在地下狭窄的隧道中施工,作业人员频繁暴露在危险之中。50MODERN URBAN TRANSIT2/2009现代城市轨道交通安 全 防 护见表 5。3 轨行区危险源的应急预案3.1施工车辆撞车事故的应急方案(1)接到司机救援请求应立即报告行车调度员。行车调度员向有关作业面发布命令,限制车辆运行,并迅速派出机车救援。(2)救援列车以行车调度员的命令作为进入封锁区间的许可。(3)司机必须认真确认救援命令,命令不清、停车位置不明确时,不准动车。(4)救援列车在接近被救

10、援列车 1k m 时,应控制车辆速度最高不得超过1 5k m/h,在了望距离内,保证在防护人员所在位置或红色警示灯前停车,并在事故地点进行联系、确认,按照要求进行救援作业。(5)救援列车的出发或返回,应及时通知行车调度员。3.2 施工设施侵限阻断行车的应急方案当信号员发现施工设施、物体侵限或非正常停放在线路上时,应及时发出信号,通知轨道车停车,并在停车后及时采取防溜、防护措施。查明阻断行车原因的同时,信号员和司机应在第一时间内将停车位置和停车原因电话通知调度和现场施工负责人,以便对侵限物进行清理。经司机和列车员确认满足了行车条件以后方可行车。3.3人员被车辆擦伤的应急处理施工人员在轨行区作业时

11、,轨道车司机和信号员应加强了望、司机应控制车速在 1 5k m/h 以内。如果施工作业人员避让不及被擦伤,列车员用车内的药物箱及时对伤员进行紧急包扎处理,此时信号员要在做好列车防护工作的同时,在第一时间内通知现场施工负责人,并拨打急救电话,将伤员送往医院。3.4 轨道车在既有线停车阻断行车的应急预案列车在既有线被迫停车不能继续运行时,轨道车司机在第一时间内向值班行调所报告停车原因和停车位置,请求救援;轨道车信号员向项目主管领导汇报停车原因和停车位置,并利用备用铁鞋(带铁链锁)进行一系列列车防溜措施。列车员和信号员分别把 4 盏防护灯放在停车位置的前后 5 0m 处进行防护,避免救援车辆因信号不

12、清楚而发生撞车事故,并原地等待救援车拖运。4 结束语在城市轨道交通建设中,其施工现场、轨行区的运输作业及其涉及的周边环境存在着一类重大危险源,其发生事故概率大,作业人员时刻暴露在危险之中,且事故后果严重,必须将其纳入高风险评估范畴,采用数字化评估方法判断危险性,并将整体施工环境分解成若干子项目,分门别类制定有效的应急预案与措施,最大程度地保证人民和国家财产安全。收稿日期 2 0 0 9-0 3-0 2在交叉作业施工环境下,作业车在地下隧道轨行区中运送器材。地铁施工过程中轨行区安全风险评估杨 骏等表 5风险评估模式风险源及数据表轨道、安装装修、各系统承包商序活动环境及可能导致评 价控制措施依据D

13、管理方案运行应急责任部门号工序内容的事故控制预案1地铁施工轨重大、控制2 0 0完善方案整体审批轨道承包商行区运输伤亡报告控制通过重大、控制1 6 0既有线整体审批2 地铁隧道施工伤亡报告施工控制通过3地铁既有线严重、控制1 8 0既有线施整体审批轨道、各系施工与运输伤亡报告工、运输控制通过统承包商地铁行车、严重、控制既有线、新整体审批轨道承包商、42 4线运输与施工主控重伤报告施工管理控制通过调度室露天作业、重大、控制起重作业过程审批安装装修、各5 通风口、站2 2场隧道致残报告规范控制通过系统承包商6 高处作业重大控制2 1登高作业过程附带安装装修、各报告规范控制方案系统承包商7其他各种一

14、般控制7用电管理整体审批安装装修、各环境报告控制通过系统承包商8生活区、其需要控制3临电明火整体附带安装装修、各他区域救助报告管理控制方案系统承包商ABSTRACTSApplying the Scientific Outlook on Development to Promote theConstruction of Urban Rail Transit-C Thinking on Current Construction Development of ChinaUrban Rail TransitJiao Tongshan1The construction of China Urban Ra

15、il Transit is now staying in theimportant time with rapid development.The achievements we ob-tained are objectively summarized.At the same time,the contradic-tion between the current construction speed and preliminary work,the construction procedure,the phenomena of despising operation,the unified p

16、lanning of traffic integration,the control of constructionstandards,the difference of fare in domestic urban rail transit,as wellas the enhancement of government management for urban rail transitare analyzed and investigated through some phenomena in theindustry.Several suggestions are also presente

17、d.Practice and Thinking of Construction for Dispatch and Com-mand System of Urban Rail Transit NetworkLiang Ping,Du Shimin5Because the rail transit of major cities in China has successivelyentered the stage of network operation,the construction of networkdispatch and command system is put on the sch

18、edule.In this paper,by using the construction for network dispatch and command systemin Beijing Urban Rail Transit as background,the practical experi-ences of the construction of network dispatch and command systemare summarized and the suggestion is proposed.Discussion on UPS Integration of Signal

19、System in Urban RailTransitWen Renguang8The safe and reliable requirements of signal system to UPS aredescribed.The potential risk after UPS integration of signal systemis analyzed in detail.It indicates that although UPS integration oftransit system is the trend,it is still in the research and expe

20、rimentstage.The UPS integration scheme involving signal system shouldbe carefully considered.Localization of Filter Element of Air Compressor in EMU ofNanjing Metro Line 1Deng Zhigang,Sun Gang17The air filter element,developed on the basis of the filter prin-ciples and the air compressor structure o

21、f braking system in NanjingMetro,has experienced the examination by professional institutionand 3-month on-board comparative test.It is proven that this air filterelement has qualified performance and reliable quality,and can fullysubstitute the import air filter element.Design and Construction of P

22、rotective Blocking Gate SystemZhao Jiajian,Wu Yue19The protective gate system is new type metro disaster preventionequipment with dual functions of flood-proofing and civil defence.The work principles and construction of protective blocking gate sys-tem are described by analyzing the functions and c

23、onstitutes of metroprotective flood-blocking gate system as well as its interfaces withsignal,environment control and station control systems.Discussion on Wheel and Axle Maintenance Technology andEquipment of Railway Multiple UnitsQiu Jianping25The wheel and axle maintenance technology and the sele

24、ction ofequipment of China railway multiple units are analyzed.In the paperemphasis is laid on the introduction of overall design idea,wheel andaxle disassemble and assembly line,plane layout,technics equip-ment collocate and key equipment selection.The suggestion is pre-sented for the maintenance t

25、echnology and equipment collocate inwheel and axle workshop of maintenance base for multiple units.Discussion on Calculation Method of PBA Construction Methodfor Mining Station under Structure-Soil InteractionZhao Wei32PBA construction method(Pile-Beam-Arch Mining Method)hasbeen extensively applied

26、in the design of metro stations as the re-striction of surrounding environment.This paper discusses the sim-plified issue by calculating the model under structure-soil interaction.Construction Technology of Shallow-Buried Tri-arch Large-spanTunnelXu Xinyan34Combining with the construction of shallow

27、-buried tri-arch tunnelin the section of Xiongmao Huandao Station?Andinglu Station(including connect line)of Beijing Metro Line 10,the constructionscheme,technical process and operation points of shallow-buried tri-arch tunnel are illustrated.Static Press Construction Method with PHC Prestressed Con

28、-crete Pipe PileKang Litao38Static press construction method with PHC pipe pile is a piledriving technology that uses static press pile machine to press theprestressed concrete pipe pile(PHC pile)into the ground.It has thecharacteristics of low noise and pollution,a little influence on thesoil layer

29、 and surrounding buildings,and a little damage to pilequality.The static press construction technology is applied in thepile construction for no-platform-column canopy project of recon-struction of Tianjin Station,and achieves well social and economicbenefits.Security Risk Assessment of Track Area i

30、n Metro ConstructionYang Jun,Wu Yongfang,Ji Xuewei,etc.48Based on the security risk analysis of possibility of accidents forconstruction vehicles passing the track area(including part of exist-ing lines),the risk degree of operating personnel in dangerous envi-ronment as well as the consequence of a

31、ccidents in Shenzhen MetroLine 1,the risk degree of construction in the metro track area is fi-nally evaluated.According to the characteristics of track area con-struction and existing line transport,the effective emergency plan isestablished to ensure the security of personnel and construction toth

32、e most degree.Study on Unification of Wheel Type of Urban Rail VehiclesWang Qingfeng55The national standards or industry standards of urban rail vehiclewheel are not uniform,even the vehicles of different lines in the samecity adopt different wheel types.These result in a series of problemsin the ma

33、nagement of spare parts of wheel.The wheel types of sev-eral urban rail vehicles are analyzed and compared by investigation.From the point of view of operation need,the suggestion of wheelselection is proposed.Tokyo Rail Transit System and Urban Spatial Structure Optimi-zationLiu Xianteng71The const

34、ruction history and system layout of Tokyo Rail Transitare reviewed.The effect of rail transit on urbanization and spatialstructure optimization is analyzed.It is suggested that the construc-tion of urban transit in China can use the Tokyo mode for reference.Major cities should lay emphasis on the l

35、ayout and construction ofrail transit.The joint exploitation between transit construction andland should be implemented in order to attract the private consor-tium to participate in the construction of transit.The design of trans-fer station and the use layout of land around the station should beelaborated.


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