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1、2022-2023学年平顶山市舞钢市九年级英语上学期期中测试卷2022 -2023学年卜.学期期中调研试卷九年级英语注意事项:1 .本试卷分试麴卷和答题K两部分,试麴卷共8页,六个大题,满分120分,号试时间100分钟2 .试题卷上不要答题.选择题请用2H铅笔按要求涂在答题卡匕指定位置.非选择题请用0.5名 米黑色签字水笔宜接把答案写在答我长上一答在试题卷上的答案无效。3 .答题的.号生务必将本人姓名、求若证号等信息填写在答尊长第面的指定位贵上一一、听力理解(20小鼠每小题1分,共20分)第一节 听下面5段对话 每段财话后有一个小题.从他中所给的A、B.C三个选项中选出最隹 答案每段对话读两遍

2、1. Wlwn* is Li iiow?A. Al Imjiim*.B. In Beijin我.C. At her father s study.2. Z hirhhas the largrsl population in I he “odd?A. Russia.B. China.C. India.3. W hat luis kule doiw in the |Msl fi、e yean7A. Shr s read many rrjMJrts.B. She * s plHiilrl tnanv tn,rs.C. Shes whiten riiditv report、.4. Hh dkiiiv

3、has Jack n*A. Six.B. Nine.C. Three.5. W lial hingmiges can tlw Ixiy speak?A. English.B. Fiviich.C. Both English and Fn*iwh.第二节 听下面几段时话或独白 每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,BJ:三个选 项中选出最佳答案,每段对话或独白读两遍,听下面 段对话.问答第6至第7两个小题6. Hom long did Rose slay in Hainan?A. Five days.R. One week.C. Two weeks.7. X luil was- ihe H

4、ealhei like in Hainan?A. Petfet-l.B. Terrible.C. No so gpod.九年级英语第1页(共8页)听下而一段劝话,回答第8至第9两个小题8. Whal is Miss Craen going lo do with her car?A. Sell it.B. Use il every day. C. Ix*nd il lu her friend.9. Why ikiesni Mix* Green iflen Iwr car?Brcausf she wants to bin a new car.B. Braus- she can save und p

5、iotvd I hr envinjiHDriiLC. Urea use Ikt car is 4lrn broken on her way lo school听下面一段独白,回答第10至第12三个小题10. When did Mr. Wang take a trip lo Xinjiang?A. Last nMXitli.B winter.C. Lasl siiniiiirr.11. Hex did Mr. ang go (o Xinjiang?A. By car.B. By train.C. By plane.12. Whal did Vlr. Wang do after lie gpi l

6、o Xinjiang?A. Hr helpd lionwlcss people.B. H* IwJiied tlir |MMr peopk,in the cmintrysiilr.(:. Henice crnlrr will make your holiday colcrfuLVolunteers wanted : To(tirsrlvcsfrom COVID-19, nucleic acid lest(核酸检 测) will be irquiml in oiir community. Ur urfd some volutilren*. Tlir) work fur our community

7、 to call the people Io lake nucleir a-il trsl on time rvrn1 day.Time: 10:00 a. m. -3:00 p. m.Place ; the lirsi floorInvention Show: Inventions arc making our life easier and cuu ran zrr a lu( uf nrw iinrirtitMiN fiuiii teopl。rd diffrrent agf. (iuides will stav with you from tlw lirpnning to ihr rnd.

8、Time: 9-00 a. in. -4:00 p. m.Place; the aecond floorSpate Show : Chinn utn)nauh Chru Dong*Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe are returning to the rarth in DciTinbcr. Do you want to know dhoul ihoir life in space? Couw Io see the spare show!、u -;in alx Me a lol of nxMlrlrafts.Time : 8* 00 a. m. - 3: 30 p. in.Pla

9、ce : the thinl floorPainlings & Calligrapln ( |)法):(;n*ul changes hai” taken pkue in China in the |ast 10 years. To express love (or mir counliy. 100 MuilenH from difGiPiil “ hook uill UM- llieir pens anl hnwhes hi e ihr grral cliangr.Time; 9:00 am. -5: 30 p. in.Place : the fourth floor根据材料内容选择最佳答案2

10、1. hal should you l il you an* a vlunt*rr in lli* community?Imentnew things.B. OmIpi, |ieoplc trplr to n*lu c vpl* to take* nucleic acid les!.22. The invmlionwill LkI / htir in the day.A. 7B.8C,9). 1023. People can NOT / al the -pace mIuiw .A. waipacet-raflC. net tiHKlel pacet-raflD. learn about the

11、 life in space24. If you urc hr” al 17: 00 in the week,what can you sec?B. Volunleer adisilirs.I). Painting and calligraphy works.B. . travel guide.D. l ienee welite.A. Model paceciaft*.C. New inventions.25. W here is the lexi most |nbahly from?A. A inovir jxislrr.C. A ominiinih notice.九年级英语第3页(共8页)

12、Mr. Swalrs wantrl Io find out wh.it his students parrnls rgan to laugh tvhrn he just called Jodie. Shirley shoulwl.daddy is a garbage colleclor(垃圾清理工)!EviIvIkmU it) thr ckiz laughs I oul IihkI . except Jodi”. She fell her face him ikmI.Silence!, Mr. Swal said. Being a garlage colleiior 卜 a li(ri-ull

13、 and uwful job. e should all Ima grulrful lu Jixlic*s falhrr. Jodie n father ramr to walk her home from school as usual. but she didnt nm up to him thr way bhc alwuys did. When they gt back home. Jmlir went Io her room unl cried (or a long tinir.Her father came into her room, ,Wliat happened, Jodie?

14、 Why are you so sad?”Jodie hld her father uhal lial happens und lokel al him. Heiilni angn or hurt. Ueli.* he aid. *aie riglil. lling a gailmge cidltiioi is a lirb j Toiihurow s Sahinlay. Gune Io xunk wilh mr. Jinlir.”ITic place really smrlt too bad. Jodie covered her nose. Dont worry, kick In fivr

15、minutes you w“n I smell a thing. said her father.FaivImjIx llwrv was working hanl. and thky s*enh*l 1( have ;i giMxl time. Jodies iallirrher a |uiir of gloves an and throx* llu-m into the tmtk. Jiwlir , s aniib soon got tirrd. l lusl, no moiv garlNigt* was Irll and Jixhr frit、t*r happy. *Garbage is

16、dirty . but vlirn ku lear il anay , rvrntiling, s nice and Irun. u can niakr xoursrll happy only hy making others happy. Dial s why I likr Ix-ing a garbage -l!rctr s( inucli.Jodie gave her dirty. smelly garktge collector lally a big kiss. She haid. hen I grow up, I will lxi a garbage - girl!”Now whe

17、never x.meone a*k* Jotlie zhul her daddy ikw” she says. ”He、a garbage rollev加r! EvrnlMMh mak”、arbagf, l)ul my ladlv lake?i il away !根据材料内容选择最佳答案26. What happened in Mr. Swale , s class?lie asked a la(l quozian.B. Jodie gave an lionesl answer.C. Th” ollu-r shi kmghrd at Jodie. D. Hf Hanlt*l lo sliou

18、whul job was thr rrvM 27. Vi hich of ihr* Rillouing is Not True according lo ibis Moiy?Jodie gave lirr fulhrr a sweet kiss as usual.B. Jcwlir liln t run up to lirr lather thr way shr always did.C. J(xlir wrnt to li*r hmiiii and cried for a long limr after hhr got back hoinr.1) . JckIip toll her fath

19、er whal had hapM?n*d ;in fulliet lake her to liis v*vikplarr?B. To lirlp Jodii, Iruni about his job.D. To krfp Jixlir away from lirr taMiidlrs.ausc /B. he was unselGnhC 无私的).hr was hariiuorkingTo make* Jodie cool down.C. To pruvr liow dirty his job was.29. Jodie gave her latlirr a big kiss mainly be

20、e he was lirMC. lie was cheerful九年级英语第4页(共8页)30. W hal * * (lit* |jel titlr uf tin* parage?A. Mr. Szalo and SludenlsB. How Io Take Awa(Jadage(:.Jmlir , s Daddy Is .1 (farlmgr (ollr-tor I). How to Br a (hkm! (ktrbagr (ol!rctr.cDigital lechnology (数码技术)has made life easier lor most people. With a nmar

21、lphonp in hand, you can shop online, watch TV shows and cair them.Nov China has ahoul 900 million internet users, aceonlitig Io a on liilernetAmong ihrm, lliosr aged 6() and alwjvr take up just 7% . Iliat s why elderly ppiiiisc of the (:0、1D - 19, people should always show h green health code (健一 码)

22、on llirir phoiH to g*l inlo public pLicrs. Kxrn if llirs ha* oiK plhHir, nmin lor) I knou how to grl a code. People s Daily said.For the elderly. one way l knowing digital le-hii)log) ia lo leam Irom younger family members. Howrvrr, not dll of ihrsst* voungri |M*uplr liaw llir palirner lo Iracli lli

23、r rhlrrly. In addilion, lite rldrrh ma hiivr nun ph sical probl. sm li a wr*ak eyhic NGf) ( IE政府组织)in China an- trying lo help. Ser Yotrng, a GO in Beijing. Mier.、to help Chinas elderly iim, mobile phiiiu. (College slixlenl volunlwis in I hr organi74iliaii havr provilcl lire (-oinputcr and w in Chin

24、a, alMMil / intrmrt umts jit agcla t*sB. Iwlorr lhr gl into public plucrslo llif yoiiiigrr fainih inriiilier*0, to oiing*i p*iplr art, pali*nl vmiIi the ehlfikI), wrnic* college sludrnU havr weak ry,sighl anw to iim th I he elderly nw*l in using llu* inlernpt and In help ihtin九年级英语第5页(共8页)(Hil(lfish

25、 have been a popular family pet for a long lime in some places. However, there is a growing problem ronnccicxl with thrs, lowly fish.36 nl at tlw same lime main |eople air Mating gllfi*h free. On” ziin。、f |t*opl* in Texas found tlial nearly 60% fish(wnrrs put their fish into lakes.37 As h rvsuh, lli

26、ws quite(|in kh , arxl thrn, is nol rnuugh GmmI for llie r,sl of llu, fish in the lake. Such is I hr case in West Medical Lake,The X ashington De()ar1iieiit of Fish and U ikllifr says that it can col up lo $ 150,000 to lake away llie foreign zpeci*(物种)fr,”u ihe lak*. 38 And lhe ure crne. a fish biol

27、ogist fn)m llu* (Irpurtinenl.39 U rll, if ou can I find a kind frirnd or funiily tnrinlH-r to help ur local |*t lnp r on the Intel nd. There youniav find people wh can lakr carr f yur |xrt.And. if your fibli tire ill. do nol put llue sick fish into the wild or ihrow llirni into your loilel. 40 It is

28、 very liannliiL Keeping our watenvays clean mid safe is iiii|M)r1anl tor luturr gns(代).根据材料内容,从下而尢个选项中选出能填人文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文尊意思通明内容完整Goklfixh can gniu ven large.B. Illis probkin is mj si k G?h can inlUMhice the into wat*r.E. So whal should you do if you no.longer wart your pel G&h?|三、完形填空(15小时.每小题I分.共15

29、分)先通读短文,学握其大意,然后从、R、C、D四个选项中选出个可以填入相应空白处的意 隹答案。There was a king who hai a hig box. It was made of glass. Ii was 41 . Il looked empty 42 you could always take oul anything you wanted. There was only mr thing you had to 43 . W hrrnvrr you look something mil nf it. you 44put iMimethingelseI Kick in all

30、hongh no)Mih knew45.One did the tinl got exactly what I hey wanted. The ihieves 4X one thing. Nack in liir bo. S lhr cmihln I lakr aiiylliing oul of llir box aguin.Tlii wen! on 49 inoiillis. At Iasi, ihr Iradei of I he ihim cotil longer. Ik t Imix into pirers, und thrn all I hire thieves irll down 5

31、0 Iivii thr king irlunirtl hiniir, he onlrrrd hi Hildiers lu M llir b). V hen tlirv brought it and thr 52 de;illo tlw king, he mid, * 1( thw thieves hail only put Mmietliing IkmL into I he九年级英语第6页(共8页)box, thrv would I* alive.Hie king on!Tr(l soldier卜 t _ 53_ all the pitN-r?. of glass and inaiir tli

32、rni inti a glolx* with all tlir nxmtrics of the world upon it. h hill 54 himself anl olheis: lo give Lack soinHhing in rluni when you gel something 55 others.So everyone. il in ncxl tinw. Ihi t forget Io give back in return.41. A. bcauliful42. A. butB. specialB. andC. r|x*ii*.ivr(:.liowrvrrD. big1).

33、 so43.giB. sayC. IhinkD. lememlwr44. .B. couldC. mightD. nnisl45. whyB. whaiC. h”z1). u here46. X. stoleB. pulC, halD. looked47. A. rvrrylxMlyB. anybodyC. nothing1). anything48. A. didB. torgolC. saw1). rrnvinliered49. A. toB. IbrC. during1). since50. A. lralB. blrrpyC. biindL). surprihtxl5I. . put

34、upB. lake awayC. gise u(D. liMk fn52. X. twoB.C. fourD. five53. cxmsidrrB. change.rherk1). rolle154. , orderB. makeC. remindD. cuntixil55. A. fromB. to四、语篇填空(15小幽,每小题I分,共15分)C. withD. of第一节阅读题文,从方框中选择适当的同并用其正确膨式城空.使义通Wh意思完整得 空限填一词,每词限用一次danger, iikmii, 3I, change. Irv,l, sonirtliing. although, hann,

35、 gn*al, happriiTlie ice on Antarctica (南极洲)look, the sani* from day to day. Bui in fad. scieutiMs know the rral fart : thr icr is mrlling(融化). An! it s terribly 56 to all living things on ihr nirtli. Icr wheels (冰盖)are very big. However, 57 in the clinmtr cause I hem Io chaiigp very slowly. It uMial

36、h lake* a long limr lor big ice sheets Io nw*lt. S)ulial is 58 now?Tlir iM-ean k Manning, and big pireps of ice are breaking away ami going into llu- Ihi-. is rausing the ocean 59 Io rise. Vie may have no idea thal this has a lot to n, electririty pHNliKlion, an lliib 62 to us?Coastal (沿海的海itim, lik

37、r New York, London, and Tokyo, arr in 63_ “bring under water by I he eml if thr twenh - fit l fiitun. XV” n%” I ( Gnl Miitabb* ways and mdk changf mu to piwenl lliis and protrcl ounidvrs. , think wr ca changr I hr situation 64 it * s a little hard. Scientists lliink that rlimale coplc want a lriv,ilcsh car? Outt rraMin is(,()nv(,niriicr( f更利).Drivers could ir


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