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1、房地产项目转让的合作,转让方及受让方之间如何根据我国的合同法及房地产相关法律签署正规的转 让合同呢?以下准备了一份房地产项目转让合同范本,可供参考。转让方(甲方):法定代表人:职务:住所:开户行:账号:受让方(甲方):法定代表人:职务:住所:开户行:账号:甲、乙双方根据中华人民共和国合同法、中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法、城市房地产 开发经营管理条例、城市房地产转让管理办法等法律、法规的规定,按照平等互利原则,经过双方 协商一致,就 房地产项目(简称项目)转让达成一致意见,特签定本协议。第一条房地产项目概况 1、项目名称:,位于,其四至范围为:东至,西至,南至,北至。(详见附件一,规划拴桩红线

2、图)本转让项目包括在建构筑物及其附属设施等(详见附件二)。2、项目使用性质:(、)3、项目规划条件:(1)占地面积:平方米;(2)规划容积率:(3)建筑物总高度:(4)总建筑面积:平方米;(5)地上面积:平方米;(6)地下面积:平方米;4、规划指标:5、项目投资建设情况:本项目总投资额万元,现转让方已累计投资 万元,达总投资额的%以上。6、其他情况。第二条项目开发建设现状 由甲乙方双方共同确认后形成书面文件作为本协议的附件,作为本协议的内容(详见附件三)。第三条项目法律手续 1、甲方以 方式取得该项目的国有土地使用权,国有土地使用权出让合同编号:;甲方已按国有土地使用权出让合同全部交清土地出让

3、金,并取得国有土地使用权证书为;国有使用权使用期限从 年月日计算,为年;2、该项目的拆迁许可证号为:;3、该项目的建设用地规划许可证号为:;4、该项目的建设工程规划许可证号为:;5、该项目的建设工程开工许可证号为:;6、该项目的固定资产投资计划立项批准文号为:;7、该项目的商品房预售许可证号为:;8、项目建议书:;9、项目可行性研究报告:;10、项目环境影响研究报告:。第四条法律手续的转移 1、项目转让时,本协议第三条甲方已取得的各项法律手续和许可证件(包括交清土地出让金的凭证)在本合同生效之日起十五个工作日内交付给乙方。乙方自行向政府有关主管部门办理转移手续,甲方应积 极协助。乙方未按本协议

4、第五条的约定及时向甲方支付有关费用,或未按政府有关部门的规定提供转交证 件所需要的证明文件而导致不能获政府有关部门批准的,甲方有权拒交有关证件。2、甲方保证各项法律手续转移的确定性,如因其中某项手续因甲方的责任无法确定地转移而影响项 目的转让,甲、乙双方同意按()处理:(1)双方共同向政府主管部门申请补办有关手续,其补办有关手续的一切费用由甲方承担,若补办 不成功时,甲、乙双方按(_)处理;(2)协议解除,甲方退还乙方全部已付费用,并按乙方已付费用的%予以赔偿;3、如果因乙方的责任无法确定地转移其中某项手续,而影响项目的转让,甲方双方同意按以下()方法处理:(1)协议解除,甲方不退还乙方所交定

5、金,退还乙方其他已付费用。同时,乙方在接手项目后已投 入项目资金或其他资产,甲方不再折价返还乙方。(2)协议解除,乙方按已付费用的 赔偿甲方的损失。第五条项目转让费及其支付与项目转让的间接费用 1、项目转让费总额:乙方应向甲方支付协议项目转让费为 万元(小写:元)。2、付款方式:转账支票支付。3、付款期限:乙方须在 年月日前向甲方支付定金 _ 万元(小写:元)乙方须在 年月日前向甲方支付第一期转让费(小写:元)乙方须在 年月日前向甲方支付第二期转让费 万元(小写:元);乙方须在 年月日前向甲方支付转让费第三期转让费 万元(小写:_ 元);乙方须在 年月日日前将转让费用余额即 元(小写:元)向

6、甲方付清。5、项目转让时发生的房地产税、契税、印花税等税费的承担依国家税法规定办理。6、项目转让后,项目发生的需向政府有关部门支付的一切费用(本协议其他条款特别约定的除外)全部由乙方承担。第六条项目转让后办理法律手续义务 乙方按该项目原有的国有土地使用权出让合同及附件、城市规划的批准文件、固定资产投资计划的批 准文件、拆迁批准文件等受让该项目后进行开发建设。确有必要修订有关限制条件的,由乙方在受让项目 后自行向有关部门申请,办理有关法律手续,甲方履行承担协助办理的义务。第六条甲方关于项目工程建设的责任 甲方向乙方转让该项目尚需完成工程 3、。第七条甲方关于项目开发建设各项未完审批手续有关费用的

7、责任。2、3、。第八条项目转让后,开发项目甲方与其他第三人签订的协议的处理 1、甲方应如实提供该项目所涉及的甲方与他方签订的设计、施工、工程监理、商品房预售等方面合 同尚需由乙方继续履行的所有合同原件,或经与原件核对一致,除非甲方已解除原签合同;2、项目转让后,需由乙方继续履行的协议细目如下(内容详见附件四);(1)建设工程承包合同;(2)工程监理合同;(3)商品房预售合同,共 份;(4)o 3、甲方应当通知上述协议的协议当事人,与乙方一起协商有关协议继续履行事项,并按以下方式处 理原协议事宜。(1)若几方达成协议,应签订对原协议的书面补充协议。(2)若达不成被充协议,甲方应当与原协议当事人负

8、责解除,其引发的协议责任应当由甲方承担,与乙方无关。4、上述3款商谈补充协议所产生的费用由甲方承担。第九条甲方责任 1、甲方保证其有资格转让项目,并保证项目符合法定转让条件;2、甲方保证项目不存在为第三人或甲方债务担保的情形;3、甲方保证项目转让时,不存在法院查封、扣押等情形。4、甲方保证项目转让时不存在有其他行使中华人民共和国合同法第 286条规定的优先受偿权的 情形;5、甲方应当如实向乙方提供项目转让时现状情况;6、甲方应按本协议第 4条第1款约定及时向乙方提供许可证件和法律文件,并积极协助乙方向有关 部门办理相关转移手续;7、甲方应对本协议任何一方有关事宜保密,并不得将甲方在与乙方商谈项

9、目转让的过程中及以后在 中行本协议的过程中所获取乙方任何商业秘密(资料)泄露(包括故意或过失)给与本协议无关的任何其 它方或个人,除非商业秘密(资料)已正当地为公众所知悉。8、甲方应按本协议约定履行其他义务 第十条乙方责任 1、乙方保证有资格受让项目,并有能力继续开发建设本协议项目;2、乙方应当按本协议第五条的约定向乙方支付项目转让费;3、乙方应当按本协议第五条的约定向乙方支付项目利润分成;4、乙方应积极协助甲方处理项目转让前所签订的协议事宜;5、乙方保证履行甲方已按本协议第八条处理的后由乙方履行的有关设计、施工、工程监理、商品房 预售等合同;6、乙方应对本协议任何一方有关事宜保密,并不得将乙

10、方在与甲方商谈项目转让的过程中及以后在 中行本协议的过程中所获取甲方任何商业秘密(资料)泄露(包括故意或过失)给与本协议无关的任何其 它方或个人,除非商业秘密(资料)已正当地为公众所知悉;7、甲方应按本协议约定履行其他义务。第十一条违约责任 1、甲方违约责任(1)甲方若没有资格转让项目或项目不符合法定转让条件,而乙方不知晓或不可能知晓的,致使本 协议无效时,乙方应向甲方赔偿项目转让费的,若乙方实际损失超过此赔偿额时,超过部分甲方应 据实赔偿。(2)甲方未按本协议第四条约定按时向乙方转交有关证件的或甲方未按本协议第九条第 1款至第5 款的义务(有一款即可)时,视为甲方根本违约,乙方有权解除协议,

11、甲方退还乙方全部已付费用,并按 项目转让费的%向乙方支付违约金,若乙方实际损失超过此违约金时,超过部分甲方应据实赔偿。(3)甲方没有第()款的根本违约情况下,而未按本协议第九条第 6款至第8款履行其义务时,甲方应向乙方支付违约金元。2、乙方违约责任(1)乙方若没有法定资质受让项目而甲方不知晓或不可能知晓,而致使本协议无效时,乙方应向甲 方赔偿项目转让费的%,若甲方实际损失超过此赔偿额时,超过部分乙方应据实赔偿;(2)乙方未按本协议第五条约定按期如数向甲方支付项目转让费,每逾期一日按项目转让费用的万 分之支付违约金。若逾期超过 30日,甲方有权解除协议,罚没定金。同时,乙方再按已付项目转让 费的

12、向甲方赔偿。若甲方实际损失超过此两项赔偿费用时,超过部分乙方仍须据实赔偿。(3)_ 未履行本协议约定的其他义务时,甲方应向乙方支付违约金 _ 万元(小写:元)。第十二条不可抗力 不可抗力指不能预见,不能避免并不能克服的客观情况,包括因国家政策的变动、城市规划的更改等。由于不可抗力的原因,致使直接影响本协议的履行或者不能按条件履行时,应书面通知对方,并在 15 日内提供事故详情及协议不能履行或者部分不能履行,或者需要延迟履行的理由的有效证明文件,此项证 明文件应由事故发生地区的权力机关或公证机构出具。按其对履行需要影响的程度,由双方协商解决是否 需要或部分免除履行需要的责任或延期履行的协议。第十

13、三条法律适用 本协议的订立、效力、解释、履行和争议的解决,适用中华人民共和国的法律。第十四条争议的解决 因执行协议所发生的或与本协议有关的一切争议,双方应友好协商解决。如协商不能解决,双方同意 按以下第方式解决。1、向项目所在地人民法院起诉 2、向 仲裁委员会申请仲裁。第十五条协议文字 本协议文本采用中方。本协议正本三份,甲乙双方各持一份,另一份由甲乙双方共同报 房地产管理部门备案。第十六条协议生效及其它 本协议自甲、乙方双方签字、盖章后,经政府审批机关批准后生效。本协议未尽事宜,甲、乙双方另行签订补充协议。补充协议具有本协议同等法律效力。第十七条协议附件 附件包括与本协议相关的协议,附图、附

14、表、交接手续等,是本协议不可分割的组成部分。附件一:规划拴桩红线图 附件二:在建构筑物及其附属设施等 附件三:项目开发建设现状 附件四:项目转让后需由乙方继续履行的协议细目 甲方:_ 住所:_ 法定代表人:_ 委托代理人:_ 电话:_ 传真:_ 开户行:_ 账号:_ _ 年_月_日 乙方:_ 住所:_ 法定代表人:_ 委托代理人:_ 电话:_ 传真:_ 开户行:_ 账号:_ _ 年月日 Transfer of real estate project cooperation,between the assignor and the assignee according to contract l

15、aw of our country and the transfer of real estate related legal sign formal contract?The following prepared a transfer of real estate project contracts,for reference.The assignor(party a):Legal representative:position:Accommodation:Bank:account number:Assignee(party a):Legal representative:position:

16、Accommodation:Bank:account number:Both parties according to the law of the Peoples Republic of China contract law,the law of the Peoples Republic of China on urban real estate administration law,the regulations on the administration of urban real estate development management,the measures for the ad

17、ministration of urban real estate transfer and other laws and regulations,in accordance with the principle of equality and mutual benefit,after both sides talks things over consistent,it(hereinafter referred to as project)transfer of real estate project come to an agreement,signed this agreement.The

18、 first real estate project 1,the project name:in four to scope is:on the east,west,south,north to.(see the appendix a,planning red line graph to pile),the transfer of projects including building structures and attached facilities(see annex ii).2,project nature:(,)3,project planning conditions:Area:(

19、1)_ square meters;(2)planning plot ratio:_ (3)building a total height:_ (4)the total construction area:square meters;(5)the floor area:square meters;(6)of the underground area:square meters;4,planning indicators:5,investment construction situation of the project:the project total investment ten thou

20、sand yuan,now there comes the assignor has accumulated investment of ten thousand yuan,up to more than _%of total investment.6,other conditions.The second project development construction situation Jointly by party a to party b after confirmation form written documents attached as appendix of this a

21、greement,as the content of this agreement(see attachment 3).Article 3 the project legal formalities 1,party a way to obtain the state-owned land use rights,the state-owned land use right transfer contract number:.;Party a has the state-owned land use right transfer contract all clear gold of land se

22、ll ones own things,and obtain certificate of state-owned land access to;The right to use state-owned life from on _ _ calculation,are _ year;2,the projects demolition license is:;3,the project construction land planning license for:;4,the project construction project planning license for:;5,the proj

23、ect construction engineering construction license for:;6,the fixed assets investment project approval number is:;7,the commodity house opens to booking a license is:;8,project proposal:;9,the project feasibility study report:;10,the project environmental impact study report:.Article 4 the transfer o

24、f legal procedures 1,project transfer,article 3 of this agreement,party a has the legal formalities and certificates(including cleared land certificates)in 15 working days from the date of the contract comes into force stated pay to party b.Party b to the relevant government departments transfer for

25、malities,party a shall actively assist.Party b shall not according to the stipulation of article 5 of this agreement in a timely manner to party a to pay the fee,transfer or not according to the provisions of the relevant government departments to provide documents required documents that cannot be

26、cleared by the relevant government departments,party a shall have the right to refused to pay the relevant documents.2,party a shall ensure that all the legal formalities for transfer of certainty,as a result of which a procedure for party as responsibility can not be sure to transfer effect transfe

27、r of the project,both parties agreed to press(up)processing:(1)the joint to the relevant government departments apply for procedures,the relevant formalities subsequently all expenses shall be borne by party a,if fill do not succeed,by both party a and party b(_);(2)the agreement,party a return all

28、paid fees,party b and party b in accordance with the costs of prepaid _%compensate;3,if due to party bs responsibility can not be sure to move with a formalities,and affect the project transfer,the two sides agreed to party a in accordance with the following()method to deal with:(1)agreement to lift

29、,not be returned to party b by party a to pay the deposit,return all other prepaid expenses.At the same time,party b take over project after project cash or other assets,party a will no longer be refunded to party b at a discount.(2)the agreement,party b _%of the purchase price of the paid compensat

30、ion for party as losses.Article 5 the project transfer fee and the payment and transfer of indirect costs 1,the total project transfer fee:party b shall pay to party as agreement to project transfer fee to ten thousand yuan(lowercase:RMB).2,payment:transfer cheque payment.3,payment term:Party b shal

31、l in month have to pay the deposit to party a.ten thousand yuan(lowercase:RMB _);Party b shall in month have to pay to party a for the first phase of the transfer fee.(lowercase:RMB.);Party b shall before years _ _ to party a to pay$ten thousand transfer fee.the second period(lowercase:RMB.);Party b

32、 shall pay to party a before years _ _ transfer fee$ten thousand transfer fee.the third period(lowercase:RMB.);Party b shall be in on _ to transfer the balance that is.yuan(lowercase:RMB.)paid to party a.5,project transfer occurs when the real estate tax,deed tax,stamp duty and other taxes and fees

33、in accordance with the state provisions of the tax law.6,after the transfer of the project,project happened all the costs should be paid to the relevant government departments(except other provisions of this agreement specifically agreed)all be borne by party b.Article 6 the obligation of the legal

34、formalities after transfer Party b according to the original state-owned land use right transfer contract and accessories,city planning approval documents,fixed assets investment plan documents of approval,the approval documents etc after accepting the project development and construction.We really

35、need to revise the relevant constraints,project after the transfer is made by party b to apply to the relevant departments,the related legal formalities,party a to fulfill a commitment to assist to handle.Article 6 party a about the responsibility of the project construction To transfer the project

36、to b still need to complete the project 1,;2,;3,.Article 7 the formalities for examination and approval of party a about the unfinished project development and construction related expenses.1,;2,_;3,_.Article 8 after the transfer of the project,development projects and other third party a signed agr

37、eement 1,party a shall provide the project party a signed with the other party involved in the design,construction,project supervision,commodity house opens to booking a contract is made by party b shall continue to perform all of the original contract,or check with the original agreement,unless the

38、 party a has the original signed contract cancellation;2,after the transfer of the project,required by the agreement of party b shall continue to perform the breakdown is as follows(see annex 4)content;(1)the construction engineering contract;(2)the engineering supervision contract;(3)the commodity

39、house opens to booking a contract,a total of;(4)_.3,party a shall notify the agreement of the parties,and consultation with party b the agreement to continue to perform the notes,and in the following ways to handle matters relating to the original agreement.(1)if several parties to reach an agreemen

40、t on the original agreement should be signed written supplementary agreement.(2)if fail to be agreement,party a shall agree with the original agreement the parties responsible for lifting,its cause agreement responsibility shall be borne by party a,has nothing to do with party b.4,the above three ta

41、lks expenses incurred in the supplementary agreement shall be borne by party a.Article 9 party a responsibility 1,party a to ensure the qualified transfer project,and ensure compliance with statutory conditions;2,party a guarantee project does not exist for the third person or party a debt guarantee

42、s;3,party a guarantee project transfer,there is no court to seal up,distrain,etc.4,and party a guarantee project there is no other exercise at the time of transfer of the law of the Peoples Republic of China contract law the 286th regulation of the priority of compensation;5,party a shall truthfully

43、 provide project status at the time of transfer to party b;6,party a shall be stipulated in paragraph 1 of article 4 of this agreement in a timely manner to provide certificates and legal documents to party b,and actively assist party b the relevant departments to handle the relevant formalities;7,p

44、arty a to deal with any party of this agreement relating to confidential,and shall not be in discussions with party b to party a after the project in the process of the transfer and in the performance of this agreement in any commercial secret for party b(including the intent or negligence)(informat

45、ion)leak unrelated to this agreement to any other party or individual,unless the trade secrets(data)has rightfully known to the public.8,party a shall to fulfil his other obligations under this agreement.Article 10 the party bs responsibility 1,party b guarantees qualified to accepting the project,a

46、nd have the ability to continue to project development and construction of this agreement;2,party b shall pay for party b according to the stipulation of article 5 of this agreement project transfer fee;3,party b shall pay for party b according to the stipulation of article 5 of this agreement proje

47、ct profit sharing;4,and party b shall actively assist party a to handle matters relating to project transfer agreement signed before;Guarantee to party a,party b may have under this agreement article 8 after processing by party b to perform the relevant design,construction,project supervision,commod

48、ity house opens to booking a contract;6,party b to deal with any party of this agreement relating to confidential,and shall not negotiate with party a by party b in the process of the project transfer and later in the performance of this agreement in any commercial secret for party a(including inten

49、t or negligence)(information)leak unrelated to this agreement to any other party or individual,unless the trade secrets(data)have been properly by the public aware of;7,party a shall to fulfil his other obligations under this agreement.Article 11 the liability for breach of contract 1,party as liabi

50、lity for breach of contract and party b does not know or may not know,that this agreement is invalid,party b shall compensate party a for the project transfer _%of the actual loss if party b exceeds the compensation,party a shall faithfully compensation partly more than.(2)not stipulated in article


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