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1、精品文档 1欢迎下载 in ii mi min mu mu IIIH ii mi mi i IIIII IIIIII mi i ii mi mi i mu min mn IIIII mi i mu min mn 11 mi mu mu min mn mi min mu mu mu mi min mu mu mu mi min IIIII mu mu mi min IIIII mu mu mi min IIIII mu mu n HI mu IIIII IIIII HIir IIIII IIIII nun IIIII mil IIIIII mil IIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII

2、 IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIIII IIIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIIID IIIII IIIII Him IIIII IIIII IIIIII imii oi 土方回填施工的质量要求和施工工艺 一、工程概况 新闻中心基础结构已按照设计要求施工完毕,根据整体施工部署,土方整体回填至-0.65m 标高后,平整、夯实,一层结构梁底模铺设木模板,土方回填厚度为-3m,-5m。二、施工机具 b5E2RGbCAP 铲土机、自卸汽车、挖土机、推

3、土机、翻斗车、蛙式打夯机、手推车、铁锹、5m 钢尺、胶皮管、尖、平头铁锹、手推车、铁镐、撬棍、钢尺、小线等。三、施工部署plEanqFDPw 基坑放坡下口基坑放坡上口 1:1 放坡 A 区 土方回填进场道路 B 区 11 土方回填作业范围示意图 自然地面 坡比 1:1 坡比 1:1 1-1 剖面 土方回填区域至基坑放坡上口处。选择 1-C 轴,1-D 轴之间作为进出场道路,精品文档 2欢迎。下载 采用边铺路边前进的方法,将进出场道路拓宽、延长至 1-5 轴后,分别向 1-A 轴和 1-G 轴两个方向完成土方回填,分层碾压厚度为 300mm 逐步后退,直至整个场区土方回填 完毕。四、施工方法 D

4、XDiTa9E3d 1、工艺流程 基坑(槽)底地坪上清理?检验土质?分层铺土、耙平?碾压密实?检验密实度?修整找 平验收 2、施工方法 a)清理基土:铺设回填土前检验基土土质,清除垃圾、污泥、杂质,并打夯两遍,their own conditions to develop the correct road,the maximumto avoid investment risk,gain profit.(three)vigorously promote the brand.To establish brand awareness,awareness of the use of brand,bra

5、nd value,brand acquisition performance,enhance the competitive strength.Concentrated manpower,careful planning,packaging and publicity of a number of unique,market influence and coverage of the brand,the implementation of key breakthroughs,to enhance the competitive strength,walking business road th

6、e competition of alienation and characteristics,the pursuit of stability and development of the market.(four)to promote the integration of resources.To further broaden their horizons,effective integration of resources within the group,the city resources,other industries and regional resources,mutual

7、 trust,mutual benefit,seeking win-win principle,in the framework of national policies and regulations,strict inspection and argumentation,legal consultation,examination and approval procedures,strict regulation of economic activities,attract injection the social investment to the industry 精品文档 3欢迎。下

8、载 group,to achieve leveraging the development,ensure that the value of state-owned assets.(five)to strengthen the construction managementpersonnel.Strengthen the management of education and training of cadres and workers of the existing business,firmly establish the concept of the market,enhance the

9、 sense of crisis to adapt to market competition,the sense of urgency,improve the ability to respond to market competition,improve management and operation of the market.At the same time,according to the need of industrial development,vigorously the introduction of high-quality management management

10、personnel,and strive to build a high-quality professional management team,hard work,and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure,age structure,structure optimization and upgrading ability,enhance core competitiveness,adapt to the need of market competition.(six)seriously study the policy for

11、 policy.Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in the country and the XX policy,especially the policy of industrial development,financial investment policy,financial policy and tax policy,and actively seek policy,projects and funds,enterprise and industry grou

12、p mission to promote leapfrog development.RTCrpUDGiT 使表土密实。b)回填土分层夯实,采用机械压实和夯实两种方式。回填土摊铺虚铺厚度为 300mm 应由一端向另一端分段分层铺设,分层压实。大面积推土机碾压采用进退错距 法,碾迹搭接宽度应大于 10cm 局部柱边等采用打夯机夯实,结构柱四周应均匀填土,防止受力不均,同时采用打夯机夯实柱边时应防止损坏结构柱。夯打遍数不小于 3 遍。回填土夯实后,压实系数不小于 0.94。5PCzVD7HxA 精品文档 4欢迎。下载 填土时不得将土方直接从基坑边倾倒在坑内,应先用木板搭设斜道,斜道口用钢管 搭设栏杆

13、,防止小车翻入基坑内。每层填土面应顺长度方向留置排水坡度,并在基坑角 部设积水坑。jLBHrnAILg 回填土最上一层完成后,用拉线或用靠尺检查标高和平整度,超高处用铁锹铲平 低洼处应及时补充回填土。回填土应连续进行施工,尽快完成,施工中应有防雨排水措施,刚打完或未夯实的 回填土,如遭受雨淋浸泡,应将积水及松软回填土除去,并补填夯实。xHAQX74J0X 五、质量保证措施 1、施工时,基础达到一定强度后,才能进行回填土的施工,以免对结构基础造成 损坏。2、基础回填土,必须清理到基础底面标高,才能逐层回填。严禁用水浇使土下沉 的“水夯法”。3、土虚铺过厚、夯实不够会造成回填土下沉,而导致地面、散

14、水裂缝甚至下沉。4、不得用含有杂草、树根的土回填。5、土方回填完毕后,进行环刀取样,测定回填土的压实度。6、土方回填质量要求:允许偏差或允许值(mm)序项目 项目 挖方场地平整 地(路)号 基坑、基槽 面基层 人工 机械 1 标高-50?30?50-50 主控 项目 2 分层压实系数 设计要求 1 回填土料 设计要求 一般 2 分层厚度及含水量 设计要求 项目 3 表面平整度 20 20 30 20 LDAYtRyKfE 精品文档 5欢迎。下载 本工程土方回填只针对基坑允许偏差及允许值的检测。六、安全文明施工 施工现场成立文明施工领导小组,按照现场文明施工管理细则进行布置、实施、检 查、考核、

15、评比。对于不符合文明施工要求的地方,限期予以整改。确保本工程在施工 期间不影响业主方正常的生活和生产,树立我司良好的企业形象。Zzz6ZB2Ltk 严格遵守武汉市环卫、市容、场容管理的有关规定和现场文明施工管理细则,加强现场排污及运输车辆的管理。dvzfvkwMI1 加强施工现场的环境保护管理,提高施工人员的环境保护意识。准备足够的抽水设备,应付意外情况的发生,确保万无一失。their own conditions to develop the correct road,the maximum to avoid investment risk,gain profit.(three)vigoro

16、usly promote the brand.To establish brand awareness,awareness of the use of brand,brand value,brand acquisition performance,enhance the competitive strength.Concentrated manpower,careful planning,packaging and publicity of a number of unique,market influence and coverage of the brand,the implementat

17、ion of key breakthroughs,to enhance the competitive strength,walking business road the competition of alienation and characteristics,the pursuit of stability and development of the market.(four)to promote the integration of resources.To further broaden their horizons,effective integration of resourc

18、es within the group,the city resources,other industries and regional resources,mutual trust,mutual benefit,seeking win-win principle,in the framework of national policies and regulations,strict inspection and argumentation,legal consultation,examination and approval procedures,strict regulation of e

19、conomic activities,attract injection the social investment to the industry group,to achieve leveraging the development,ensure that the value of state-owned assets.(five)to strengthen the construction managementpersonnel.Strengthen the management of education and training 精品文档 6欢迎。下载 of cadres and wo

20、rkers of the existing business,firmly establish the concept of the market,enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition,the sense of urgency,improve the ability to respond to market competition,improve management and operation of the market.At the same time,according to the need of indu

21、strial development,vigorously the introduction of high-quality management management personnel,and strive to build a high-quality professional management team,hard work,and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure,age structure,structure optimization and upgrading ability,enhance core compet

22、itiveness,adapt to the need of market competition.(six)seriously study the policy for policy.Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in the country and the XX policy,especially the policy of industrial development,financial investment policy,financial policy an

23、d tax policy,and actively seek policy,projects and funds,enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog development.rqyn14ZNXI 技术交底记录 表 B2 编号:工 程名称 湖北广电新闻中心演播厅工程 交底时间 2011 年 12 月 15 日 交底提要:土方回 填施工的质量要求和施工工艺 EmxvxOtOco 交底内容:(包括工程中的关键性施工技术问题;保证工程施工质量的施工方法、技术措施和安 全措施;施工质量标准及验收规范的有关条文;施工图中必须注

24、意的尺寸、标高、轴线及 预埋件、预留孔位置;设计变更的具体情况;质量和安全操作要求等)SixE2yXPq5 进入施工现场一律正确佩戴安全帽,坚持安全生产。土方回填时操作人员应戴口罩、风镜、手套、套袖等劳动用品,并站在上风作业。施工机械用电应符合现场施工用电有关规定,必须采用三级配电箱两极保护、使用 三相精品文档 7欢迎。下载 五线制,严禁乱拉乱接;打夯机操作人员,必须戴绝缘手套和穿绝缘鞋,防止漏电 伤人。6ewMyirQFL 回填土夯实时一人操作打夯机,一人拖打夯机电缆,避免打夯机夯击电缆。配备洒水车,对干土洒水或覆盖,防止扬尘。车辆运输应加以覆盖,防止遗洒。污泥、污水需经处理后才能排放,建筑

25、垃圾运至指定地点丢弃。their own conditions to develop the correct road,the maximum to avoid investment risk,gain profit.(three)vigorously promot 技术负责人 n to promote leapfrog development.t policy,financial policy and tax policy,and actively seek policy,projects and funds,enterprise and industry group missioestme

26、nent of cultural undertakings in the country and the XXpolicy,especially the policy of industrial development,financial invhe need of market competition.(six)seriously study the policy for policy.Serious research about social support the developmre optimization and upgrading ability,enhance core com

27、petitiveness,adapt to tquality professional management team,hard work,and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure,age structure,structu-nt management personnel,and strive to build a highquality manageme-the market.At the same time,according to the need of industrial development,vigorously t

28、he introduction of highcompetition,the sense of urgency,improve the ability to respond to market competition,improve management and operation of arket s and workers of the existing business,firmly establish the concept of the market,enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to msets.(five)to strengthen t

29、he construction managementpersonnel.Strengthen the management of education and training of cadreowned as-ection the social investment to the 精品文档 8欢迎。下载 industry group,to achieve leveraging the development,ensure that the value of stateargumentation,legal consultation,examination and approval proced

30、ures,strict regulation of economic activities,attract inj win principle,in the framework of national policies and regulations,strict inspection and-tual trust,mutual benefit,seeking winorizons,effective integration of resources within the group,the city resources,other industries and regional resour

31、ces,muheir h,the pursuit of stability and development of the market.(four)to promote the integration of resources.To further broaden ty breakthroughs,to enhance the competitive strength,walking business road the competition of alienation and characteristicsof keeful planning,packaging and publicity

32、of a number of unique,market influence and coverage of the brand,the implementation of the use of brand,brand value,brand acquisition performance,enhance the competitive strength.Concentrated manpower,car e the brand.To establish brand awareness,awareness 交底人 接受交底人 本表由施工单位填写,交底单位与接受交底单位各保存一份。kavU42V

33、RUs their own conditions to develop the correct road,the maximum to avoid investment risk,gain profit.(three)vigorously promote the brand.To establish brand awareness,awareness of the use of brand,brand value,brand acquisition performance,enhance the competitive strength.Concentrated manpower,carefu

34、l planning,packaging and publicity of a number of unique,market influence and coverage of the brand,the implementation of key breakthroughs,to enhance the competitive strength,walking business 精品文档 9欢迎。下载 road the competition of alienation and characteristics,the pursuit of stability and development

35、 of the market.(four)to promote the integration of resources.To further broaden their horizons,effective integration of resources within the group,the city resources,other industries and regional resources,mutual trust,mutual benefit,seeking win-win principle,in the framework of national policies an

36、d regulations,strict inspection and argumentation,legal consultation,examination and approval procedures,strict regulation of economic activities,attract injection the social investment to the industry group,to achieve leveraging the development,ensure that the value of state-owned assets.(five)to s

37、trengthen the construction managementpersonnel.Strengthen the management of education and training of cadres and workers of the existing business,firmly establish the concept of the market,enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition,the sense of urgency,improve the ability to respond

38、to market competition,improve management and operation of the market.At the same time,according to the need of industrial development,vigorously the introduction of high-quality management management personnel,and strive to build a high-quality professional management team,hard work,and promote the

39、entire workforce knowledge structure,age structure,structure optimization and upgrading ability,enhance core competitiveness,adapt to the need of market competition.(six)seriously study the policy for policy.Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in the country and the XX policy,especially the policy of industrial development,financial investment policy,financial policy and tax policy,and actively seek policy,projects and funds,enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog development.y6v3ALoS89 本文档来源于第一文库网:https:/ 11欢迎下载 精品文档 11欢迎下载


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