1、BuilBuilding iding industry opendustry ope ns up nens up new worlw world of entred of entrepreneurial strpreneurial str uggle touggle to build a tbuild a t hree prhree provinces of regiovinces of regi onalonal centralcentral citiescities-i-in then the Communist x countieCommunist x countie s thes th
2、e six plesix plenary senary session memberssion member s and comrades:ts and comrades:t odaoday,I wasy,I was commissionedcommissioned by theby the County partyCounty party CommitCommittee Standitee Standing Committee,reports to theng Committee,reports to the General Assembl General Assembl y.Conside
3、ratiy.Considerationon of all members aof all members a nd alternd alternates,anates,andnd comradecomrades attendis attending adving advi ce.Ace.A,and this year y,and this year y ilai of wilai of w ork recalleork recalled thid this year yilai,is year yilai,i n munin municipacipal of right led Xia,l o
4、f right led Xia,County solidarity led County peCounty solidarity led County pe opleople,to science,to science development viewdevelopment view s for guis for guide,to gde,to good activitieood activitie s for mainlis for mainli ne,accorne,according tding to a city four modernizatio a city four modern
5、izati ons three moreons three more of development tof development t houghought,concentratedht,concentrated poly forpoly force,wce,work harork hard,politicald,political,and economic,a,and economic,a ndnd cultculture,and socialure,and social andand party of constructiparty of constructi on are maon ar
6、e made hade has nes new progrew progress,ss,County renderingCounty rendering out wout wind fresh are,aind fresh are,a ndnd careercareer prosperity,prosperity,and social settled,aand social settled,a ndnd peoplepeople mind intmind into of good sito of good sit uation.(A)facilitating theuation.(A)faci
7、litating the construction of theconstruction of the projeproject.Firmly estact.Firmly esta blish the scratchblish the scratch projeproject isct iseconomic,graspieconomic,graspi ng develng developmeopment project is tnt project is t o hold philosophy,to hold philosophy,t o extraordio extraordinary ef
8、forts to prnary efforts to pr omoting the constromoting the constr uction of key pruction of key pr ojectojects.Pls.Plot 108 key prot 108 key projeojects for the year,with a total icts for the year,with a total i nvestmentnvestment of 29.3 billion yuaof 29.3 billion yua n,iron plate,Jn,iron plate,J
9、oshosh stone cemestone ceme nt waste heatnt waste heat power gepower generation and 13neration and 13 projeprojects complcts completed,worshipeted,worship of 1.2 milliof 1.2 milli on tonson tons of pellets,of pellets,Hua YuHua Yu 80,000 sets80,000 sets of grandparent chickeof grandparent chicke n fa
10、rming,47n farming,47 projeprojects undercts under construction,completed iconstruction,completed i nvestmentnvestment of 3.95 billion yuaof 3.95 billion yua n,annuan,annual plal plan of 69.3%.The first half of the Countys gross domesticn of 69.3%.The first half of the Countys gross domesticproduct i
11、product is expes expected to reacted to reacheched 8.5d 8.5 billibillion yuan,aon yuan,and total rnd total revenueevenue of 943 milliof 943 milli on Yuan.(B)stron Yuan.(B)str uctural auctural adjustment achieved remarkadjustment achieved remarka ble results.Able results.A ctively transforming tctive
12、ly transforming t he patternhe pattern of economiof economi c develc developmeopment,industrialnt,industrial ecologecology,and agricultural moderniy,and agricultural moderni zation and industrialization and industriali zationzation of services.Higof services.Hig h x-County•Th x-County•T
13、in iron circular ein iron circular e conomy demconomy dem onstration areonstration are a,and furta,and further expaher expand end economicconomic develdevelopmeopment zone Jing Diant zone Jing Dia n recyn recycle economy ecology industry Park,Park,cle economy ecology industry Park,Park,circularcircu
14、lareconomy and rapieconomy and rapi d economic deved economic deve lopmelopment.Focus mnt.Focus m ore on theore on the dialectidialectical relationshipcal relationship betweebetween develn developmeopment and environmentalnt and environmental protectiprotection,energy savion,energy savi ng and emiss
15、ing and emissi on reon reduction projectsduction projects play an implay an im portant rportant role.Vole.Vigorously developing agriigorously developing agri culturculture,ecologie,ecological agriculture,cal agriculture,agriculture,modern agriagriculture,modern agri cultcultural cleariural clearing
16、along the River Prng along the River Pr omenade begiomenade begi ns to take shans to take sha pe.Key tpe.Key tourismourism projeprojects is gcts is going welloing well,WA Pala,WA Palace area wace area was named top ten most influes named top ten most influe ntial cultural relintial cultural reli cs
17、ics in Hebei provin Hebei province landscance landscape.Develpe.Developop newnew serviceservices,and servis,and servi ces witces with neh new develw developmeopments.(C)urban-rural integration prnts.(C)urban-rural integration pr oceocess.ss.Promoting threePromoting three-year difference campaig-year
18、 difference campaig n,battlen,battle of two large demof two large dem olition completedolition completed 32 days32 days of 530,000 square meters,exof 530,000 square meters,ex ceedeceeded the ad the annual Tnnual T sk 7 months isk 7 months i n advan advance.General big builnce.General big buil ding j
19、iading jiangjun roangjun road,brid,bridge and higdge and hig hway brihway bri dges,the greendges,the green heart of theheart of the city and other urbacity and other urba n constructin constructi onon projeproject cts,and focus on buildis,and focus on buildi ng neng new countrysiw countryside ade an
20、dnd new housing model villagenew housing model village s,urs,urban aban and rnd rural areas imprural areas impr ove.Higove.Highwayhwayopeopened to traffic,Lined to traffic,Liu Zhau Zhang,ng,QingQing LANLAN high-speed x-County sehigh-speed x-County se ction comction completed by tpleted by the end of
21、 Aughe end of Aug ust.Urban aust.Urban and ruralnd rural项目生产副经理绩效考核分值说明项目生产副经理绩效考核分值说明一、考核方法一、考核方法项目生产经理的主要绩效考核指标以关键绩效指标考核和关键事件考核两种方式结合进行.项生产副经理的关键绩效指标主要有:安全生产、质量控制、文明施工、工程进度、材料使用、成本控制、生产调度;关键事件包括两类事件:积极事件和消极事件.对积极事件的发生采取额外加分的形式,对消极事件的发生采取减分的形式。加减分的标准按事件发生的轻重程度分为轻、中、重三个等级,分别予以不同程度的加分和减分。一、一、考核量表考核量表
22、1 1、本绩效考核指标、本绩效考核指标(总分总分 2020 分)分)考核项目考核项目考核内容和方式考核内容和方式主动性:对职责范围内的事是否主动积极完成。不主动、不积极每次扣 1 分,下不保底。工作态度工作态度责任心:是否能勇于承担责任,工作不推诿.每发生一次推诿现象,扣 1 分,下不保底.遵守纪律遵守纪律是否能严格遵守公司劳动记律管理制度.每违反一次,扣0.5 分。思想觉悟状况、工作是否任劳任怨,诚恳敬业。有不负责任的言行,每次扣 1 分,下不保底.业务素养业务素养专业知识的学习与业务能力的提升状况。同一类失误连续发生,除第一次外,每次扣 1 分,下不保底.协调项目部内部事务,确保主管各项工
23、作顺利进行。由于协调不到位影响到工作进程,每次扣1 分,下不保底。工作协调工作协调协调对外的关系时采取的措施不得力,造成工程停工或其他恶劣影响,每次扣 2 分,下不保底。负责执行主管部门绩效考核制度,按时完成部门的绩效考核.绩效考核完成不及时,每延期一天扣1 分;未执行绩效考核制度或执行不力,每次扣 2 分,下不保底。执行公司管理制度,制定、完善主管部门的管理制度并监督执行。执行制度原则性错误,每次扣2 分;制度执行不力,每次扣 0。5 分,下不保底.2 22 22 2标准分标准分考核者考核者2 22 22 22 2绩效考核绩效考核2 2执行制度执行制度2 2development workd
24、evelopment work steadily isteadily in the pilot counties,ton the pilot counties,to buibuild peld peaceace neighborneighborhood officehood offices approved,chas approved,cha nge,urbange,urban and rural communities(Center),immigrant communities,piln and rural communities(Center),immigrant communities,
25、pilot projects such as iot projects such as i ntegrated managementntegrated management of urbaof urban and rural san and rural sa nitation in ornitation in or der.(D)maintainder.(D)maintain social harmony and stabilsocial harmony and stabil ity.In theity.In the casecase of tight financiof tight fina
26、ncial situatial situation,on,continue to increase tcontinue to increase t he input of people,hahe input of people,ha ppyppy people battle.Urbapeople battle.Urba n cen central heating antral heating andnd upgrade rural power grids,rural reconstructiupgrade rural power grids,rural reconstructi onon of
27、 shaof shabby housing ten major prbby housing ten major pr ojectojects beis being delivereng delivered,had,has bees been overfulfillen overfulfille d ahead.Stred ahead.Stre ngtheningthening of socialng of social programs,college entraprograms,college entra nce examinatince examination to reon to rec
28、orcord heigd heights;new rural ihts;new rural i nsuransurancence coverage rate of thecoverage rate of the citys first,launched icitys first,launched i n new rn new rural cooperative medicalural cooperative medical cliniclinic co-ordinatic co-ordinati on;.Perfect Park caterion;.Perfect Park cateri ng
29、,ang,accommodation,educaticcommodation,educati on,reon,recreation and otcreation and ot her tertiary industriesher tertiary industries supporting,imprsupporting,impr oving socialoving socialization serviization servi cece level,for industries,busilevel,for industries,busi nessenesses and create a go
30、ods and create a good environment for develenvironment for devel opmeopment.3,flexiblnt.3,flexibl e investment,ee investment,enhancenhancethe industrthe industry.Constry.Constructiuction of ion of industrial parkndustrial park s,justs,just set up a platform for theset up a platform for the developme
31、ntdevelopment of only attract moreof only attract more projects iprojects into thento the distridistrict,to form agglomeration advact,to form agglomeration adva ntages.A intages.A innovationnnovation projeproject.To be purct.To be purposeful,targeted iposeful,targeted i nvestment,winvestment,will ha
32、ve all have a basisbasis ofof the Countys industrithe Countys industri al paal packaged bundles,ovckaged bundles,ov erall publicity aerall publicity a ndnd promotion.Initiative goipromotion.Initiative goi ng,plng,pleaseease come icome in and carry out alln and carry out all-round,m-round,multi-levul
33、ti-level and wide-rangeel and wide-range of investment aof investment a ctivities.Tctivities.Thehe owownshinship industrial projects,inp industrial projects,in principle,tprinciple,to put to theo put to the West industriaWest industrial parks.l parks.What tWhat t ownown projeproject,is tct,is that t
34、hehat the output valueoutput value of the Towof the Townshinship.Sep.Second,wcond,we must grasp te must grasp t he standards selehe standards sele cted items.Full accountcted items.Full account ofof extend the industry extend the industry chaichain and the in and the i ntegrationntegration of factor
35、s of prof factors of pr oductioduction,on,not only efforts to intrnot only efforts to intr oduce aoduce a numnumber of scientific aber of scientific a nd tend technolchnologicalogical content and higcontent and hig h added valh added value,growth aue,growth a nd strong drivind strong drivi ng forcen
36、g force of large projeof large projects acts and large end large enterprinterprises,but alsoses,but also on domestic-fundedon domestic-funded enterprienterprises ases and ind in accorn accordance with tdance with t he dirhe direction of industrial develection of industrial devel opmeopment of smalln
37、t of smalland mediand medium projects,um projects,projeproject man,ct man,small project oversmall project over whelmiwhelming.Meet the area of theng.Meet the area of the Countys new industrialCountys new industrial projeprojects acts and citynd city back iback into rural ento rural enterprises,innte
38、rprises,in principlprinciple,all stationed ie,all stationed i n industrialn industrial parks.Mparks.Meanweanwhile,strihile,strict controlct control of excess capaof excess capacity andcity and high ehigh energy consumptinergy consumpti on,on,high emission enterprihigh emission enterpri ses to entese
39、s to enter.Thirr.Thirdly,increased idly,increased incentivesncentives on the project.Investment of theon the project.Investment of the whole society,the Towwhole society,the Tow nshinship and Countyp and County units gunits go out ao out andnd draft projedraft project.To establict.To establish inves
40、h investment incentives forstment incentives for successful introduction of signifisuccessful introduction of signifi cant prcant project giveoject give s awards ts awards to unito units and individuals,the introductions and individuals,the introductionof tax for the implementation of theof tax for
41、the implementation of theprojeproject,to intrct,to introduceoduce organizatiorganization inton into rewards.4,preferentio rewards.4,preferenti al polal policies,and seicies,and se curity industriecurity industries.In terms of project examination and approval,s.In terms of project examination and app
42、roval,by area Adminiby area Admini strative Committee in conjunction with tstrative Committee in conjunction with t he devehe developmelopment,plant,planninning,lang,land,ind,industry and commerce,quality control andustry and commerce,quality control a nd otnd other deher departments,partments,oneon
43、e-stop rece-stop reception,one-stopption,one-stop service,the simplifieservice,the simplifie d procedures,td procedures,t he time limit originallhe time limit originall y.y.In the managIn the management of EIA in aement of EIA in a ccordaccordance wnce with theith theBuilBuilding iding industry open
44、dustry ope ns up nens up new worlw world of entred of entrepreneurial strpreneurial str uggle touggle to build a tbuild a t hree prhree provinces of regiovinces of regi onalonal centralcentral citiescities-i-in then the Communist x countieCommunist x countie s thes the six plesix plenary senary sess
45、ion memberssion member s and comrades:ts and comrades:t odaoday,I wasy,I was commissionedcommissioned by theby the County partyCounty party Committee StandiCommittee Standi ng Committee,reports to theng Committee,reports to the General Assembl General Assembl y.Consideratiy.Considerationon of all me
46、mbers aof all members a nd alternd alternates,anates,andnd comradecomrades attendis attending adving advice.Ace.A,and this year y,and this year y ilai of wilai of w ork recalleork recalled thid this year yilai,is year yilai,i n munin municipacipal of right led Xia,l of right led Xia,County solidarit
47、y led County peCounty solidarity led County pe opleople,to scien,to scien cece development viewdevelopment view s for guis for guide,to gde,to good activitieood activitie s for mainlis for mainli ne,accorne,according tding to a city four modernizatio a city four modernizati ons three moreons three m
48、ore of development tof development t houghought,concentratedht,concentrated poly forpoly force,wce,work harork hard,politicald,political,and economic,a,and economic,a ndnd cultculture,and socialure,and social andand party of constructiparty of constructi on are maon are ma de hade has nes new progre
49、w progress,ss,County renderingCounty rendering out wout wind fresh are,aind fresh are,a ndnd careercareer prosperity,prosperity,and social settled,aand social settled,a ndnd peoplepeople mind int mind into of good sito of good sit uation.(A)facilitating theuation.(A)facilitating the construction of
50、theconstruction of the projeproject.Firmly estact.Firmly esta blish the scratchblish the scratch projeproject isct iseconomic,graspieconomic,graspi ng develng developmeopment project is tnt project is t o hold philosophy,to hold philosophy,t o extraordio extraordinary efforts to prnary efforts to pr