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1、 暖通专业常用术语中英文对照 1 采暖术语 1.1 一般术语 1 采暖 heating;space heating 2 集中采暖 central heating;concentrated heating 3 全面采暖 general heating 4 局部采暖 local heating 5 连续采暖 continuous heating 6 间歇采暖 intermittent heating 7 值班采暖 standby heating 8 热水采暖 hot water heating 9 高温热水采暖 hight temperature water heating;high-pressu

2、re hot water heating 10 蒸汽采暖 steam heating 11 高压蒸汽采暖 high-pressure steam heating 12 低压蒸汽采暖 low-pressure steam heating 13 真空采暖 vacuum heating 14 对流采暖 convection heating 15 散热器采暖 radiator heating 16 热风采暖 warm-air heating;hot air heating 17 集中送风采暖 localized air supply for air-heating 18 辐射采暖 panel heat

3、ing;radiant heating 19 顶棚辐射采暖 ceiling panel heating 20 地板辐射采暖 floor panel heating 21 墙壁辐射采暖 wall panel heating 22 金属辐射采暖 metal radiant panel heating 23 煤气红外线辐射采暖 gas-fired infrared heating 24 电热辐射采暖 electric radiant heating;electric panel heating 25 火炉采暖 stove heating 26 太阳能采暖 solar heating 27 热源 he

4、at source 28 热媒 heating medium 29 饱和蒸汽 saturated steam 30 过热蒸汽 superheated steam;overheat steam 31 二次蒸汽 flash steam 32 汽水混合物 steam water mixture 33 热媒参数 heating medium parameter 34 供水温度 supply water temperature 35 回水温度 return water temperature 36 供回水温度 temperature difference between supply and retur

5、n water 37 供汽压力 pressure of steam supply 38 凝结水背压力 back pressure of steam trap 39 锅炉房 boiler room;boiler house;boiler plant 40 供热 heat supply;heating 41 区域供热 district heating;district heat supply 42 热网 heat supply network;heat distributing network 43 热力入口 building heating entry 44 开式回水 open return 4

6、5 闭式回水 closed return 46 余压回水 back pressure return 47 闭式满管回水 dosed full flow return 1.2 围护结构与热负荷 1 围护结构 building envelope 2 空气间层 air space;airspace 3 传热 heating transfer;heat transmission 4 稳态传热 steady-state heat transfer 5 非稳态传热 unsteady-state heat transfer 6 热流量 heat flow rate 7 导热系数 Thermal conduc

7、tivity(coefficient);heat conduction coefficient;heat conductivity 8 导温系数 thermal diffusivity 9 热阻 thermal resistance;heat resistance 10 表面换热系数 surfacefilmthermal conductance;surface coefficient of heat transfer 11 表面换热阻 surfacefilm resistance of heat thermal transfer 12 传热系数 coefficient of heat tran

8、sfer;overall heat transmission coefficient 13 传热阻 resistance of heat transfer 14 最大传热系数 maximum coefficient of heat transfer 15 最小传热 minimum resistance of heat transfer 16 经济传热阻 economic resistance of heat transfer 17 蓄热系数 coefficient of accumulation of heat;coefficient of thermal storage 18 热惰性指标(D

9、 值)index of thermal inertia(value D)19 热稳定性 thermal stability;heat endurance 20 衰减倍数 damping factor 21 延迟时间 heat(thermal)lag;detention period 22 蒸汽渗透系数 coefficient of vapor permeability;coefficient of vapo(u)rpermeation 23 蒸汽渗透阻 resistance to water vapor permeability;resistance to water vapor permea

10、tion 24 耗热量 heat loss 25 基本耗热量 basic heat loss 26 附加耗热量 additional heat loss 27 围护结构温差修正系数 temperature difference correction factor of envelope 28 温度梯度 temperature gradient 29 朝向修正率 correction factor for orientation 30 风力附加率 additional factor for wind force 31 外门附加率 additional factor for exterior do

11、or 32 高度附加率 additional factor for room height 33 间歇附加率 additional factor for intermittent heating 34 冷风渗透耗热量 heat loss by infiltration;infiltration heat loss 35 通风耗热量 ventilation heat loss 36 热负荷 heating load 1.3 采暖系统 1 采暖系统 heating system 2 热水采暖系统 hot water heating system 3 蒸汽采暖系统 steam heating sys

12、tem 4 真空采暖系统 vacuum heating system;vacuum return-line heating system 5 蒸汽喷射热水采暖系统 steam-jet hot water heating system 6 散热器采暖系统 radiator heating system 7 热风采暖系统 warm-air heating system;hot air heating system 8 同程式系统 reversed return system 9 异程式系统 direct return system 10 单管采暖系统 one(single)-pipe heatin

13、g system 11 垂直单管采暖系统 vertical one(single)-pipe heating system 12 水平单管采暖系统 one(single)-pipe loop circuit heating system 13 单管顺序式采暖系统 one(single)-pipe series-loop heating system 14 单管跨越式采暖系统 one(single)-pipe circuit(cross-over)heating system 15 双管采暖系统 two-pipe heating system 16 单双管混合式采暖系统 one-and-two

14、pipe combined heating system 17 上分式系统 downfeed system 18 下分式系统 upfeed system 19 中分式系统 midfeed system 1.4 管道及配件 1 采暖管道 heating pipe line 2 热水管 hot water pipe 3 蒸汽管 steam pipe 4 凝结水管 condensate pipe 5 干式凝结水管 dry return pipe 6 湿式凝结水管 wet return pipe 7 总管 main pipe;main;trunk pipe 8 干管 main pipe;main;tr

15、unk pipe 9 立管 riser 10 支管 branch pipe;branch 11 散热器供热支管 feeding branch of radiator 12 散热器回水支管 return branch of radiator 13 排气管 vent;vent pipe 14 泄水管 drain pipe 15 旁通管 by-pass pipe 16 膨胀管 expansion pipe 17 循环管 circulating pipe 18 排污管 drainage pipe;blow off pipe;blowdown 19 溢流管 overflow pipe 20 管道配件 p

16、ipe fittings 21 管接头 coupling 22 活接头 union 23 异径管接头 reducing coupling 24 弯头 elbow 25 三通 tee 26 四通 cross 27 丝堵 screwed plug;plug 28 补心 bushing 29 长丝 close nipple;shoulder nipple 30 丝对 screw nipple 31 固定支架 fixed support 32 活动支架 movable support 1.5 水力计算 1 水力计算 hydraulic calculation 2 环路 circuit;loop 3 最

17、不利环路 index circuit 4 共同段 common section 5 非共同段 non-common section 6 管段 pipe section 7 管段长度 length of pipe section 8 当量长度 equivalent length 9 折算长度 effective length 10 摩擦阻力 friction loss;frictional resistance 11 比摩阻 specific frictional resistance 12 摩擦系数 friction factor 13 绝对粗糙度 absolute roughness 14

18、相对粗糙度 15 局部阻力 local resistance 16 局部阻力系数 coefficient of local resistance 17 当量局部阻力系数 equivalent coefficient of local resistance 18 折算局部阻力系数 effective coefficient of local resistance 19 阻力平衡 hydraulic resistance balance 20 压力损失 pressure drop 21 水力失调 hydraulic disorder 22 极限流速 limiting velocity 23 经济流

19、速 economic velocity 24 系统阻力 system resistance 25 作用半径 operating range 26 资用压力 available pressure 27 工作压力 working pressure;operating pressure 28 静压 static pressure 29 动压 velocity pressure 30 全压 total pressure 1.6 采暖设备及附件 1 采暖设备 heating equipment;heating appliance 2 锅炉 boiler 3 热水锅炉 hot water boiler 4

20、 蒸汽锅炉 steam boiler 5 换热器 heat exchanger 6 水水式换热器 water-water type heat exchanger 7 汽水式换热器 steam-water type heat exchanger 8 表面式换热器 surface-type heat exchanger;indirect heat exchanger 9 汽水混合式换热器 steam-water mixed heat exchanger;direct-contact heat exchanger 10 蒸汽喷射器 steam ejector 11 膨胀水箱 expansion ta

21、nk 12 凝结水箱 condensate tank 13 开式水箱 open tank 14 闭式水箱 closed tank 15 补给水泵 make-up water pump 16 循环泵 circulating pump 17 加压泵 booster 18 凝结水泵 condensate pump 19 手摇泵 hand pump 20 真空泵 vacuum pump 21 散热器 radiator;heat emitter 22 对流散热器 convector 23 铸铁散热器 cast iron radiator 24 钢制散热器 steel radiator 25 光面管散热器

22、 pipecoil;pipe radiator 26 暖风机 unit heater 27 轴流式暖风机 unit heater with axial fan 28 离心式暖风机 unit heater with centrifugal fan 29 空气加热器 air heater 30 空气幕 air curtain 31 热风幕 warm air curtain 32 燃油热风器 oil-fired unit heater 33 燃气热风器 gas-fired unit heater 34 金属辐射板 metal radiant panel 35 块状辐射板 unit radiant p

23、anel 36 带状辐射板 strip radiant panel 37 红外线辐射器 infrared radiant heater 38 混水器 water-water jet 39 除污器 strainer 40 分汽缸 steam manifold;steam header 41 分水器 header 42 集水器 header 43 集气罐 air collector 44 补偿器 compensator 45 减压阀 reducing valve;pressure reducing valve 46 安全阀 safety valve;pressure relief valve 47

24、 止回阀 check valve;nonreturn valve 48 截止阀 stop valve 49 闸阀 gate valve 50 角阀 angle valve 51 浮球阀 float valve 52 放气阀 vent;air vent 53 自动放气阀 automatic vent 54 散热器调节阀 radiator valve 55 疏水器 steam trap 56 浮桶式疏水器 upright bucket type steam trap 57 倒吊桶式疏水器 inverted bucket type steam trap 58 浮球式疏水器 float type st

25、eam trap 59 热动力式疏水器 thermodynamic type steam trap 60 恒温式疏水器 expansion steam trap;thermostatic steam trap 2 通风术语 2.1 一般术语 1 通风 ventilation 2 工业通风 industrial ventilation 3 自然通风 natural ventilation 4 机械通风 mechanical ventilation;forced ventilation 5 联合通风 natural and mechanical combined ventilation 6 全面通

26、风 general ventilation;entirely ventilation;general air change 7 全面排风 general exhaust ventilation(GEV)8 有组织进风 organized air supply 9 有组织排风 organized exhaust 10 无组织进风 unorganized air supply 11 无组织排风 unorganized exhaust 12 局部通风 local ventilation 13 局部送风 local relief 14 局部排风 local exhaust ventilation(LE

27、V)15 槽边通风 rim ventilation;slot exhaust on edges of tanks 16 事故通风 emergency ventilation 17 诱导通风 inductive ventilation 18 单向流通风 unidirectional flow ventilation 19 通风量 ventilation rate 20 换气次数 air changes;ventilating rate 21 进风量 supply air rate 22 排风量 exhaust air rate 23 风量平衡 air balance 24 热平衡 heat ba

28、lance 25 余热 excess heat;excessive heat 26 余湿 moisture excess 27 有害物质 harmful substance 28 蒸汽 vapo(u)r 29 有害物质浓度 concentration of harmful substance 30 质量浓度 mass concentration 31 体积浓度 volumetric concentration 32 计数浓度 number concentration;particle number concentration 33 最高容许浓度 maximum allowable concen

29、tration(MAC)34 防火 fire protection;fire prevention 35 防爆 explosion proofing 36 防烟 smoke control 37 排烟 smoke extraction 2.2 自然通风与隔热降温 1 有组织自然通风 organized natural ventilation;controlled natural ventilation 2 无组织自然通风 unorganized natural ventilation;uncontrolled natural ventilation 3 穿堂风 through flow;thr

30、ough-draught;cross-ventilation 4 自然排风系统 natural exhaust system 5 热压 thermal pressure;thermal buoyancy;stack effect pressure 6 风压 wind pressure 7 余压 excess pressure 8 建筑气流区 building flow zones 9 稳定气流区 contour zone 10 正压区 zone of positive pressure 11 空气动力阴影区 recirculation cavity;zone of recirculating

31、flow;zone of aerodynamic shadow 12 尾流区 zone of wake 13 负压区 zone of negative pressure 14 散热源 source of heat release 15 散热量 heat release 16 散热强度 specific heat load 17 散热量有效系数 coefficient of effective heat emission 18 排风温度 temperature of outgoing air 19 中和界 neutral level;neutral zone;neutral pressure l

32、evel 20 避风天窗 protectedroofmonitor;wind-proofed monitor 21 挡风板 wind shield;baffle plate 22 倒灌 wind blow in;down draft 23 热车间 hot workshop;hot shop 24 隔热 heat(thermal)insulation 25 隔热屏 heat screen;heat shield 26 水幕 water screen;water curtain 27 隔热水箱 water tank for heat(thermal)insulation;water-cooled

33、absorptive shielding 28 通风屋顶 ventilated roof 29 降温 cooling 30 降温系统 cooling system 31 地道风 air through tunnel 2.3 机械通风 1 机械通风系统 mechanical ventilating system 2 机械送风系统 mechanical air supply system 3 机械排风系统 mechanical exhaust system 4 局部送风系统 local air supply system;local relief system 5 局部排风系统 local exh

34、aust system 6 事故通风系统 emergency ventilate on system 7 通风设备 ventilation equipment;ventilation facilities 8 送风机 supply fan 9 排风机 exhaust fan 10 通风机室 fan room;fan house 11 送风机室 supply fan room 12 排风机室 exhaust fan room 13 进风口 air intake 14 百叶窗 louver;shutter 15 保温窗 heat insulating window 16 空气加热器旁通阀 by-p

35、ass damper 17 局部排风罩 exhaust hood;hood 18 外部吸气罩 capturing hood 19 接受式排风罩 receiving hood 20 密闭罩 exhausted enclosure;enclosed hood 21 局部密闭罩 partial enclosure 22 整体密闭罩 integral enclosure 23 大容器密闭罩 large space enclosure;closed booth 24 排风柜 laboratory hood;fume hood 25 伞形罩 ganopy hood 26 侧吸罩 lateral hood;

36、side hood 27 槽边排风罩 rim exhaust;slot exhaust hood;lateral exhaust at the edge of a bath 28 吹吸式排风罩 push-pull hood 29 罩口风速 face velocity 30 控制风速 capture velocity;control velocity 2.4 除尘 1 粉尘 dust 2 纤维性粉尘 fibrous dust 3 亲水性粉尘 hydrophilic dust;lyophilic dust 4 疏水性粉尘 hydrophobic dust;lyophobic dust 5 游离二氧

37、化硅 free silica;free silicon dioxide 6 气溶胶 aerosol 7 大气尘 airborne particles;particulates;atmospheric dust 8 烟尘 smoke 9 烟雾 fume 10 烟气 fumes 11 液滴 droplet 12 雾 mist 13 粒子 particle;particulate 14 粒径 particle size 15 粒径分布 particle size distribution;granulometric distribution 16 安息角 angle of repose;angle

38、of rest 17 滑动角 angle of slide 18 真密度 actual density;density of dust particle 19 堆积密度 volume density;apparent density;bulk density 20 比电阻 resistivity;specific resistance 21 可湿性 wettability 22 水硬性 hydraulicity 23 尘源 dust source 24 尘化作用 pulvation action 25 二次扬尘 reentrainment of dust 26 沉降速度 settling ve

39、locity 27 悬浮速度 suspended velocity 28 除尘 dust removal;dust separation;dust control 29 机械除尘 mechanical dust removal;mechanical cleaning off dust 30 湿法除尘 wet dust collection;wet dust extraction 31 水力除尘 hydraulic dust removal 32 联合除尘 mechanical and hydraulic combined dust removal 33 除尘系统 dust removing s

40、ystem 34 湿式作业 wet method operation 35 湿法冲洗 wet flushing 36 泥浆处理 sludge handling 37 气力输送 Pneumatic conveying;pneumatic transport 38 含尘浓度 dust concentration 39 初始浓度 initial concentration of dust 40 除尘效率 overall efficiency of separation;total separation efficiency;collection efficiency 41 分级除尘效率 grade

41、efficiency;fractional separation efficiency 42 分割粒径 cut diameter 43 过滤器初阻力 initial resistance of filter 44 过滤器终阻力 final resistance of filter 45 容尘量 dust capacity;clogging capacity;dust-holding capacity 46 过滤效率 filter efficiency 47 穿透率 penetration rate;slip rate 48 气布比 air-to-cloth ratio;specific gas

42、 flow rate 49 过滤速度 filtration velocity;media velocity 50 连续除灰 continuous dust dislodging;continuous dust removal 51 定期除灰 periodic dust dislodging;intermittent dust removal 2.5 有害气体净化及排放 1 有害气体 harmful gas and vapour 2 气体吸收 absorption of gas and vapour 3 气体吸附 adsorption of gas and vapour 4 气体燃烧 combu

43、stion of gas and vapour 5 直接燃烧 direct combustion 6 热力燃烧 thermal oxidation;flame combustion 7 催化燃烧 catalytic combustion;catalytic oxidation 8 气体冷凝 condensation of vapour 9 吸收装置 absorption equipment 10 吸收剂 absorbent 11 解吸 desorption 12 吸收质 absorbate 13 吸附装置 adsorption equipment;adsorber 14 吸附剂 adsorbe

44、nt 15 吸附质 adsorbate 16 大气扩散 atmospheric diffusion;dispersion 17 大气湍流 atmospheric turbulence 18 大气稳定度 atmospheric stability 19 逆温 temperature inversion 20 逆温层 inversion layer;thermal inversion layer 21 排气烟囱 chimney;stack;exhaust vertical pipe 22 烟羽 plume;smoke plume 23 烟羽抬升高度 plume rise height 24 烟羽有

45、效高度 effective stack height 25 大气污染 atmospheric pollution;air pollution 26 空气污染物 air pollutant;air contaminant 27 排放浓度 emission concentration 28 落地浓度 ground-level concentration 2.6 通风管道及附件 1 通风管道 ventilating duct 2 风管 air duct;duct 3 风道 air channel;air duct;duct 4 通风总管 main duct;trunk duct 5 通风干管 mai

46、n duct 6 通风支管 branch duct 7 软管 flexible duct 8 柔性接头 flexible joint 9 集合管 air manifold;air header 10 通过式风管 passage ventilating duct;through air duct 11 筒形风帽 cylindrical ventilator;roof ventilator 12 伞形风帽 cowl;weather cap 13 锥形风帽 conical cowl;tapered cowl 14 通风部件 components;part;piece 15 通风配件 fittings

47、 16 导流板 guide vane;turning vane;splitter 17 蝶阀 butterfly damper 18 对开式多叶阀 opposed multiblade damper 19 平行式多叶阀 parallel multiblade damper 20 菱形叶片调节阀 diamond-shaped damper 21 插板阀 slide damper 22 斜插板阀 inclined damper 23 通风止回阀 check damper;nonreturn damper 24 防火阀 fire damper;fire-resisting damper 25 防烟阀

48、 smokeproof damper;smoke damper 26 排烟阀 smoke exhaust damper 27 防回流装置 back-flow preventer;subduct assembly 28 泄压装置 pressure relief device 29 风口 air opening;exhaust opening or inlet;air inlet 30 散流器 diffuser 31 百叶型风口 register 32 条缝型风口 slot outlet;slote diffuser 33 旋流风口 twist outlet;swirl diffuser 34 空

49、气分布器 air distributor 35 旋转送风口 rotating air outlet with movable guide vanes;rotary supply outlet 36 插板式送吸风口 air supply(suction)opening with slide plate 37 吸风口 exhaust opening;exhaust inlet 38 排风口 exit;exhaust outlet 39 清扫孔 cleanout opening;cleaning hole 40 检查门 access door 41 测孔 sampling port;sampling

50、 hole 42 风管支吊架 support(hanger)of duct 2.7 通风与除尘设备 1 通风机 fan 2 离心式通风机 centrifugal fan 3 轴流式通风机 axial fan 4 贯流式通风机 cross-flow fan;tangential fan 5 屋顶通风机 power roof ventilator 6 风扇 circulating fan 7 吊扇 ceiling fan 8 喷雾风扇 spray fan;air-douche unit with water atomization 9 冷风机组 self-contained cooling uni


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