1、Contemplation is controlled by the spleen.So excessive contemplation will stagnate spleen-qi and affect transportation and transformation Contemplation 思思则则气气结结leading to gastric and abdominal distension and fullness,anorexia and loose stool,etc.Prolonged indulgence in contemplation consumes yin-blo
2、od and deprives the heart-spirit of nourishment,often bringing on palpitation,amnesia,insomnia and dreaminess,etc.从而出现脘腹胀满、食欲不振,大便溏薄等症。久思不解,阴血暗耗,心神失养,则出现心悸、健忘、失眠、多梦等症。举举头头望望明明月月,低低头头 故故乡乡。思思悲悲悲为为肺肺之之志志,过过悲悲可可使使肺肺气气消消减减。凡凡悲悲哀哀至至极极,肺肺气气过过于于敛敛肃肃,宣宣发发输输布布失失职职,营营卫卫不不能能布布散散,胸胸中中大大气气(宗宗气气)于于是是消消耗耗。excessiv
3、e grief affects the normal functions of the lung todepurate,descend,disperse and distribute,leading to failure of the nutrient qi and the defensive qi to distribute and consumption of the pectoral qi.Greif is dominated by the lung,so excessive grief exhausts lung-qi.UsuallySo excessive grief often i
4、mpairs the lung,leading to dizziness,lassitude and dispiritedness,etc 故悲哀伤肺者,常见头昏、乏力、精神不振等症。故悲哀伤肺者,常见头昏、乏力、精神不振等症。忧忧Excessive anxiety inhibiting qi忧则气郁忧则气郁忧忧与与肺肺、肝肝均均有有关关,忧忧愁愁过过度度,可可伤伤及及肺肺、肝肝。忧忧则则气气郁郁,可可导导致致肺肺气气抑抑郁郁或或肝肝气气郁郁结结。Anxiety is related to the liver and the lung.Excessive anxiety may impair
5、the lung and the liver.Anxiety usually inhibits qi and leads to depression of lung-qi or stagnation of liver-qi.The depression of lung-qi causes chest oppression and unsmooth breath;stagnation of liver-qi leads to hypochondriac distension and fullness or pain,unhappiness and reduced appetite.肺气抑郁则使人
6、心胸满闷,呼吸不畅;肝气郁结则可致胸胁胀满或疼痛,心中不快,饮食减少等。喜喜喜喜Excessive joy relaxing the activity of qi 喜喜则则气气缓缓 缓缓有有“缓缓和和”与与“涣涣散散”双双重重含含义义。喜喜为为心心之之志志,正正常常情情况况下下,喜喜能能使使气气血血和和缓缓,营营卫卫通通利利,心心情情舒舒畅畅;“Relax”here also means“slack”.Joy is controlled by the heart.normally joy can harmonize qi and blood,smooth the activity of the
7、 nutrient qi and defensive qi as well as ease the mind.喜则气缓喜则气缓 If it becomes excessive,it may slack heart-qi,derange the mind and lead to inability to concentrate and even mania.若大喜过度则导致心气涣散,若大喜过度则导致心气涣散,神不守舍,出现精神不集中,神不守舍,出现精神不集中,甚至失神狂乱等症状。甚至失神狂乱等症状。怒怒怒则气上怒则气上 Excessive anger driving qi to move upw
8、ards怒怒为为肝肝之之志志,大大怒怒使使肝肝气气横横逆逆上上冲冲,血血随随气气逆逆,并并走走于于上上,可可出出现现头头昏昏胀胀痛痛、面面红红目目赤赤,或或呕呕血血等等症症,甚甚至至突突然然昏昏厥厥。Anger is controlled by the liver.Excessive anger drives liver-qi,together with the blood,moving adversely upwards and leading to dizziness,distending headache,reddish complexion and redness of the eye
9、s or hematemesis,or even sudden syncope.Under excessive anger,liver-qi may flow adversely and attack the spleen and stomach,causing anorexia,chest oppression and belching or even diarrhea.大怒而肝气横逆,犯脾乘胃,则令脾胃受制,大怒而肝气横逆,犯脾乘胃,则令脾胃受制,使人不欲饮食,脘闷嗳气,或见大便泄泻。使人不欲饮食,脘闷嗳气,或见大便泄泻。恐恐 恐则气下恐则气下 恐恐为为肾肾之之志志,大大恐恐则则令令肾肾气
10、气下下沉沉,固固摄摄无无权权,气气泄泄于于下下,导导致致二二便便失失禁禁;或或精精失失所所藏藏,而而致致骨骨酸酸萎萎厥厥、遗遗精精等等症症。Excessive terror driving qi to move downwardsTerror is dominated by the kidney,So sudden terror drives qi to move downwards,leading to incontinence of urine and feces due to failure of kidney-qi to fixate or weakness and atrophy o
11、f the bones and essence.恐惧日久不解,气机不能升发,脏腑功能减退,正气不能卫外,恐惧日久不解,气机不能升发,脏腑功能减退,正气不能卫外,也易感受各种外邪而发病。也易感受各种外邪而发病。Prolonged state of terror may lead to various diseases due to failure of qi to elevate,decline of the visceral functions and inability of healthy qi to defend the superficies.惊惊 惊惊与与恐恐可可由由相相似似的的外外
12、界界刺刺激激所所引引起起,但但两两者者在在脏脏腑腑气气机机上上的的反反应应有有明明显显区区别别。恐恐生生于于肾肾,导导致致气气机机下下行行;惊惊生生于于心心,引引起起气气机机紊紊乱乱。Fear and terror are all caused by similar external stimuli,but they are different in the response of visceral qi activity.Terror,dominated by the kidney,drives qi to move downwards;fear,originating from the h
13、eart,disturbs the activity of qi.惊则气乱惊则气乱Excessive fear distributing qi So when frightened,the main response are disorder of heart-qi,derangement of the mind,indecision and bewilderment.Disorder of the activity of qi damages the harmony between qi and blood and weakens the defensive qi,leading to in
14、vasion of pathogenic factors into the body and occurrence of disease.因此,人受惊吓之时,主要反应为心气紊乱,神无所主,因此,人受惊吓之时,主要反应为心气紊乱,神无所主,虑无主,虑无所定,不知所措。由于气机紊乱,虑无主,虑无所定,不知所措。由于气机紊乱,于是气血不调,卫外不固,邪气便能乘虚而入,于是气血不调,卫外不固,邪气便能乘虚而入,导致疾病的发生。导致疾病的发生。Causing aggravating certain diseasesEmotional factors can cause certain diseases.
15、For example,people with frequent superabundance of liver-yang tend to flare into violent rage which brings on violent hyperactivity of liver-yang,leading to sudden dizziness and syncope or unconsciousness,paralysis and distorted face.情志因素可引发某些疾病。如素体肝阳偏亢者,若遇事恼怒,肝阳暴张,可突发眩晕、昏厥,或昏仆不语,半身不遂,口眼涡斜等。Besides,certain diseases may become aggravated or worsened because of abnormal changes of emotions.For example,the heart disease can be caused and quickly worsened by sudden terror.某些疾病过程中,可因异常的情绪波动而使疾病加重,或迅速恶化,如心脏病患者,可因突然受惊恐刺激而骤然发病,并迅速恶化。