1、2023年漓江导游词(精选4篇)_桂林漓江导游词 漓江导游词(精选4篇)由我整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“桂林漓江导游词”。 第1篇:漓江的导游词 漓江的导游词 【篇1:桂林漓江导游词】 桂林漓江导游词 各位朋友、各位来宾: 欢迎大家乘船游览美丽的漓江。 漓江属于珠江水系,发源地在桂林北面兴安县境内的猫儿山。猫儿山是史称五岭之一的越城岭主峰,海拔2238米,号称中南最高峰,漓江由猫儿山下的涓涓细流汇集而成兴安县境内至今还保留着秦始皇时期修建的“灵渠”,它是中国第一条人工运河,史称“兴安灵渠”,它把漓江的水和湘江的水连接起来。湘江在湖南境内,属于长江水系。大自然赋予了它特
2、定的方式。大家都知道,“世上无水不东流”是因为地球西部地形高,东部地形低所造成的,但惟有湘江的水是由南向北而去,漓江的水由北向南而下,所谓“湘漓分流”、“相离而去”,漓江故此得名,大概就是这个意思吧。另外漓江的“漓”字,在字典里面是清澈、透明的意思,大概也是漓江名称最佳的含义。漓江在中国的历史上曾经起过重大作用,灵渠开凿之后,它沟通了岭南与中原的联系,对秦王朝统一中国的大业,以及对桂林乃至西南地区政治、经济、文化、军事都有深刻的影响。 竹江景区 (群龙戏水)在前面右侧临水的山壁,有几根悬垂倒挂的钟乳石柱,它们形态嵯峨,形神兼备,仿佛像几条饮江的巨龙,它们的身子,隐藏在山壁内,只有龙头向着水面。
3、第当春夏水涨,龙头便会吐出雨露。传说这几条龙是天帝派它们到漓江边来采集桂花香精的。很久以前这些山坡上长满了桂花,那冲天的香气直贯天宫,引得嫦娥也想偷偷下凡,天帝为之震怒,于是派来了这几条神龙,要把这桂花的香气全部吸尽带回了天宫。谁知道神龙到了这时原形被这里的景色迷住了,它们不仅没有带走人间的桂花,反而引来了天庭的雨露,它们把雨露倾注在崖壁下的潭里,从此这个潭就叫沉香潭。沉香潭的水灌溉了漓江两崖的四方土地,在这片土地上的桂花树枝叶长得更加繁茂了,漓江八月两岸到处都是桂花香,怪不得人们都把这片地方叫桂林呢! 草坪景区 (锣鼓鸳鸯滩)弯弯曲曲的漓江,有一个湾就有一个滩,有人数了一下,从桂林到阳朔,8
4、3公里的水程,共360.5个滩。滩头滩尾水比较浅,漓江从滩头上流过,发出淙淙的响声,这响声仿佛是天宫中的仙乐,听了叫人飘飘欲仙。其实这哪里是仙乐,这是漓江的音乐,请大家看,左岸边有两块大石头,一个像圆鼓,一个像金锣,当地的村民们都叫它们锣鼓石。右岸边两座拔秀的小山柱,仿佛是一对锣锤和鼓棍,大家仔细听,仿佛还有一对鸳鸯在唱歌呢。 杨堤景区 (八仙游江)右前方,山到了这里突兀而起,云到了这里虚无缥缈,给人以幻境的感觉。这一带山峦叠嶂,气势雄伟,前面一组8个山头,很像我国古代神话传说中的8个仙人,靠近江边头光光的是铁拐李,旁边的是曹国舅,下面戴帽子的是河仙姑,接下来的是张果老、韩湘子、吕洞宾、蓝采和
5、、钟汉离,正好8个。据说有一天,8位仙人各显神通,飘洋过海,结伴而行,他们来到了漓江边上,看到了美丽的漓江风光,这里碧水青峰,田园似锦,于是他们决定留下来,这个景点取名叫“八仙游江”。 兴坪景区 (溯江鲤鱼)前边有一个山峰又长又大,横亘在漓江边,整个山形很像鲤鱼,鱼头朝右,鱼尾朝左,鱼嘴跟右边的这座山峰相连,在高高的鱼背上有一组小山峰构成了鱼鳍,真是一条活灵活现的大鲤鱼,那是世界上最大的一条鲤鱼,谁也没有办法称它的重量。那鳍鱼又像一只小哈巴狗,也就是我们通常说的狮子狗,它的头部、眼睛、四肢都很清楚,真是可爱极了。 桂林山水有四大特点:山青、水秀、洞奇、石美,那么漓江除此之外还有瀑布、流泉、险滩
6、、竹林四绝。有人说:漓江不仅仅有这睦,而且还有怪、迷、奇、绝四大特点,那就是古榕之怪,画山之奇,冠岩之迷,半边渡之绝。凡此种种,不一而足,真是仁者见仁,智者见智。 阳塑景区 (“带”字石刻)碧莲峰上碑文石刻很多,特别是山腰石壁上刻有清代光绪年间一个草书“带”子更是令碧莲生逃。其字形结构意味深长,人称一字诗,竟包含了“一带山河,少年努力”八个字的韵味和笔意。从欣赏这个“带”字,最后我们应该总结漓江的精神就是一个“妙”字,漓江风景的自然美,妙不可言。 各位朋友,今天的漓江游即将结束,欢迎您及您的朋友下次再来游览漓江。 【篇2:漓江英文导游词】 welcome to cruise the beaut
7、iful lijiang river!our boat is leaving zhu jiang port.it will take us 4hours to reach our destination yangshuo.if you have any difficulty and requirement, please dont hesitate to ask us, well, it is time to set sail.here i want to wish all of you a pleasant journey and all the best.dear visitors, ou
8、r ship are along the rivers, the first scenic area we are going to tour is zhujiang scenic area, and we will soon see bat hill.here, i would like to give you a brief introduction of the lijiang river.originates from the northern side guilin within the boundaries of xing an countys cat mountain.the s
9、cenery of guilin has been called the finest under heaven.and the lijiang river is the embodiment of guilin landscape.lijiang is one of the three national key scenic spots in guangxi and also one of the first batches of chinese 5 a grade scenic spot.from guilin to yangshuos 83 kilometers, is the eenc
10、e of the lijiang river, so there is the saying the hundreds lijiang river, the hundreds gallery, said this area is the most typical karst landscape development areas, integrated with green mountains, elegant water, strange hole, stone beauty in a body, to cruise along the lijiang river on matter whe
11、ther its fine or rainy youll find it is a fascinating experience.numerous strange peaks stand upright on the bank of the river, and youll see their vivid reflections changing constantly as the travel boat goes.the marvelous landscape will present you a painting in a poem and a poem in a painting.the
12、 different landscape at each turn of the river certainly offers you a different taste.green mountains beautiful waters reflect each other, with the slowly voyage, opened the landscape painting, you see, right in front of the ship is the bat hill.the two peaks with flat yellow cliffs look like two fl
13、ying bats.look head you will find two peaks like two lions playing with a ball .to cruise along the lijiang river you have to use your imagination.dear visitors, we just finished see beautiful scene, now, our boat will take a big turn to the yangdi scenic area , here is another splendid spots.look a
14、t the bank, from narrow to wide, enlightened, even the skylight also very bright, here is the the history of the lijiang river, you see, there is a very high precipice with a plain cliff face? there are many lines in green ,yellow and white colors which make up a huge colorful landscape painting , t
15、he content of the picture as you imagine, the more you think the more it looks like.why there will be so many cliff painting? this is painting masterpiece of lijiang cliff, look at the mountain before us , does it looks like the shape of the nine horses, called nine-horses painting hill, which is 41
16、6 meters high, look carefully at this picture mountain, can see a few horse? various forms of horses.some stand there quietly, some bowed their heads and drinking water, some is raising its head some is running with hoof raised.look at the horse right above, bow in drinking water, tail high become w
17、arped, some people think that tail like a horse, is running forward.how many horses does the hill have? it depends on your imagination: average person is visible for three, four horse, to see that nine horses, is not easy.oh, the friend can see nine horses!in ancient times, you should be the first t
18、alent!the legend said when the monkey king unwilling to be the superviser for the heavenly horses, he went against the heaven, the horse also slip to earth ,they lost here and refuse to leave , so the jade emperor dispatch a horse master to catch them , while ,upon seeing the horse master ,the horse
19、s hide themselves in a cave behind the cliff since they do not want to go back to the heaven anymore ,it was so strange just as they entered ,the hole of the cave suddenly disappeared ,so the horse master cant get in , the horse had connected themselves with the cliff ,later their image appeared on
20、the cliff ,as we can see today ,when the jade emperor know this ,he got so angry that he turned that horse master to a stone ask him to stay here and look after the horses forever.people later know there are 9 horses ,people paed by ,rest here ,enjoy the scenery and count the horses ,from time to ti
21、me , a folk came to being , it said: beautiful painting ,strong horses, to see how many can you see? seen seven in the second place, seen nine is champion “.it is said when zhou enlai and mao zedong visit here, zhou was called no1 scholar, while mao is called no2.thats why i say that friend is first
22、 talent , now you may also test your imagination by counting the horses ,ok ,just a joke.now we will move to thefamous yellow clothes reflection ,we see, the beauty of the landscape in lijiang embodied in the reflection especially the beauty of yellow cloth reflection , which is the most intoxicatin
23、g reflection ,which has printed on the back of 20 yuan rmb ,you can gue how specie it is , encircling here is clear, green water through at the end, from the water we can see a piece of green large slate ,equal in length and width , like a yellow cloth ,thus its name ,even size peaks stand out water
24、 ,gracefully, like seven young girl, people calling them seven fairies ” according to legend, it was turned by the fairies from the heaven ,as our boat goes ,you can see their vivid image change constantly ,you can take some photos to catch some gimps of them ,since the fairiesonly willing to show i
25、ts gorgeous body in the world of the picture on a sunny day ,like today, so you should not mied it.dear visitors, we arrived the yellow cloth beach,.look, the boat, , from the mountains of the inverted image, true have on the ship, trenchant saw green hill in the uplink artistic conception.you see,
26、our boat is travelling in the water which reflects the image of green peak, isnt it? now, please look front, you will see the river shore set in the green trees from houses? that is the xing ping town.actually it is an old castle complex surrounded by towering peaks.the simple but elegant flying-eav
27、es, roofs with colorful paintings present the folk residence from the ming and qing dynasties.dr.yet-sun and us president bill clinton visited the village when they cruised on the lijiang river.now, our travel boat arrives at yangshuo, please be ready to get off!well go shopping in the west street.a
28、t 5 pm well travel back to guilin by coach, have a good time! 【篇3:漓江导游词】 导游:广西漓江导游词 来源:考试大【考试大:学子希望之家!】2023年7月8日 各位朋友、各位来宾: 欢迎大家乘船游览美丽的漓江。 漓江属于珠江水系,发源地在桂林北面兴安县境内的猫儿山。猫儿山是史称五岭之一的越城岭主峰,海拔2238米,号称中南最高峰,漓江由猫儿山下的涓涓细流汇集而成兴安县境内至今还保留着秦始皇时期修建的“灵渠”,它是中国第一条人工运河,史称“兴安灵渠”,它把漓江的水和湘江的水连接起来。湘江在湖南境内,属于长江水系。大自然赋予了它特定
29、的方式。大家都知道,“世上无水不东流”是因为地球西部地形高,东部地形低所造成的,但惟有湘江的水是由南向北而去,漓江的水由北向南而下,所谓“湘漓分流”、“相离而去”,漓江故此得名,大概就是这个意思吧。另外 漓江的“漓”字,在字典里面是清澈、透明的意思,大概也是漓江名称最佳的含义。漓江在中国的历史上曾经起过重大作用,灵渠开凿之后,它沟通了岭南与中原的联系,对秦王朝统一中国的大业,以及对桂林乃至西南地区政治、经济、文化、军事都有深刻的影 响。 竹江景区 (群龙戏水) 在前面右侧临水的山壁,有几根悬垂倒挂的钟乳石柱,它们形态嵯峨,形神兼备,仿佛像几条饮江的巨龙,它们的身子,隐藏在山壁内,只有龙头向着水
30、面。第当春夏水涨,龙头便会吐出雨露。传说这几条龙是天帝派它们到漓江边来采集桂花香精的。很久以前这些山坡上长满了桂花,那冲天的香气直贯天宫,引得嫦娥也想偷偷下凡,天帝为之震怒,于是派来了这几条神龙,要把这桂花的香气全部吸尽带回了天宫。谁知道神龙到了这时原形被这里的景色迷住了,它们不仅没有带走人间的桂花,反而引来了天庭的雨露,它们把雨露倾注在崖壁下的潭里,从此这个潭就叫沉香潭。沉香潭的水灌溉了漓江两崖的四方土地,在这片土地上的桂花树枝叶长得更加繁茂了,漓江八月两岸到处都是桂花香,怪不得人们都把这片地方叫桂林 呢! 草坪景区 (锣鼓鸳鸯滩) 弯弯曲曲的漓江,有一个湾就有一个滩,有人数了一下,从桂林到
31、阳朔,83公里的水程,共360.5个滩。滩头滩尾水比较浅,漓江从滩头上流过,发出淙淙的响声,这响声仿佛是天宫中的仙乐,听了叫人飘飘欲仙。其实这哪里是仙乐,这是漓江的音乐,请大家看,左岸边有两块大石头,一个像圆鼓,一个像金锣,当地的村民们都叫它们锣鼓石。右岸边两座拔秀的小山柱,仿佛是一对锣锤和鼓棍,大家仔细听,仿佛还 有一对鸳鸯在唱歌呢。 杨堤景区 (八仙游江) 右前方,山到了这里突兀而起,云到了这里虚无缥缈,给人以幻境的感觉。这一带山峦叠嶂,气势雄伟,前面一组8个山头,很像我国古代神话传说中的8个仙人,靠近江边头光光的是铁拐李,旁边的是曹国舅,下面戴帽子的是河仙姑,接下来的是张果老、韩湘子、吕
32、洞宾、蓝采和、钟汉离,正好8个。据说有一天,8位仙人各显神通,飘洋过海,结伴而行,他们来到了漓江边上,看到了美丽的漓江风光,这里碧水青峰,田园似锦,于是他们决定留下来,这个景点取名叫“八仙游江”。 兴坪景区 (溯江鲤鱼) 前边有一个山峰又长又大,横亘在漓江边,整个山形很像鲤鱼,鱼头朝右,鱼尾朝左,鱼嘴跟右边的这座山峰相连,在高高的鱼背上有一组小山峰构成了鱼鳍,真是一条活灵活现的大鲤鱼,那是世界上最大的一条鲤鱼,谁也没有办法称它的重量。那鳍鱼又像一只小哈巴狗,也就是我们通常说的狮子狗,它的头部、眼睛、四肢都很清楚,真是可爱极了。 桂林山水有四大特点:山青、水秀、洞奇、石美,那么漓江除此之外还有瀑
33、布、流泉、险滩、竹林四绝。有人说:漓江不仅仅有这睦,而且还有怪、迷、奇、绝四大特点,那就是古榕之怪,画山之奇,冠岩之迷,半边渡之绝。凡此种种,不一而足,真是仁者见仁,智者见智。 阳塑景区 (“带”字石刻) 碧莲峰上碑文石刻很多,特别是山腰石壁上刻有清代光绪年间一个草书“带”子更是令碧莲生逃。其字形结构意味深长,人称一字诗,竟包含了“一带山河,少年努力”八个字的韵味和笔意。从欣赏这个“带”字,最后我们应该总结漓江的精神就是一个“妙”字,漓江风景的自然美,妙不可言。 各位朋友,今天的漓江游即将结束,欢迎您及您的朋友下次再来游览漓江。 第2篇:漓江英文导游词 Welcome to cruise th
34、e beautiful Lijiang River!Our boat is leaving Zhu Jiang port.It will take us 4hours to reach our destination Yangshuo.If you have any difficulty and requirement, please dont hesitate to ask us, well, it is time to set sail.Here I want to wish all of you a pleasant journey and all the best.Dear visit
35、ors, our ship are along the rivers, the first scenic area we are going to tour is zhujiang scenic area, and we will soon see bat hill.Here, I would like to give you a brief introduction of the Lijiang River.originates from the northern side Guilin within the boundaries of Xing an Countys cat mountai
36、n.The scenery of Guilin has been called the finest under heaven.And the Lijiang River is the embodiment of Guilin landscape.Lijiang is one of the three national key scenic spots in Guangxi and also one of the first batches of Chinese 5 A grade scenic spot.From Guilin to yangshuos 83 kilometers, is t
37、he eence of the lijiang river, so there is the saying “the hundreds lijiang river, the hundreds gallery,” said this area is the most typical karst landscape development areas, integrated with green mountains, elegant water, strange hole, stone beauty in a body, To cruise along the lijiang river on m
38、atter whether its fine or rainy youll find it is a fascinating experience.Numerous strange peaks stand upright on the bank of the river, and youll see their vivid reflections changing constantly as the travel boat goes.The marvelous landscape will present you a painting in a poem and a poem in a pai
39、nting.the different landscape at each turn of the river certainly offers you a different taste.Green mountains beautiful waters reflect each other, with the slowly voyage, opened the landscape painting, you see, right in front of the ship is the Bat Hill.The two peaks with flat yellow cliffs look li
40、ke two flying bats.look head you will find two peaks like two lions playing with a ball .to cruise along the Lijiang River you have to use your imagination.Dear visitors, we just finished see beautiful scene, now, our boat will take a big turn to the Yangdi scenic area , here is another splendid spo
41、ts.Look at the bank, from narrow to wide, enlightened, even the skylight also very bright, here is the the history of the lijiang river, You see, there is a very high precipice with a plain cliff face? There are many lines in green ,yellow and white colors which make up a huge colorful landscape pai
42、nting , the content of the picture as you imagine, the more you think the more it looks like.Why there will be so many cliff painting? this is painting masterpiece of lijiang cliff, look at the mountain before us , does it looks like the shape of the nine horses, called Nine-horses Painting Hill, wh
43、ich is 416 meters high, look carefully at this picture mountain, can see a few horse? Various forms of horses.some stand there quietly, some bowed their heads and drinking water, some is raising its head some is running with hoof raised.Look at the horse right above, bow in drinking water, tail high
44、 become warped, some people think that tail like a horse, is running forward.How many horses does the hill have? It depends on your imagination: Average person is visible for three, four horse, to see that nine horses, is not easy.Oh, the friend can see nine horses!In ancient times, you should be th
45、e first talent!The legend said when the Monkey King unwilling to be the Superviser for the Heavenly Horses, he went against the heaven, the horse also slip to earth ,they lost here and refuse to leave , so the jade emperor dispatch a horse master to catch them , while ,upon seeing the horse master ,
46、the horses hide themselves in a cave behind the cliff since they do not want to go back to the heaven anymore ,it was so strange just as they entered ,the hole of the cave suddenly disappeared ,so the horse master cant get in , the horse had connected themselves with the cliff ,later their image app
47、eared on the cliff ,as we can see today ,when the jade emperor know this ,he got so angry that he turned that horse master to a stone ask him to stay here and look after the horses forever.people later know there are 9 horses ,people paed by ,rest here ,enjoy the scenery and count the horses ,from t
48、ime to time , a Folk came to being , it said: “ beautiful painting ,strong horses, to see how many can you see? Seen seven in the second place, seen nine is champion “.It is said when Zhou Enlai and Mao Zedong visit here, Zhou was called No1 scholar, while Mao is called No2.thats why I say that friend is first talent , now you may also test your imagination by counting the horses ,ok ,just a joke.Now we will move to the famous yellow clothes reflection ,we see, the beauty of the landscape in lijiang embodied in the reflection especially