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1、Useful Expressions For Unit Six(B2)Women,Half the Sky Overview l在近代历史上(发生了)l发生了巨大的变化 l局限于家庭 l进入职场 l成功进入(某行业或领域)l跻身曾经由男士垄断的行业 l讲述某人的故事 l讲述的故事 l奋力/努力做某事l重新开始lrecent history has seen lchange dramatically lbe confined to the home lenter the job marketlbreak into(a profession)lbreak into professions once

2、 dominated by men lfollow sb.s story lunfold the tale of(sb.doing sth.)lstruggle to do sth.lmake a fresh start l养大孩子们l追求孩提时的梦想 l除了之外l使某人对增加了解l引人深思,发人深省l仔细思考,反思l机会均等 l在国内 lbring up a family lpursue ones childhood dream lin addition to lbroaden sb.s knowledge of sth.loffer food for thought lreflect on

3、 lequality of opportunity lat home Useful Expressions Text A A Woman Can Learn Anything a Man Can l从事一种职业 l传统上是男人的天下l一个一应俱全的厨房 l微型厨房l一群(小马驹)l芭比玩具娃娃 l一辆玩具卡车l很难做到,(做)有困难l机械工程师 l取得大学学位/文凭l一部分,一些lwork in a profession lbe traditionally a career for men la complete kitchen la miniature kitchen la herd of(

4、ponies)lBarbie dolls la toy trucklbe hard-pressed to do sth.la mechanical engineer lget ones college degree lpart of sth.l全国性竞赛l将改成/转变成l改装车辆l运动型多用途汽车 l一辆耗油的车l混合型电动车l修车 l自豪地说 l门门功课都是A l多变量微积分 l微分方程 la national competition lconvert sth.into sth.lconvert a vehicle lSports Utility Vehicle(SUV)la gas-guz

5、zling vehicle la hybrid electric vehicle lfix a car lbe proud to say(that)lget As in all my classes lmultivariable calculus ldifferential equations l(在方面)相当好 l会成为优秀的工程师l对一无所知 l把和区分开来l电动开罐器l不明真相,不知就里l高三 l暑期班 l旨在,专门(为设计)l培养某人对的兴趣l渴望独立 lbe pretty good at lmake a good engineer lnot know the first thing

6、about sth.ldistinguish sth.from sth.lan electric can opener lnot know any better lthe junior year of high school la summer program lbe designed to linterest sb.in sth.lcrave independencel得到工程学分l工程专业的学生,主修工程的学生l像样的就业机会l不禁不寒而栗 l处于劣势/不利地位l在方面,就而言l有点反常 l偶然闯入 l最擅长 l轻而易举地学好learn engineering credits lan en

7、gineering major ldecent job offers lcant help shuddering l(be)at a disadvantage lwhen it comes to sth.lbe somewhat abnormal lstumble into lbe best at es easily to sb.l咬紧牙关;下定决心l学好它 l极有可能l考试不及格 l把当作/看作 l对某人能力的衡量 l把某人叫道一旁l重考,补考 l把成绩提高到Al有恐惧的时候l坐在灯下(学习)lgrit ones teeth(to do sth.)lget good at it lthere

8、 is a strong chance(that)lfail a test ltake sth.as la judgment of sb.s abilities lpull sb.asidelretake the test lpull the grade up to an A lhave moments of panic lsit underneath the light l吱吱作响的荧光灯 l对自己丧失信心 l提醒我自己 l男性天生更能学好数学l基于l一个错误的前提 l脱离,与分开l文化熏陶l从孩提时代起 l人不是孤岛。l毫无疑问,不可否认lthe buzzing fluorescent l

9、ights llose confidence in myself lremind myself that lmath comes more naturally to menlbe based on la faulty premise l(be)separate from lthe cultural cues lsince sb.was an infant lNo man is an island.lthere is no denying that l与相关联 l这与我有何相干?l把解释为,将理解为 l明确的,固定不变的l不容改变的结论l令人惊讶的灵活l生来就懂l生来就会做某事l冒险一试 l需要

10、有大胆一试的精神lbe relevant to lhow relevant is that to me ltranslate sth.into/as sth.lhard and fast lhard and fast conclusions lbe incredibly flexible lbe born knowing lbe born doing sth.l(sb.take)a leap of faith l(sth.)take a leap of faith l有选择地倾听 lhave selective hearing Useful Expressions Text B Beginni

11、ng Anewl被所束缚l重新开辟一条新的道路l说起来容易,做起来难.l值得努力l为而活l痛恨l因获得荣誉l使陷入l阵阵沮丧/闷闷不乐l计划上大学lbe tied down to doing sth.lstart off along a completely new path lThis is often easier said than done.lbe well worth the effort llive for lfeel bitter towards ltake/get/gain credit for lthrow sb.into lbouts of depressionlplan

12、college schedule l欢聚到深更半夜l抱着哭闹的小孩走来走去l记挂着/考虑到家庭l仅一步之遥l死于l追寻儿时的梦想l大学本科学位l全职记者l辞去工作l充满了焦虑lparty into the night lwalk the floor with a crying baby lwith my family in mind lbe only a breath away ldie of lfollow my childhood dream lundergraduate degree la full-time journalist lquit ones job lbe filled wi

13、th anxiety l经历中年危机l(手脚并用地)爬回去l以一时糊涂为理由l在忐忑不安中/在情绪激荡中l对深感不安l感到希望的复萌l另一方面/同时l对情有独钟/非常喜欢lexperience mid-life crisis lcrawl back to.on ones hands and knees lplead temporary madnesslin the eye of an emotional storm lfeel uneasy about lfeel a renewed sense of hopefulnesslon the other sidelhave a long love

14、 affair with l远离/与不相干l我并不完全明白,但我确信l坚强地做/坚定地l使更好地了解l自己生活的目的l向坦陈自己复杂的心绪l热情地支持l紧张但坚定lbe apart from lI am not quite sure,but I am positive.lsteel oneself to do sth.llead sb.to a better understanding of sth.lwhat I want out of life lshare ones mixed feelings with sb.lbe warmly supportive lnervous but det

15、ermined l汲取知识l利用一切机会l别人对自己的期待l由于自我怀疑而心情沉重l重新开始l交流体验l随着时间的推移l找工作l补贴家用l在乎,在意lsoak up knowledge lat every opportunity lwhat is expected of me lbe weighed down by self-doubt lmake a fresh start lshare ones experiences lover time lseek employment lhelp with expenses lcare to do sth.l炒菜l好多次l被重担压垮l在不顺利的日子里

16、哭泣l并不因流泪而后悔l这并不容易.l与其说是,不如说是l自己具有的能力l着手做l控制/主宰lstir a pot lmore than a few times lbe broken under the pressure lshed tears on the bad dayslwould not take back one tear lIt isnt a snap.lnot as much as lhave sth.within myself lset out to do sth.lin control(of.)l风中的旗帜l随风飘荡l聆听我的意见l在不远的前方la flag on a bre

17、ezy daylblowing this way or that depending on the windlseek after my opinions la little way down the road Useful Expressions Exercise for Text A l省力设备、装置 l驶入私人车道 l按汽车喇叭 lthe labor-saving devices lpull into the driveway lhonk the horn l文化与截然不同l承受文化冲突 l持续的头痛l是出现的征兆l增添许多美丽的风景l在面包店兼职打工 l学会的技艺l烘培面包 l蜜蜂嗡嗡

18、叫l在耳边 l厄尔尼诺现象lhave a drastically culture from labsorb the cultural/culture shock lpersistent headache lbe an indication of sth.ladd much beauty to the landscapeltake a part-time job at a bakery llearn the art of sth.lbread making la bee is buzzing lin ones earlEl Nino l用冷冰冰的语调l用机械呆板的语调 l谨慎的家伙 l盲目冒险

19、l把兑换成 l外汇兑换处 l用电饭煲做饭l洋溢着喜悦,露出高兴的神情l工作时间灵活l写在页边空白处的评注lin a dry tone lin a mechanical tone la prudent guy ltake a leap in the dark lconvert into lthe foreign exchange office lcook rice with the rice cooker l(sb.)glow with pleasure lwork flexible hours lthe comments in the margins l很吸引人的书 l感到惊慌失措 l发生意外

20、情况l匆匆忙忙地 l民众对更高效率的要求l自动变速的混合动力客车l渴望知识 l修剪草坪 l继承房子 la fascinating book lpanic/feel panic lsomething unexpected happens lin haste lcitizens demand for greater efficiency lhybrid buses with automatic transmission lcrave knowledge lmow the lawn linherit the house l被吓了一跳 l我受够了。l是有限度的 l打个盹,小憩l华尔街日报l只有维持生计

21、的钱l在中起很大的作用l某人从不偷懒、懈怠l全身心投入到学习中l在前提下 l在这个/许多方面 l(sb.)be alarmed by sth.lId had enough.lthere are limits for sth.ltake a nap lthe Wall Street Journal lhave just enough money to live on lplay a large part in sth.lsb.is no slacker/is not a slackerlthrow oneself into study lon the premise that lin this

22、respect/in many respectsl限制某人的视野/眼界l在获得博士学位 l麻省理工学院l充分发挥威力l仔细地记录 l改变各种可变因素l追求自己的爱好/理想 l天生具有领导才能l校长助理/副校长l引导某人去某地llimit ones horizons learn a Ph.D/doctorate from lMIT(Massachusetts Institution of Technology)lbe in full force lmake painstaking records of sth.ladjust variables(like)lpursue ones passion

23、s lones natural talents for leadershiplthe assistant principal lsteer sb.towards l身居要职/高位l很早以前 l进行积极仔细的观察l采取积极的行动l深信l互相帮助,互相鼓励l辅导少数学生 l作为开路先锋/开拓者l重新长出来/再长出来l作为载入史册/名垂青史lbe at a lofty post(as)lway back lmake keen observations ltake constructive action lstrongly believe that lassist and encourage one

24、anotherltutor minority students lbeing a trailblazer lgrow back lgo down in history as l话不多/少言寡语的人l比聪明太多了 l一无所知的孩子 l获得贷款 l开枪 l一群大象 l有选择性的记忆 l痛苦的经历l自己造成的 l男女不平等 l具有讽刺意味的是la man of few words lbe far too clever for sb.lchildren who dont know any betterlobtain a loan lfire the shots la herd of elephants lhave a selective memory lthe painful experiences lsth.of ones own doing lgender inequality lIt is ironic that /sb.find it ironic that l高等学府l向某人申述 l以胜利告终 l转变为的人 l男女平等的倡导者 linstitutions of higher education lcomplain to sb.lend in victory l(sb.)be converted into la gender-equity advocate


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