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1、Look at the following pictures.Which picture can make you laugh?Do you feel my love?I want to lose my weight.Im driving at a high speed.ThisistheyoungGuoDegang这是郭德纲小时候Do you feel funny?How many kinds of humour do you know about?(mime)Mr Bean is funny because he makes funny faces and acts silly behav

2、iour.哑剧哑剧Chinese humouristDo they have something in common?If someone often makes others laugh,he is humorous or he has a sense of humor.We call him or her a humorist.sketch 小品小品Two or more speakers make jokes and funny conversation.Comedy(喜剧)Not use words,but use their clothes,make-up,the body lang

3、uages to make people laugh.clown小丑小丑He is Charlie Chaplin Do you know any films that Chaplin starred in?The Gold Rush 淘金记淘金记寻子遇仙记The Kid Customer:Whats that fly(苍蝇苍蝇)doing in my soup?Waiter:Swimming,I think!Wherecanyoualwaysfindmoney?.InthedictionaryWhatisthesmallestroomintheworld?MushroomWhatkindofdogdoesnotbiteandbark?HotdogA smilealways makes a young man.笑一笑,十年少笑一笑,十年少Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face笑容如阳光,驱走人们脸上的冬天笑容如阳光,驱走人们脸上的冬天


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