1、Siri 常用语 查询天气:直接问 Siri,它就会把一周内所问地点的天气列出来。Whats the weather like today 今天天气怎么样 Will it rain in(city name)*会下雨吗 Whats the upcoming forecast 接下来的天气怎样 Do I need an umbrella today 今天我要带伞吗 Is the weather going to getworse today 今天天气会变坏吗 设置提醒:提醒(Reminder)是 iOS 5 中新加入的功能,它能够结合 LBS 这项基于位置的服务,根据根据位置进行事件的提醒,当你
2、到达某一地点时,提醒就会自动激活。现在通过 Siri,我们只需要说句话就能让它帮我们设置提醒了。Remind me to(do sth.)when(time).Eg.1.Remind me to pick up my purse when I leavework.我下班时提醒我带上我的钱包。2.Remind me to call Mom when I get home.提醒我回家给我妈妈打电话。3.Remind me to make a dentist appointment when I get to work.提醒我上班约一个牙医。收发短信:如果有短信,我们能让 Siri 帮我们读出来。我
3、们甚至可以直接说出自己想给谁发短信以及短信的内容,Siri 会将我们所说的转化成文字并发出。Send a text to(sb.)and say(sth.)Tell(sb.)(sth.)Eg.Tell Mary I will be right there in 5 minutes.Text(sb.)(sth.)Eg.Text Ryan Im on my way 查询信息:听起来范围很广,我们举个例子吧:当你想知道目前周围有哪些法国餐厅,直接问 Siri,它将会帮你搜索,并且按照类似大众点评网的站点评价进行排名罗列出来。Im in the mood for(food)in(some place)
4、.Eg.Imin the mood for French food in Pudong new district.我想在浦东新区找一家法国餐厅。Any good(food)around here 设置日程:当你想将某个会议或者某顿晚餐加入日历是,跟 Siri 说一声就好了。如果跟你已有的日程相冲突,Siri 还会询问你要改在什么时候。Set up a meeting at(time).发送 Email:跟发短信一样,前提是你得将联系人 Email 写进通讯录里。Send an e-mail to(sb.)and say(sth.)Tell(sb.)(sth.)via my e-mail E-m
5、ail(sb.)about(sth.)设置闹钟:Wake me up at(time).tomorrow.明天早上*点钟把我叫醒。查看位置:这也是一项地图服务,我们能让 Siri 询问某个地点的方位,又或者是周围的路线分布。How could I go/get to(some place)现在我们来说点“严肃的”话题,Siri 目前可以对哪些句子做出健康保健网反应呢或能够回答什么样的问题呢假如你已经有了 iPhone 4S,或者今后越狱工作者将 Siri 移植到老款 iPhone 上之后,你就可以参考下面的一系列命令了,这些句子都是能被 Siri 轻松理解的。而且,在中文版的 Siri 到来之
6、前,就当学习一次英语了吧!询问联系人 Whats Michaels address What is Susan Parks phone number When is my wifes birthday Show Jennifers home email address 查找联系人 Show Jason Russell Find people named Park Who is Michael Manning 使用人称代词或关系 My mom is Susan Park Michael Manning is my brother Call my brother at work 日历 添加事件 S
7、et up a meeting at 9 Set up a meeting with Michael at 9 Meet with Lisa at noon Set up a meeting about hiring tomorrow at 9am New*ment with Susan Park Friday at 3 Schedule a planning meeting at 8:30 today in the boardroom 更改事件 Move my 3pm meeting to 4:30 Reschedule my*ment with Dr.Manning to next Mon
8、day at 9am Add Lisa to my meeting with Jason Cancel the budget review meeting 问询事件 What does the rest of my day look like Whats on my calendar for Friday When is my next*ment When am I meeting with Michael Where is my next meeting 闹钟 设定闹钟 Wake me up tomorrow at 7am Set an alarm for 6:30am Wake me up
9、 in 8 hours Change my 6:30 alarm to 6:45 Turn off my 6:30 alarm Delete my 7:30 alarm 查询时间 What time is it What time is it in Berlin What is todays date Whats the date this Saturday 使用定时器 Set the timer for ten minutes Show the timer Pause the timer Resume Reset the timer Stop it 电子邮件 发送邮件 Email Lisa
10、about the trip Email Jennifer about the change in plans New email to Susan Park Mail Dad about the rent check Email Dr.Manning and say I got the forms,thanks Mail Lisa and Jason about the*and say I had a great time 检查邮件 Check email Any new email from Michael today Show new mail about the lease Show
11、the email from Lisa yesterday 回复邮件 Reply Dear Susan sorry about the late payment Call him at work 朋友 进行各种八卦 Wheres Jason Where is my sister Is my wife at home Where are all my friends Who is here Who is near me 地图 查询方位 How do I get home Show 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino California Directions to my dads
12、 work 本地商务和服务 Find coffee near me Where is Starbucks Find some burger joints in Baltimore Find a gas station within walking distance Good Mexican restaurants around here 消息 发送文字信息 Tell Susan Ill be right there Send a message to Jason Russell Send a message to Lisa saying how about tomorrow Tell Jennifer the show was great Send a message to Susan on her mobile saying Ill be late Send a message to 408 555 1212 Text Jason and Lisa where are you 阅读文字信息 Read my new messages Read it again 回复文字信息 Reply thats great news Tell him Ill be there in 10 minutes Call her