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1、初二下册英语选词填空和阅读初二下册英语选词填空和阅读训练训练初二下册英语选词填空和阅读训练初二下册英语选词填空和阅读训练一一as,as,relax,relax,do,do,useful,useful,trytry,have,have,take up,take up,interview,interview,eat,eat,look afterlook after1.1.EdEd is is a a littlelittle hungry,hungry,butbut hehe doesntdoesnt feelfeel likelike_ this kind of food._ this kind

2、 of food.2.2.How was your _?How was your _?-I did-I didvery well!I will work there from next Monday.very well!I will work there from next Monday.3.Which hobby do you think _3.Which hobby do you think _the least space?the least space?4.Li Na,_ everybody knows,is4.Li Na,_ everybody knows,isone of the

3、best tennis players.one of the best tennis players.5.Mum wants to know if we _5.Mum wants to know if we _a picnic this Sunday.a picnic this Sunday.6.6.WeWeshouldshould_totododosomething new or different.something new or different.7.7.I I willwill havehave anan examexam tomorrow,tomorrow,soso I I can

4、tcant_ now._ now.8.8.ThereTherearearemanymanyinterestinginterestingthingsthings_ in life._ in life.9.I asked my parents to buy me a dog.I would9.I asked my parents to buy me a dog.I would_ it._ it.10.10.WhichWhich is is thethe _ skillskillto learn in your life?to learn in your life?二二history,history

5、,choose,choose,common,common,buy,buy,make,make,初二下册英语选词填空和阅读训练2 2enjoy,enjoy,way,way,another,another,while,while,serveserveAmerican summers are filled with outdoorAmerican summers are filled with outdoorpicnics,picnics,baseballbaseball gamesgames andand swimmingswimming pools.pools.Summer in America

6、 is a time 1_ theSummer in America is a time 1_ theoutdoors,outdoors,nono mattermatter howhow hothot it it mightmight be.be.LetsLetstaketake a a looklook atat somesome ofof thethe popularpopular drinks.drinks.LemonadeLemonade is is 2_2_ ofof allall AmericanAmericansummersummer drinks.drinks.It It 3_

7、3_ byby mixingmixinglemon juice,water and sugar.It is usually servedlemon juice,water and sugar.It is usually servedveryvery cold,cold,withwith ice.ice.IceIce teatea is is 4_4_popularpopular summersummer drinkdrink inin America.America.IceIce teatea is isusuallyusually 5_5_ inin a a talltall glassgl

8、ass ofof ice.ice.Many Americans 6_ to add sugar toMany Americans 6_ to add sugar tosweeten the drink.This drink is often drunk insweeten the drink.This drink is often drunk inthethe afternoonafternoon 7_7_ relaxingrelaxing inin thetheshade.Ice tea is now also sold by the bottle,atshade.Ice tea is no

9、w also sold by the bottle,atalmostalmost anyany storestore inin America.America.TheThe Slurpee,Slurpee,a afamousfamous AmericanAmerican drinkdrink inin recentrecent years,years,is is a agreat 8_to cool off in the summergreat 8_to cool off in the summerheat.heat.It It is is a a mixmix ofof ice,ice,su

10、garsugar andand fruitfruit juices.juices.However,the drink is mostly made of ice.TheyHowever,the drink is mostly made of ice.Theycancan 9_9_ atat mostmost smallsmall convenientconvenientstores.stores.SlurpeesSlurpeesarearepopularpopularwithwithyoungyoungAmericans.Americans.MilkshakesMilkshakeshaveha

11、vea alonglong10_ in America.It is made of a mix10_ in America.It is made of a mixof ice cream,milk and flavoring.of ice cream,milk and flavoring.三三as,as,sleepsleep,dream,dream,like,like,again,again,about,about,think,must,wake up,quick,much,whythink,must,wake up,quick,much,whyDreams may be more impor

12、tant than sleep.WeDreams may be more important than sleep.Weallallneedneedtotodream,dream,somesomescientistsscientistssay.say.DreamsDreams taketake upup aboutabout oneone quarterquarter ofof ourour1._1._time.time.PeoplePeoplehavehaveseveral2.several2._each_each night.night.DreamsDreams areare likeli

13、ke shortshortfilms.films.TheyThey areare usuallyusually inin color.color.SomeSome dreamsdreamsare 3._ old films.They come to usare 3._ old films.They come to us初二下册英语选词填空和阅读训练3 3初二下册英语选词填空和阅读训练4 4“No,No,no,no,thatsthats quitequite impossibleimpossible.SaidSaid thetheprofessorprofessor atat once,once

14、,“Do“Do youyou know,know,lastlast monthmonth I Iaskedasked himhim whenwhen NapoleonNapoleon hadhad died,died,andand hehedidnt know!didnt know!“Pleas“Please,sir,give him another chance.e,sir,give him another chance.SaidSaidJacks father.“You see,Im afraid we dont tJacks father.“You see,Im afraid we do

15、nt takeakeany newspapers in our house,so none of us evenany newspapers in our house,so none of us evenknow that Napoleon was ill.know that Napoleon was ill.()1.1.JackJack wouldwould havehave toto leaveleave thethe universityuniversitybecause _.because _.A.A.hehedidntdidntlikelikehistoryhistoryB.he d

16、idnt pass the examB.he didnt pass the examC.C.hehewaswasa agoodgoodboyboyD.he didnt know Napoleon was illD.he didnt know Napoleon was ill()2 2.JacksJacks fatherfather wantedwanted thethe professorprofessor_._.A.A.tototelltellhimhima astorystoryB.to give Jack a lessonB.to give Jack a lessonC.C.toto l

17、etlet JackJack passpass hishis examsexams thatthat timetimeD.to let Jack leave the universityD.to let Jack leave the university()3 3.InIn“at“at thethe endend ofof it it thethe wordword“it itmeans _.means _.A.A.JacksJacks examsexamsB.B.thethe universityuniversityC.Jacks first yearC.Jacks first yearD.

18、Jacks secondD.Jacks secondyearyear()4)4.“.“ImpossibleImpossible means _.means _.A.possibleA.possibleB.not possibleB.not possibleC.C.untrueuntrueD.not trueD.not true()5 5.JackJack didntdidnt knowknow whenwhen NapoleonNapoleon hadhaddied because_.died because_.A.he didnt do well in his historyA.he did

19、nt do well in his historyB.B.he didnt take any newspaperhe didnt take any newspaperC.C.hehe didntdidnt knowknow NapoleonNapoleonD.D.he didnt know Napoleon left the universityhe didnt know Napoleon left the university五五NowNow machinesmachines areare widelywidely usedused allall overover thetheworld.w

20、orld.WhyWhy areare machinesmachines soso importantimportant andandnecessary for us?Because they can help us to donecessary for us?Because they can help us to dothings better and faster.things better and faster.A A washingwashing machinemachine helpshelps usus toto washwash clothesclothesfast.A print

21、ing machine helps us to print a lot offast.A printing machine helps us to print a lot ofbooks,books,newspapers,newspapers,magazinesmagazines andand manymany otherotherthings fast.Bikes,cars,trains and planes are allthings fast.Bikes,cars,trains and planes are allmachines.They help us to travel faste

22、r than onmachines.They help us to travel faster than onfoot.foot.The computer is a wonderful machine.It wasThe computer is a wonderful machine.It was初二下册英语选词填空和阅读训练5 5inventedinventednotnotlonglongago.ago.It Itnotnotonlyonlystoresstoresinformation but also stores numbers millions ofinformation but a

23、lso stores numbers millions oftimes as fast as a scientist does.times as fast as a scientist does.LetsLets studystudy hardhard andand trytry toto useuse allall kindskinds ofofmachines to build China into a modern country.machines to build China into a modern country.()1.Machines can help us to do th

24、ings better)1.Machines can help us to do things betterand faster,so they_.and faster,so they_.A.are difficult to makeA.are difficult to makeB.B.are expensiveare expensiveC.C.areareimportantimportantbutbutnotnotnecessarynecessaryD.are very helpfulD.are very helpful()2.2.WeWehavehavetototraveltravelon

25、onfootfootwithout_.A.without_.A.bikesbikesB.B.machinesmachinesC.C.planesplanesD.trainsD.trains()3.3.ComputersComputers cancan storestore informationinformation andandnumbers_ a scientist does.numbers_ a scientist does.A.A.a a littlelittle fasterfaster thanthanB.B.asasfast asfast asC.C.muchmuch faste

26、rfaster thanthanD.D.much more slowly thanmuch more slowly than()4.If we want to build China into a modern)4.If we want to build China into a moderncountry.We must_.country.We must_.A.studyA.study hardhardB.B.trytryto use all kinds of machinesto use all kinds of machinesC.invent many machinesC.invent

27、 many machinesD.allD.allaboveabove()5.5.A Aprintingprintingmachinemachinecancanhelphelpus_.us_.A.A.printprint a a lotlot ofof booksbooksB.B.readread moremore booksbooksC.invent many machinesC.invent many machinesD.wash clothes fastD.wash clothes fast六六Mr.and Mrs.Turner live outside a small town.Mr.a

28、nd Mrs.Turner live outside a small town.They have a big farm and they are always busyThey have a big farm and they are always busyworkingworking onon it.it.TheirTheir son,son,Peter,Peter,studiedstudied atat a amiddle school.The young man studied hard andmiddle school.The young man studied hard anddi

29、d well in his lessons.It made them happy.did well in his lessons.It made them happy.LastLast monthmonth PeterPeter finishedfinished middlemiddle schoolschoolandand passedpassed thethe entranceentrance examination.examination.Mrs.Mrs.TurnerTurner waswas veryvery happyhappy andand toldtold thethe farm

30、ersfarmersabout it.about it.Yesterday morning theYesterday morning the woman went to thewoman went to thetown to buy something for her son.On the bustown to buy something for her son.On the busshe told one of her friends how clever and ableshe told one of her friends how clever and ableherher sonson

31、 was.was.SheShe spokespoke veryvery loudly.loudly.AllAll thethepeople in the bus began to listen to her.people in the bus began to listen to her.“Which“Which universityuniversity willwill youryour sonson studystudyin?in?a woman next to her asked.a woman next to her asked.“In“In thethe mostmost famou

32、sfamous universityuniversity inin ourour初二下册英语选词填空和阅读训练6 6country!country!Mrs.Turner said happily.Mrs.Turner said happily.“The“Themostmostfamousfamousuniversuniversity?ity?“Oxford University“Oxford University.MostMost ofof thethe passengerspassengers lookedlooked atat herhercarefully.carefully.SomeS

33、omeofofthemthemsaidsaidtotoher,her,“Congratulations!“Congratulations!A A womanwoman said,said,“Im“Im suresure hellhell knowknow FredFredSmith.Smith.“Whos“WhosFredFredSmith?Smith?“Hes my son.“Hes my son.“Does he“Does he study in the university,too?study in the university,too?“No,“No,saidsaid thethe w

34、oman.woman.“He“He is is oneone ofof thetheprofessors.professors.()l.)l.TheThe storystory happenedhappened inin _._.A.A.AmericaAmericaB.B.FranceFranceC.C.GermanyGermanyD.D.EnglandEngland()2.)2.Mr.Mr.andand Mrs.Mrs.TurnerTurner werewere happyhappybecause _.because _.A.A.theirtheirsonsondiddidwellwelli

35、ninhishislessonslessonsB.they have a big farmB.they have a big farmC.C.theytheyhavehavea agoodgoodharvestharvestD.their son studied at a middle schoolD.their son studied at a middle school()3.Mrs.Turner)3.Mrs.Turner wantedwanted everyone to knoweveryone to know_._.A.A.herhersonsonfinishedfinishedmid

36、dlemiddleschoolschoolB.her son was handsomeB.her son was handsomeC.her son was going to study in a universityC.her son was going to study in a universityD.her son was very friendly to othersD.her son was very friendly to others()4.Mrs.Turner spoke so loudly in the bus)4.Mrs.Turner spoke so loudly in

37、 the busthat _.that _.A.A.herher friendfriend couldcould hearhear herherB.B.all the people could hear herall the people could hear herC.she hoped to make all the people happyC.she hoped to make all the people happyD.D.she hoped they would say congratulations to hershe hoped they would say congratula

38、tions to her()5.)5.WhichWhich ofof thethe followingfollowing is is true?true?_._.A.A.TheThe womanwoman wasntwasnt interestedinterested inin Mrs.Mrs.Turners wordsTurners wordsB.B.Mrs.Mrs.TurnerTurner knewknew nothingnothing aboutabout thethefamous universityfamous universityC.The woman wanted to stop

39、 Mrs.TurnerC.The woman wanted to stop Mrs.Turnerfrom showing off(from showing off(炫耀炫耀)D.D.TheThe womanwoman nextnext toto Mrs.Mrs.TurnerTurnerwanted to show off her son,toowanted to show off her son,too七七TwoTwo menmen werewere sittingsitting togethertogether inin a a plane.plane.TheyThey werewere o

40、non a a longlong journey.journey.OneOne ofof thethe menmenwaswas a a businessman.businessman.TheThe otherother waswas a a farmer.farmer.初二下册英语选词填空和阅读训练7 7TheyThey satsat withoutwithout talkingtalking forfor a a while,while,thenthen thethefarmerfarmer said,said,“Lets“Lets dodo somethingsomething toto

41、 passpass thethetime.time.“What“Whatdodoyouyouwantwanttotodo?do?thethebusinessman asked.businessman asked.“We“We cancan askask eacheach otherother riddles.riddles.TheThefarmer said.farmer said.“OK.“OK.LetsLets makemake thethe rulesrules first,first,thethebusinessmanbusinessman said,said,“If“If youyo

42、u dontdont knowknow thetheansweranswer toto a a riddle,riddle,youyou paypay meme$100.$100.AndAnd if if I Idont know the answer,Ill pay you$100.dont know the answer,Ill pay you$100.“Thats not fair.You are a businessman with“Thats not fair.You are a businessman withmuch knowledge.You know more things

43、than Imuch knowledge.You know more things than Ido.I am just a farmer.do.I am just a farmer.the farmer said.the farmer said.“Thats“Thatstrue.true.TheThebusinessmanbusinessmansaid,said,“What do you want us to do?“What do you want us to do?“If you don“If you dont know the answer to a riddle,yout know

44、the answer to a riddle,youpaypay meme$100.$100.AndAnd if if I I dontdont knowknow thethe answer,answer,IllIll paypay youyou$50.$50.TheThe farmerfarmer said.said.TheThebusinessmanbusinessman thoughtthought aboutabout this,this,thenthen hehe said,said,“OK.Thats fair.Who will go first?“OK.Thats fair.Wh

45、o will go first?“I will,“I will,the farmer said.“Here is my riddle.the farmer said.“Here is my riddle.What has three legs when it walks,but only twoWhat has three legs when it walks,but only twobegs when it flies?begs when it flies?The businessman thought for a long time andThe businessman thought f

46、or a long time andsaid,“Mm,thats a good one.Im afraid I dontsaid,“Mm,thats a good one.Im afraid I dontknow the answer.know the answer.He gave the farmer$100,He gave the farmer$100,ththen said,“Tell me the answer.en said,“Tell me the answer.“I“I dontdont know.know.thethe farmerfarmer said,said,andand

47、 gavegavehim$50.him$50.()1.The story happened_.)1.The story happened_.A.on a farmA.on a farmB.in a shopB.in a shopC.before a longC.before a longplane journeyplane journeyD.between two passengersD.between two passengers()2.What does the word“riddle)2.What does the word“riddle means inmeans inthis sto

48、ry?this story?A.Something to win money.A.Something to win money.B.B.Something to help to make rules.Something to help to make rules.C.C.A A difficultdifficult questionquestion toto findfind thethe answeranswer to.to.D.A kind of game in doing business.D.A kind of game in doing business.()3.Why did th

49、e businessman agree to give)3.Why did the businessman agree to givemore money if he lost?more money if he lost?A.He made much more money than the farmer.A.He made much more money than the farmer.B.He thought he knew more than the farmer.B.He thought he knew more than the farmer.C.C.HeHewaswasinteres

50、tedinterestedininmakingmakingriddles.riddles.D.He was better at playing riddle games.D.He was better at playing riddle games.()4.The farmer _.)4.The farmer _.A.A.didntdidnt enjoyenjoy himselfhimself onon hishis longlong journeyjourneyB.didnB.didnt want to pay even one dollart want to pay even one do


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