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1、Chapter 12-Model Construction&Finished Work Protection Plan 文明施工及成品保护计划 Guangzhou Baxter Fina II Expansion Project MEP Supply and Install works 1/20 Technical Proposal 技术标 Guangzhou Baxter Fina II Expansion Project MEP Supply and Install 广州百特二期扩建项目 机电及给排水系统供应及安装工程 Chapter 12 Model Construction&Finis

2、hed Work Protection Plan 文明施工及成品保护计划 BIDDER:THE FOURTH CONSTRUCTION CO.,LTD.OF CHINA ELECTRONICS SYSTEM ENGINEERING 投标人(章):中国电子系统工程第四建设有限公司 Chapter 12-Model Construction&Finished Work Protection Plan 文明施工及成品保护计划 Guangzhou Baxter Fina II Expansion Project MEP Supply and Install works 2/20 Technical P

3、roposal 技术标 TABLE OF CONTENTS 目 录 1 General 概况.3 2 5S Method 施工现场 5S 工作法.4 3 Perfect the Management 健全管理制度.7 4 General Requirements For Model Construction 文明施工总体要求.8 5 Finished Work Protection 成品保护.10 6 Site Traffic Safety 施工道路、行驶安全.11 7 Measures to Establish Harmony With Local Residents 防止扰民措施.12 8

4、 Housekeeping Plan 保洁计划.14 9 Chemical Product Control and treatment 化学品的控制和处理.16 10 Oil Control 现场油类控制.19 Chapter 12-Model Construction&Finished Work Protection Plan 文明施工及成品保护计划 Guangzhou Baxter Fina II Expansion Project MEP Supply and Install works 3/20 Technical Proposal 技术标 1 General 概况 Civilized

5、 Construction and Finished Product protection shall be achieved by scientific organization.The construction site shall be not only safe and accident free but also in good order and serve as a medium for projecting CEFOCs image.5 S method is adopted for this project.文明施工和成品保护就是科学的组织施工。施工现场不但应该做到安全生产,

6、不发生事故,同时还应做到文明生产,整齐有序,努力改变施工现场“脏、乱、差”的落后现象。使之成为我公司文明的“窗口”。本项目执行 5S 管理体系。Chapter 12-Model Construction&Finished Work Protection Plan 文明施工及成品保护计划 Guangzhou Baxter Fina II Expansion Project MEP Supply and Install works 4/20 Technical Proposal 技术标 2 5S Method 施工现场 5S 工作法 Seiri:Do away with the useless 整

7、理:将不必要的东西除去 Seiton:Put the necessary in proper place 整顿:有效率摆放必要的东西 Seiso:Clear the dust around 清扫:清理身边或工作场所的灰尘 Setketsu:Keep clean and tidy 清洁:贯彻执行维持整理整顿与清扫 Shitsuke:Form the habit of acting according to rules.素养:养成按标准规章行事作业的习惯 CEFOC has adopted 5S method since the latter half of the year of 2006 an

8、d now good results have been achieved in some of its projects.The 5S leading group,set up for each project,is led by project manager and joined by safety supervisors and management staff.我公司自 2006 年下半年开始项目文明施工的 5S 管理办法,目前在部分工地已经取得了良好效果。各项目部建立以项目经理为组长的,由安全员和各级管理人员组成的 5S 领导小组。5S picture poster of CEFO

9、C 我公司项目实行的 5S 宣传图片 Chapter 12-Model Construction&Finished Work Protection Plan 文明施工及成品保护计划 Guangzhou Baxter Fina II Expansion Project MEP Supply and Install works 5/20 Technical Proposal 技术标 Oxygen cylinder storage of Chengdu Intel Project Tool box of Xian No.711 Project 成都英特尔 1B 项目的氧气瓶存放 西安 771 项目的

10、班组工具箱 Mops of Suzhou Yadong project Fabrication of Infovision Optoelectronics Project 苏州亚东工业项目的墩布 昆山龙腾光电项目的材料预制 Chapter 12-Model Construction&Finished Work Protection Plan 文明施工及成品保护计划 Guangzhou Baxter Fina II Expansion Project MEP Supply and Install works 6/20 Technical Proposal 技术标 Clean and tidy w

11、arehouse 整洁的仓库存放 Chapter 12-Model Construction&Finished Work Protection Plan 文明施工及成品保护计划 Guangzhou Baxter Fina II Expansion Project MEP Supply and Install works 7/20 Technical Proposal 技术标 3 Perfect the Management健全管理制度 System of post responsibility:Responsibilities for model construction shall be d

12、ivided among all individuals according to their post.岗位责任制。文明施工应分工种、专业、单位实行岗位管理,要落实到岗落实到人。System of inspection:Leading group to make regular inspections in model construction and give grades for week,month and year-end appraisal.文明施工检查制。领导小组按一定时间,每周、月进行综合检查一次,按我公司文明施工规定进行评分。评分结果记录在案,作为月、季、半年、年评比先进的重

13、要依据。System of certification:Management staff shall go into training,pass examination and gain certificate before going to duty post.持证上岗制度。项目部所有管理人员上岗前须先行培训,合格后,持证上岗。Obey the meeting rules of CEFOC.Project team to hold daily brief meeting,at which problems of that very day in safety violations,house

14、keeping etc.to be addressed and solutions offered by safety supervisors.执行我公司的会议制度。项目部每日碰头会,由安全员介绍当日安全违规情况,文明生产情况,存在的问题,如何解决等。Abide by CEFOCs rules concerning rewards and punishments.执行我公司奖惩制度。坚持有奖有惩,奖惩兑现,推动安全文明施工的开展。Complete documentation:Prepare,according to CEFOCs regulations,all documents,such a

15、s document concerning technical clarification,safety clarification,safety walk down,safety education,tool box meeting,registration of certificates for special type of work,accident report and safety signage etc.to ensure complete documentation.健全管理资料。按公司规定健全各种管理资料,如技术交底、安全交底、安全巡回检查、安全教育、安全班前会、特种作业持证

16、上岗、工伤事故处理和安全标志等资料,要保证资料完整齐全。Chapter 12-Model Construction&Finished Work Protection Plan 文明施工及成品保护计划 Guangzhou Baxter Fina II Expansion Project MEP Supply and Install works 8/20 Technical Proposal 技术标 4 General Requirements For Model Construction文明施工总体要求 Undergo mobilization training and EHS training

17、 before going to duty posts.进入施工现场必须先进行进厂教育,并且经过安全卫生培训合格后方可上岗。Wear project badge on the jobsite.进入施工现场必须佩戴出入证和上岗证。Prior to hot work or hazardous work,obtain approval,take protective measures and use eye-catching warning signage.在现场进行动火或危险作业,必须获得批准并采取足够的防范措施将放置醒目的警示标牌;Appropriate clothing for the wor

18、k being performed and qualified for the work,do not wear ones hair long nor grow a beard.所有现场人员必须着装整齐,不留长发,不留胡须。Wear PPE on the jobsite.进入施工场地应该正确佩戴个人防护用品。No urinating at places except the toilet,No spitting.严禁随处大小便,不随地吐痰。Rgular cleaning and rubbish removal on site 定期清洁运走现场垃圾 Can surrounding roads i

19、ncluding site temporary concrete roads when made unclean by trucks or machinery 清洁由于卡车或其它机械产生的周边道路及工地临时道路的脏污 Truck wash down area 进出场卡车在专门场地清洗 No littering.严禁随处乱倒垃圾,工程废弃物,垃圾和废弃物必须防于指定区域并按时清除。No smoking at undesignated smoking area.非吸烟区禁止吸烟。Do not touch Owners objects and facilities without authoriza

20、tion.不得随意挪动原有物品或者设施,不随意架设或者拆除施工围挡。Good housekeeping.加工场地清洁,工完料清。Do not take alcoholic drinks prior to commencement of work or during working.工作前和工作中不饮用含有酒精成分的饮料。Use low noise mechanical equipment.Chapter 12-Model Construction&Finished Work Protection Plan 文明施工及成品保护计划 Guangzhou Baxter Fina II Expansi

21、on Project MEP Supply and Install works 9/20 Technical Proposal 技术标 在施工过程中,尽可能的使用低噪音的设备机械,减少对周围环境的影响。Remove construction waste in time.对施工中产生的垃圾及时清理出厂区,保证厂区清洁。Properly handle the underground piping or cables found during construction.对施工中发现的地下管线等,在确定好处理方案后再进行下一步的施工。Chapter 12-Model Construction&Fini

22、shed Work Protection Plan 文明施工及成品保护计划 Guangzhou Baxter Fina II Expansion Project MEP Supply and Install works 10/20 Technical Proposal 技术标 5 Finished Work Protection成品保护 Finished work protection,a part of model construction,is an important link in construction.The purpose is to ensure all contractor

23、s quality and schedule and guard the interest of Owner and all contractors.作为文明施工内容的范畴,成品保护是施工中非常重要的环节。成品保护的目的是保护施工单位施工持续进行,保证工程的过程质量和施工进度,保护业主和施工单位的施工单位的利益。Quality personnel to exercise uniform management,supervision and coordination of finished work protection activities.成品保护由质量控制部门统一管理,专职协调、监督;Sc

24、hedule control engineer to address daily progress and,based on which,draw up finished work protection plan.进度控制工程师每天通报每日工作进度情况,根据工程进度编制具体的成品保护方案和措施;Establish classified protection system.建立分级保护体制,健全工程进度通报体系,及时沟通各施工点的保护级别和方案;Use eye-catching signage,frequently walk down to make corrections.醒目标识保护对象,加

25、强现场巡检,及时纠正;Strictly abide by the regulations concerning disciplinary sanctions.制定严格的处罚制度;Conduct education of workers to heighten their protection awareness and ascertain the responsibilities of all crews and individuals.加强对施工作业人员的教育,提高其保护意识,并将责任落实到施工班组和个人。Protect all finished work form damage 保护现已完

26、成的工作不被破坏 Protect any set out markers or surveying points 保护所有放线标记或检验记号 Chapter 12-Model Construction&Finished Work Protection Plan 文明施工及成品保护计划 Guangzhou Baxter Fina II Expansion Project MEP Supply and Install works 11/20 Technical Proposal 技术标 6 Site Traffic Safety施工道路、行驶安全 Project team is to make a

27、 proposal for site traffic safety,bearing the signature of all project participants,and conduct regular trainings.项目部与每一位员工签订交通安全倡议书,并定期培训。All project participants shall obey the site traffic regulations.在施工现场须遵守现场交通规则,行人要靠右侧走,并注意过往车辆。特别是路过有卸货的车辆时要绕道走,以防止受到意外的伤害。Driving speed shall be low on the job

28、site and pedestrians safety needs attention.运输车辆进入施工现场时的速度要慢,注意行人安全。The unloading area shall be isolated with warning tape.车辆卸货时要使用警示带进行围护,以防止无关人员受到碰伤等意外伤害。Wheels of an unloading vehicle shall be stopped from sliding.车辆卸货时要使用三角块挡住轮胎,防止其滑动出现危险。A Guider is required for back up.车辆倒车时,要有人指挥。Chapter 12-M

29、odel Construction&Finished Work Protection Plan 文明施工及成品保护计划 Guangzhou Baxter Fina II Expansion Project MEP Supply and Install works 12/20 Technical Proposal 技术标 7 Measures to Establish Harmony With Local Residents防止扰民措施 Strictly carry out the rules of Shanghai City as to night construction.No work w

30、ill be allowed before 6:00 am and after 22:00 pm.If any team violates this rule,project team will take disciplinary action against it.Without approval,no overtime work is allowed after 10:00 pm and before 6:00 am.During the entrance examination for secondary school and university entrance examinatio

31、n,construction can be suspended if necessary.严格遵守上海间施工扰民的有关规定,施工作业时间不早于 6:00 时,夜间不得晚于 22:00 时。如施工队有违规现象,项目将严肃处理。未经批准,每晚 10:00 至早 6:00,不得加班施工。中、高考期间,视具体情况暂停施工作业。Educate workers to observe laws and disciplines and never bring trouble to nearby units and residents.Make public our telephone number to in

32、vite criticism.教育好工人要遵纪守法,严禁施工人员骚扰附近单位、居民。施工现场要公布施工投诉电话,虚心接受他人批评意见。No noisy work is allowed at noon break,i.e.after 12:00 am and before 2:00 pm.Vehicles shall not come out of and go into site at peak hours.每天中午 12 时至下午 2 时禁止一切带有噪音的机械作业,以免影响附近单位工作人员的午休。施工现场车辆进出场时,要避开每日上、下班(学)时段,不要造成施工现场周围交通不畅或发生事故。Ti

33、ghten the control of site dust and noise and assign persons to take charge of the site dust and noise management work.加强对工地扬尘和噪音管理工作的领导,设专人负责工地扬尘和噪音的管理工作。项目生产经理为本小组的负责人。Use safety signs around the construction area to remind the passerby of possible hazard.If road breaking or hole digging is necessa

34、ry in nearby area,take protective measures and use caution lighting at night.If the construction area is close to a passage,the passage shall be covered to prevent falling objects and warning signs shall be used.施工现场周围设置安全警示牌,提醒路人注意施工可能对其造成影响。若施工需要破附近的路面或在路边挖坑,一定要设防护,夜间要设照明和警示灯。在近行人出入的附近施工,应设置封闭的防高空

35、坠物走道,并悬挂安全警示牌。Use water,covering or covering agent to lay dust.Barricade the construction area,harden roads,take dustproof measures for lime,coal,material and soil piles to make sure no dust is raised.采用洒水、遮盖物或喷洒覆盖剂等有效措施压尘、降尘,保证施工现场不扬尘。施工现场周边必须设置围挡,道路地面要硬化,灰堆、煤堆、料堆及临时存土,必须采取相应的防尘措施,保证不扬尘。Enclose the

36、 area with noisy activities(such as welding,duct riveting)with braided cloth to minimize the noise.有针对性的对强噪音区(电焊、风管铆接区域)实行处理,用彩条布封成封闭加工区,将噪音控制到最低。Tighten vehicle control.Clean the leaving vehicles and their wheels shall be free of mud.The construction area shall be closed and watered more frequently

37、 to lay dust.Dregs shall be removed Chapter 12-Model Construction&Finished Work Protection Plan 文明施工及成品保护计划 Guangzhou Baxter Fina II Expansion Project MEP Supply and Install works 13/20 Technical Proposal 技术标 within 3 days after dismantling.要切实加强对出场车辆的管理,对出场车辆进行清洗,禁止车轮带泥车辆上路行驶。工地采取封闭式施工方式,严禁敞开式作业。工地

38、要加大洒水压尘力度,渣土要在拆除施工完成后 3 日内清运完毕。Building rubbish shall be sorted out,piled and removed in time.Domestic garbage shall be put into closed container and removed every day.应集中、分类堆放,及时清运;生活垃圾采用封闭式容器,日产日清。Site supervisors shall do their duties,stop any dust raising and littering and report to the project

39、manager.Keep quiet in the work shed or dormitory at night.加强工地监督员的管理工作,工地监督员要切实履行工作职责,发现工地扬尘和遗撒情况,要及时制止并向项目经理报告。夜间工棚宿舍禁止一切人为的喧哗、吵闹、高歌和猜拳等高噪音活动。Operate noise-making tools or equipment in a closed-door manner,load or unload materials gently and softly.Duct shall be riveted as much as possible during t

40、he day and measures shall be taken to suppress the noise produced.Mixing and other dust-raising work shall be performed in a closed area.Dust-raising materials shall be covered,closed and watered.对使用易产生噪音的机具应采取封闭作业,装卸材料应轻卸轻放。风管铆接尽量在白天进行并防止噪音。施工现场搅拌等易产生扬尘污染的作业区应进行封闭作业。因堆放、装卸、运输等易产生扬尘污染的物料应当采取遮盖、封闭、洒水

41、等措施。Organize personnel concerned to make investigations and draw up plans so as not to bring trouble to residents nearby.组织相关人员对周围情况进行调查摸底,对重点区域制定出工作方案,及时做好扰民工作。If the residents nearby come to make inquiries we shall give them a cordial reception and give satisfactory answers.If any passing vehicle

42、blocks the construction,we shall give explanations.对于周围居民前来询问及阻碍施工车辆的要热情接待,做好解释工作,给予满意答复。Keep contact with residents committee and neighborhood police and hold discussions with them regularly to seek their criticisms and help.及时与地方居委会、片儿警取得联系,定期召开座谈会,征询意见,取得谅解,协助我们一起做好居民工作。Help those residents who h

43、ave difficulties based upon our investigation and what is told by the residents committee.经过调查与当地居委会提供的情况相结合,对有实际困难的给予帮助。Report any serious situation to the superior.有重大情况应立即向上级主管部门报告。Chapter 12-Model Construction&Finished Work Protection Plan 文明施工及成品保护计划 Guangzhou Baxter Fina II Expansion Project M

44、EP Supply and Install works 14/20 Technical Proposal 技术标 8 Housekeeping Plan保洁计划 Housekeeping arrangement on site:1 full-time housekeepers per 50 workers.现场内设置:每 50名工人设 1 名专职保洁员 As for the outdoor works,and in addition to the HSE procedure,the following shall be emphasized:室外施工,除了要遵守 HSE 有关管理程序外,特别强

45、调一下几点:a Measures shall be taken to keep the buildings and adjoining premises free at all times from accumulations of all waste material,rubbish,debris,broken concrete,etc.,caused by construction activities.采取有效措施保持厂房和邻近场地任何时候都没有废料、垃圾、瓦砾、混凝土碎块的堆积等。b All precautions shall be taken to avoid depositing

46、earth,debris or mud on the Owners existing roads,adjacent public roads,parking areas and etc.Removal of earth,debris or mud,etc.,shall be performed immediately at no additional cost to the Owner.采取一切措施,不在业主原有道路上、邻近的市政道路上和停车场内等到处堆放泥土、垃圾或烂泥。c No facilities or equipment of the Owner may be used for tra

47、sh accumulation or the hauling away from the premises without the Owners prior written approval.未经业主事先书面同意,不得利用业主的任何设施或设备堆积废物,或将废物运离场地。需要时,应按事先得到业主的同意。d All work areas must be maintained in a neat,clean and safe condition and the cleaning must be performed on a daily basis.所有的工人必须做好日常的清洁维护 e Require

48、d type and number of waste containers,as well as their timely replacement shall be provided at site in accordance with the need of construction activities.准备足够的盛放垃圾的容器,及时清理工作中的垃圾。f All debris and rubbish caused by the construction operations should be taken out of the site immediately.If the remaini

49、ng materials need to be left on site,they should be kept neatly by keeper or kept with identification,barricades,etc.Incineration of wastes on site is not permitted.施工中产生的废料、垃圾,要立即运出,工作完成后,剩余材料或者原料必须滞留现场的,要摆放整齐,留人看管,或者做好警示标记;本工地不得焚烧垃圾。g Correctly discard or dispose wastes according to the local regu

50、lations.Flammable or explosive materials must be handled or disposed immediately of properly.按照规定处理废品废料,易燃易爆等危险品必须马上妥善处理。h All protruding nails,bolts and all other dangerous protruding objects shall be bent over or removed or barricaded with warning signs.类似钉子等危险的突出物,要妥善处理,或者做好警示标记。Chapter 12-Model


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