1、陕西省陕西省 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识强化训年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识强化训练试卷练试卷 B B 卷附答案卷附答案单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、(),he is appointed as the manager.A.Be a man ever so youngB.So young as a man ever isC.No matter he is youngD.A man ever so young【答案】A2、商场以每件 80 元的价格购进了某品牌衬衫 500 件,并以每件 120 元的价格销售了 400 件,要达到盈利 45%的预期目标,剩下的衬衫最多
2、可以降价?()A.15 元B.16 元C.18 元D.20 元【答案】D3、为深入落实 2021 年中央一号文件要求,巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接,中国银行间市场交易商协会于近期推出首批乡村振兴票据。农业银行作为牵头主承销商和簿记管理人,成功为中粮集团有限公司发行 2021 年第一期中期票据(乡村振兴),发行期限()年,发行规模 20 亿元,募集资金主要用于支持中粮集团粮食收储工作。作为全国首批乡村振兴债,本次债券的成功发行对于保障粮食安全、促进农民增收、实现乡村振兴发展具有重要意义。A.2 年B.3 年C.4 年D.5 年【答案】A4、资料:Demystifying how soc
3、ial and human-like robots work is vitalso that we can understand and shape how they will affect our future,Dr Hatice Gunes will tell the Hay Festival next week.(1)A.NeutralB.PositiveC.NegativeD.Critical【答案】B5、我国习惯上将年息、月息、日息都以“厘”作单位,但实际含义却不同,若年息 8 厘,月息 6 厘,日息 3 厘,则分别是指()A.年利率为 8%,月利率为 6%,日利率为B.年利率为 8
4、%,月利率为 6%,日利率为 3C.年利率为 8%。,月利率为 6,日利率为 3D.年利率为 8%,月利率为 3,日利率为 0.33【答案】D6、Next Monday is Tinas anniversary of the entry to Apple Inc.She_by the company for 15 whole years by then.A.will have been employedB.will have employedC.has been employedD.will employed【答案】A7、某企业对以外币结算的款项减少业务的核算,以前都按原入账时的汇率作为账面汇
5、率,但 从本年初起,经董事会同意,改按加权平均法并已在会计报告中加以说明。对于上述会计 方法的重要变动,如企业不再作出任何调整,注册会计师应出具()。A.无保留意见审计报告B.保留意见审计报告C.否定意见审计报告D.无法表示意见审计报告【答案】A8、The World Bank says a large proportion of the poor have no_ to banks.A.entryB.pathC.roadD.access【答案】D9、资料:Directions:There is 1 passage in this part.The passage isfollowed by
6、some questions or unfinished statements.For each of themthere are four choices,You should decide on the best choice.A.It is a whole new technique Apple Inc.applied on iPhone XB.It has started a revolution in computer-vision industryC.It has a problem of revocationD.It has embedded security mechanism
7、s to secure the data on the phone【答案】B10、资料:Poor health is not only damaging to employees,it isdetrimental to businesses.Corporations pay a heavy cost for stress-related illnesses,such as hypertension,gastrointestinal problems,and substance abuse.says Rubin.A.It is helpful to the company if the empl
8、oyers can lay off employeeswith health issuesB.Company discount on gym memberships will surely improve employeesfrequency of exerciseC.Most Americans have suffered from stress-related illnessesD.To make sure that the employees are aware of the importance ofphysical and mental health is essential to
9、promote good health in acompany【答案】D11、票据金额以中文大写和阿拉伯数字同时记载,对二者不一致的结算凭证()A.以大写为准B.以小写为准C.银行可予受理D.银行不予受理【答案】D12、资料:Good listening is much more than being silent while theother person talks.To the contrary,people perceive the bestlisteners to be those who periodically ask questions that promotediscover
10、y and insight.These questions gently challenge oldassumptions,but do so in a constructive way.Sitting there silentlynodding does not provide sure evidence that a person is listening,but asking a good question tells the speaker the listener has notonly heard what was said,but that they comprehended i
11、t well enoughto want additional information.Good listening was consistently seenas a two-way dialog,rather than a one-way“speaker versus hearer”interaction.The best conversations were active.A.He wants to challenge the speakerB.He is getting bored of noddingC.He is listening carefullyD.He wants to m
12、ake the dialog stop【答案】C13、不属于资产管理理论基础的是()。A.商业性贷款B.转移理论C.预期收入理论D.经营管理理论【答案】D14、我国企业国内发行债券所筹集的资金可用于()。A.固定资产投资B.房地产买卖C.股票交易D.期货交易【答案】A15、Passage 6A.Alexa is named after an ancient hero in EgyptB.Alexa is installed in librariesC.Alexa can provide all the necessary information about historyD.Alexa can
13、 provide more data to marketers than a cookie【答案】D16、资料:Early ExperiencesA.To determine whether the product is user-friendlyB.To see if the process is simple enough for users to understandC.To learn about users perspectiveD.To cancel a process or navigate to a specific function or location【答案】D17、Gl
14、obal warming is causing more than 300,000 deaths and about$125billion in economic losses each year,according to a report by theGlobal Humanitarian Forum,an organization led by Annan,the formerUnited Nations secretary general.A.Its conclusions are based on carefully collected dataB.It is vulnerable t
15、o criticism if the statistics are closelyexaminedC.It will give rise to heated discussions at the CopenhagenconferenceD.Its rough estimates are meant to draw the attention of worldleaders【答案】D18、2020 年 4 月,2020 年()综合所得汇算清澈在各地陆续启动,这是中国()史上首次汇算清缴,纳税人在指定日期前完成汇算申报,继而缴纳补税或申请退税。A.个税,个税B.营业税,营业税C.房产税,房产税D.
16、消费税,消费税【答案】A19、甲乙合作完成一项工作,由于配合得好,甲的工作效率比单独做时提高1/10,乙的工作效率比单独做时提高 1/5,甲乙合作 6 小时完成了这项工作。如果甲单独做需要 11 小时,那么乙单独做需要几小时?A.13B.16C.18D.20【答案】C20、Passage 8A.cause it can make trees grow tallerB.Because it can improve the shape of the treesBBecause it can getrid of the small ranchesC.Because it can make the s
17、mall branches thicker【答案】B21、“沉鱼落雁”“闭月羞花”用以形容古代四大美女,下列形容古代四大美女与其关系对应不正确的是()。A.沉鱼西施B.落雁王昭君C.闭月赵姬D.羞花杨玉环【答案】C22、The government has to try every means to_the rate ofinflation.A.bring backB.bring downC.bring forthD.bring about【答案】B23、资料:Its almost considered sacrilegious today to leave work atthe end of
18、 your workday or(for shamel)on a Friday and simply notcheck your email until you return the office during normal workinghours.A.Bosses push employees to work by sending emails anytimeB.Employees are exhausted by the constant need to check emailsC.Companies mean to stress the workers out by sending e
19、mailsD.None of above【答案】B24、Passage 3A.They have to cancel their vacations in New EnglandB.They find it unaffordable to dine in mom-and-pop restaurantsC.They have to spend more money when buying imported goodsD.They might lose their jobs due to potential economic problems【答案】C25、资料:“I wouldnt be her
20、e today if not for the generosity ofstrangers,”said Michael Moritz,while announcing a major donationto Oxford University.A former Time Magazine reporter,Mr.Moritzleft journalism to become one of the most successful venturecapitalists in Silicon Valley.Through Sequoia Capital,the firm hejoined in 198
21、6 and has led for many years,Mr.Moritz was an earlyinvestor in Google,Yahoo,PayPal and LinkedIn.His personal fortuneis estimated at well over$1 billion.Oxford University announcedlast Wednesday that he and his wife,the novelist Harriet Heyman,donated 75 million,or$115 million,to fund a new scholarsh
22、ipprogram aimed at providing financial aid to students from low-incomebackgrounds.Behind the headlines about the size of the gift was afamily story of immigration,education and a sense of obligation thattranscended generations.A.How education can change a persons lifeB.Oxford University welcomes the
23、 generosity of strangersC.An immigration familys story of successD.large amount of private donation from an Oxford graduate【答案】B26、在我国加入 WTO 后的今天,外资银行已经逐步突破地域、业务等限制进入我国市场。外资银行在我国拓展业务,由于对国情、民情和金融法规不甚了解,难以准确把握市场信息。外资银行把握市场信息的捷径就是实现管理人员的“本土化”。外资银行用优厚的薪酬待遇、优越的工作环境、良好的福利保障、众多的出国培训机会、灵活的用人机制来吸引和留住人才。这一举措导
24、致了我国金融人才的大量流失,这对我国商业银行人力资源开发和管理提出了严峻挑战。A.科学的工资和资金制度B.各种福利计划C.长期的激励机制D.建立员工自我实现平台【答案】D27、Passage 1A.It is widely used to compare the economic growth across countriesB.It revolutionizes the way of measuring ordinary peoples livelihoodC.It focuses on peoples consumption rather than their average income
25、D.It is a more comprehensive measure of peoples economic well-being【答案】D28、His kingdom was still _;the Danes far from subdued.A.precariousB.preferentialC.primalD.prodigal【答案】A29、资料:Job DescriptionA.balance between work and entertainmentB.desire to contribute to developmentC.knowledgeable of co-brand
26、ed sponsored entertainmentD.passionate for the A+E brands【答案】A30、Tony stops him with news that a plane has _ over the MojaveDesert.A.blown offB.blown inC.blown downD.blown up【答案】D31、资料:Virgin America helped Airbus pip Boeing at the post toretain its crown as the worlds largest commercial plane maker
27、.A.fuel priceB.low-cost carriesC.emerging markets in the Middle EastD.emerging markets in Asia【答案】A32、_about the potential of a market downturn over his tradepolicies,the president said:“If it does,it does.Look,Im notdoing this for politics。”A.AskedB.AskingC.To askD.To be asked【答案】A33、管理的核心和动力是()。A.
28、权力及权威B.激励手段C.人以及人的积极性D.资源的分配【答案】C34、资料:Star Airways,Mumbais dominant airline for the past fiveyears,has reported it is planning to replace its entire aircraftfleet with European-produced Skystream jets.Starting with an initialpurchase of 90 jets,Star Airways expects the changeover to take adecade to
29、 complete.The new planes will enable the airline to expandits international routes as well as provide replacements for itsaging fleet of jet planes.Star Airways and Skystream,in a jointannouncement at the Brussels Air Show on Thursday,said that theorder included seventeen of the new AWB85O aircraft.
30、This will makeStar Airways the first Indian carrier to fly the AWB850,an aim ithas had since the powerful jets were first produced.A.Seventeen yearsB.Ten yearsC.Five yearsD.Three years【答案】B35、The chairman of the board()on me the unpleasant job ofdismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford
31、to employ.A.compelledB.posedC.pressedD.tempted【答案】C36、在下列哪些情况下,企业可以不受限制的延长工作时间?()A.为完成和其他单位所签合同所规定的工作任务B.劳动合同中所约定的情形C.发生水灾,组织抢救企业财产D.企业工作规程规定的其他情形【答案】C37、关于 X 理论和 Y 理论,下列说法中正确的有()。A.只有(1)和(2)B.只有(1)和(3)C.只有(2)和(3)D.三项观点都正确【答案】D38、资料:Italys next government,a coalition between thepopulistFive Star Mov
32、ement and the far-right Northern League,isgiving investors plenty to worry about.Leaked plans,hastilyabandoned,suggested it might want to leave the euro or ask theEuropean Central Bank to forgive 250bn($292bn)of Italian debt.But less attention has been paid to what it might mean for Italianbanks,and
33、 in particular for their biggest burden:non-performingloans(NPLs).Over 185bn of NPLs were outstanding at the end of2017,the most for any country in the European Union.(1)A.uneasyB.awkwardC.furiousD.indifferent【答案】A39、企业购进原材料 60 000 元,款项未付。该笔经济业务应编制的记账凭证是()。A.收款凭证B.付款凭证C.转账凭证D.以上均可【答案】C40、资料:From:Iri
34、s WuA.on May 3B.on May 14C.on May 15D.on May 26【答案】D41、银行的基本会计报表有:()、资产负债表和损益表。A.业务状况表B.固定资产表C.未分配利润表D.新科目余额表【答案】A42、Passage 5A.The possibility of government support for such a taskB.The need to explore UtahC.The need to connect the east coast with the westD.The need to develop the railroad industry
35、 in the west【答案】C43、下列抽样方法中,属于非概率抽样的是()。A.分层抽样B.整群抽样C.判断抽样D.等距抽样【答案】C44、资料:We all know that lack of sleep affects our memory alongwith other cognitive abilities.Sitting in the office sleep deprivesits difficult to remember your own name,let along the ever-lengthening to-do list.A.repeatB.pour backC.
36、feedD.remix【答案】A45、金融市场上主要的资金供应者是()。A.家庭B.企业C.政府D.金融机构【答案】A46、按借贷协议在一定时期可以变动的利率是()。A.固定利率B.浮动利率C.一般利率D.优惠利率【答案】B47、高通胀下的 GDP 增长将导致金融市场行情()。A.上升B.下跌C.不变D.都有可能【答案】B48、As they had run out of sugar,they used honey as a(n)_for it.A.exchangeB.assistanceC.substituteD.preference【答案】C49、并非只有人类才有利他主义行为,这句话等同于
37、()。A.有些动物具有利他主义行为B.只有人类才有利他主义行为C.除了人类,其他动物都有利他主义行为D.利他主义行为并不是所有动物都具有【答案】C50、下列历史事件时间排序正确的一组是()。A.司马迁修史记文景之治王莽篡汉B.杯酒释兵权岳飞抗金王安石变法C.齐桓公称霸商鞅变法秦统一天下D.玄武门之变黄巢起义安史之乱【答案】C多选题(共多选题(共 2020 题)题)1、目前保证网络交易安全性的技术主要有()。A.防火墙B.信息加密C.认证与授权D.网络杀毒【答案】BC2、关于贷款利息管理,下列表述正确的有()。A.贷款贴息应当坚持“谁确定谁贴息”的原则B.对于逾期贷款,贷款人不得带有惩罚性地加收
42、包括()。A.票据发行便利B.贷款额度C.回购协议D.循环贷款协议E.大额可转让定期存单【答案】ABCD17、设立公司必须依法制定公司章程,公司章程对()具有约束力。A.公司B.董事C.股东D.监事【答案】ABCD18、大额可转让定期存单最早产生于美国。美国的Q 条例规定商业银行对活期存款不能支 付利息,定期存款不能突破一定限额。20 世纪 60 年代,美国市场利率上涨,高于Q 条例规 定的上限,资金从商业银行流人金融市场。为了吸引客户,商业银行推出可转让大额定期存 单。购买存单的客户随时可以将存单在市场上变现出售。A.商业银行贷款业务“表外化”B.贷款结构的变化C.贷款证券化D.与市场利率密
43、切联系的贷款形式不断出现【答案】ABCD19、下列哪些不属于职能型组织结构最大的缺点?()A.横向协调差B.不利于培养上层领导C.多头领导D.沟通困难【答案】ABD20、中央银行增加货币供应量时,采取的下列政策中错误的有()。A.公开市场卖出证券B.降低法定存款准备金率C.提髙再贴现率D.降低再贷款利率【答案】AC大题(共大题(共 1010 题)题)一、2006 年 8 月 20 日,A 公司向 B 公司签发了一张金额为 10 万元的商业汇票该汇票载明出票后 1 个月内付款。C 公司为付款人,D 公司在汇票上签章作了保证,但未记载被保证人名称。B 公司取得汇票后背书转让给 E 公司,E 公司又
44、将该汇票背书转让给 F 公司,F 公司于当年 9 月 12 日向 C 公司提示承兑,C公司以其所欠 A 公司债务只有 8 万元为由拒绝承兑。F 公司拟行使追索权实现自己的票据权利。要求:根据上述情况和票据法律制度的有关规定,回答下列问题:(1)F 公司可行使追索权的追索对象有哪些?这些被追索人之间承担何种责任?(2)C 公司是否有当然的付款义务?C 公司如果承兑了该汇票,能否以其所欠 A 公司债务只有 8 万元为由拒绝付款?简要说明理由。(3)本案中,汇票的被保证人是谁?简要说明理由。如果 D 公司对 F 公司承担了保证责任,则 D 公司可以向谁行使追索权?简要说明理由。【答案】(1)F 公司
45、可行使追索权的追索对象包括:E 公司、B 公司、D 公司和 A公司。这些被追索人之间承担连带责任。(2)C 公司没有当然的付款义务。C 公司如果承兑了该汇票,则不能以其所欠 A 公司债务只有 8 万元为由拒绝付款。票据法第 13 条第 1 款规定:“票据债务人不得以自己与出票人或者与持票人的前手之问的抗辩事由,对抗持票人。但是,持票人明知存在抗辩事由而取得票据的除外。”本假设条件中,C 公司以其与出票人 A 公司之间的抗辩事由来对抗持票人 F 公司是不符合规定的。(3)被保证人为 A 公司。票据法第47 条第 1 款规定:“保证人在汇票或者粘单上未记载被保证人名称的,已承兑的汇票,承兑人为被保
46、证人;未承兑的汇票,出票人为被保证人。”本题中,该汇票未经承兑,因此出票人 A 公司为被保证人。如果 D 公司对 F 公司承担了保证责任,则 D 公司可以向 A 公司行使追索权。票据法第 52 条规定:“保证人清偿汇票债务后,可以行使持票人对被保证人及其前手的追索权。”本题中,被保证人为出票人 A 公司,因此保证人 D 公司清偿票据款项后只能向 A 公司行使追索权。(注:考题中汇票金额改为 20 万元,C 公司债务改为 18 万元。不影响解题。)二、已知 ABC 公司的下列库存信息及相关信息:(1)订货数量只能按 100 的倍数;(2)年使用数量为 300000 单位(假定一年有 50 周);
47、(3)库存持有成本是商品购买价格的 30%;(4)购买价格为每单位 10 元;(5)订货成本为 50 元/单位;(6)公司希望的安全存量为 1000 单位(不包括运送期库存);(7)运送期为两星期。要求:(1)计算最优经济订货量水平为多少?(2)若该店以此数量订货,则年平均库存持有成本为多少?(3)每年的订货周期为多少?(4)库存水平为多少时应补充订货?【答案】三、某企业按(2/10,n/40)的条件购入一批货物,即企业如果在 10 日内付款,可享受 2%的现金折扣;倘若企业放弃现金折扣,贷款应在 40 天内付清。要求:(1)计算企业放弃该项现金折扣的成本。(2)若另一家供应商提出(1/20,
48、n/40)的信用条件,计算放弃折扣的成本。若企业准备享受现金折扣,选择哪一家供应商有利;若企业准备放弃现金折扣,选择哪一家供应商有利?【答案】如果企业准备享受现金折扣应当选择放弃现金折扣的成本高的一家(本题中即是选择放弃现金折扣成本为 24.49%的一家);如果企业决定放弃现金折扣则应当选择放弃现傘折扣成本低的一家(本题中即是选择放弃现金折扣成本为 18.18%的一家)。【注意】(1)所谓的“放弃现金折扣成本”的含义是:如果放弃现金折扣,则应该承担的资金成本。其实质是“借款利息”,时间计算单位为“一年(360 天)”,所以,计算放弃现金折扣成本时,(2)因为“现金折扣百分比”是按照全部货款计算
49、的,所以,如果在折扣期内付款需要支付的款项=全部款项 X(1-现金折扣百分比),因此,“放弃现金折扣成本”计算公式中的“现金折扣百分比/(1-现金折扣百分比)表示的是“借款利息”占“借款本金”的比例。(3)综上所述,应该按照计算“放弃现金折扣成本”。(4)“放弃现金折扣”意味着要“支付借款利息”,反之,如果享受现金折扣(即在折扣期内付款),则意味着收取借款利息(相当于把款项借给供应方,收取利息),所以,当面对两个以上供应商时,如果打算放弃现金折扣,则应该选择折扣成本最“低”的供应商,反之,如果打算享受现金折扣,则应该选择折扣成本最“高”的供应商。四、请仔细阅读以下材料:在“建设资源节约型、环境
50、友好型社会”的专题学习中,某中学 5 名同学围绕“废旧电池回收和处理的现状与对策”课题。组成探究小组。他们利用课余时间,通过问卷、走访、查阅文献、上网等方法对废旧电池回收和处理现状进行了调查。同学们发现:第一,废旧电池会污染环境,1 节一号电池烂在地里,会使 1 平方米的土壤永久污染;1 粒纽扣电池可使600 吨水无法饮用,相当于 1 个人一生的饮水量。第二,中国每年消耗电池 70多亿只。中学生使用随身听、复读机、电子词典等,是电池消耗大户,人均年消耗电池 50 节以上。同学们了解到,第一,目前废旧电池回收率不到 2。有近八成的人认为废旧电池回收活动“与自己无关”或“没时间参加”,有 87的人