1、危险驾驶罪的刑事立法研究,刑法论文本篇论文目录导航:【题目】 危险驾驶罪的刑事立法研究【导言 第一章】【第二章】【第三章】【4.1】【4.2】【结论/以下为参考文献】 内容摘要 为有效打击当下日益高发的危险驾驶行为,本文主要通过w下几个方面对已入刑的危险驾驶罪进行分析:首先通过对危险驾驶罪的概念、性质等进行阐述,在弄清该罪基本的犯罪构成的基础上,探究该罪详细属于危险犯还是行为犯,该罪的主观方面是存心故意还是过失等问题。其次,通过该罪与其他同属于危害公共安全罪的几个罪名的分析和比拟,列出危险驾驶罪与交通肇事罪等几个罪名的之间的一样点和不同点,进而更清楚的了展现出危险驾驶罪的犯罪构成。再者,通过列
2、举国外及地区对于危险驾驶罪的相关立法规定,与我们国家当前的立法进行比拟,借鉴国外及地区有关危险驾驶行为的先进的立法经历体验,找出我们国家当下关于危险驾驶罪的刑事立法的缺乏与缺陷,为完善我们国家对于危险驾驶罪立法提供有益的立法借鉴。最后,将危险驾驶罪入刑后的司法实践中出现的问题进行总结,从中找出当前立法的缺陷,如醉驾当前仅采用单纯的客观标准、醉驾没有情节限制等,进而提出增加危险驾驶行为的种类、对 醉酒 驾驶的定罪应区分情节、扩大犯罪主体范围等详细的立法完善建议,W期使危险驾驶罪适用现实中日新月异的变化,预防在现实中严重的危害公共安全的相关案件的发生,使犯罪能得到有效遏制。本文着重分析了本罪中 醉
3、驾 型危险驾驶罪所亟需进行完善的问题、超速、超速行为界定标准不够明确的问题及本罪的适用范围过于狭窄的问题,提出了醉酒驾驶应区分情节、应扩大本罪中危险驾驶行为的界定范围、应对严重超载、超速行为界定准、应适当扩大本罪犯罪主体的适用范围及应增设本罪的量刑幅度,提高法定刑初步意见。 本文关键词语:危险驾驶罪;司法适用;界线;详细适用;立法完善 Abstract In order to effectively combat the current increasing risk of dangerous driving behavior,criminal law amendment eight in t
4、he crime of traffic accident, as one of the first, so as toincrease the crime of dangerous driving, the crime of the establishment of drunk driving andchase driving behavior was officially incorporated into the criminal law adjustment range,making the voice has been very high drunk driving into the
5、problem to solve.Theestablishment of this crime, it should be said that with many social values, its importance isnot only added a new crime in the criminal law of our country, but more importantly, this is animportant symbol of the progress of criminal legislation in China. After the addition of th
6、iscrime, although the current more common drunk driving behavior and chasing competitiondriving behavior of effective prevention and combat, further standardize the traffic order,maintenance of traffic safety, but after all, with the drunk driving behavior and chasecompeting driving with the same so
7、cial hazardous driving behavior, such as drug driving,driving, fatigue driving, overloading, speeding and other dangerous driving behavior has notbeen included in, to a large extent weakened the crime of dangerous driving behavior ofprevention and punishment function. In order to solve the above pro
8、blems, the criminal lawamendment nine will be the school bus, passenger vehicle overloading, speeding and illegaltransportation of hazardous chemicals into the scope of the crime, the crime of dangerousdriving behavior before the two categories increased to four categories, in a certain way tosolve
9、the problem of dangerous driving behavior, but the legislation of this crime still exists tobe improved. The in this paper, trying to through the analysis of the boundaries of the conceptof the crime and other crimes, in comparison on the basis of the experience of other countrieslegislation,superfi
10、cialthe legislation of the crime of dangerous driving improvement put forward someviews, in order to be able to cast a brick to attract jade. This article mainly analyzes the problems of the crime of drunk driving , the problem ofdefining the standard of speed and speeding, and the problem of the sc
11、ope of this crime. Thearticle puts forward the definition range of dangerous driving behavior, the appropriate scopeof the crime, the application scope of the crime, and the preliminary opinion. words: Crime of dangerous driving Judicial application Boundaries Application Legislative Improvement 目录
12、内容摘要 Abstract 导言 第一章危险驾驶罪的概述 第一节危险驾驶罪的概念 第二节危险驾驶罪的性质 一、行为犯抑或危险犯 二、详细危险犯抑或抽象危险犯 第三节危险驾驶罪的犯罪构成 一、犯罪主体 二、主观方面 三、犯罪客体 四、客观方面 第二章危险驾驶罪与其他犯罪的界线 第一节危险驾驶罪与交通肇事罪的界线 一、两罪的主观方面不同 二、两罪的客观方面不同 三、两罪的定罪量刑不同 第二节危险驾驶罪与过失以危险方式方法危害公共安全罪的界线 第三节危险驾驶罪与危险物品肇事罪 第三章域外有关危险驾驶的立法比拟与借鉴 第一节域外的相关立法 一、德国 二、日本 三、加拿大 四、美国 五、新加坡 六、芬兰 第二节域外立法的借鉴 第四章危险驾驶罪的立法完善 第一节 危险驾驶罪,的立法缺陷 一、 醉驾 型危险驾驶的立法缺陷 二、 严重超载、超速 未界定详细标准 三、新增加的关于危险驾驶行为的类型范围需要扩大 第二节 危险驾驶罪 的立法完善 一、应扩大危险驾驶行为的界定范围 二、严重超载、超速的界定标准应明确 三、 醉酒 驾驶应区分情节 四、应适当扩大本罪犯罪主体的适用范围 五、增设量刑幅度,提高法定刑 结论 以下为参考文献 致谢