3、扑网络分析结果辅助小窑湾商务区城市设计方案,从宏观到微观再到专项的层面分别进行了道路交通系统、空间构造系统、公共空间、建筑空间形态的方案设计,构成小窑湾商务区的最终方案.本文关键词语:拓扑网络;城市设计;小窑湾商务区AbstractUrban design, as a bridge connecting the overall planning and architectural design in the urban planning system, plays an excessive role in the development of the city. the process of
4、the rapid development of urban, the excessive effect of urban design plays an increasingly important role in the planning system, which also causes the extensive research and research of various scholars, based on the current research overview, the research is mainly divided into two directions, one
5、 is to pay attention to the design level of spatial form and the other is to use the emerging theoretical and technical methods.Through the establishment of mathematical models, quantitative data analysis can be derived to design the solution. Topological network analysis is a sudden emergence in th
6、e mathematical analysis method in the urban planning system. The topology network analysis method emphasizes not the space itself, but the connection relationship between space and space. The research results of the spatial relationship are applied to the urban design scheme. go with. Based on the a
7、pplication of topological network analysis in urban design, this paper explores the role that can be played in various stages of urban design through the study of urban design schemes in Xiaoyaowan Business District.This paper firstly combs the related theories of topological network analysis and ur
8、ban design, and sums up the spatial syntactic analysis method suitable for this paper, and then uses the specific quantitative data such as integration degree, selectivity and connectivity in the analysis results to guide and assist the design of the scheme. Then, starting from the current situation
9、 of the main built-up areas in Xiaoyaowan and JinPu New District, using topological network analysis, it is concluded that the spatial structure of the JinPu New Area is deficient and the center of the dynamic space is unevenly distributed, and the road traffic system in the new area is imperfect. T
10、he construction of the Xiaoyaowan area is the main node for solving the current situation in the new area. Finally, combining the actual problems and the status quo constraints, this study summarizes the design principles and design strategies of the urban design schemes in the region, and assists t
11、he urban design of Xiaoyaowan Business District by applying topological network analysis results.From the macro to the micro level to the special level, the road traffic system, space structure system, public space, and architectural space form were designed separately, and the final plan of the Xia
12、oyaowan business district was formed.Keyword: Spacesyntax, Urbandesign, XiaoyaowanBusiness district目录内容摘要.IAbstract.II目录.III幅较长,部分内容省略,具体全文见文末附件结论研究结论本文通过小窑湾商务区城市设计项目的实例研究,论证了拓扑网络分析方式方法与中国城市设计时间相结合具有一定的可行性,拓扑网络分析理论能够在城市设计的前期研究和城市设计的方案设计阶段都起到作用.在方案的前期研究和分析方面,拓扑网络分析理论能够对小窑湾片区的现在状况作出更为全面和准确的量化数据支撑,对于设计
15、到更为科学的指导作用.缺乏与瞻望拓扑网络分析技术分析出的结果能够对设计方案提供较为准确和合理的量化数据支撑.但拓扑网络分析应用在城市设计体系中并不完善,拓扑网络分析技术不能运用到城市设计中的各个环节,并且在设计方案中并不能起到决定性作用,只能是辅助设计作用.由于笔者能力有限,对空间句法的研究和理解还不够深切进入,本文所牵涉的研究方式方法较为粗浅,文中难免出现纸漏,希望教师同学们批评指正.以下为参考文献1金广君.图解城市设计M.黑龙江科学技术出版社,1999.2王丹丹.用 图底 分析建筑J.新建筑,2008.3英F 吉伯德.市镇设计M.程里尧译.中国建筑工业出版社, 1983.4日芦原义信.街道
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