1、2021-20222021-2022 学年高中英语听说训学年高中英语听说训练(练(5 5)北师大版选修)北师大版选修 8 8听说训练听说训练(5)(5)Part APart A模仿朗读模仿朗读(2022-D)(2022-D)听录音听录音,模仿朗读短文模仿朗读短文,注意画线单词的发音。短注意画线单词的发音。短文读两遍。文读两遍。BesideBeside manymany a a tropicaltropical river,thereriver,there hangshangs thethebiggest of all seed pods,the sea bean.Thesebiggest of
2、 all seed pods,the sea bean.Thesehugehuge containerscontainers house one of the most house one of the mostsuccessfulsuccessful ofof allall vegetablevegetable travelers.Onetravelers.One bybyone,theone,the seasea beansbeans startstart onon theirtheir voyagesvoyages.This.Thisone is setting off down a s
3、mall river inone is setting off down a small river inAfricaAfrica.After a few miles,even,perhaps,a few.After a few miles,even,perhaps,a fewhundred miles,the seed arrives at the mouthhundred miles,the seed arrives at the mouthofof itsits river.Itriver.It cancan voyagevoyage throughthrough groupsgroup
4、s ofofislandsislands andand outout intointo thethe openopen seasea toto rideride thethegreatgreat oceanocean currentscurrents forfor asas muchmuch asas a a yearyear andandstillstill remainremain alive.alive.Beside many aBeside many ariver,there hangs theriver,there hangs thebiggest of all seed pods,
5、the sea bean.Thesebiggest of all seed pods,the sea bean.Thesehugehugehousehouse oneone ofof thethe mostmost successfulsuccessful ofofall vegetable travelers.One by one,the seaall vegetable travelers.One by one,the seabeans start on theirbeans start on their.This one is.This one is-2-2-settingsetting
6、 offoff downdown a a smallsmall riverriver inin.After.Aftera few miles,even,perhaps,a few hundreda few miles,even,perhaps,a few hundredmiles,the seed arrives at the mouth of itsmiles,the seed arrives at the mouth of itsriver.Itriver.It cancan voyagevoyage throughthrough groupsgroups ofof islandsisla
7、ndsand out into the open sea to ride the greatand out into the open sea to ride the greatoceanoceanfor as much as a year and stillfor as much as a year and stillalive.alive.答案答案 tropicaltropical trtr p pI Iklklcontainerskcontainersk nnteteI In n(r)z(r)zvoyagesvoyagesv v IIII d d I IzzAfricaAfrica fr
8、frI Ik k currentscurrentsk k r r ntsntsremain rremain rI ImemeI InnPart BPart B角色扮演角色扮演(2022-D)(2022-D)一、听录音一、听录音,抓要点抓要点,注意做好记录。录音仅读一注意做好记录。录音仅读一次。次。提示提示:MaryMary 与与 TomTom 谈论喜剧表演的话题。谈论喜剧表演的话题。生词生词:comedian(:comedian(喜剧演员喜剧演员);update();update(更新更新)W:Hello,Tom!That was a perfect show!W:Hello,Tom!That
9、 was a perfect show!M:Thanks,Mary.Im glad that people likedM:Thanks,Mary.Im glad that people likedit.it.-3-3-W:YouW:You diddid a a wonderfulwonderful job.Youjob.You mustmust havehave donedonea lot to give us such a show.a lot to give us such a show.M:Yes.IM:Yes.I practicedpracticed manymany timestim
10、es inin frontfront ofof thethemirror.Imirror.I neededneeded toto makemake suresure mymy bodybody languagelanguageand facial expressions were really amusing.and facial expressions were really amusing.W:Yeah.TheW:Yeah.The audienceaudience burstburst intointo laughterlaughter manymanytimes during your
11、one-hour show.They weretimes during your one-hour show.They wereindeed amused.indeed amused.M:I like to see people laughing.Laughter isM:I like to see people laughing.Laughter isgood for your health.It reduces stress.good for your health.It reduces stress.W:But we really laugh when we are on ourW:Bu
12、t we really laugh when we are on ourown,do we?own,do we?M:No.ThatsM:No.Thats whywhy peoplepeople needneed usus comedianscomedians totomake them laugh.make them laugh.二、二、根据中文提示提出三个问题根据中文提示提出三个问题,并根据录音的答并根据录音的答复做好记录。录音读两遍。复做好记录。录音读两遍。每个问题有每个问题有 1010 秒的准备时间。秒的准备时间。当你听见“嘀声当你听见“嘀声时时,开始提问。开始提问。-4-4-A1:Us
13、ually,I tell jokes.To get close to myA1:Usually,I tell jokes.To get close to myaudience,I catch up with the latest news inaudience,I catch up with the latest news insocietysociety andand I I putput themthem inin mymy jokes.Ijokes.I thinkthink thetheaudience loves this kind of jokesaudience loves thi
14、s kind of jokesmost.Sometimes I make fun of some famousmost.Sometimes I make fun of some famouspeople and pop stars.people and pop stars.1.1.你做什么让观众大笑你做什么让观众大笑?Q1:Q1:A1:(A1:(录音答复录音答复)A2:Well,myA2:Well,my fatherfather waswas onceonce a a comedian.Icomedian.I havehavewatched his shows since I was a li
15、ttle boy.Iwatched his shows since I was a little boy.Ilearned some skills from him and then I tooklearned some skills from him and then I tooka a two-yeartwo-year coursecourse inin comediancomedian trainingtraining centercenterwhen I was sixteen.After that,I began towhen I was sixteen.After that,I b
16、egan toperform everywhere in the country.perform everywhere in the country.2.2.你是怎么成为一个喜剧演员的你是怎么成为一个喜剧演员的?Q2:Q2:A2:(A2:(录音答复录音答复)A3:There are no secrets to success.It takesA3:There are no secrets to success.It takesa lot of effort.You have to work harder thana lot of effort.You have to work harder t
17、hananyone else.It doesnt happen by itself.Aanyone else.It doesnt happen by itself.Agood comedian should read a lot so as togood comedian should read a lot so as to-5-5-create more jokes.If you dont update yourcreate more jokes.If you dont update yourjokes,youll soon lose your audience.jokes,youll so
18、on lose your audience.3.3.有什么成功的秘诀吗有什么成功的秘诀吗?Q3:Q3:A3:(A3:(录音答复录音答复)答案答案 Q1:What do you do to let the audienceQ1:What do you do to let the audiencelaugh?/What do you do to make the audiencelaugh?/What do you do to make the audiencelaugh?laugh?Q2:How did you become a comedian?Q2:How did you become a
19、comedian?Q3:Do you have any secrets to success?/WhatQ3:Do you have any secrets to success?/Whatsecretssecrets toto successsuccess dodo youyou have?/Arehave?/Are therethere anyanysecrets to success?secrets to success?三、根据以上听到的内容答复电脑提出的五个问三、根据以上听到的内容答复电脑提出的五个问题。提问读两遍。题。提问读两遍。每题有每题有 1010 秒的准备时间。当你听见“嘀声
20、时秒的准备时间。当你听见“嘀声时,开始答复。开始答复。Q1:How long was Toms show?Q1:How long was Toms show?Q2:Why is laughter good for our health?Q2:Why is laughter good for our health?Q3:What kind of jokes do the audience likeQ3:What kind of jokes do the audience likemost?most?Q4:How long did Tom study in the comedianQ4:How l
21、ong did Tom study in the comediantraining center?training center?-6-6-Q5:Why should a comedian read a lot?Q5:Why should a comedian read a lot?Q1:(Q1:(录音提问录音提问)A1:A1:Q2:(Q2:(录音提问录音提问)A2:A2:Q3:(Q3:(录音提问录音提问)A3:A3:Q4:(Q4:(录音提问录音提问)A4:A4:Q5:(Q5:(录音提问录音提问)A5:A5:答案答案 A1:One hour.A1:One hour.A2:It reduces
22、stress./Because it reducesA2:It reduces stress./Because it reducesstress.stress.A3:Jokes about the latest news inA3:Jokes about the latest news insociety./They like jokes about the latestsociety./They like jokes about the latestnews in society most.news in society most.A4:Two years.A4:Two years.A5:T
23、o create more jokes./In order to createA5:To create more jokes./In order to createmore jokes.more jokes.Part CPart C故事复述故事复述(2022-D)(2022-D)-7-7-听录音听录音,注意速记注意速记,并根据速记复述故事。录音读并根据速记复述故事。录音读两遍。两遍。梗概梗概:Tom:Tom 斥责用鞋砸他新车的女孩斥责用鞋砸他新车的女孩,却发现她是却发现她是为了帮助他人。为了帮助他人。关键词关键词:hit(:hit(砸砸),shoe(),shoe(鞋子鞋子),gesture()
24、,gesture(手手势势),help(),help(帮助帮助),send(),send(送送)A Shoe for HelpA Shoe for HelpTom was happily traveling down to town inTom was happily traveling down to town inhis expensive new car.Attracted by thehis expensive new car.Attracted by thescenery,he slowed down.Suddenly,somethingscenery,he slowed down.
25、Suddenly,somethinghit the side door of the car.Tom stopped thehit the side door of the car.Tom stopped thecar,stepped out,and found it was a shoe.Hecar,stepped out,and found it was a shoe.Helooked around and saw a little girl with onelooked around and saw a little girl with onebare foot.He believed
26、it was the girl whobare foot.He believed it was the girl whothrewthrew thethe shoeshoe atat hishis car.Hecar.He waswas angry,walkedangry,walkedtoto herher andand shouted,“Whyshouted,“Why diddid youyou dodo it?it?ItIt isisa a newnew car.Dontcar.Dont youyou knowknow itit isis expensive?expensive?The g
27、irl tried to explain but was unable toThe girl tried to explain but was unable tospeak.With tears in her eyes,she tried herspeak.With tears in her eyes,she tried herbest to make gestures.It seemed that shebest to make gestures.It seemed that shewantedwanted toto taketake TomTom somewhere.Insomewhere
28、.In thethe directiondirectionshe was pointing to,Tom saw a big boy lyingshe was pointing to,Tom saw a big boy lying-8-8-on the ground,a wheelchair beside him.Tomon the ground,a wheelchair beside him.Tomrealized the girl was asking for help.Sherealized the girl was asking for help.Shecould not put th
29、e boy back into thecould not put the boy back into thewheelchair,because he was too heavy forwheelchair,because he was too heavy forher.Tomher.Tom ranran toto thethe boy,liftedboy,lifted himhim backback upup intointothe wheelchair,wiped the dirt off his facethe wheelchair,wiped the dirt off his face
30、with a handkerchief and sent him to a nearbywith a handkerchief and sent him to a nearbyhospital.hospital.答案答案Tom went to travel in his new car.When heTom went to travel in his new car.When hewas seeing the scenery,suddenly somethingwas seeing the scenery,suddenly somethinghit the door of his car.To
31、m stopped,steppedhit the door of his car.Tom stopped,stepped-9-9-out and found it was a shoe.He saw a girlout and found it was a shoe.He saw a girlstanding without a shoe in her foot.Hestanding without a shoe in her foot.Hebelievedbelieved thethe girlgirl threwthrew thethe shoeshoe atat hishis car.H
32、ecar.Heshouted to the girl to ask why the girl didshouted to the girl to ask why the girl didthat.The girl tried to make gestures tothat.The girl tried to make gestures toexplain.Tomexplain.Tom knewknew thatthat sheshe wantedwanted toto taketake himhimtoto somesome place.Thenplace.Then TomTom sawsaw
33、 a a boyboy lyinglying onon thetheground,a wheelchair beside him.He realizedground,a wheelchair beside him.He realizedthat the girl was asking for help.Hethat the girl was asking for help.Heimmediately put the boy back in theimmediately put the boy back in thewheelchair,wiped the dirt off his face andwheelchair,wiped the dirt off his face andsent him to a hospital.sent him to a hospital.-10-10-