1、失传的英语词汇重出江湖失传的英语词汇重出江湖原文Terms of endearment in the English language like“darling”and“my dove”have been used forhundreds of years,but others fellfell out of favor.Now you can find out more about lots of phrasesover the past thousand years in a vastvast databaseof English words and phrases thats just
2、beenpublished online.Doctor Mark Alexander is seniorsenior lecturerlecturer of English at Glasgow University.Valory Sanderson asked him for more examples of phrases or words that have now becomeobsoleteobsolete.So why does the language change dramatically over the years?So about 70%of English is bor
3、rowed.We just borrow a better word or a different word forvarietvariety y.So words like“belly”try to get replaced by the Latin“abdomenabdomen”.Just becausepeople like show off.They like variationvariation in their life.Or sometimes because the middle-classes adoptadopt a term which distinguishes the
4、m from the working classes and so on.For along time,the animal sheep andthe meat that you got from a sheep was“sheep”.Andthen after the French came over in NormanConquest,you then had words like“mutton”appearing which is the French for“sheep”.And“muttons”apply to the meat.Youcan see how society has
5、changed very quickly just by looking at words,for example“foreign people”.And you can see some very offensiveoffensive terms and been replaced inlateryears with much nicer terms.Same for woman.A lot of the terms for woman in the historyofEnglish are quite offensiveoffensive.Doctor Mark Alexander.Goo
6、gle says it was drawing its Internet-connected glasses,the so-called Google glasses.The company will stop taking orders for the product from next week,but insists itscommittedcommitted to developing future versions of the glasses.Our technology correspondentcorrespondentRory Cathleen-Jones reports.W
7、hen Google glass first went on sale two years ago to a select group of softwaredevelopers,it was held as a futuristic product which could change the way we live.Thesmartsmart glasses allowed users to receive information from the Internet in a small screenedperched above their right eye.It could also
8、 take photos andvideos,and give directions.Butafter the initialinitial enthusiasmenthusiasm,doubts began to grow.There was concern about theprivacyprivacy implications of the devicedevice.And it was banned fromsome restaurants and cinemas.Some usersfelt it made them look strange and stopped wearing
9、it inpublic.Now Google hasannouncedannounced that it will endthe experimentalexperimental program and stop making glass in its presentform.The company insists that its smartsmart glasses team will continue its work withthe aimof bringing out new versions at an unspecified date in the future.2 页:词汇1.
10、1.obsoleteobsolete adjadj.废旧的,过时的废旧的,过时的Versioning does not obsoleteobsolete the servicedevelopment life cycle,but it enables the lifecycle to play outover successive generations.版本治理并不会使服务开发生命周期过时,而会允许生命周期扩展到多个连续的代。2.2.perchperch v v.栖息栖息The birds like to fly and perchperch on rooftops,but none hav
11、e flown away.火鸡喜欢飞,喜欢在房顶栖息,但没有一只飞走。3.3.futuristicfuturistic adjadj.未来主义的未来主义的These 20futuristic hydrogenhydrogen vehiclevehicle conceptconcept designs are some the coolest conceptconceptdesigns thatwed like to see rolling down the highway soon.这 20 种未来派的氢燃料概念车的设计是最酷的概念设计,不久之后,我们可能能看到它们行驶在公路上。4.4.off
12、ensiveoffensive adjadj.冒犯的冒犯的Offensive is the best defence.进攻是最好的防御。5.5.endearmentendearment n n.亲爱的表达亲爱的表达I use the term know-it-all with endearment because the selections,revealed today,aregood.我之所以钟爱“万事通”这种说法,是因为今天公布的阵容非比寻常。第 3 页:语法1.1.TheyThey likelike variationvariation inin theirtheir lifelife
13、.OrOr sometimesbecausesometimesbecause thethe middlemiddle-classesclasses adoptadopt a a termwhictermwhich h distinguishesdistinguishes themthem fromfrom thethe workingclassesworkingclasses andand soso onon.distinguishedistinguishe fromfrom与与.区别区别Such forces are clearly distinguisheddistinguished fr
14、om non-combatants by their uniforms and the factthat they bear arms.这种武装人员从他们的制服及携带武器可以清楚的区分出非参战人员。Fee-onlyis to be distinguisheddistinguished from fee-based,which means that a financial plannerplannermay bereceiving commissions on some products in additionaddition to what clients pay them.区别于“只收费”的
15、“托管费”是指规划师除了客户付给他们的报酬还有可能收到来自于所推销理财产品的回扣。2.2.TermsTerms ofof endearmentendearment inin thethe EnglishEnglish languagelanguage likelike“darlingdarling”andand“mymy dovedove”havebeenhavebeen useusedfordfor hundredsofhundredsof yearsyears,butbut othersothers fellfell outout ofof favorfavor.fallfall outo
16、ut ofof favourfavour受冷落受冷落Striker Craig Bellamy is already on his way out of the club after falling out of favour,whileMancinis decisiondecision to back Hart to earn his spurs has prompted yet more fall-out.失宠的前锋贝拉米已经在离开俱乐部的路上了,然而曼奇尼力挺的乔哈特在首场比赛取得的成功也会引起更多的是非。He has fallen out of favour with his clas
17、smates.他已经不再受同学们的欢迎了.第 4 页:参考译文英语里的昵称“darling”和“my dove”等已经流传百年,但有些词汇却备受冷落。如今,大量的英语词汇和短语被发布在网上,从中你可以找到一千年以来更多的英语表达。马克亚历山大博士是格拉斯哥大学的高级英语讲师。瓦洛里桑德森向他请教更多的英语废词和短语。多年来,为什么语言的变化如此之大?70%左右的英语词汇都是借过来的。为丰富英语词汇,我们借来了更好的或不同的单词。所以像”belly”这样的单词就逐渐被拉丁语“abdomen”替代了。就是因为人们都爱卖弄,喜欢生活中的多样性。或者因为中产阶级想使用一个不一样的词和工人阶级区分开来,