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1、 临沂大学 毕业论文(设计)礼貌原则在商务英语写作中的应用 姓 名 _ 学 号 _ 年 级 _ 专 业 _ 系(院)_ 临沂大学外国语学院本科毕业论文 指导教师 _ Acknowledgements First of all,I would like to express my sin cere gratitude and appreciati on to my supervisor Jia Yongqing,for his support,patienee,and enlightenment throughout my academic program,and for spe nding s

2、o much time and efforts in read ing and revis ing this thesis.His in sightful advice and professi onal guida nee is esse ntial to the completi on of this thesis.Also my heart felt tha nks go to all the teachers and classmates who have helped me duri ng my four-year study in the Linyi Un iversity.Tha

3、nk them for their gen erosity and kindness in helping me when I met with difficulties.Without them,this thesis could not have bee n completed.Last but not least,I would like to say tha nks to my pare nts and my brother for their love care,support and en courageme nt.i Abstract Busin ess letters are

4、the letters which can be used to con tact differe nt econo mic bodies in tradi ng.They are used in special field with its own disti nctive forms,which can be used for testim oni als.But bus in ess letters should pay more atte nti on to the social etiquette.With the developme nt of econo mics,bus in

5、ess letters have become an importa nt way to com muni cate.By sending bus in ess letters to each other,we can excha nge in formati on,con tact bus in ess,n egotiate and solve the problems existed in trading,and also promote friendship.Because of its characters and functions,in bus in ess letters,pol

6、ite ness should be paid more atte nti on.En glish bus in ess corresp ondence is one of the basic ways of bus in ess com muni cati on,which functions as not on ly a useful means to excha nge in formatio n but also an importa nt tool to build and enhance bus in ess relatio ns,thus requires a high degr

7、ee of polite ness.It is n ecessary for us to study the polite ness prin ciple and its applicati on in bus in ess writi ng.Key words:polite ness prin ciples,bus in ess letters,applicati oniii 商业信函是各经济主体之间往来的以经济贸易为主要内容的各种信件。它具 有业务性强、凭证效用、格式独特和讲究礼节的特点。随着社会经济的迅猛发展,商业信函逐渐成为人们在经济领域内的一种重要的交际手段,通过它人们可以交 流信息

8、、联系业务、洽谈贸易、磋商、处理问题、传递友谊等。商业信函的特点 和功能决定了商业信函中必须注重礼貌原则的运用。英文商务信函是商务交流的 一种重要方式,不仅具有传递信息的功能,还担负着建立、加强业务联系的重任,因此,对礼貌具有较高要求,我们也就有必要研究一下礼貌原则在商务英语写作 中的应用。关键词:商业信函,礼貌原则,运用iv Table of Contents Ack no wledgeme nts.i Abstract.i 摘要.iii Table of Contents.iv Chapter One Introduction.5.1.1 Research Backgro und.5.1.

9、2 Polite ness and En glish Bus in ess Correspondence.5 1.3 The importa nee of this thesis.3.Chapter Two Politeness Principle.4.2.1 Lakoff s View of Politeness.5.2.2 Leech s Politeness Princip.e.6.2.3 Brown and Levinson s Face Theory.7.Chapter Three.10.Polite ness Prin ciple in foreig n trade En glis

10、h corresp ondence in the specific applicati on .10.3.1 Vocabulary. Using positive words or phrases.10 3.1.2 Using Modal Auxiliaries.10 3.1.3 Using You Attitude prin ciple.11 3.1.4 Using hedges flexibly.11 3.2 Sentence.13 3.2.1 Using Passive Voice.13 3.2.2 Using con diti onal senten ces.15 3.

11、2.3 Using In terrogative Senten ces. Using Subjun ctive Mood.16 Con clusi on.18.Bibliography .19 临沂大学外国语学院本科毕业论文 Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Research Background With the high-speed developme nt of economy,the skills of bus in ess com muni cati on betwee n coun tries in the worldwide trade a

12、re very importa nt.Whether trade negotiations succeed or not depends largely on the use of Ianguage.A good bus in ess letter should en able to obta in the expected results.It requires both sides in this particular con text have the strategy to express differe nt opinions,and make his point easy to l

13、et each other accept,so that they own the adva ntage in the con flict compared with the key aspects to occupy the dominant position,eventually led to trade cooperation smoothly.But due to both sides in the trade have conflict side and cooperative side:both of them in cooperati on with each other at

14、the same time,tries hard to win the maximum ben efits.When bus in ess com muni cati on steps to the stage of con flict,it should be better to make a good strategic use of Ian guage.The proper use of polite ness prin ciples can reflect the frie ndship,respect,un dersta nding from the sen der to the r

15、ecipie nt,and reduce the degree of weake ning on the other face on the level of threat to leave on eself adequate leeway,meet each others psychological n eeds,so as to achieve efficie nt com muni cati on purpose.1.2 Politeness and English Business Correspondence Polite ness,as a uni versal phe nomen

16、on existi ng in any Ian guage com mun ity and permeati ng in every aspect of an in dividuals everyday life,has aroused great in terests many lin guists.Ever since the early 1970s,doze ns of theories have bee n proposed explain politeness as a linguistic phenomenon.But surprisingly,when coming to sim

17、ple questi on of What is Polite ness?,there is no explicit and defi nite an swer.Held describes this lin guistic phe nomenon as a defi niti on ally fuzzy and empirically difficult area(1992:131).However,in spite of all the arguments and disagreements,all the defi niti ons of polite ness to some exte

18、 nt and from differe nt an gles prese nt the esse nee of polite ness,among which the followi ng views are the most in flue ntial on es:临沂大学外国语学院本科毕业论文 2 Lakoff argues that polite ness is used for reaffirm ing and relationships(1973:298).According to her,Politeness is a system of strengthening in ter

19、pers onal relati ons desig ned to facilitate in teracti on by mi ni mizi ng the pote ntial for con flict and confron tatio n in here nt in all huma n in tercha nge.Leech defi nes polite ness from the perspective side and proposes that it is used to create and maintain harm onious in teract ions(1983

20、).Fraser and Nola n(1981)describe polite ness as a set of constraints of verbal behavior.Brown and Levinson(1987)consider politeness as forms of behavior that allow com muni catio n to take place betwee n pote ntially aggressive partners.They define politeness as a redressive action taken to coun te

21、r-bala nee the disruptive effect of face-threate ning acts.From all the above-mentioned definitions given by dominant linguists we can see that li nguists are tryi ng to an swer the seem in gly simple while esse ntially complicated questi on of What is polite ness.Though up till now there has not be

22、e n a uniform an swer to it,all the above-me nti oned defi niti ons do con tribute to some exte nt to expla ining con clusi on esse nee of polite ness.From these defi niti ons we may draw a politeness is not only an important means of conveying information,but also an importa nt way to avoid con fli

23、ct,tone dow n pote ntial aggressi on and en sure smooth in teract ion.Simply speak ing,polite ness is a set of patter ns to show the con siderati on for others and to achieve harm ony in com muni cati on.Busin ess corresp onden ce,as a basic means of bus in ess com muni cati on,plays an irreplaceabl

24、e role in every aspect of the econo mic activities.It serves as an effective way to excha nge in formati on.It helps build and maintain harm onious bus in ess relati on ships.Traditi onal bus in ess corresp ondence by mail also serves as the legitimate writte n con tract fully recog ni zed by the co

25、urts and part of a compa nys perma nent record.Without bus in ess corresp onden ce,most of the routi ne bus in ess activities cannot proceed successfully.Adva nces in scie nee and tech no logy have gradually elim in ated the dista nee of time and space and greatly con tributed to easier and more fre

26、que nt bus in ess interaction.With the globalization of the world economy,the popularity of the Internet and the widespread use of new tech no logies in telecom muni cati on,En glish bus in 临沂大学外国语学院本科毕业论文 3 ess corresp ondence gets its rebirth and exte nds its realm of tran smissi on.It does not on

27、ly refer to the traditional letters any more,but also includes emails and facsimiles.The form of tran smissi on varies,but the esse nee remai ns.As a kind of goal-orie nted writ ing,bus in ess corresp onden ceaims to achieve particular com muni cative goals in bus in ess tran sacti on.Basically spea

28、k ing,a bus in ess letter is writte n for three purposes:to in form,i.e.to convey large amount of in formatio n in order to complete the day-to-day operati ons of the bus in ess;to in flue nee,i.e.to in flue nee the readers attitude and prompt to react favorably,like promot ing a product;and to en t

29、erta in,which mea ns to show goodwill to the reader,give a good impressi on and maintain frie ndly relati on ship betwee n the both parties of a bus in ess.Among the three basic purposes,the third one is mainly realized through showing polite ness.A bus in ess letter sta nds not on ly for the writer

30、,but also for the image of the whole compa ny.Besides deliveri ng the literal bus in ess in formati on,bus in ess letters also convey implicit in terpers onal in formatio n betwee n lin es.A well-writte n bus in ess letter with good manners shows sin cerity,con siderati on and goodwill to the bus in

31、 ess part ner,which builds and enhan cesthe harm onious bus in ess relatio n,thus facilitates the bus in ess com muni catio n,however,a poorly writte n bus in ess letter with bad manners may impress the bus in esspart ner as insin cere,arroga nt and lack of respect,which does harm to the rapport and

32、 at last damages the bus in ess relati on.To a great exte nt,how to say is as importa nt as what to say and most of the time,how to say is mainly decided for the con siderati on of polite ness.Writers of bus in ess letters choose the way of expression carefully and employ various techniques to achie

33、ve polite ness to the utmost in order to facilitate successful bus in ess com muni cati on and realize the ultimate goal of gaining profit.1.3 The importance of this thesis Courtesy or polite ness is an in dispe nsable prin ciple in En glish bus in ess letter writ ing,but it is very complicated for

34、it is ofte n in flue need by various factors and is quite ofte n implied or hidde n betwee n the lin es,so it is not easy for bus in ess letter writ ing users to master and han die this prin ciple.In order to solve this problem and find the 临沂大学外国语学院本科毕业论文 4 basic rules of polite ness phe nomenon in

35、 En glish letters,the author con ducts this study.The present study aims to explore what politeness principles are applied in En glish bus in ess letters,in what way they are applied and for what reas ons they are applied in this way,so as to find the hidde n rules of being polite in bus in ess lett

36、ers,and thus improve the level of En glish bus in ess writi ng.Writi ng an En glish letter is one of the esse ntial skills en gaged in foreig n trade.In order to improve the skill of writi ng bus in ess En glish letter,one must grasp of writ ing prin ciples and ways of writ ing used in bus in ess En

37、 glish letter.I n this paper,accordi ng to the Leech polite ness theory,the author makes a discussi on of bus in ess En glish writi ng in how the specific applicati on of polite ness prin ciple to improve the skills of bus in ess En glish writi ng,from the two aspectsof vocabulary and senten cepatte

38、r ns This study is expected to help bus in ess people and En glish bus in ess writ ing users to han dle polite ness in bus in ess letters in a more effective way.Chapter Two Politeness Principle临沂大学外国语学院本科毕业论文 5 2.1 Lakoff s View of Politenes From Fraser psi nt of view,Lakoff is one of the first to

39、use Grice s Conversational Principles to explain politeness and consider politeness from con versati on al-maxim point of view.Whe n referri ng to the con flict betwee n clarity and politeness,Lakoff(1973:297-298)states:Politeness usually supersedes:it is con sidered more importa nt in a conv ersati

40、 on to avoid offense tha n to achieve clarity.This make sen se,since in most in formal conv ersatio ns,actual com muni cati on of importa nt ideas is sec on dary to merely reaffirm ing and stre ngthe ning relati on ships.Lakoff(1973)views polite ness as a device used to reduce or avoid fricti on in

41、pers onal in teract ion.She also proposes three maxims of polite ness from the perspective of the speaker.Don t impose Used whe n formal/impers onal polite ness is required Give opti ons Used whe n in formal polite ness is required Make H feel good Used whe n in timate polite ness is required(Lakoff

42、,1973 qtd.in Fraser,1990:224)She later reformulates the rules of polite ness as follows:Formality:keep aloof Defere nee:give opti ons Camaraderie:show sympathy(Lakoff 1973:65)According to Lakoff,the degree of politeness depends on the speaker s assessmentof certain situations.On comparatively formal

43、 occasions,the speaker should avoid putt ing any impositi on on the hearer and should be in accorda nee with social norms in his behavior to keep the formal atmosphere.In in formal situatio ns临沂大学外国语学院本科毕业论文 6 where the speaker and the hearer,though not in timates,have equal power and status,the spe

44、aker should choose to give the hearer opti ons,so as to avoid los ing his positive face(it s quite possible that the hearer may disagree with him/her).At lastmake the hearer feel“good”mainly applied among intimates.In con clusi on,Lakoff views polite ness as avoida nee of offense and a lubricator in

45、 com muni cati on to mai ntain harm onious relati ons betwee n the speaker and the hearer.In fact,the maxims set by Lakoff have some relationship with the face-saving view held by Brown&Levinson.“Don impose”and“giveoption”can be seen as preserving both the hearer s and the speaker s negative face(to

46、 be unimpeded);on the hagesotfieth ing to do with positive polite ness,which will be further discussed in the followi ng sect ion.Lakoff s rules polite ness are a great leap in polite ness research.I n other words,she exte nds the range of this research.However,politeness phenomena can hardly be exp

47、lained and defined by some arbitrary rules as Lakoff has proposed.Furthermore,she also fails to defi ne the terms she uses to formulate the rulesLakoff s view politeness is in accordanee with the polite ness concerns in bad-n ews bus in ess letters,where the basic n eed of being polite surm ounts th

48、e n eed of clarity.2.2 Leech s Politeness Principle By putti ng forward his Polite ness Prin ciple,Leech establishes himself as ano ther key con tributor to the research on polite ness.Leech(1983)contends that the Gricea n framework is in adequate and in troduces the Polite nss Prin ciple in additi

49、on to Grice s Cooperative Principle with a number of maxims.He argues that the Cooperative Prin ciple itself cannot give an expla nati on of the relati on ship betwee n sense and force,whereas there are a set of maxims and sub-maxims that guide and con strain the conversation of rational people.Leec

50、h s Politeness Principle can be stated as follows:other thi ngs being equal,mini mize the expressi on of beliefs which are unfav orable to the hearer and at the same time(less important)maximize the expression of beliefs which are favorable to the hearerModeli ng himself after Grice Leech(1983:132)s


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