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1、-译译文文原文题目:原文题目:StatStat of thof th artartin robotiin robotiss ssblbl译文题目译文题目:用机械手装配的发展水平用机械手装配的发展水平学学院:院:机电工程学院机电工程学院专业班级专业班级:级机械工程及自动化级机械工程及自动化 0101 班班学生姓名:学生姓名:学学号:号:-r r:h htptp:/i i。net/kns/brief/denet/kns/brief/deaulaul_resu_resuaspasptattatf thf th art in roboticart in robotic ssemssemly lyRob

2、tic asemstem offer goopepeciesfor therationaliion fassmbly atities.ariu bottenecks ae sllenountrd,oweer,in te widpread pplictif rboic semby systems hisartiefuses n heexternldeelopmet,ttenekad evlopmeedcs n robotissembly。E Etertera a developdevelopn ns sTe curret arket ends are:nceasin intenatioal co

3、mpetito,shorter prodct lfe cl,inrasgroct divesi,ecreasing product qtit,shorter deivey ties,hige delivery reliabity,her qality reqirmntsn nrasing lbou css Nextto th art evelpmns,technolgcal eelopment aso play a rol,ofrinnew portuntstooptmie prce,qulity and dlivery t n theirtual reationshps.htechnlogi

4、cal develpmeare mooterthings:ifomat tchogy,new design sratgies,procesng techques,n te aailabiity ffeiblucton sstems,such sdustril rbts.ompanies will ve tdjs te olicy othesketnd tecoogy deelopens(arkt pull and clgy pus,respectiely)。hs polic is deemin by t coany bjtiv and the companystratey whie at it

5、s basis.ner th iflune of the eterna dvelo tsmentioned,the comy bjevs can,in general,be divided into:ig ibily,ih puctivty,consta andhgh poductqualit,shotthroughput ies,nd lo procion osts.Otmizingth competition factors n rmally results n theenerion of more m ny,ad hus(greate)rofit.o realze this object

6、ie,ost ompanieshooetheoowingstrag:reductiono oplxiy,picatn oadvacedproducton echnooies,integrl appro,quliy otrol,and imoventof he wori onditions。-igure 1 shothecmpanypolicy ielationt he exteal deelopme towih thecompany polic sbe adjuste。-Fige 1 Extenal developmtand cmpny policyWit rerdt e prodct and

7、productin evelopmen,subdivision can b made into hefolwig rtegis whhnvolv:The prout:design o maufcturig/assemy,shr dveopmttm,are fequentdevlopmnt onew producs,fuctonitertinto minimize thenbr prt,miniaturzation and stndarizon.The prces:move conollbilit,shrt ccletimesand mnimalstocks.Thre a tend increa

8、inlytocr outrcses in dicret oduction in flow frm.he proution syste:he u of niersal,mdul,rlablesystem omponents,igh sysmflexibi(n relatn toceasig btch szes,ad increasing poduct vaiants),he intean of proutystemin the ntire prouction。t tt t of theof thet tars manuarg an asemblygter frm cheentsubocese w

9、thin t prduction proes.In ars manufctuing,t aw terl is rocesd ortransfd into produc pat in thorseo whihhe form,s e ndor poperties the aerial are caned。I assembl te poducpart are ptgether ntosbssembliesor ntofial produts.Fgur 2 sows thereltonships betwen thse funcialpesses and te most iportantcntrol

10、poeses wtin a dustrialenepri。his sows thassembly by meaf materal orpoduc flos is linke t prtsmanacturng,a that b an of ormtion lowi s inegratd wi mrking,productpannn,poducdvelopme,procslanng an productio conr-Figue ssemblyas pat o hroucon roessAsemblfrms an imptat ik n th ho manuaturingpross,base hs

11、 operaional actiity s responsibefor an im rta part the ttal poctin cs the rugtmeIt is oneote mt labuintesivesectors inwhich thehae f the costsothe ssembly ca amut frm 25to 75 prcent ofhe toal proucion cots1 earcoshat th r-of te lor cots in te assemlyin rela tothe talmanuacrng costs i appoximatey 45

12、pr enororry engine,appomatly5er ct r machietoo,and aproxmaty 5 er cnt forelecrical appraus1 Th centre of the cost iems oesre andmor fro he arts manufacturnto t assmly,s atomain o heprts manuactrnghas ben iroduced on a areral adore onisenty hn r te assembly.Ts is ainldu thecplexity ofhe ssembly prcss

13、 d is als asultof ssemblyufrendly rouct dgns.s rl,thr arehigh assemly costs.Furtero,t appears ht assembyccousfo aproximatly20 to 0pr cent theotal throuhputtim1.ntheoe hand,rationaiation ad autoationof e assembyofer oodopprtuties o minime the poducion cst andthethruhput time.Hee,sucessdeedsnnmerofact

14、ors,ucha nnteal ercption f assembl icouctionithmarketing,dutplnning,podutdevopmnt,poess anin,rouction conr and arts facturing(se Figure2)For tis po,n assembl-rindly roduct ad pocess desgneof seial mptance。Research showtht th esignst o a roductamuntt oly aproximtey 5 per cent o the ufacturig csts o v

15、erage,atha the pdut dsign nfuencesaroximatly 0 er ent ofthescoss.amplesare alentie ateil choie,diferntlyshape parts,adorhaving onpart ulfil vaious funtions.On t ohr hand,atnlznand aoation f te aseml pvide the ppriytaking advantage o etrndevlpments,sch as inceasing product versty,srtr divry tmes,and

16、asorer prutlfcycle(se Figure 1)。Ecepfo the coplexty oteprdc n prcess sin,the peomanco oticasembly ystem s al dtrminedby te dgre of syncronizaio ewent assbly syse and te part mufacturig,he flexibilty of he edeffors and-theprpheraquimen,as wl as by the systm cofiguration In Jaa,mostrboticasse syse hav

17、e aln o gurio incntrast wit he systemsinUSAanEurope.Apatfom Epe and the S,prefrenc isincresilygien to robtiassemy sytems Jap,instead of anual ad echiedsyts.The lagetarea of plictionof rbocsbly ssems inap is he lectomehancal nustry(0p cent),folowedby the ar idusy(aroxitely27 percnt).Increaingly,robot

18、 applitns re nvisae for the assembl ocpl nal poducts,in sevralait and in low to medumigh roducti volme.Rsearchhsshw atrobotic assemyoffer gd persecti in mll t diumsizeatchrodtin ith anual prouctionvolum bween 0,00 a 00,0 prduct compoiionsper hit.The podution volumes for ro oic asembly cells lie betw

19、en pproimatly 20 and 620rods er hou,afor roboticassembly lin bewenpproimatel 220 and 750prducs perhour1BottleneBottleneksksExerince has shown hat varios bottlenecksill tarte wispreaplcatinof oboi asebl sytems。hee blens incld:hig compeitof eprotand rocesdsin,a ow qualityee of te ductar,a wll sproduct

20、 deedence of th periphra equipmnt。Foma stdrmaynto teutomation f the ssemby poces i355compani,itapear th 40 er cet o te mpanishd annsuitable produc dign,3 pe ent had toocmpl ressngof te parts,nd 25peren hadtoo cple assembyoperati5。his d onfirmthe mportancof ein for assemly(DFA)T cn arain which ifficu

21、ltes cr conern th lmitd cra oftheprodctpart which mak thasemblprcss uesrily cmplex.Thi problemcan e solve by ptmizigthe ahining proceses in he arts mnfcturing,and aproer sychronization twe th artsmnacturingand te ssemby roces.he negraion f prt anufacture it assemy s also a-pti.T hir aea in hchdiiclt

22、is occur invoveshe rotand t perpheral eqimet。The bottleneckhere ar:1Led acceleraio an dceleration robots:ultig in rdcd spd.2Isfficien meas integratingcpl sensrs:on the onen because o elow reliailty f the sesrs,and on the otherhandecause f the closeess of robot contrlle;asal laguge forrboti assemb sy

23、sem an sanard interface fr roo cotrolls ar,unftuely,notytavlable.3Limitedfexibilityo grippersand other assel tls:owing tohe pructdepdence of these assembl mes,en-effer ange is in eneral quired,fr hoavrage 30 er nt of thecyce im will nedd1。4Lmied flxbility of the peipheral quimnt:thisgeneral en as t

24、tteneck.he pepraleuimntis ten prdcteednt,ich affecsthe yst flexiiityegativey In thismanner,nojusie sdone t the hh flxibiliyf therob.5imited reliability o hepeipheral equimn and telowaccessibilityf dividul sytooents:these aspect re greatl nfene by te poductcomlexiy andth sstem cniuatio1.Tese tlenecof

25、 est ahigher caital osumtion,a longer cycletie of h assmbly sysem.Isfficent crence anynhnizto btee product,process nd sem desi oft lie a h bss f ths.eveeveopmeopmet tt tndendeci cis sIn he s years,numerusDFA thods haveendeeloped toptmizerduct deign,educn th coplexity of h sseblyprocess and sembly co

26、st4,6。hs ebased on twoprncip,namey:avoig assemlyoprations nd simpling ambl opertion1,6.odig ass operion can berealized,mon othr thigs,odular proddesign,nd elminting part a a esut of function interatinAssemy oeations a-eimpliied,for exple,b takngnumeros design rles ino acont,such as one asemly direco

27、(preferal frm tp t bottm),thsmpl feding,haning and composi g of prts,as wll asaood accesibilty o the assemly lcation。Fiure 3sosanappicton fr theobotiassembly of gearbxe,wth the xeution oftop tobttm assemblyperatioFigr 3。Rboticssembly oarboxes(ABB)Inthe filhe assmbly rocss,treare also nw evopmetsoccu

28、r。Espciayfor the aeby friedly compoitionofparts,new onng mthodsare g aplie,such as:1adesive onding;2snap fittingsIn ti ma,for-losd andforceled connction canbe obtaied with sall effrt;3inset and outsertteciques.In this respect,mt orplatic pats armouldd toethedurgtheinectiomouldig procss.-Excptfordeve

29、opments in herea of produt nd prcessdesgn,n deelopme in th rea oroboti asembly systems have e rgd nderpesur th bottnecks ntined,and undr fluene of the externl velpments(se Figre).These can b clssifidasdeelomshi invove thebt,ndeelomentsin the area of th periphral equipmen.The d velopmns regadihe bot

30、are:inemai and drive:new configurtion,lighter contructn,nd new ive systems wichguaanee ighr peeds and mo accracy。2trol:increasigbtrcntollig ad rogammng aits,s was t deveopent of tandar intrfacesfor interactinwith he nvionent,adfo communicaon withcontrol sysems hgher i t hierarchyCAD and simaion ystm

31、saralicreaingy apled fof-line progamming of oboticasby syts7.3Sensors:nwdevelopmts in h reof optical ad tactiesensorsoffer goodoppornties t icras the ontolailityofth aemby proces。4n-ffectrs:ew delopmnts in the reof assembly toosn rippers。Eseally he ntegration o opicl and tactie snsors,as well as dve

32、lnts in the ra of mchncal inerfacs,fei hreewh flexible eripera equipment the ppotunit tassemerous rodut fmlies n oe ssem。N developments in he ara o h peiheal qipmntae:Delpmt ofprogrambl fedng syesanmagazines,whch can be sd o me th on type of part2ntgration ensrs theeriphal qmento rranging partsnd fo

33、r quality cc3Increasing miiaturizati,niversality,ad moduarityofsystmcoonent。4heapplicaton o utomatd gded vehls(AGs)as trnsport system。Thes deopmets ae prticulrly iiiated brbot-anufacturerdtehnoocl rearc instutio,whreasfrom the viwpoitofidstria enginering,thre is iy iterest ine strategiesfor thvelmet

34、 of effcintsystelayouts,enblingvaius podutvarantso besebledcostficietly i smllbatcs an in wproducnvolus.Th botenecks isted and he developmetendecis are sumaed in Fire4。iu Bttenek and omnts tendenciesi robotic assemlyfe feenceence1.Ramprd,H。K。,Integratdand Sultaeou Design for Robtic Asemb,ohn Wley,ic

35、et,November 194.-2。Ramersad,。.,“Aconcetric dsinpoess,dvanced umr Insitute in Cooperative Intellignt nufaturing Sysems,Proceeis ofhe SI94,atas,Greece,ue 94,pp15-5.3.Rera,。K。,“Intgraand simlaneus dsgnofrobocassemlsstems”,aper presente t he Third InternatioalConfrene onAutomation,Robotic an omputer Vii

36、on,Sinapoe,November94。4 oothroyd,G.and Dewhurst,P。,Design for RobotAssembly,Uniesityof ascusets,Amherst,1985.5。Sa,.an Bassler,R,“Possibilie o ealizeassebl-rented podt desin”,roceeigs of h 5thnterntional Conferenceo AssemblyAtomation,IS,Paris,984。ampera,H。K,“he DF houe”,Assemby Automatio,l.3 No。4,Dee

37、m 199,pp2936.7.Dimelen,MJ.,Ramprsad,H admer,。J。,“Simlaing rooicassembcels:a gena mode using colouretinets”,rcgs o thentention nerene oa andKnowlgeStms r Manufacturing and Enineing,ongKong,a 194,pp36-82.-用机械装配的发展水平机器人装配系统为装配活动提供了合理化良好的发展前景。但是,在机器人装配系统的广泛应用中各种瓶颈依然存在。本文就着眼于说明机器人装配的外部发展瓶颈和发展的趋势。国外发展情况目前



40、应用先进技术积分方法质量控制改善劳动环境产品制造/装配的设计减少开发时间/成本更频繁的发展新产品功能集成 小型化 标准化过程改进可控性缩短周期时间最小化库存生产系统通用性、模块化高可靠性和灵活性整个生产一体化标准接口图1外部发展和公司政策-关于产品和生产的发展,细分可以分为以下策略,包括:产品:制造/装配设计,发展时间短,新产品更频繁的开发,功能集成,减少零件数量,小型化和标准化。方法:可控性的改进,较短的周期时间和最低限度的存货。有越来越多的开展流动离散生产过程的趋势。生产系统:使用通用的、可靠的系统组件,提高系统柔性(相对于减少批量大小,并增加产品的衍生)及产品的整个生产系统的集成.技术发

41、展水平在生产过程中零件的制造和装配在一起,形成连贯的子过程。在零件制造,原材料加工或转化为产品的过程中,产品的形式,尺寸或材料性质会发生变化。在装配产品的零件放在一起成为组件或最终产品。图2显示了这些功能的流程之间的关系,最重要的一个工业企业内部控制流程。这表明,物料或产品流是与零部件的制造息息相关的,信息流是市场营销,产品规划,产品开发集成手段,工艺规划与生产控制的结合.-市场营销和产品规划产品开发工艺规划生产控制信息物料零部件制造产品组件装配生产过程输出产品能源物料组件 1预组装组件和材料组件 n结束组装输出产品物料进料处理构成特殊工艺检查输出产品调整图2装配生产过程中的一部分组件在整个生




45、的装配工艺公司的一项研究中,就出现了 40的公司有不适合的产品设计,3的过于复杂,难以处理,2的有太多复杂的装配操作。这项研究证实了装配设计(D)的重要性。第二个领域困难发生涉及有限精度的产品部件,使装配过程不必要的复杂。这个问题可以通过在零部件的制造加工工艺优化及配件的制造和装配过程之间的同步来解决。零件制造为组件的集成也是一个选择.第三领域的困难涉及机器人和外围设备。这里的瓶颈是:1 有限加速减速的机器人:降低速度。2 手段不足:一方面是因为这些传感器可靠性低,另一方面是因为机器人控制器的亲密程度;整合复杂的传感器的机器人装配系统和机器人控制器的标准接口是一种通用的语言,不幸的是,尚未公布

46、.有限的灵活性,夹持器和其他组件的工具:由于这些组件的依赖的产品装置,末端执行器的变化通常是必需的,而这要花费在一个周期平均的3的时间。4 外围设备有限的灵活性:这通常被看作是主要的瓶颈。外围设备往往对产品有依-赖性,影响了系统的灵活性。在这种方式中,没有调整的机器人的灵活性高。有限的可靠性的外围设备和单独的系统组件的低可及性:产品的复杂性和系统配置对这些方面有极大的影响。这些瓶颈往往导致更高的资本消耗,以及更长的循环时间的装配系统。产品,过程和系统设计之间的一致性和同步不足,经常有问题出现。发展趋势在过去的几年中,众多的DFA方法已经发展到优化产品设计,减少复杂的装配工艺和装配成本。这些都是

47、基于两个原则,即:避免装配作业,简化装配操作。避免装配操作是可以实现的,在其他事情上,通过模块化的产品设计,消除部分功能集成。组件可以简化操作,例如,以众多的设计规则的考虑,如装配方向(最好是从上到下),简单的进料,处理和组成部分,以及装配位置的可达性好。图 3显示了变速箱装配机械手的应用,它在执行装配操作。图变速箱装配机械手在装配过程中,也有一些新的事态发展。特别是对零件装配性能好的组合物,新加入的方法被应用,如:粘合;-2 弹簧配件.在这种方式中,一种形成闭合和强力封闭连接可以起到作用;3 插入和标签技术。在这方面,金属或塑料零件的注射成型过程中模压在一起除了在产品和工艺设计领域的发展,在

48、前面提到的压力下及外部发展的影响机器人在装配系统领域的新发展已经出现了瓶颈(见图1).发展涉及机器人和发展的区域中的外围设备,关于机器人的发展是:1运动学和驱动器:新的配置,更轻的结构,和新的驱动器系统以保证更高的速度和更高的精度。控制:日益更好地控制和编程设施,以及开发标准接口,用于与环境的相互作用,以及更高层次的通信与控制系统,也越来越多地应用于 CAD和仿真系统离线编程的机器人装配系统。传感器:光学和触觉传感器领域的新的发展提供了良好的机会,以提高装配过程中的可控性.末端效应器:新的发展是在该领域的装配工具和夹具.尤其是集成光学和触觉感应器,以及机械接口在该领域的发展,提供灵活的外围设备

49、,组装在一个系统中的各种产品系列的连贯性。在外围设备的领域新的发展是:可编程送料系统和杂志,其中一个以上的类型的部件可用于发展。用于放置的零件和质量检查的集成外围设备中的传感器.3 日趋小型化,普遍性,和模块化的系统组件。4 自动导引车(AGV的运输系统)的应用。这些发展是由机器人制造商和技术研究机构特别发起,而从工业工程的角度来看,主要集中在新策略,高效的系统布局的发展,使各种小批量和低产量变体产品装配成本有效降低.图了总结了机械手的发展瓶颈和发展趋势。-瓶颈没有足够的可靠性和集成复杂的传感器机器人速度有限外围设备的灵活性有限封闭性与机器人控制器的标准化不足复杂的装配操作灵活的效应有限很难组

50、装的组件产品设计可靠性低的系统组件和难以访问的系统组件新的连接方法新的布局策略新的机器人配置和驱动系统AGV 运输系统中的应用更好地控制和程序工具小型化,通用性和模块化的系统组件标准的接口方法在外围设备中集成传感器在 CAD 的帮助离线编程与和模拟系统光学和触觉传感器集成传感器的柔性效应可编程的进料系统及杂志发展趋势图4用机械手装配的瓶颈和发展的趋势-参考文献1ampesa,H。.,ntegrated andSimultaneous Deign fo Roboticssembly,Joh Wiy,Chihester,Noveber 1994。2 aprsad,。K。,“A oneric dsi


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