1、暑假自学课测试卷团高一英语(每认计对:120分计通卷4分:150分)注意事项:1本冰存分为 s (iiftS)何谕n卷(非选杼阳)两部分.new.考生务0将自己的姓幺、准考 证号堵耳在答翻卡匕2 .回神第卷时,选出每小典容案片用iBta笔比咎题卡上对用JB目的警案标号反黑知懵改动.用植皮樽干净的.府选侏其他笞柒标号.写在本试卷上无效.3 .网芥菜II卷时,将拧集芍在答收卡上.写在木试卷上无效.4 .考试结束后,将本试卷W答寇卡 井文回.第一部分 听力共两节,满分30分)做I1时.先将答案标在试卷上.录容内容结嫩后,你将有两分忡的时间将试卷上的答案转源到答题卡上.第一节(共5小题:悠小区15分,
2、港分工5分)所下面5段对话.何段对话后力一个小建.从咫中所蛤的A. B、C三个选项中选出找作选项.啃完每段对话后.你钵有10眇钟的时间来回铮有关小愿和网鹿F1. What are the *aKct talking abouc?一小J8旬段环话仪i卖一起.A. R travel plan.B. A spelling mistake.2. What ix the reHiooship bctucizn the wonun jxx! Mike?C. The womans hometownA. Fellow workersB. Mother and mwi.C. Tc&zher W umkne.3.
3、 WhM does (he man Miggct Gcimc do?A. Travel jnxind (he wedd B. L4xk (or n new job.4. WhM docs the uKiinan think of the sharks?C. JUxc a food rest.A. Frightening.B. Hheftdly.5. WhM do we know about Peter?C. Amaziit;.A. He failed lugel inlucxilkc.B. He Uixlied very hard.笫二节(共15小IS:加小IS 1.5分,满分2Z5分)C.
4、He isn-t lalkaliw.所卜面5段对话或独门.机段对话叫他白昭有几个小题.从的中所抬的A、R、C :个选项中选出住选项,井标在试也的机底佗置.所秘段对话线独臼8b你将存时同阕读今个小蛙福小睡5杪钟:所完后.各小鹿给出5秒计的作齐时H.林段劝话成独白送用遇.所下面一段较长对话,“各以下小心.Huw imny limes did the wxiftun call ihe nun yesUnkiy?A. Three limes.B. Twkxr.C. Onex:.7. Why didnt the min answer the womans call?A. He igntxvd her p
5、hone alkIk didnt Like hi phooe.B. He sw bwy doing the laundn,.听下面侦校长对话,回答以下小ltt.8. Whu did the man do m Usi yarsHe met many internal tonal studcnis.A. He |io( io knu a Japunew couple.B. H WYunged a bi? howe tbf i(.9. Wlwx will (he woan prvpaie Rw (he party?A. JupoiWNedi4*eB. Irunianlyk rice.C. Speci
6、al ckHhet.所下面段较长对话.回符以下小IM.10. Where docs the connutiua lake place?A. Al the schoolB. In a library.C. On a Iniiii.11. Wlut kind of book.% doe% the man like bc%t?A. Books )a scienceB. an food.12. Wh is the uctnan nwi protxiNy going io be?A. A scienciMB. Aiioaor.嘴下曲一段较长对话,回答以下小盟.13. For what Joes Jaiw
7、 u-ani io gel a job?A. Mere experience. B. More frienih.H. What is Jaiurs father turned twu!?A. She can-t buhnee her study and workShe cant manage the shop a:H.B. . She will come home kite.15. Ikw often will Jjc work?A. Every cuher day.B. Twice a uwk.16. Wht wvnt Jane ckan?A. The window*B. The toile
8、ts.C. Bockf m iruvek.C. A hMtorian.C. Mxe money.C. Once a wk.C. Thertoax.听下面一就白.回答以下小JBWhal was in the fiirmcri big?A. RiceB. Frails.C. Veclabk%.15. What happened to the furncrs bag?A. It wat broken.D. It got Mi4en.C. 1( fell fnxn hit bnrsc.19. Who helped the farmer?A. Arkh manB. His friend.C. . A p
9、oor man.20. Whai cun we lcm from ihc Mocy?A. Everyone shixild help people n needEwooncon bcc you 2vc a Ime for cnicmiining people? Arc you miimic und warn co impress people with ” nc skill?If mx then with ihr course you 8uld become a qunlifiod pointer. For n one-off pymcn( yixi cm) cudy on-line and
10、complcic (he diploma in about 28 hours With 14 mtxhilc cover. vu am become n ocim(MkhM fiux pumter Your qualifkulkHi will be rccxgnicd and can be checked tor valxlicy by all of youf future clicnis loo!Module I Your ImrcxhKlitMi io Bdieg u F*cv PuimcfNkduk 2 The EquipnuriK and Muleriuh Yuu Will Nd fu
11、r Kiev PainlingModuk 3 Health 8. Safrl and RiA AxnrnwnuModule 4 Starling Ytxir Own BuxinesModule 5 Pricing: and Costs.Module 6 MMccing Your Business & Social MediaModule ? The IXA ind Dont* and Whai to lk IfYaur Bumrcm Docmi、Go WellModule X Hou* to do u IX Cnl Fwoe Puint ResignModule 9 Hou io do u B
12、uiKfnyolphin Face PAini DesignModule 10 How(o do a Monkey 尸r以 Face Pjiint DesignModule II Hem, io do u KHbtwvSwun Hee Hum OeignModule 12 How to do a Ter.Dinoiaur Face Paint !:%ignModule )3 Hew to do a Spklcrman/Botman Face Pinl DesignModule 14 Hnw to do a Minnie Mu-n 而刈 the courw?A. h rcQuirc people
13、 ki pay in full.B. h is pron(cd txuh online and offline.C. h otters frev equipn)cm nd materials.D. Che diploma can be obuiincd in hic momh.21. Which module on Mlvctirdng (be business?A. Module 4.B. Module 5.C. Module 6.D. Module 7.22. Iku* much pcxiplc cun save if signing up ixiw?A. 99.B. 100.C. 199
14、.D. 200.RTnavding withntx a nup in different countries I find out 2bnut different户 o4 direuiom every lime I ask*Haw can I get to the post oflkc?Foreign courwis arc often ixmkd in Japan because mast greets there doni have rumc signs. In Japan, people we landmarks地标)in their diroctiiw inxeud f urcct n
15、amex For evamplc. the Japnnc ill linur. txil mile*. -How far away is ibe port oflkeT- you ak. Oh.* they anxurr. its about fivv mimilei Irom berv. Yuu dual undcrujd completely. Yes. but how many mile* awuy w il. plcascT- To this queMion yvu wont get an answer, bccaiac most probably they dont know it
16、themselves.Pttcplc in Greece Mimctimcx do not even try ti give directioot bccaux urnnst% sclckim undcrund the Greek language Insuad. a Greek will often say, Fallow me ” Then hell lead you chmugh the strcclx of ibe city to chc pent office.SomciinKS a person docwc kiKw the answer to yixir qucMion Whai
17、 happens in chc sHgiion A New Yorker mifhi “y. vSerryJ 2vc no kUa But in Yuefttan. Mexico, no one *1 dont know. People there behove that r iSont is impolite They uiualiy give an aiiswcf. but chcn a ”rof)g one So a (ouriM can gel Iom ay cusily in YucaUn! Howxw. one thm will help you everywhere in the
18、 world. kX bodj- language.23. Which of the following i% probably an example of JupuncM: directions?A. *The post office ix K Street Katniri Turn right at the hospital and go past i school.”B. *Thc p alien ha、e no idea of distance incusufcd b mils.C. They uw lamlmafk,m iheir dircviKms inMead of diuxc.
19、25. Ai Gnrd,gg directiun*?A. Uxinj street nanw, B. UUng hndnudM. C. Leading peepk the way. D. Giving p:cplc a wng dircclkxi.26. According to the Ust pirugniph. we cm learn that.A. people in Yucalun jlway give wng directionpeople in Mcxko know urwts、turnc wellB. body lanj”昨c makes ycni get lt. bevuus
20、c 5G *111 be mclubk in the near future. S I milliMZCuod.5G w a great bevakthrough (突破).I门 going tochmec Ihe way equipment connects u the Internet, and more inipnnundy. to each other. And sclf-lriving cum may be one of (he biggca hrcAkihnughs io come out of 5G Huimn rcaciKHi (ime is 200 millKccondhi.
21、 yet we Mill kivc aockknis every &y. The self-driving car under u 5G iKiwock 8uld ract and comnxinicmc ns rwciion g hundreds of cars Mcnmd ii, ll within 1 millisccoiKi. hi I pUy a grun role in pcvcniing cir accidcnu and ending iraflic jams compktdy.5G can hriurfit us in many olher way*. Operutkxis c
22、ould be perfunned by rebecs controlled by experts from the ocher side of the uxirld. Therefore, moev live*, will be saved in time. FdCKtrio. can be suffcxl b) robot* chat can cocnmunkdic their uskv to each txher. mJ they can do more uxirk cHkicntly aver a 5G newxk. Imagine a cnxip of drone% 无人 Wj fl
23、ying aver a Geld of ere 吟 uung xenson (传煦然 ) on the ground to sett. pick. feed, and wmct plants all on cheir wn. Thai tamKrs wont have g work so h*rd AnymoreBut. 5G is no pcrfeci One nwjor dwKhunufc has to do with why ifs so faM. 56 ums the millimcicr waves.钿k 4G uses (he 15 io 40 mimcicakx陛 wavc Ai
24、kI boncr wsv的 趴(au but mx very far. On 4G nciwofts.the signal ca 和 10 kikxiKier*, Bui the 56 signal can fo al moM 30()mcicrs. and it cmi*! even go through walls or rain. So. does itu( mean? Ha、mg such a shot signal dtsuiKcnod io buikl a lot of (runsmiucrs (俏JXMiS) in (he future.27. How 痴心 themiiImm
25、slww us 5G*s sdvanuses in hingniph I?A. By giving examples of the u心 of 5GBy making cumpariMmx bclwwn 4G and 5GB. By eipldinin ihe MrienliHc principio of 5iBy analyzing 5G*s development from 4G28. According to the author, the itclf driving can will.A. cause more cm weidenumIow down 5Gs developmentB.
26、 ran without bcinf connected io the Inccmethae a much 他3 reuciion speed ikin humans29. WhM Axs the undctlmcd 必 ,te staffed by robccs in PMauraph 3 inn?A. be bud( by robois.B. Haw rotxMi as uxxkervOllb emphxyg home rvbul工C. Prctduce nxxv medical rvbuls.30. What is the main idea of the text?A. The dev
27、elopment of 5G i% chillcnging,Some disadvDtages of 5G iwtuwk rcnuin ta be improved.B. 5G iwtwnck could be 苧plied lo h)spiuk. factarie% and drones5G is a qz hrTihrmigh and can bcncHc people in many weyaArtificial intelligence ulli pMtcins. Biui pro0cM couM ukedaysor even longer. SocmiMs wy aftifkial
28、inicllincc wi doji brtlci tlun juM count cclh. Through nwchinc leuniin. it can (fuickly f(xtntze pMtenis. h tlnKture%. and leam liw iIk celh arv ofanizd.The hope i% that machines will scon be abfc Io make u qukrk rvcctgnilian of cancerous cell-growth patterns that is free of human mistake%. Rawat ad
29、ds that the process could be done for almoM no cost for the piticnts0. But having a larje amixmt of infcvmatkin about cclh w imponanl for a machine to cftccti*x:ly do iu job. Once the canccnxK gjvu-th pjtlcm m nxogniKd. docuirs Mill luve to treat the piKicni. The fixm of tnratment depends on the kin
30、d af oncer.David Ajufc k another rccarchcr of the team. He bclicwx *ComputcrA. 1( ireirt breaM ameer all 凶 itself.B. Il provides fr cunccr irortineni for (he pul egh rcx)gnizcs the Gmccrou* grouih pMterns (aMcr.C. h help* diKtois make niwtakcs in cancer (rvaiinCTil.31. Whal doo (he underlined w?A. T
31、he pctxxg f Inraling cancen.B.Tbc prcMres% of xkling cokr lo IKC. The prwxM of taking a piece of (iKur.D.The of recognizing the cell-jruwth.32. Whal can we know from Divid Agu uxirds?A. Al will not replace doctors.B.Al will develop ft in the future.C. Al can be q$cIcks in treicin$ cjncetvD.Al on pem
32、 ide the doctors with creouncnK.Al Mnkc* Belter Doewe33. Whm i the nwn ideA of the text?A. Al tcdinologj hw u Icing w*y to ja B.C. Rilurv Canter Trvalnxmlx will Z succeful.D. Al Iklps Potlcrn Reanitiun.第二节共S小题;每小网2s分.满分123分)问读卜而的女,从姮文后的选项中透出W以填入空门处的火隹选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.36 His quixct arc an cu(t5. ha cre
33、ated a figure in his honor Theres even a film serie务 (aiiuring St Bcmani fumed after hint Even people uho may chum iki io kno* anything about chuxal music would Mill be able io recognize the 曲,da. da dum1 opening figure from Bccthovctfs FifthHowever. no only the quMny of Bccihovcns inuMC ihai makes
34、him so specialThe cotnpohcr clunjxxl (he nwr*ical uwld (oror. Il hr been sax! that lw alone dmggcd iiMhic oul of (lieCiM age and into the Romanlic. Bui (hui docsnl go tr enough. 37Befurv Btxthmvn. winposenb uxHkcd fur (he gkxy uf G(xl. or wrwu m Kmded knev fur ua)thy courts. BecUxiven kicked ikiwn (
35、he doors of (he ariaocrMic (货佚S) wodd and made inmsdt M home. 38Bcelhovcn knew k”md &wbt ihM he ws writing fur ctcmily (不死).Hr* confklencc in his abilities the only great truth in hit life and he held on la it. 39 With Bedhaven. muxic hreame about feelings abouc tocking within and cxpnrwing thing% u
36、mayablc.In 1805 he clunked ihe course of musical hiucry with hk Kmtea symphony compaicion. It was the firxt truly ,heroic pc:c of muxic ever createdHis enw of inwmion und reMiurcefuIncss never declined. Hk Fifih symphony described by Fnflxh novdiw E.M. Forster as *lhc inoy bcauntul noise that h ever
37、 pcncimted inco (be car of man His music, especially that whx外 wo coopood (hiring his la Shaiespeare and Ite *ill show you what people arc. Lisiai to Becdxivcn. who wroic wniply (o g2 hii aitiuic and inlclleclual eiiMence. and be will show)tu whM you wukJ be.A. He urtrte (im hnitjciraluoe.B. He neve
38、r ubuniknivd hopeHix music u the very definiliua of,intcnarily (内在C. Out of all cumposen. Bccthintn nc3c3 lime.E. Nothing like it hat ever been composed and nochinc ever will.F. Beethoven enjoyed a great reputation at a uxinderful musician.第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题I分,满分15分)向增下面的文.从句IM所给的A、B、
39、C, D四个密项中选出可以堵入空门处的录住选项.Last year. 1 told my family th*l I dxint want or need anything few my birthdiy. Instead. 1_4L them think f a *uy to xharc a _42 in their ”orkl for me. My hubund uxl my diuhtcr did Mimethinc difterent. but _43_.The week of my hinhetny my hutband went to a local cafe Mki told w
40、aitne that he wanted to 44 pay (or the brokfist of a family. The waitncM w联 5 4nd 卬id it was her Usf day M wixfc there nnd (his hl never M . WIkii the fnmily finished eating, (he wKrcs$ cold ihcm their 47 hd bn paid The inom sifted crying and the d(*d Mocd up. iryinj!4X wtx might ha、c done h. txii my bu4xmd outside M (he wliolc (hing. He (old me he liad such a uKindetful SU tn Iim Ikuh and he uxuM like lo 51 il a few itxire tinierM daughter w otia 唔hi bud?(头很猿)w site 52 (lie uwk sniihng mucai people, and klling Mimecme go bthirr her at