1、Lesson planA Winning Team一、语篇类型:记叙文二、授课时长:40分钟三、教材分析:本课位于九年级第11单元Section B 2b,本单元的语言目标是谈论事物对人心情的影响(talk about how things affect you)o该语篇讲述了主人公参加学校篮球比赛的一次经历。在故事中,由于 他的失误,整个队伍输掉了比赛,他因此感到无比地沮丧和自责,甚至担心自己会被教练开除。带 着这低落的心情,他回到家中,告诉了父亲事情的经过。在父亲的开导下,他明白了比赛的真正意 义和输掉比赛后的正确处理方法。第二天,他回到球队中向队友们表达了歉意,训练也更加努力。 然而让他
2、感到欣慰和惊讶的是,队友们非但没有责备他,反而十分理解并鼓励他。他因身为这样团 结积极的队伍的一员感到骄傲。文章主题思想积极向上,话题符合中学生生活实际和认知水平,能 够引起学生的共鸣,结构清晰,以时间为序。文中出现了大量谈论外界事物对人物心情影响的语言 现象,为本单元目标语言知识的学习提供了充分的范例。四、学情分析本班学生英语基础较好,在之前的学习中已基本掌握了记叙文的阅读方法和较多与本文话题相 关的语言知识,为本课学习活动的开展提供了保障;学习态度积极,对课堂活动的参与度较高。但 由于受学习阶段性目标的影响,对于人物心情描述的语言知识掌握不够系统和全面,不能够在真实 情景中加以灵活运用。五
3、、教学目标1、提取文章大意,梳理篇章结构,归纳文中主要故事情节和人物的心情变化;2、推断分析文章标题的内涵,深入理解文章的中心思想;3、用所学语言谈论自己的类似经历和从文中学到的道理;4、表演展示文中主人公与父亲的对话情境,欣赏语言。六、教学重难点1、梳理归纳人物心情的变化;2、推断分析文章标题的内涵。七、教学资源教材、多媒体、粉笔、黑板八、教学过程步骤教学活动设计意图时长Step1Lead inT introduces what will be talked about in this class briefly.引导学生迅速进入学 习的情境。VStep2Prediction1. T pre
4、sent the title and a part of the first paragraph and asks the Ss to guess what happened in the story.The Winning TeamPeter kept his eyes on the ground. He felt like there was a heavy weight on his shoulders as he walked home alone. It was the worst day of his life. His mind would not stop thinking a
5、bout what happened only just an hour ago on the school soccer field.- 2. Ss read the title and the sentences and share their ideas.给出标题和第一段部 分语句让学生预测,一 方面提供故事发生的 情境,另一方面形成悬 念,激发学生思考,引 起阅读的兴趣。3,Step3Number the events1. T asks the Ss to read the whole passage and number the events in the correct order
6、.Peter got home and went into his room.引导学生迅速把握文 章大意和结构,为深入 理解文章内容做铺垫。Peter talked to his teammates.Peter missed a goal.Peter s father gave him advice.Peter realized that he was worried for no reason.2. The Ss finish the task and share their answers.Step4Read the story and answer the questions1. T a
7、sks the Ss to read the passage again and answer the following questions.(1) How did Peter feel at the beginning and why?(2) What advice did Peters father give him? (3 ) What did Peter do after talking with his father?(4) How did Peter feel after talking with his teammates and why?(5) Why did Peter t
8、hink that he was on a winning team even though they lost the last game?2. The Ss read the passage for the answers.3. T asks the Ss to share their answers in class.以问题链的形式,引导 学生进一步梳理和归 纳故事主要情节,理清 人物心情的变化,分析 推断文章标题的深层 含义,深入理解文章中 心思想。Step5Discuss ingroups1. T asks the Ss to discuss the following questi
9、ons in groups:(1 )Have you ever made a mistake? How did you feel then? What did you do about it?(2) What have you learned about dealing with mistakes from the passage?2. Ss discuss in groups.3. Ss share (heir ideas in class.引导学生总结文中对 于处理错误的方法,并 联系自身实际分享相 关经历,运用所学FI标 语言进行表达。Step6Role-play1. T asks Ss
10、 (o Role-play a conversation between Peter and his father.2. Ss work in pairs and prepare for it.3. Ss perform in class.创设情境,让学生运用 所学内容编演对话,进 一步HomeworkWrite a short story about a mistake you once made.让学生联系自身实际, 使用目标语言进行表 达,进一步巩固、内化 所学知识。板书设计The Winning Team heavy weight, worst day, sad, angry, gui
11、lty, regretful, worried.Idont be too hard on yourself learn to communicate with.learn from mistakesThe Winning TeamGood team spirit (support, help, understand each other ) Never give upStick to fighting on Learn from mistakesmissed scoring.let his whole team downmight kick him offpractice with couragesaid sorry to his teammatesIsurprised and relieved/relaxedhappy and lucky(teammates: