1、夕Section V / LESSON 3GETTING TO THE TOP语篇助解释疑原文呈现IWhy do Olympic athletes push themselves to the limits1 ? As one of the.Olympic athletes,.I missbinhd.侬 die务juinijfomilEhQlidays 一项dskip 二刈islu&QukbuuhereisjLYerygoQdicasQn SLgbdng&R: $QJJlUh 1) We re worried about you, “ said my friend from across th
2、e table. He was worried that I had no longer become fun to train with and that I was in danger of being left with only a world championship medal and no one to share it with.(1)本句是一个并列句。在笫一个分句中含有三个并列的谓语动词;在第二个分句中, 含有个固定句型there is a very good reason for ”没有理由”。I could have become angry or defensive .
3、 Dont they know how hard it is to be at the top in sport? Dont (hey know what i( takes (o get there? However, deep down I knew elements of what he was saying were right. I was always tired and every workout had a mental intensity11 that seemed too much for most to handle. I was pushing the limits an
4、d extremes beyond what most thought were healthy.These are the fears I face as a professional athlete on a day-to-day basis. Who am I doing this for? How much is too much? Why am I doing this? How can I be so selfish z? What are the sacrifices1 for?Llhink of counHes* : _binhdaY panisand_nighis Qut L
5、haYemisssd, mining a famil v. holiday in I-rance because of the endless search for a swimming pool to train in, almost missing niy bioihe亡鼠双蝮乂 hiring巴acaiJLuQQMUQwnlQhaim袋 burgjmdQiYing through the ”no-go” areas in order to do a group ride with the local triathletesQ.(2) The list is endless.(2)本句是一个
6、主从复合句。其中分词短语ruining和almost missing作结果状语; because引导原因状语从句,从句中含有句型be busy doing “忙于做push oneself tothe limits把某人推到极限毁掉,毁坏f读文清障push oneself to the limits ruin vt.颖而出。apart from .除之外Apart from an occasional noise from the elephant* s stomach, the forest was silent.除了大象胃里偶尔发出的声音,森林里一片寂静.易混辨析in addition(t
7、o), apart from, except, except for, besides(l)in addition意为“加之,又,另外”,包括除去内容在内。(2)in addition to是介词短语,意为“加之,除之外”,包括除去内容在内。(3)叩art from是介词短语,意为“除之外”,包括或不包括除去内容。(4)cxccpt, except for都有“除之外”之意。except指从同类的人或物中排除;而except for所排除的不属于同一类。(5)besides意为“除之外(还有)“,包括被除去内容,和in addition to同义;疑问句、否定句中和except同义。活学巧练。
8、补全句子We go there every day except Monday.除了星期一,我们每天都去那里。He is a good man excem for/aDarl from his bad temper.他除了脾气坏之外,倒是个好人。Your article is good cxccm that there arc some spelling mistakes.除了一些拼写错误外,你的文章写得很好。Besides the cost、it will take a lot of time.除了成本外,它还将耗费很多时间。 A part from/Exccpl for that, eve
9、rything goes well.除了那之外,一切正常。6.(教材 p.37)r d prefer to have three or four outstanding years of winning stuff than having ten years of being average.我也宁愿有三到四年的胜利辉煌,而不选择十年的平庸无为。average adj.平庸的,普通的;平均的.平均水平;平均数v.平均为;算出的 平均数This new model of car is so expensive that it is beyond the reach of those with a
10、verage income.新款车如此昂贵,普通收入人群望尘莫及。归纳拓展on (an/thc) average均with an average of均 为above average一般水平以上,中上;在平均数以上below average一般水平以下,中下; 在平均数以下be up to the average到一城殳水平活学巧练 。写出卜列句中average的同性和含义The average temperature here ranges between 23 and 39 and 51% of the island is covered with forests./.平均的Freddy
11、was an average student, but not an average pcrson.aQ.普通的 。力.平庸的A surey shows parents spend an average of $220 a year on toys in Shanghai.平均数 Drivers in London can expect (o average about 12 miles per hour.。.平均为 。根据提示完成小片段There were 90 students getting full marks in (he exam, on average (平均)18 studen
12、ts in each class. Tom s score was above average (在 平均数以上)while Johns was below average (在 平均数以下).。小话题写作在上一次机器人竞赛中,你的测试成绩高于所有参与者的平均水平。In the last robotics compciition, your test scores were above average in all particiDanis.1 .(教材 p.36)As one of the Olympic athletes, I miss birthday parties, ruin fam
13、ily holidays and skip nights out, but there is a very good reason for giving up so much.作为一名奥林匹克运动员,我错过生日聚会、破坏家庭旅行、放弃夜晚外出,但是放弃 这么多是有合理的理由的。句式分析本句中there is a good reason (to be/for)意为”有充足的理由”。There are at least two good reasons for this.这至少有两个很好的理由。归纳拓展There is no good reason (to be/for)有理由There is n
14、o need to do sth有必要做某事There is no point (in) doing sth某事没有意义活学巧练。单句语法填空/补全句子There is no need lo worry (worry) about him for he has grown up.There is no point arguing (argue) with him for he is so stubborn.I presume there is a good reason for her absence as she rarely stays away from work without app
15、roval.我猜想她缺席一定有原因,因为她通常是不会擅离职守的。I have told you three times and there is n。reason【o be late.我已经告诉你们三次了,没有理由迟到。2 .(效材 p.36)I could have become angry or defensive.我本可以生气或者辩解一下的。句式分析1句中could have become是一种表示英语委婉语的虚拟语气。在英语委 婉语的表达中,如果暗含可能之意时,往往用could/might have done的形式,表示“本可能 做过某事而实际上没有做其否定形式could/might
16、not have done表示“本不可能做某事而 实际上已经做了某事”。He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he could have expressed it differenlly. 他并不后悔说出做过的事,只是觉得本可以用另一种方式来说。归纳拓展(1)在英语委婉语的表达中,如果暗含责备之意时,往往用should have done的形式,表 示“本该做了某事而实际上没有做。其否定形式shouldnthavedonc表示“本不该做某事 而实际上已经做了”。(2)在英语委婉语的表达中,如果暗含劝告之意时,往往用need hav
17、e done的形式,表示 “本有必要做某事而实际上没有做。其否定形式neednthavedone表示“本没有必要做某 事而实除上已经做了某事。注意didnt have to do表示“过去本没有必要做而实际上也没 有做”。活学巧练。单句语法填空/补全句子 There was a lot of fun at yesterday * s party. You should have come (come), but why dicin t you?There was plenty of time. She needn? t have hurried (hurry).He paid for a se
18、at, while he could have entered free.他花钱买了座位,而他本来可以免费进去的。I was really anxious about you. You shouldn have lefl home without a word.你让我急死了。你不该一句话不讲就离开家。skip vt.不做(本来应做的事);蹦跳着走give up放弃no longer不再in danger of处于危险之中defensive adj.戒备的,自卫的dccp down内心深处element /?.基本部分;要素workout /?.训练,锻炼intensity n.强度;强烈sei
19、 fish adj.自私的,自私自利的sacrifice n.牺牲countless adj.无数的,数不尽的because of由于,因为search fbr寻找 hire vt.租用triathlete n.铁人三项运动员第14段译文为什么奥林匹克运动员要将自己逼到极限呢?作为一名奥林匹克运动员,我错过生日聚 会、破坏家庭旅行、放弃夜晚外出,但是放弃这么多是有合理的理由的。“我们很担心你,” 坐在我对面的朋友说。他担心和我一起训练不再是一件愉悦的事情,担心我处于只剩下世界 冠军的奖牌而无人可以分享的危险境地。,我本可以生气或者辩解一下的。难道他们不知道 在运动中处于顶峰有多难吗?难道他们不
20、知道走向顶峰需要付出多少吗?然而,在内心深 处,我知道他说的有一些是对的。我总是疲惫不堪,每次俄炼带来的心理压力对于大多数人 来说都难以应对。我把极限提升到了大多数人认为超出健康的程度。,这些是我作为职业运 动员日常面临的恐惧。我这样做是为了谁?太多是多少?我为什么要这样做?我怎么能这么 自私?这些牺牲是为了什么?,我想到了曾经错过的无数生日派对和本来可以外出狂欢的夜 晚,因为一直寻找可以训练的游泳池,而破坏了一次去法国的全家旅行;我忙于在约翰内斯 堡市中心租车,开车闯过“禁行”区,以便和当地的铁人三项运动员一起骑行训练,差点错 过哥哥的婚礼。这样的事情不计其数。It boils down t
21、o this: I was bom with an enormous amount of drive and determination. From a small girl, 1 would stay in O at lunch time just to get ahead on class work rather than go out and play; I would get (he bus on my own at ten years old and go to swim 100 lengths of (he pool while other kids played pool gam
22、es; I was the only girl in a rugby club of 250 boys. I have always lived my life to extremes. C&lLilUinheallhy4 nQ maUeLwhatjjLisIjiLappMng 皿 V腹(3)本句为并列句。but连接两个并列分句:第一个分句是祈使句;第二个分句中含有no matter what引导的让步状语从句。Being a professional athlete is no different. If you want to be an Olympic champion, its all
23、 about that little extra thing you have done in your preparation that will set you apart from your competitors.Can this be overdone? Absolutely. But if your dream is to be the best and reach the winners platform, you had better be totally committed to your sport. InJhc一出AliS【air Bipwnleg, even if it
24、 mgan5tgetting.injHred t Id prefer to have three or four ousianding YearsofwinningsLufLihanhayiagienyears9fbeingav以age::(4)Doing what we do as athletes sets us apart because we are willing to do that extra little bit that might take us to the top. It is certainly not a balanced way to live and it is
25、 certainly not normal but those words are generally not used for anyone who is striving for greatness.(4)本句是一个主从复合句o句中even if引导让步状语从句,主句为直接引语。,boil vi.& vt.(使)沸膊,煮沸boil down to sth归结为:要点是enormous adj.巨大的,庞大的slay in待在家里get ahead取得进步rather than而不是 length n.长度apply oneself to sth努力;专心致志于某事 apart adj.&a
26、dv.分开;散开apart from.除之外platform n.舞台;月台be committed to全身心投入0injured adj.受伤的outstanding adj.杰出的,优秀的average adj.平庸的,普通的;平均的n.平均水平:平均数normal adj.正常的,平常的第58段译文归根结底,我天生就是个特别有干劲和意志力的人。我还是个小女孩时,为了在课业上名列前茅,午餐时间我会留下来学习而不出去玩。十岁的时候,当别的孩子在泳池戏水时, 我会自己乘公共汽车去游泳池游50个来回;橄榄球俱乐部里,有250个男孩,只有我一个 女孩。生活中我一向把事情做到极致。你若说这是一种病
27、态也行,但这就是我的做事风格, 不管做什么我都会全力以赴。,成为一名职业运动员也不例外。如果你想成为奥运冠军,就 要在训练中多付出那额外的一点点,它将使你从竞争者中脱颖而出。,这过分吗?当然。但 如果你的梦想是成为最棒的并站上胜利者的奖台,你最好全身心投入运动项目中。用英国铁 人三项运动员阿利斯特尔布朗利的话来说,即使这意味着受伤,“我也宁愿有三到四年的 胜利辉煌,而不选择十年的平庸无为。”,做运动员让我们与众不同,因为我们愿意做到那 额外的一点点,以使我们走向顶峰。它当然不是一种平衡的生活方式,也肯定不寻常,但寻 常、平衡这些词是不会用来形容追求伟大的人的。语篇理解精做I .Whats th
28、e main idea of the article?The article (ells the story of an athlete and the sacrifices she makes for her sports.II .Read the text fast and judge the following statements TRUE or FALSE.1. Olympic athletes give up too much fun for world championship medals.2. The author was pushing the limits and ext
29、remes, which others thought healthy.3. The author was a professional athlete.4. The author would play pool games at ten years old.5. Good extra preparation will set a professional athlete apart from his competitors.答案:15 TFTFTHI.Read the text carefully and choose the best answer.1. What did the auth
30、or, s friend worry about?A. The author pushed herself to the limits too little.B. There was no good reason for giving up so much.C. There was nothing, only medals in the author,s eyes.D. The author missed so many birthday parties and holidays.2. What was one of the fears the author faced?A. Reasons
31、for pushing the limits.B. Her competitors, efforts.C. Class work a( school.D. Her friend* s worries.3. What would the author do when she was young?A. Go out and play.B. Play pool games.C. Take buses alone.D. Take holidays often.4. What should a professional athlete be?A. Determined. B. Worried.C. Ch
32、eerful. D. Careful.答案:14 CACAIV.Fill in the blanks with right words or phrases according to the passage.The situation the writer facesThings she gives up as an Olympic athleteBirthday parties, 1.family holidays, 2.nights out.Her friends worries and her reactionsShe will lose 3.her friends; she knows
33、 they were 4,right.The fears she faces on the daily basisWhether she is pushing 5.the limits too much; whether she is being 6.selfish.The reasons why the writer can get to the topBorn with an amount of drive and7. deteirninalion.Get ahead on class work rather than 8.go oul and Dlay.Do a little 9.cxt
34、ra thing in preparation ; be totally10. committed to her career.语言知识梳理I .语境写单词1. strive for a breakthrough2. ruin their image3. skip over this page4. elements of a good life5. a very good workout6. great intensity of feeling7. a sacrifice for his country8. hire experienced worker9. boil the milk10.
35、enormous animals11. three miles apart圆词汇句或识记取突破坏他们的形象 过这一页 好生活的要素 个非常好的锻炼 烈的感情 国家牺牲用有经验的工人 牛奶煮开 大的动物隔三英里12. the station platform13. an outstanding student14. above the average15. return to normalII .拓展识变化站月台名优秀的学生 于平均水平复正常1. extreme n.极端f extremely a面.极端地2. academic adj.学术的 academy n.学术3. defensive。
36、力.戒,备的,自卫的一defend。.防卫;辩解-*defenc(s)e防卫;辩解4. selfish0.自私的,自私自利的一self pron.自己一selfless 靖.无私的5. couniless。力.无数的,数不尽的-*counip.重要;点数一countable必.可数的6. length n.长度一long a矽.长的;久的此语境记短语1. boil down to this2. stay in on weekends3. apply himself to study4. apart from some accidentsIV.仿写练句式结为:要点是在家里力:专心致志于某事之外1
37、 .教材原句As one of the Olympic athletes, I miss birthday parties, ruin family holidays and skip nights out, but there is a very good reason for giving up so much.句式分析1 there is a (no) reason for/to do sth ”(没)有做某事的理由”佳句仿写他们没有什么好的理由这样认为。There is no good reason for them to think that way.2 .教材原句. almost
38、missing my brothers wedding because I was too busy hiring a car.句式分析be busy doing sth “忙于做某事”佳句仿写过去的一周里,我们一直在忙着准备这次考试。Over the past week, we have been busy preparing for this examination.3 .教材原句Call it unhealthy if you want, but that is the way I roll, no matter what il is I* m applying myself to.句式
39、分析no matter what引导让步状语从句佳句仿写无论你喜欢做什么,在地球日这一天有一种方式可以参与各种活动。No niaoer whai you like io do, ihere is a way to get involved in various activities on Earth Day.4 .教材原句In the words of the British triathlete Alistair Brownlee, even if it means getting injured,.句式分析even if引导让步状语从句佳句仿写即使很困难,也要放轻松。Even if it
40、is very tough、take it easy.麻核心词汇隼释1 .(效材 p.36)As one of the Olympic athletes, I miss birthday parties, ruin family holidays and skip nights out, but there is a very good reason for giving up so much.作为一名奥林匹克运动员,我错过生日聚会、破坏家庭旅行、放弃夜晚外出,但是放弃 这么多是有合理的理由的。ruin W.毁掉,毁坏Dont let negativity ruin your motivati
41、on. 不要让消极情绪毁了你的热情。归纳拓展掉自己为废墟灭;毁坏某人失败:使倾家荡产取灭亡灭,灭亡;崩溃;破坏掉(I )ruin oneself(2)in ruinsfall into ruinbring sb to ruinbring ruin upon oneselfcome/fall/go to ruin活学巧练。单句语法填空/补全句子When the rescuers reached the ruins (ruin) of a young womans house, they saw her dead body through the cracks.A large number of
42、churches fell into ruin after the big flood.The whole city lay in ruins afterhe earthquake, which made us lying awake all night.地震之后整个城市成了一片废墟,这使我们彻夜未眠。Drunk driving not only ruined himself but also killed several passers-by.酒驾不但毁了他自己,几个行人也因此丧命。小话题写作一些不好的因素正在破坏着电影产业的未来,因此电影产业应该做出更大努力来吸引 更多的观众。Some b
43、ad factors are ruining the future of film industry, so greot efforts should be made to allraci more audience.2 .(教材 p.36)What are the sacrifices for?这些牺牲是为了什么?sacrifice n. &v牺牲You must not sacrifice studies for pleasure.你不能为享乐而牺牲学业。归纳拓展(I )sacri fice for而牺牲(2)at the sacrifice of牯牲为代价make a sacrifice
44、 for作出牺牲活学巧练。单句语法填空/补全句子Its not worth sacrificing (sacrifice) your health for wealth.He sacrificed a Dromising career to look after his handicapped daughter.他为了照顾残疾女儿牺牲了有前途的事业。He saved the child at the sacrifice of his life.他为了救那个孩子而牺牲了自己的生命。3 .(教材 p.36)I think of countless birthday parties and nigh
45、ts out I have missed,.我想到了曾经错过的无数生日派对和本来可以外出狂欢的夜晚countless adj.无数的,数不尽的In early spring sunlight scattered countless dust.初春的阳光散落无数的尘埃。归纳拓展(I )count vt.算;认为vi.按顺序)教教:重要H.出总数:论点,观点count on靠;依赖countable adj.数的活学巧练。单句语法填空/补全句子I have warned her couniless (count) times.In a good relationship, its really t
46、he little things that count.在一种良好的关系中,细节真的很重要。Thal was the first time Dad had counled on me in a moment of emergency.那是父亲第一次在危急时刻依赖我。4.(教材 p.37)Call it unhealthy if you want, but that is the way I roll, no matter what it is Imapplying myself to.你若说这是一种病态也行,但这就是我的做事风格,不管做什么我都会全力以赴。apply oneself to st
47、h努力;专心致志于某事If you apply yourself to the job in hand, you 11 soon finish it.如果你尽全力做你手头的工作,你将很快地把它做完。归纳拓展(1 )apply vt.涂,敷;应用,运用:使致力(于),使专心从事vi.请;应用,使用;适用apply for请,请求apply (to sb) for .向某人)申请叩ply . to .运用到中去:涂抹到上面(2)applicant n.请人applied adj.用的;实用的applied science用科学(4)application n.请;应用a letter of 叩pli