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1、 基础篇 What do Ktiidnts do at tine Grwn High Scbaol?Here avc(he resuhs at Lhe siuilcnh aciivny suncy(I I Grcei)Hijih School.Mos siudenis eTcercHe three(2)tour times(3)week.Some Ktiuients exerejse once or VA-CC week.Some students are very aclive(4卜 cxeivisc every day(5)for homework,most Mu denis U。honi

2、cUiXirk ui-cry day.sludcnLs iJ。humework hrev oi tour Limes n week.No MUdtrnis du huiricwuik once ur A cck.The joulis(7)Wriiuli TV me inLcrcstin.All biudciiu watch TV(8)ur iwkc a Somu siudenes wutdi TV diiuc ui fuar(9)a wcckT(10)most students wattli TV cvciy dtiy.1.2.3 一 Im pretty hea

3、l th v I exercif*everv day,uviially(I)I tamp-linmf(5)schorl.My(3)h;,hits irc prctiy SOIKI.I try ei a 1)course,I love junk to(xl too,and I et it two(7)three Limes a week.Oh,and I sleep nine hours every niphi.So you(8k I look ulLer rriy liealdi.And m healihy m&tylc(V)inc 也以 quod grades.Good lood;ind e

4、xercise help me to study(ID).l.二.综合提高篇 John and Sally arc in(1)same schiwl,1 heir home m tar(2)school.They pct up tjarly(31 山 e inaming and(4)Lhe bui io school aJler breukiasi.SomeLinie they(5)lunch in the restaunmt.Juhn likeG hamburgers(6)meat(7)Sally likes vegetables and Jmit,Af

5、ter hmeh J(hn ocs lo由 volleyball and Slly goo to the ehsroam.She(9)English SUIJF%OI listen(IO)EU打 c. 10,K Eenrune knows ihai exercise is impon;uiL We all need ic exervise.Douiors say n is 11 for u 旬 It miikcs your heart and Nxly wmng,Children whn rften exercise(2)nmne nlcfl(活的),Thf m

6、ean%ihy(3)in lesls and school work than thoe 牡 h。&)exercise,TJiert art riiiuiy wjys iu eHerciM:,u(5)块;UL rim*hwini.skate wr play ball games.Miikc sure yd 6)in Lhe Inllowing way1;.You have Lo like 17 you are doing.Exercist enough but nul 1(8)一 hs he beM la exerviM:Iwice【少 iveck.Thirty jnimilcs rach l

7、ime is Tn?;ill kiils(10)ihiiif Liniil you find one.tivnrM CT.tn ihree spirt%Jut kcl i ighl fuVLHJ.I.X 3,4 5.1.6 7.fi.9 ID.2 一,基础篇 A,A healthy Lifestyle t the Clnnese Way Trfidilional Chinese ikKlors IKIHAC WC(11 ii hnhiTicc(2)yin:m(l vnng in(3)h 社Lh-tl e*;juipltf.LUtf ulitiii weak und liired?X1nyle

8、ytw e LOH vin.Yru should eat Iwt yang toodbod 换店 Lired _(1X,-(2)you are tired,you-_(3)work hard any mure.You should 腿 p for a(4)niflhts and you should have*nesi co(5)healthy.You should Mw 6)hot yang tnodx and Mher7 Ibodj You(8)eal more yin(9)uhen y”u dttj(10). 二.踪合提高篇 A.Eating h

9、;ib:is are(I in di IJci enl ciHinirie-The Chinese have a giving E“l good things 2|breukJust,ml a bi 翌 meal lw lunch.脚 less at diniier,.Matty Anicrivaiis agree that one(4)SHUT lhe day with n good breakfast,(5l their ideas abnut hmeh and dinrici浏 u di Her 如 L M05I Americans only give themselves a shcr

10、i Time lor lunch.(6)they cat a small lunch After wort they will have more time(7)cai a big dinner.Also a quid dinner iR)hunie with alJ the lauuly talking(9)llieir day b A w;iy lo uke a guuil re J alter a lutig hard day(!)work.1,Z 3.5 6 7.8.9r I(J H,I hupc you re enjoying my school in NE York,I like

11、your(bin Beijing-(2)rm nol(3)very weH(4)(he niiHneni,m tired and have*lot5 headaches.And rm(6)out because my Putcxighua isnt improving,】study late every night,sonxtiines(7)2 urri.but I(S)(hink m improving.I really deed some ctuntfr-uLiun pnRli 洗 I itibik 1 have u cukL(9).Oh,dear!Bui niy host fjiuily

12、(10)reully nice 1.2+3.4.5,一、基础篇 A.Iuny:Whql ytiu domg 11 i vacatiunT I in I lua?Lin HE:r m gning to Tibet2)a week Tuny:That3)nttcrcMing!站 htil urc ym doing ihirru!Lin Huii:11】hiking in lhe niotinlainy.How(5i JXUH Tuny?Whin arv wu tking 顽 EyaH】n?Tiny:Jm l ihiiing my Iricnd in 1 long Kong.L

13、in Hoa:Oh yeah?._ 佝 long are you staying,Tony:Just ior tbw days I dont like iiway for 17)long.I in Hua:Well,l(8)a gotxl time?Send me a pps(card 9)Hung Kong.Tony:SULC.Show me yum plioivs(10)wc get back lu sdiooL 10,Ben Lambert,I he famous French linger;is uiking a long vaili on Ihix

14、 summer He(hough i 1going to Grexe or SpEiin,bur decided Canada,1 always vacations in Eurcpc.IK This ti【tnj I want tu soiiieLliing 14).T hem J that Canndu h beauLiful,and I knuu there are(5)people there vihn speuk French.1 lien is going to Canadaskem Lake.lie is leaving the first week in June 制 id(6

15、1 until September.He plan&io havp a relaxing vacation.Im taking walk%17 tlsliing,and goinj bike riding,Tm pLmning to irrre in beautilul cuuninsidc.1 love nmure I h 心 pe I can forget all my prohlems,(9 night.1rti renting videos and Meping lot.,A grejt viKation I(10)wuitH I.,7,&9.10.二、综合提高篇 A

16、.Icxlay in I riday.l3jy i lulking(1)her vacdCion with her parents She K(2)co Beijing,(31 i going to the Circut Wyll ami Suminer Palace.Bm(4)paifnis dont think so.Her nioiticr is gums:Jishin because it quici.She 1 5 like talking.Her lather isnt going ro Beijing6)going ftstiing.Hi?7)going siglHsccingf

17、XAlit).Hes going to 7ki*an.He wants 8)clitnb(俺)ML Ihi.He thinks diere must(9)many bCiiMiful 曲谄龄(10)MOM people enjoy hikingtM ikf j).Hiking i I not only a heathy but also relaxing activily.The 原因)why pcc 平低 go hiking is diflcrcTil(2)person to person.HCTX:(3)some of m)M popular reason for petipk m hik

18、e:Iint nf alt hiking is very good i 4)which will improve(改进 bpeop1e betdy.tt good exetrise That hurt(伤 2:your(5).Secondly,hiking is simple(筒单ard cheap.All yon need to _ 1 6)is m wear a pair of hiking hiKiZ 批了】anJ yuur smik Lc start.Firully、hiking is rhe he#way f?)get away from your everyday life.Ymi

19、 cnvhl hike alone w gu(8)yom h iend.Aliei hikings you 认 ill huve A ckr mind(9)ilicn return w work with confidence 自信 K So why(10)plan your hiking ruuic 蹈饶)rigtil away?1.2 8.9.10.f 基础篇 A.,11 l;Li ln?ii i-kiXinuxi、I i.LIUHSI.He LJi 2,i si f-ckic ccty J.iy.showers und(3l a quick break lust.Th

20、en he f4)tor school at around vix thirty.f-irsih he(5j his bicycle lu(he bus Tliiit(6)ilbuul ten iiiiiiul 典,(7j die e.irly bus takes(W)to 述 hooL The HUA f9)usually takes 25 minuets,】, do smdcms around the world get to school?In North/inei ica.most students go to tthool(I)lhe sch

21、ool bus.Some students(2|walk or ride bikes school In f4)parts of the world.(5)ane diffterent Ir Japan,most gEdemg uike rains to 就 hooL(6)others also walk or ndc their bikeji.In China,of depends(7)where you are.In h 谊 cilice xmdents msutilly ride bikes to schtxil or cake bucs.And in places(Ki iherv a

22、rc nvers and kikes,bkc llonfj-hiinhu kidhandao,stndenis usu;illy nn tn schonl 9j bci;i(Thai minr IO):i lot inc您 tun thjr taking a bus. S.9 _ 10.二、踪合提高篇 I On Sunday,1 get up(I)7:00.I have breakfast al half(2)seven.Tlwn I help my nlhtr(3 her htiUNeivurk.Al dboui 94 州】leave hnm 亡.【(4)(me s

23、hopping by bike A|uh(ui 11 f(5 I my bike Kick hnmcr like ccxkmg very much Wf h;ivc(6|狙 11:3(1 In the afternoon,1(7)the train to a movie.It(A)me two hours to sec it.We hive supper nl In I he evening.1 do(9)homework.My purenls re Lid ncwspiipcr*.We g。M(IB)at about 10:00.L,fi.7.E 成【0.B.In Taptm

24、,Irom Lniin xturions or HirporW 机场).go to lhe taxi siand and waiL ihene.fl J xrrtrt,k(2)a uixi(kn has a red light in frnrn window.1(reans lhe 3)has ihi passe ng ers(4 H the light(4|i.the rai(51 passenner When you see 皿 empty窒的)uxi,wave挥动)your(6)and cuD IL The hritk dmr opens auromaticallIH-.(7)Rtnnd

25、 bru?k and wait unul the door open.HI wunl rci s;u Before vuu get visit ynu thi 5*eck.1 dm really busy.HILS evening rm guin tu my cuusin birtliday(3J.And iuinurruw+1(4)Lu go to the Hrnrist(4)Wednesday I have tennis training r5)the Achool team And I IIH此 lu(6)(ur my chemistry te&i on ThutMluy.On Frid

26、ay uvuninj!.Int(7)lu lhe iiKn ies 溶 some friends.Can ynu(9)tu he movies wilh(KH on Friday?Wi iie soon.Si inia L 2.3.4 5.6.7.&9.10,B.Hi Henry,Thanks aI for the invitation.Trn(2)1 can*r visit tiesr week(3)Monday,I have to go to Lhc doctor.On Tuesday,Im going io the movies(4)my friends.On WedneMlayt I

27、have help my ikul On Thursday,I m sTudyin!16)n】y physics lusl.(7)on Fridny,fin EOIJIE tu(S)on vacation wilh my fricjidj.Phase call itfter the(10),Tuny.I.2,3.4.5,&7.土 9.10.二,嫁合提高篇 A.Hear Vince,Thank you(I j ynur letter.You asked about if could visit you this week.Jm(?I am busy I have(3)English rest(4

28、)Monditv tri wing to rhe dentist on Fhjcsdiiy(5)1 have a dix:l(x apptnnimcnit 预约)on Wednesday.(61piiino Lesion on Thurstkiy.Frida is mtriend s birthday pany.HJKJ Saturday we arv(7)my parcnlL(K)you tree IKXI week?I m nut(9)next week.Can 姑心 talk(10)the phone?Call me.Sonin,,7.&9.10,B.feeding

29、(ft)rimetlie zoo,and Mr King,ihw k 如 per、lias ten Animals to(1)Mi Kin 苕 like feeding die aninmls iinJ he likes Lo lake a long(iine.l:irMb he goes to hc ckphunh and fccdx hern ufd llks(2 Hhcm a hii.Then he the penguins,Kvtiyone W3 代也已牛 while he teedsi the inguuis sn that it(3)him a Jnng time.Then he

30、财 tc、up m the wulfi ffl)huuseh where hi?has LWU(4)T and then lie goes ituxi 山HW tn the After he tecd rhe wolves and tigersh he goes to the snake(It)hnuse.Not vtr1 mny iwople like snakes*(5)there arenFt many people there.Then he goes on to feed the 2Lebra(l?b 弓人 and 1 6 l 山 M to the fiquirrelsi峡琅),He

31、(7 i ti baby squirrel at lhe lament,so he spends some rimt(X)after him.I hen he ocs to rhe swans(A),and then tn I he hinh of nil,he Feeds the pundas.People like piindas very (9).They live rih in 10 k They caiik:k udr Lodriicy fniin tut aay.一.基础篇 A.Deal IsiibcL Thank you for your last letter Here l L

32、 i jPictlns of my and my twin sister Liu Ying.(2)you can see,in sonic(3)v,c look The(4)t and in some ways wc look diifercnL We5 hae black eyes arid black hair.*fti my hair is shorter than hers.We both likv sports ulLhough l.iu Ying is i7)uihICIK llun n)e.Shc rnure uuigoing,mid Im quieter.I think Pm

33、smaner(K)her.My Roriie(9)are physics and chemistryT J nd her favorite subjcl k P.R.EI owe ver,we bolli enjuy(10i to part 尼&一 Plcn 帜 visit ns Hmn!Love,Liu Li I.2.3 一 4 一 5.6 一 7,N.9.11).E.Sornc friends have iipposice views and interest and some liktr the same thing、Whai is your opmiun?Should friends

34、be(1)nr the same?We askeJ some people 12l they think,and this what they(3).James Gtcun.I like IQ hasc friendh vei funny.and im)cc outgoing han I am.Bui we both like doing the sane ihings.1(19.)think difterence are imprtint in a friendship. 7.8 _ 9.10.二,垸合提高篇 A,I like uiLiiiub+MuriiL i&my

35、good friend.Shu i$G?ouigvirig thim me.dixl xhc loves animals,(2 r 3 of us love cats.I have a cal.lit Mimi.COCQ is Mari as cat They(4)difl 姑 rem.C?(KL(I is n vhiic CJ4 und ifs|hin4 Mimi is a yellow cm und ifs _(5).Mimi ix Ldlmur(6)Cocc.Coco hkes lu jump and run,(t s wilder.(7*something is (8)same.Mim

36、i and Coco both like(9)fish and mear.They are ho arc tlitfercni.They are I 5 h very alhleiic.Tliey hwh like MKcer.But Ah(6 sticcdr ccry duy drul Ahn plays unl n weekends.Ahn HkC5(7)soccer on TV but Ali likes(o play it.not to watch it They 8 j outgoing and funny.Buf Alan is n little more otiTfoing Th

37、an Mi.Ahn is N 别)a(9)more stcrious than Ah about schn(l ork.Thc“re very popular (1t)口 I and they both have a lot of Iricnd.一,基础篇-k:How 血 you H J rruil 霍”心-Ik F irst,(2 up ihrei?bananas.出 ree apples(3)a watermelon.(4),put the fruit tS)a bowl,(6)put ill two teaspoons(7 honey and a cup 8)yngurr.(9)mix

38、it(10).1, 一 10.B First,put the butter(I)a slice bread,.(3)cut J 4)an onion mid a luiiKLtu.Add IIICSA:(5)the trcjd.Next,pul(61 kltneu iuul tile iJiiuktn bbues(7)the bread,(8)廿 le relish on(he clikken,(9h put another slice ot bread on rlie (HJ).I r y,K.V,10.-V综合提高篇 A.Every count

39、ry has its favorite tixxl.Italians like to()pizza,fidiun like to hot food.Japanese like lo e;il llsh.Often they(2)cook iL In England,仆 ne of(he(3 1 popular kinds(4)IKHJ is lii und ehips.People iiuiillv huy it(5)a tish and chip(hey put it in pflpcr haps.(6 t take it heme;(7)ihcir uorkpliicc.Snietiii

40、lhej cal it in die park ur(8)ihc rvxl.Tlic viorld s favorite FIKHI is American fast ytm to wmt:imporUiM titles in the world,you(10)find people eating liiimbiifgers and chips.L 6“7.S.9.I。.B.Lnghsh Tcnplu have pirrtdyc lur brcjkfasL IUD.But their porridge is.(I)身umM 燕灰 L not rice.Many KngJih p

41、eople(2)sugar in their pinidge,(3)die ScottiUi always put suit in it.English penpie always drink lea uui ti cup、,nnl out M JIkisses.They IHUHK drink ten(4)sugm;uid milk,5 I you go lo iin English family fur tea,the host(男主人 i ur hutevi always 幽 ks you,How many lumps方块)of siiptrdo you(6 J in your tea?

42、Tn ordinary English faniili*.rhe main meal is in The evening,.(7)mtisr of rhe (S)lire aw ay during lhe 山驴 But on Sunday when even body is I 9)liuiiie.they rtmke(tie midday正午)mealb and in rhe evening they(10|a nmeh lighter supper L 2,3.4,5,&7,.9.10._ 一,基础篇 X.9 had a great time(1(he school hns.They we

43、nt m Blue Writer Aquarium(2)the day.First diey isiled the Viskurh Center und watched the nun its Cl)the slLirks.Tlien the(4j u dulphin show.(5)Ili-H,ihey 特如 l nt the Ouiiiixjr PODI and wu a IHg octopus.After lunch,they went tn rhe(lift Shop and bought lots M、witt、.(7)t tired hut happy,they fK)the bu

44、s back ti school.(9 the end of die da;the wience teacher was ver hjppy I U)i rlw chs monitor cleaned the Eis atrer rhe trip.I 2*血 B.Deni Tbin,Hnw WM yiKii day i I)9 Did you have(2)camping?I didni have a very Fun day.【visited iny ujusins,ll tiiinetl 仃)day,血 the tnofningT I slayed(4)the h(

45、xise and i5 DVDs,pkiycd com purer games and read,(n the aftern(Kni,Uncle Mmlin put some nt h)s old Chings(6.1 in the yard and had a yard 口)!I Io we ver,no one came to the?ale lhe weather so had.9)、we brnughi“ur unibwlhs und rainoMls.(10 wtay at limiic on holidays.Tlity wwiL lu see ADineUiin differen

46、t ui do(1)exvhing.Su(2 nh touriiry gv io ihv city und peypk frum(lie 3 J go i4 Uie caunir(4 j hoiidayj;.During the hohdayx,irmris,very hjid ID(7 j train tkkecs t)r uir(X)L Many peuplt(9 UUN t 10)buses tor traelin.1.2.?.4.5.6,7.H.9.l).B.Dear lbnyd How 冉妁 your day(1)Did you have(2)cajiiping?L didnl hu

47、ve u very lull day,I viMWd my cousinx 1(ruined(3 J day.In lhe moniing.1 M)in ibe house und u jlched vidco(r Nkk 一、基础篇 A.You iine never when lie(10)MvemeeiL L Z 3*4t 5,6.7.8.土 W.H.Li Yundi,a well-knoun Chinese pianist,always ocd iinisic lie was fl)in 19R2(2)Chongqing.(3)he was a smull boy,be cuukl hu

48、m surtgs and difficiill pieces(4 music.He began(5 k;ini tlie act ordion(6 lhe age of four,und ge sLuied xo leirn(he piano when he wus sevenH In Octolxr IDEM),Li Ytindi l7)part in the 14th Chopin Intemationul Piano Competition in Poland.He(8)lhe first prize in his group.He WHS ULSO the first Chinese

49、pianist;I)father was a peer dueiur.Li Shizhen ptien suw duit pcu|lc fell ilL He decided tu 7)nxdit:ine 也 thul be could help people,1 i Shi/.hen rxsad TTKLTI btniks jhoui rneditine.He Ibiirid m;iny the ukl metiitiil btioks were lull(3)mistakes.So his wish was to write a4)one.ITe did hi*,best Ui Jitii

50、dy mtrdisl seierce.He smdied tint unly rhe herhW 踣西 i in bis tiun gro rhe wild OIK k sei oui nunv limes on Ion 里 journey!;io colicci herbs and wJked with hirmiTs.Ik Lirncc!H hn(6 11 he workmp people.After imny years i)t han!work and study,Li Shizhcn(7)hifi great work“Ben Cao Gang MD(8)ihm liine,he w


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