1、测试卷英语姓名准考证号本试题卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。全卷共14页,选择题部分1至12页,非选择题 部分13至14页。满分120分,考试时间120分钟。请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。选择题部分(共80分)注意事项:1 .答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔分别填写在 试卷和答题纸规定的位置上。2 .每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用 橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题0. 5分,满分10分)从A、B、C和D四个
2、选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选 项标号涂黑。1. 一 Im happy that weve finally cleared up some problems.A. Thats all right B. Tm with you C. If s a pleasure D. Thats niceYou dont necessarily have to own latest everything but you should have roughidea of what is changing.A. a;不填B. the; aC.不填;theD. the; theOur fr
3、iends will be here in half an hour., well have some tea.A. Up to nowB. All at onceC. In the meanwhileD. Now and thenThe old couple walked rather slowly, and could be seen, from time to time, to stop and rest, out to sea.A. to be staringB. staredC. having stared D. staring5.some people have several e
4、-mail addresses, they expect you to keep track of them all.A. Now thatB. As ifC. Just asD. In caseLooking back now, if I the effort in learning the piano then, I would not be who I am.A didnt put inB. hadnt put inC. wouldnt have put inD. shouldnt put in一 Do you mind if we look in here?Im afraid you
5、cant. Its.A. officialB. privateC. formalD. individualAll drugs with the help of animal tests are said to be dangerous.A. developedB. developingC. to developD. having been developedIfs not intelligence alone that brings success but also the to succeed and the courage to sure to act as a listener, rat
6、her than trying to control the conversation. If you know nothing about the topic under discussion, remain silent.C.Believe it or not, this is quite an easy thing to do. The key is to listen more than you speak. Just as important as knowing what to ask is recognizing how to phrase questions. A sure w
7、ay to get others to respond is to ask open-ended questions. If, for example, youve just met someone, dont ask, “Are you one of Bill Jones customers?” This is a dead-end question likely to get you little more than a yes or a “no” in response. Instead, use an inten*ogative Who? What? When? Where? Why?
8、 How? For example, “How do you know Bill Jones? This kind of question should get you a response with some detail, thus opening the door to more conversation.D.The habit of clearing your throat several times during a conversation can be very disturbing. Having the occasional urge to clear your throat
9、 is one thing. But if it becomes an annoying habit, try swallowing instead. When you swallow, it will seem to others to be merely a pause. Instead of being a distraction, this mini-moment of silence can even work to gain the attention of the person with whom youre speaking.E.Sometimes over-friendly
10、people think theyre helping by filling in the blanks for you. In reality, they are stepping on your sentences. To help break them of this annoying habit in a graceful manner, wait until the person has completed your sentence for you. Then pause briefly and complete the sentence yourself as you would
11、 have done before the interruption.F.Body language is a vitally important aspect of an interesting dialogue. When participating in a conversation, be sure to project a positive and friendly attitude. Smile. Touch with a handshake. Maintain eye contact. Nod. And keep an open mind. Even if you are not
12、 all that interested in the person with whom you are speaking, keep an open mind regarding future relationships. Ifs a good way to help develop your professional network. You never know when your paths will cross again.非选择题部分(共40分)注意事项:用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。第三部分:写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;
13、每小题1分,满分10分)下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A),并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:L每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。例如:It was very nice to get your invitation to spend A weekend with you. Luckily theI was completely free then, so Fil to say yes”. Fil ar
14、rive in Bristol at around 8:00 p.m. amin Friday evening, onMaria was afraid that she was going to have to deliver a bad news to her friend Freddy. She was upsetting about the news herself. In the spring, Marias mother had said Maria might be allowed bring a friend along on the family two-week vacati
15、on at the beach. Since then, Maria and Freddy had been doing nothing and planning all the thing they would do together. By the time August had arrived, Marias mother had total forgotten her promise. When Maria reminded her, she said that she was sorry but that it wouldnt be enough room for Freddy be
16、cause Marias cousin, Theresa, would be going to the shore with them. Now Freddy was in his way to Marias house. 第二节:书面表达(满分30分)回顾人生中经历的一些事件有助于我们对过去进行思考。请用英语写一篇100-120词的 短文,描述一件对你或你的家庭产生重大影响的事情并略加评论。英语测试题答案及评分参考说明:未在规定区域内答题,每错一个区域扣卷面总分1分。第一部分第三部分甘-4-R第一节(10 分,每小题0.5分)1.D2. B3.C4. D5. A6. B7. B8. A9.C
17、10. D11. D12. C13. B14. C15. A16. D17. C18. C19. A20. B第二节(20 分,每小题1分)21.C22. C23. B24. A25. D26. B27. C28. D29. B30. A31. B32. A33. C34. D35. A36. D37. D38. A39. C40. B第二部分(50分,每小题2分)41.D42. A43. B44. B45. C46. D47. B48. A49. C50. C51.B52. A53. D54. A55. C56. B57. C58. D59. A60. D61.C62. F63. E64.
18、A65. B第一节(10分,每小题1分)Maria was afraid that she was going to have to deliver a bad news to her friend Freddy. She thewas upsetting about the news herself. In the spring, Marias mother had said Maria might be upsetallowed A bring a friend along on the family two-week vacation at the beach. Since then,
19、Maria tofamily and Freddy had been doing nothing and planning all the thing they would do together. By the time butthingsAugust nd arrived, Marias mother had Atal forgotten her promise. When Maria reminded her, totallyshe said that she was sorry but that it wouldnt be enough room for Freddy because
20、Marias therecousin, Theresa, would be going to the shore with them. Now Freddy was in his way to Marias onhouse.第二节(30分)参考答案略。一、评分原则1 .本题总分为30分,按5个档次给分。2 .先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定 或调整,最后给分。3 .应注意的主要方面为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的丰富性和准确性以及上下 文的连贯性。4 .词数少于100,从总分中酌情扣分,最多扣2分。5 .拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,应视其对交
21、际的影响程度予以考虑。英、 美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。6 .若书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。二、内容要点1 .事件描述(如时间、地点、人物、过程、结果等);2 .简要评论。三、各档次的给分范围和要求第五档(2530分)完成试题规定的全部任务。 覆盖所有内容要点;应用了较多的语法结构和词汇; 语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽量使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致; 具备较强的语言应用能力;有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑; 完全达到了预期的写作目的。第四档(1924分)完成试题规定的主要任务。 虽漏掉一两个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容;应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的耍求;
22、 语法结构或词汇方面应用基本准确,些许错误主要是因尝试较复杂语法结构或词 汇所致;应用简单的语句间连接成分,使全文结构紧凑; 达到了预期的写作目的。第三档(1318分)完成试题规定的部分任务。 虽漏掉一些内容,但覆盖部分主要内容;应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求; 有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,但不影响理解;应用简单的语句间连接成分,使全文内容连贯; 整体而言,基本达到了预期的写作目的。第二档(712分)未恰当完成试题规定的任务。 漏掉或未描述清楚一些主要内容,写了一些无关内容;语法结构单调、词汇有限; 有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响了对写作内容的理解;较少使用语句间的连接成分,内
23、容缺少连贯性; 信息未能清楚地传达给读者。第一档(16分)未完成试题规定的任务。 明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,原因可能是未理解试题要求;语法结构单调、词汇有限; 较多语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响对写作内容的理解;缺乏语句间的连接成分,内容不连贯; 信息未能传达给读者。0分未能传达给读者任何信息:内容太少,无法评判;写的内容均与所要求内容无关或 所写内容无法看清。believe in yourself.A. authorityB. regulationC. driveD. technique10. 一 I thought you by train.一 I was going to, b
24、ut I changed my mind and came by car.A. have comeB. will comeC. are coming D. were comingwill try in my writing to make animals in the woods and waters they live as alive toothers as they are to me.A. thatB. whenC. whichD. whereNo one can avoid by advertising; it is everywhere.A. influencingB. influ
25、encedC. being influencedD. to be influencedMany people are so to their mobile phones that they use them at meal times and evenin church.A. relatedB. attachedC. accustomedD. exposedGood health is most people take for granted - until they lose it.A. anythingB. eveiythingC. somethingD. nothingThe produ
26、ction of plastics depends on petrol, but a new way of making plastics out ofsugar could reduce our relying on oil.A. heavilyB. consequentlyC. steadilyD. automaticallySet an alarm that at the reasonable hour each night to help remind you to go to bed.A. goes aheadB. goes outC. goes upD. goes offThere
27、 must be a deeper explanation why he cant live up to his potential.A. instead ofB. apart fromC. as toD. such asSome waiters are not experienced in dealing with multiple orders in a time.A. properB. frequentC. briefD. recentMrs. Parker her two-year-old grandson Max from the kindergarten and took him
28、tohospital to visit his mother and new baby brother.A. collectedB. separatedC. seizedD. removed一 I got laid off last week. Tm looking in the newspaper for a job.A. Dont mention it B. Good luckC. Never mind D. Take care第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将
29、该选项标号涂黑。Two years ago we were at a turning point in our lives in New Zealand, so we decided to start an adventure. We quit our 21 said goodbye to friends and family, and went to live in Switzerland.22 in the small town of Aadorf, we enrolled (注册)our daughters, who were 15 and 11 at the time, in the
30、23 school. They were the only English speakers in the school, and 24 they had no German or local Swiss dialect, we knew their path would be 25 , But after only a few months, the girls were doing really well, and making every 26 to suit the Swiss way of life. 27 , the local newspaper 28 a story about
31、 them.When the half-page article, complete 29 photo, appeared in the newspaper, the girls were delighted. But 30 followed next still has us shaking our heads in 31A teacher from the school showed the article to a friend, who sent the article to friends of his, a Swiss family who 32 to be nearing the
32、 end of their 12-month stay in New Zealand. When they read how we missed feijoas - a fruit 33 in Switzerland - they cast their eyes out the window 34 the huge feijoa tree loaded with fruit. So they picked two kilograms of feijoas and brought them back with them to Switzerland 35 for us. They gave th
33、e fruit to theirfriend, who then drove two hours to 36 deliver the precious load to us.When we opened the front door 37 that day, a big bag of feijoas were sitting there. Wehad no 38 how it got there. A note left inside the bag 39us to start to solve themystery. It was from the family, wishing usall
34、 the best and happy 4021. A. officesB. schoolsC. jobsD. programmes22. A. SearchingB. WorkingC. SettlingD. Stopping23. A. foreignB. localC. neighbouringD. old24. A. asB. whenC. whereD. though25. A. narrowB. newC. wildD. hard26. A. choiceB. effortC. planD. promise27. A. In turnB. In replyC. In respons
35、eD. In short28. A. readB. soldC. madeD. ran29. A. aboutB. withC.byD. through30. A. whatB. thatC. whoD. it31. A. excitementB. amazementC. agreementD. embarrassment32. A. happenedB. expectedC. intendedD. decided33. A. expensiveB. popularC. unknownD. strange34. A. againstB. ofC. downD. at35. A. especia
36、llyB. reallyC. mostlyD. certainly36. A. sincerelyB. carefullyC. purposefullyD. secretly37. A. soonB. afterwardsC. rightD. later38. A. ideaB.conceptC. feelingD. sense39. A. toldB. warnedC. helpedD. taught40. A. holidayB. eatingC. weekendD. travelling第二部分:阅读理解(第一节20小题,第二节5小题;每小题2分,满分50分) 第一节:阅读下列材料,从每
37、题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并 在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。AToday, we know that the role of vitamins and minerals goes way beyond the prevention of deficiency diseases (维生素缺乏症)to actually preventing cancer and heart disease, the most fearsome killers of our time. With this knowledge has come the widespread call for
38、nutritional supplementation (营养补充)and a confusing group of vitamin, mineral, and supplements lining the supermarket shelves.Far from contributing to better health, however, nutritional supplements threaten to turn a scientific breakthrough into a nutritional disaster.Promoters of vitamins and minera
39、ls especially vitamins A, C, and E would have consumers believe that the little vitamin pill in the bottle is all they need for good health. Take your vitamins in the morning, and youre covered. Ifs okay to eat fast foods for the rest of the day or skip meals to achieve todays fashionably skinny loo
40、k. But vitamins and minerals are only one part of the nutritional puzzle. A diet rich in fiber (纤维)and balanced in carbohydrates and protein is essential fbr good health. You cant get these things from a nutritional supplement. The focus on vitamin and mineral supplements may actually be robbing us
41、of the full nutrition we seek.And no supplement can compare to the quality of nutrition found in natural sources. For example, our bodies turn carotenes (胡萝卜素)from plant foods into vitamin A. Many supplements contain a single carotene, but natural sources are rich in many different carotenes. Many s
42、upplements contain a form of vitamin E that is made from chemicals, when natural vitamin E is more readily absorbed and used by the body. And science is still discovering the wealth of nutrients in foods.Youd be hard-pressed to find a supplement as nutritionally comprehensive and powerful as a balan
43、ced diet. Even if you could, youd pay much more than if you got the same nutritional value from natural sources.But perhaps the greatest danger presented by nutritional supplements comes from the very real risks presented by self-medication. Anyone can walk into the market and buy as many different
44、supplements as desired. The reported benefits of high dosages of certain nutrients have led some people to believe that the more the better. Many take several vitamin and mineral supplements without regard to possible consequences.Surprising new research suggests that vitamin C pills may speed up ha
45、rdening of the arteries, the underlying cause of heart attacks. Researchers said their findings support the recommendations of health organizations, which urge people to avoid high doses of supplements and to get their nutrients from food instead.As appealing as theyre made to sound, nutritional sup
46、plements are danger in disguise. If youre looking fbr good health, dont look on the supplement shelves of your supermarket. Look in the produce section instead.41. What has given rise to the great need for nutritional supplements?A. The knowledge of deficiency diseases.B. The low prices of nutrition
47、al supplements.C. The frighteningly high death rate from cancer and heart disease.D. The information about the role of vitamins and minerals in health.42. The promoters (Paragraph 3) most probably refers to.A. businessmen B. doctorsC. scientistsD. fast food loversAccording to the passage, nutritional supplements.A. are made from chemicalsB. are ineffective in supplying fiberC. provide too much vitamin CD. contain a kind of dangerous caroteneOne of the reasons why many people take large amounts of nutri