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1、提高英语写作分数的88个词组.经济的快速发展 t he rapid d e v e Io p m e nt of economy1 .人民生活水平的显著提高/稳步增长th e remark able improvement / stead y growth of p e op 1 e s 1 i v ing s t a nd a r d2 .先进的科学技术 ad v anced s c i e nc e a nd t echnolog y3 .面临新的机遇和挑战 b e faced with n ew o pp o r t u nit i e s and challenges4 .人们普遍认为

2、 It is commonly b e lie ved/ recognized tha t 5 .社会发展的必然结果 the ine v i t ab 1 e r e su 11 of soci a I developm e nt6 .引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wid e pub 1 i c cone e rn/ draw pu blic at t ent i o n7 .不可否认 It i s undeniable that- / There is n o d e ny i ng that-8 .热烈的讨论 / 争论 a h e a t ed d i s c u ssi o n /

3、 debate1 0.有争议性的问题a c o ntroversi a I is s u e11 .完全不同的观点 a t otal 1 y dif f er e nt a r gume n t12 . 一些人 而此外一些人 So me people- whi 1 e others-13 .就我而言/就个人而言 As f ar a s I am c once r ned, / Personally,14 .就达成绝对的一致 reach a n a b sol u te c on s ensus on-15 .有充足的理由支持 be supported by s ound reaso n s1

4、6 .双方的论点 ar g umen t on both s ides17 .发挥着日益重要的作用 play an i ncrea s ingly i mpo r t ant ro 1 e in-18 . 对必不可少 be indispen s able t o 19 .正如谚语所说 As the p r overb goes:20 .也不例外be no e xce p tion2 1 ,对产生有利/不利的影响 ex e r t po s itive/ nega t i ve ef f e cts o n-22.利远远大于弊 the advantage s fa r ou t wei g h

5、t he dis a dv a nta geso2 3.导致,引起 Ie a d to / give r i se to / con t ribu t e to/ resu 11 in24.复杂的社会现象 a c o m p I i cat e d s ocial phen o men o n2 5 .责任感 / 成就感 sense of re s pon s ibi 1 i ty / sense of a chiev e ment26 . 竞争与合作精神 s e nse of compet i tion and co o peration27 .开阔眼界 widen o ne s h o r

6、 iz o n/ broaden on e s vi s io n28 .学习知识和技能 a c q uire knowled ge a nd s kills29 9 .经济 /心、理承担 fin a nc i a 1 bur d en / psychol o gic a I burd e n30 .考虑到诸多因素 tak e m a ny fact o r s into a c co u nt/ co n s ide r a tion31 1.从另一个角度 fr o m a noth e r pers pective32 .做出共同努力 make joint eff o rts33 .对有益

7、 be beneficia 1 / c o n d uciv e to*34 .为社会做奉献 make c on t r ibution s to t he so c iety35 .打下坚实的基础 1 ay a s o 1 id found a t i o n f or-36 .综合素质 compr e h e nsi v e quali t y37 .无可非议 b 1 a me 1 e s s / bey o nd r e proach39 .致力于/ 投身于 b e c ommi t ted /devot e d to -4 0,应当认可 Admittedly,41.不可推卸的义务uns

8、h a kable du t y4 2. 满足需求 satisfy/meet the nee d s of-4 3 ,可靠的信息源 a reliable s o u rce of i nformation44 .宝贵的自然资源 v al u a ble natural re s our c e s45 .因特网th e In t ernet (一定要由冠词,字母I大写)46 .方便快捷 convenient a nd effi c i ent47 .在人类生活的方方面面in all aspects of hum a n life48 . 环保(的) environmental protecti

9、on / e nv i ro nm e ntally f riendly49 9 .社会进步的体现 a sym b o I of soc i ety p r o g r ess50 0 .科技的飞速更新 the ever-accele r a t ed u pda t i n g of s cience and tech no 1 o gy51 .对这一问题持有不同态度 hold d ifferent attitude s towa r ds t h is is s ue52 2 ,支持前/后种观点的人 peopl e / t ho s e in fovo r of the forme r /

10、 1 at t e ropinion5 3.有/ 提供如下理由/ 证据 hav e / p rov i de the fo 1 low i ng reaso n s/ evi d e nee54. 在定限度上 to som e extent/ degr e e / in some way5 5 .理论和实践相结合 int e g rate t h eory with p ra c t i ce56 .必然趋势 an irresist i ble trend o f -57 .日益剧烈的社会竞争 the i ncrea s in g ly fierce soci a 1 com p etitio

11、n58 .眼前利益 i mmedi ate int e re s t / sh o rt-t e rm interest5 9.长远利益.i nte r est in the long ru n6 0.有其自身的优缺陷6 0.有其自身的优缺陷h as its merits and d e me r i t s /a dvan tag e s and disadvantagesn tag e s and disadvantages61 .扬长避短 Exploit to thef ull one sfa v o rabl e con d itions and av oi d u nfavora b

12、 1 e one s6 2 .取其精髓,取其糟粕Takethe essence a nd disca r d the d r e gs。6 3.对有害do harm to / be h armful to/be detr i men t al toe m o t ions/ informatio nwith/ keep a b r east with6 4 .交流思想/情感/信息、exc h ange i dea s /65.跟上的最新发展kee p p ace with / c a tch up the late s t dev e lopment of .66 ,采用有效措施来take e

13、ffective me as u r es t o do sth6 7.的健康发展 the hea 1 t hy d eve 1 o pment of 68 .有利有弊 Every coin has its tw o s id e soNo garden withou t weedso69 .对观点因人而异 Views o n - vary from person t o person o70 .重视 attach grea t im p ortance to-71 .社会地位 socia 1 s tatus7 2.把时间和精力放在上focus time and energy on-73.扩大

14、知识面 exp a n d one s sco p e o f knowl edge7 4 .身心两方面 both ph y sicall y andme n tally7 5.有直接/间接关系 b e d irectly / i nd i r e ctly relat e d to-7 6 .提出折中建议 set fo rth a compromise pr o posal77. 可以取代 “ t h i nk” 的词 beli e v e , c 1 a i m3 maintain, argu e , ins i st, hold the o pin i on/ b e 1 ief tha

15、t7 8 .缓解压力/减轻承担r e lieve st r ess / b u rd e n79.优先考虑/发展g ive (top) p r ior i ty to sth。8 0 . 与比较 compared with/ in com pari son with81. 相反 in contra st / on the cont r ar y o8 2 .代替 repl a ce/ subs titut e / t ake the pl a ce o f83.经不起推敲 ca n n ot b e ar cl o ser ana 1 ysi s / cannot hold wa t e r8

16、 4 .提供就业机会 o f fer jo b opportun i t i es85. 社会进步的反映 mirror of social pr o g r ess8 6.毫无疑问 Undou b tedly, / There is no doubt t h a t-87 .增进互相了解 e nhance/ pr o mote mutua 1 under s t an d ing88 . 充足运用 m a ke f u II us e of / t ak e advan t ag e of题目一:Re a d in g Select i v ely or Ext ensively?1、有些人认

17、为读书要有选择。2、有些人认为应当博览群书。3、你的见解。题目二:Should We H e 1 p Strangers?1、 有人认为帮助陌生人是一种美德。2、有人认为帮助陌生人会给自己带来麻烦和危险。3、你的见解。题目三:TV Tale n t Show1、有人赞成电视选秀节目。2、有人反对。3、你的见解。题目四:Kill i ng T im e I n d o o rs1、现在很多人业余时间喜欢宅在家里。2、人们对这种做法有不同的见解。3、你的观点。题目五:Whom Do You Turn t o When Y ou Are i n Trouble?1、有人碰到困难会向同学、朋友求助。2、有人碰到困难会向家长、老师求助。3、你的见解。题目六:Te x t Messa g e s on T V Shows1、目前很多电视节目采用短信互动方式。2、人们对此有不同见解。3、你的见解。


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