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1、ChinaBasic HVAC Requirement暖通空调系统要求SPEC CODE:规范编号C4_HVAC_R1_20111214.docMade by: 编制人:Valid Date编制日期:2011/12/14Approved By: 批准人:Copyright 2012 Carrefour China All Rights Reserved.This document containing confidential information is property of Carrefour China and may not be reproduced or used without

2、 Carrefour China written authorization.Ch川ers and pumps room shall be approach to the main substation and supply the enough space for maintaining. The location should be easy of installation and replacement. The equipment size and weight should be considered in the structure design. The treatment re

3、lative to the combustion air and ventilation air, and noise and vibration transmission should be considered. The cooling tower shall be at least 20m away from the residence.冷冻机房和泵房必须靠近变配电站并且必须有足够的空间为今后的维修。其选择的位置必须方便吊运 安装和今后的更换。结构设计中必须考虑设备的尺寸和重量。高温的废气和一定量排风,噪音和振动 的传递必须被考虑。冷却塔的设置必须远离居民住宅和办公住宅至少20米。1.1

4、.10.2 AHU Room空调箱机房When locating and arrangement the AHU room, installation, replacement and maintenance space shall be consider. As usual the filter, coils, fans and shaft shall be maintained during operation term. The air intake shall be away from the car parking or other contaminated air. AHU & f

5、ans plant room could be located on the roof or the basement, which could be out of the commercial area. The duct shall go through via the vertical draft.当定位和安排空调箱机房时,必须考虑今后安装,更换和维修保养的空间。通常空调箱的过滤网,盘 管,风机和转轴会进行保养和维修工作。新风口必须远离停车库空调箱机房和风机房宜设置在屋顶或 地下室,尽量不设置在商业区域和楼层,风管通过垂直竖井穿越。 Vertical Shaft垂直竖井T

6、he water/air distribution is via the vertical shaft to each area, the civil engineer shall be requested to ensure the design of the shaft airtight. The shaft of the ventilation, air supply, air return and de-smoke shall be divided. The independent shaft should be provided for the ventilation system

7、of water recycle and sewage treatment plant.水或风系统经由垂直竖井递送至各个区域,要求土建工程师确保垂直竖井的密封性的设计。排风, 排烟,送风和回风的竖井必须分开。中水回收或污水处理站排风,设置独立排风井。3.2 Air Distribution System空调风系统All air system shall be designed for Carrefour stores. The design of the normal all air system consists of single zone air-handling unit (AHU)

8、and air distribution system.家乐福设计为全空气系统,其设计由单一区域的空调箱和送风系统组成。3.2.1 Low speed full air system can be used in sales area, food area and lease area. The combination air hand unit is located at AHU room where fresh air and return air are introduced. Fan coil unit plus fresh air system can also be used wh

9、en the duct system is difficult to place.卖场、美食广场及租赁区等场所可采用低速全空气系统,设置空调机房,采用组合式空调柜集中送风,新风 及回风尽量从空调机房引入设备,在管路设计有困难时,个别区域也可采用吊挂式空调箱进行补充。3.2.2 Heating system of AHU for the Frost Zone, the hot water coil of AHU with boiler system shall be applied. The Hibernal Zone and Hot Summer & Chill Winter Zone, th

10、e electricity heater in AHU shall be applied. Other area heating system couldnt be considered.严寒地区必须使用AHU热水盘管加锅炉系统采暖。寒冷地区可使用AHU电加热系统采暖。其他地区不必 考虑米暖。3.2.3 For energy conservations, keep minimum fresh air rate , In transitional weather, fresh air rate a should be enlarged to keep sufficient air changeo

11、 The fresh air duct should be designed by considering 100% of the ventilation volume, the amount of fresh air and return air must be control by the motorized control damper. In air condition season, the fresh air dampers with PID should be controlled by CO2 sensor located at the each area of AHU sev

12、ered. The sales area of middle season, the air exchange cant be less than 5 times/hour. The shopping mall area, the air exchange can5t be less than 7 times/hours.在空调季节应采用最小新风量,以节能;在过渡季节则应按照全新风免费制冷系统运行。新风管按送风量的 100%考虑,通过设置电动比例积分阀门来调节新风,回风量大小。空调季节新风量根据每个空调箱服务区 域内设置的CO2浓度探测器控制.3.2.4 The airtight damper

13、s with the insulation shall be used in Frost and Hibernal Zone.严寒地带和寒冷地带必须使用密闭式保温新风阀。3.2.5 The board type de-smoke louver cant be used in Carrefour. The leaf type de-smoke louver should be applied.板式排烟口不得在家乐福范围使用,家乐福必须使用多叶排烟电动排烟风口。3.2.6 For easy adjustment and balancing of the air rate, manual or mo

14、torized control damper shall be installed at suitable locations. Such as manual damper on the branch fresh air duct, manual dampers at the supply/return air duct for ceiling type a/c unit, manual dampers at the branch supply air duct or self contained VCD at the supply air grilles, manual dampers at

15、 the branches of extraction air duct. All the damper shall be the multi-leaf dampers.为方便风量调节和风量平衡,在风管适当的地方应安装手动或电动调节阀,如新风支管上安装手动调节阀, 在吊顶式空调箱的回风或出风位置安装手动调节阀,在送风支管安装手动调节阀或风口自带调节阀,在排油 烟支管上安装手动调节阀,等等。所有的风阀必须是对开式多叶调节阀。3.2.7 Exhaust air system should be using in sales area and shopping mall, in order to f

16、ree cooling, system can operate in transitional weather.卖场及所有商铺区域须设置排风系统,以确保过渡季节空调实现全新风运行。3.3 Hydraulic System空调水系统3.3.1 Chiller Source Selection设备源选择3.3.1.1 Except for the existing building, all the new building store shall used the large temperature Chiller system. The temperature of supply & retu

17、rn water is 5/13. The full loading NPLV value of centrifugal ch川er should be less than 0.60. The full loading NPLV value of screw chiller should be less than 0.68.除所有现状移交的空调系统完成的建筑以外,所有的新建建筑必须使用大温差或高效率的冷冻 机组。大温差冷冻供回水温度定义为(5/13)冷却水供回水温度定义为(32/40C).高效率离心 机组冷冻机组的满负荷NPLV值不得高于0.60,螺杆机组不得使用大温差机组,其满负荷NPLV

18、不得高于0. TRANE, Carrier or York of Electrical chiller could be acceptable by CARREFOUR.家乐福的电制冷冷冻机必须使用特灵,开利或者约克的主机.双良,远大,三洋的天然气溟化锂 冷冻机可以被家乐福接受Design institute should fully understand the local conditions of weather, energy and water source; help CARREFOUR to select the suitable A/C system. An

19、d with reference of CARREFOUR selected equipment process the system design, also select the system which has reliable performance, low price investment and low running cost. The first cost, reliable life, space requirement, local energy policy, maintenance & operation cost impacted what kind of chil

20、ler source is selected.设计院应充分了解当地的气候状况,能源及水源状况,有义务协助CARREFOUR进行空调系 统的选择,并按照CARREFOUR的设备选型进行系统设计,选用性能可靠、初投资低、运行 费用低的系统。冷冻机冷源选择根据当地的能源政策,设备可靠的使用寿命,一次性投资,建 筑空间的需求和维修保养运行费用来决定的。 In the frost and hibernal zone the heating system could be selected, the gas boiler could be applied (the first cost an

21、d government policy shall be considered), if the price of the nature gas is reasonable and economic. If the gas is unreasonable and difficult, the electrical boiler could be applied for the heating system. The thermal storage boiler should be designed with electrical boiler.在严寒和寒冷地区采暖系统必须被选择使用,如果业主能

22、够提供天然气的情况下(必须考虑一 次投资的费用和政府政策),优先选用燃气锅炉采暖形式。如果天然气不合理或者困难的情况下, 电锅炉可以被应用于采暖系统。蓄热型锅炉必须配合电锅炉的设计. No heating system is to be designed in winter in the area where the out door DB temperature is above -4 C. The high efficacy electrical chiller could be applied.冬季空气调节室外计算(干球)温度在-4以上的地区可不进行采暖,高效的电气制冷机组

23、可 以被使用。 Normally dual pipe system is provided for chilled / hot water, cooling water. Pressure differential by pass pipe to be provided between the supply & return main pipes of the ch川ed/hot water system. For energy saving, a temperature sensor to be provided at the return water pipe of the

24、chilled water system. The balancing valve should be installed at the main branch pipe for balancing the pressure of system.空调冷冻/采暖水、冷却水系统一般采用两管制,在冷冻/采暖水系统供回水之主管或分水器集水 器之间设差压旁通管路,在冷却水系统供回水主管上设温度传感器,以节能控制。主要的楼层 或者系统主干管上安装自力式平衡阀以调节系统的压力平衡。 Normally 2 sets of the same capacity chillers are used i

25、n one system, and standby pump is necessary.一般设置两组容量相同的主机,冷却/冷冻水泵需设置备用泵。 The bypass chilled water pipe should be installed between main pipe of supply and return. The size of bypass should smaller than main pipe. The PID control vale should be installed on it, and the size should smaller then

26、 the bypass pipe.冷动供回水管道之间必须增加旁路管道,管道管径比供回水管径小一档,管道上安装比例积分水 阀.比例积分阀比旁路管道管径再小一档. At the inlet and outlet of Called Water & Cooling Water from the ch川er, the motorized control valves should be installed and controlled by EMS.冷冻机的冷却水和冷冻水的进出口处必须安装电动控制水阀(开关量).并且受EMS控制. The temperature senso

27、rs should be installed on the chilled & cooling water main pipe of supply and return for EMS monitoring.温度传感器必须安装在冷冻和冷却供回水主管上,以便EMS监控.ChinaThe water treatment unit should be installed on the cooling water pipe. The quality of the water should be controlled under the below requirements.冷却水回路需要安装水处理装置

28、,经过处理后冷却水水质标准必须符合以下标准.指标Value冷却水标准值Standard Value of Cooling Water补给水标准值Standard Value of Makeup WaterPH (25)电导率Conductance800200氯化物CL(mgCL7L)20050硫酸根SO4 (mgCaSOL)20050酸消耗量PH4.8(mgCaCO3/L)10050总硬度 mgCaCOs/L20050铁Fe(mg/L)1.00.3硫离子 S2(mgS27L)不得检出NO ANY不得检出NO ANY镂离子NH4+(mgNH4+/L)1.00.2溶解硅酸SiO2(mgSiO2/L

29、)5030System Temperature系统温度5/13 Chiller shall be used for CARREFOUR.5/13的进出水温制冷机组。 If to use 7/12 Chiller, the chilled water pumps shall be with VFDs. 如果使用7C/12的冷冻机,冷冻水泵必须变频运行。3.3.3 Expansion Chamber膨胀定压装置3.3.3.1 The independent makeup water should be provided by city water. The meter should

30、be installed for measuring. While the pressure or water volume of city water can5t meet the requirement of makeup system of cooling tower, the constant pressure and make up pump system should be added. If there is the heating system, it necessary to add the RO water system and constant pressure and

31、make up pump system together.空调冷却塔补水,必须使用独立于超市供水系统以外的独立管线供应,安装水表计量用水,当市政 压力无法满足冷却塔补水压力要求,必须设计采购安装成套定压补水装置机房定压补水.如果有 采暖系统,必须增设软水补水装置,同时设置成套定压装置设备代替膨胀水箱机房定压补水.Strict Hydraulic Calculation 严格的水力计算3.3.4.1 Normally the designer estimate the pressure drop, flow rate, etc of pipe by the experience, which c

32、ause the power of distribution equipment has reasonable and not efficiency and economic. The strict hydraulic calculation shall be executed to decide the power of distribution equipment. The process shall be listed in the calculation sheet and submitted for CARREFOUR verification.通常设计师经常通过经验估算管道的压力损

33、失和流速流量,其造成分配设备的电功率的不合理 和低效不经济的运行。严格的水力计算被要求来决定设备的性能参数,其计算过程必须列举在 计算书上且递交家乐福审核。3.3.5 Pipe Insulation管道保温3.3.5.1 Rubber Plastic Insulation shall be applied for the insulation of chilled water pipe. The thickness of the insulation shall comply with the economic insulation regulation of the energy savin

34、g code of the public building of national and local.橡塑保温要求被应用于空调水管及风管的保温。保温厚度的要求必须符合国家和地方的公共建 筑节能标准中对空调水管及风管的经济性厚度的要求及规定。 Rubber Plastic Insulation, in sales area, shall be in white or spray-paint by paint enamel. 卖场区域内的橡塑保温必须使用白色橡塑或者橡塑外喷涂磁漆。3.4 Isolation & Acoustic Control空调设备隔振与噪音控制3.4.1 Th

35、e high efficiency , energy saving& low noise level shall be applied. 所有通风机和水泵选用高效率,节能型,低噪音型The duct connected to the fans shouldnt have the sudden bend. The flow deflector shall be set at all the bend and Tee duct.通风机进出口的管道不得急剧转弯,所有弯头三通支管必须设置导流叶片。3.4.2 Mainly the isolation shall be treated concernin

36、g the acoustic control of the plant room, then the acoustic absorbing. The plant room shall be treated by acoustic absorbing according to the neighbor room or building. The enclosed material, sealing the holes shall be applied.机房噪音控制,应以隔声隔振为主,吸声为辅。机房应根据邻近房间或建筑物的允许噪音标准,采取必要的 隔声措施。机房围护结构,孔洞处必须填充密实。3.4

37、.3 In case of the RPM of the motor lower than 1500r/min, the spring isolator shall be applied. If the RPM more than 1500r/min, the rubber isolator shall be used.当设备转速小于或等于1500r/min时,应选用弹簧隔振器;设备转速大于1500r/min时,应选用橡胶等弹性 材料的隔振垫或橡胶隔振器。3.4.4 According to the regulation of the code of acoustic control of t

38、he downtown area5, in the store the noise shall be controlled in 60dBA on day. 50dBA shall be controlled in on night. The resident area on day 55dBA shall be controlled and in night 45dBA shall be controlled.根据国家“城市区域环境噪声标准”等效声级(dBA)相关规定,超市内白天控制噪音低于60dBA,夜晚控制噪音 低于50dBA.。居民住宅区域噪音控制在白天低于55dBA,夜晚低于45dB

39、A。3.4.5 Special acoustic control is on the equipment out of the building. Such as the external unit of VRV unit, cooling tower, plant room out of the building shall be consider of their location and neighbor buildings in the design. The acoustic absorbing board could be designed for the noise of the

40、 equipments controlled in the regulated range.特别是屋顶或室外的设备,如VRV分体空调室外机,空调冷却塔或者设置在室外或屋顶上的冷冻机房,水 泵房,风机房,做好隔振和消音处理。设计中必须确定其定位的地点与周围的居民居住建筑的距离。如万不 得已的设置,必要的减噪隔音处理的措施必须在设计中考虑,确保设备的噪音控制在国家规定的范围之内。4 Kitchen Exhaust厨房排油烟Hood Type排烟罩的形式A Type I hood is used for collection and removal of grease and smoke. It i

41、ncludes listed grease filters, baffles, or extractors for removal of the grease and fire suppression equipment.形式I的排烟罩用于收集和移除油烟,其包括油过滤,折流板或油分离器,甚至灭火装置。 The hood size is relation to the size of cook appliance. The hood must extend beyond theappliance. The suspending type is usual used.排烟罩的尺寸和厨

42、房设备有关。排烟罩必须延伸至超出设备的大小。 The flow rate is calculated by the following equals.排风量根据以下的公式计算。Q=0.75A, Q (m3/s), A(area of hood opening)The static pressure drop of the hood is depending on the specification of the product. General data is listed for reference. Baffles=190250Pa, Extractor=420Pa.排烟罩的

43、静压损失根据产品的样本计算,这里所列的参数仅供参考。折流板约190250Pa,油分离 器约450PaoA Type II hood is for collection and removal of steam, vapor, heat, and odors where grease is not present. It may or may not have grease filters or baffles and typically does not have a fire suppression system.形式II的排烟罩只是收集和移除不含油脂的蒸汽,水蒸气热量和气味,所以其可以不包

44、括油过滤,折流板 或者灭火装置。 The flow rate is calculated by the following equals.排风量根据以下的公式计算。Q=0.45A, Q (m3/s), A(area of hood opening)Bakery prepared room/ Salad Bar area need the smoke extraction system.面包房/油炸柜/烤鸡炉/蒸包台/煮面炉/等需要排油烟处理Exhaust air duct part in fresh area shall be made by galvanized steel s

45、heet , at least 1.2mm thick. The slope of horizontal air duct shall be greater that 2% and slant to exhaust hood. The air velocity shall be 7 9 m/s.生鲜区排油烟管道采用镀锌钢板制作,厚度为1.2mm以上。水平管道要有2%以上的坡度,坡向排气罩。 排油烟管中的风速一般采用8-10m/SoExternal mounted centrifugal or axial fan shall be used for smoke extraction fan un

46、it. It can work under high temperature for a long time. The water and dust ingression protection level for the fan fixed at external or roof should be IP56.排油烟风机应选用电机外置的离心或者轴流风机,且在高温下能够长时间工作;放置于室外或屋顶的风机其 防水防尘等级应达到IP56.4.1.2 Calculation of oily smoke extraction rate: is based on National Technical Me

47、asures for design HVAC, the air velocity should above 0.5m/s at the exhaust hood. Air replenish rate for the close kitchen should be considered.排油烟量的计算:参见全国民用建筑工程技术措施。封闭厨房间必须考虑补风。4.1.3 Alive fish tank area should be set air exhaust. Air flow is about 8%10% of exhaust.活鱼售卖区和肉科岛区需设置排风,消除异味。按生鲜区排油烟量的81

48、0%估算。4.1.4 Near to the restaurant and fresh area, the extraction shaft shall be designed and reserved. 生鲜区和餐饮区附近须预留排油烟通道。部门设备编号设备名称备注排油烟罩类型Bakery面包科BIO层烤炉IB18油炸炉甜甜圈ISalad Bar色拉吧SB06摇摆汤锅KettleIISB08烤鸡炉 Chicken RoasterISB22暖浸檀 Single Pot Soup BoilerNOODLE BOILERIISB23蒸包台Double-Head Steamer前场MANTOUIISB25煮面itChinese Noodle KettleNOODLEIISB26罩缸曼茜重炸煽Floor-Type Electric Fryer (Single Big Tank) (w/show window)ISB27曼缸曼茜雷炸煽Floor-T


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