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1、生命是永恒不断的发明,由于在它内部蕴含着过剩的精力,它不断流溢,越出时间和空间的界线,它不断地追求,以形形色色的自我表现的形式表现出来。-泰戈尔第五部分英译汉当她快乐的时候她看上去很可爱。只要有水,植物就不会不久死去。1. In Fore i g n Lan g uage D e p a r tmen t , a chec k ing ma chi ne is us ed to c o r r ect the students t e s t p a pe r s .外语教研部用阅卷机给学生批卷。2. Th e y sold the old ho u s e yest e rda y . 他们

2、昨天把老房子卖了。3. H i . What c a n I get for you r di n ner, si r ? 您好,先生,请问您晚餐点什么吃?4. Withou t wat e r, there i s no 1 i fe on the eart h .没有水,地球上就没有生命。5. When I wa s young, Id lis t e n t o th e rad i o, wait i ng for my f av o rite songs.在我年轻的时候,我总是听收音机,等候我最喜欢 的歌曲。6. I c ame here a t 1 east once a mont

3、 h .我至少每月来这里一次。7. She looks love 1 y wh e n sh e i s h a pp y .8. Our library i s a s b ig a s th e i r s. 我们的图书馆和他们的同样大。9. Tom lik e s p laying basket- b a 11 but he cant play well.汤姆喜欢打篮球,但他打得不好。10. Y e ah, Im anxious to hear all the s o ngs f r om her new al b um.是啊,我急切地想要听她新专辑的所有歌曲。11. She is u

4、s ed to 1 i ving i n t h e country side. 她习惯于住在农村。12. How 1 ong hav e y ou coll e cted y o ur s t amps?你集邮有多久了?13. I e xpe c t sh e wil 1 have changed her mind b y t o morrow.我估计她明天会改变主意。14. A s Ion g as there is w a ter, pl a nts wont die quickly.Iread y knows about the n ews.你不必告诉他了,他已经知道了那个消息了。43

5、. S ome foo t ball te a m s w i 11 ha v e games there.一些足球队将在这里比赛。44. Co u Id you t e 11 m e where t he p o st off i c e is?你能告诉我邮局在什么地方吗?45. The schoo 1 management s y stem, mu s t b e im p r o v ed.学校的管理制度必须改善。46. Y ou c a n buy water inside.你可以在里面买水。47. I f eel lonely w ithou t yo u .没有你,我感到孤单。48

6、. A friend of min e f rom h igh scho o 1 is w o rking in Eng 1 an d n ow.我高中的一个朋友正在英格兰国工作。49. Im v ery mu c h eag e r to improv e my o r a 1 En g 1 i sh.我非常渴望改善我的英语口语。50. T h ey q u e ste d b o th me n but neither of t h em could speak Eng 1 is h .他们向那两个人求助,但两个人都不会说英语。51. I se n t him a Chris tmas c

7、ard last y e ar.52. Do y ou mind my smok i n g h e re?你介意我在这里吸烟吗?53. Beijing Olympi c Game s ca n make C hi n ese peop 1 e work hard e r.北京奥运会能让中国人努力。54. I d o n9t c a re about oth e r s9 o p in i on s .我不在乎别人的见解。55. Whe n sh e got ba c k h o me, she show e d her new b e au t i f ul hat to her h u s

8、 band. 当她回到家时,给她丈夫展示了她买的美丽帽子。56. Will y ou don a t e mo r e mon e y for t he poor?你乐意为穷人捐更多的钱吗?57. He was all swe a tin g .他全身都出汗了。58. The pub will n ot be cl o sed un t il 9ocl o c k. Now i t i s only 7 o clo c k.酒吧9点才关门,现在才7点钟。59. The Olym p ic Gam e s w i 11 b e h e 1 d in B e i jing.奥林匹克运动会(奥运会)

9、将在北京举行。60. As s o on a s h e got home o n Fri d ay, h is wife m a de him g ive her all this m one y .去年的圣诞,我送给他一张贺卡。星期五他一回到家,他的妻子就叫他交出所有的钱。71. Since the earth look s 1 ike aba 11, th e你最佳再做一次。全世界的人们都在竭尽全力帮助四川人民。61. Th e y a re ordinary peo p 1 e, but did a great job.他们都是普通人,但做得很好。62. I ha v e a pa i

10、 n in my bac k .我的背部很疼。63. Wha ts y o u nation a 1 i t y , Sir?先生,请问你是什么国籍的?64. The doctor to 1 d me t o d ri n k more w a ter.医生告诉我多喝水。65. T r ees need water to grow.树木需要水才干生长。66. We r e t h e re any phone cal 1 s for me w h ile I was out?我不在时,有人打电话给我吗?67. We m u st tak e some measure s t o con t r

11、 ol the pol 1 ution.我们必须采用措施来控制污染。68. Im s ure well h ave a g ood t ime.我想我们会过得不久乐。69. Hes growin g more 1 i k e his father n o w.他现在长的越来越像他爸爸。70. Y o ud bett e r do that agai n .su n can shi n e on only half o f it at a time.由于地球看起来像个球,太阳在同一时刻只能照到 它的一半。72. T he school therefore plans g ames and m a

12、tches for its pupi 1 s .因此,学校为学生们安排游戏和比赛。73. Wh o c an h e Ip me cle a n the r oom? 谁能帮我打扫这个房间?74. If yo u t r avel b y s hi p across the p ac i fi c , you c r oss t he In t er n a tiona 1 Dat e Line.假如你乘坐轮船横渡太平洋,你会穿越国际日期变 更线。75. Som e o f he r p i c t u res we r e s h o wn in a n a rt ex h i bi t i

13、o n in Shanghai when sh e was 4 y e a r s o Id.在她4岁的时候,她的一些画就在上海的一个艺术 展览中展出过。76. Woul d you mi n d closi ng t he w ind o w for me ?你介意为我关上窗户吗?77. Peopl e a 11 over th e w o rid are try i ng t o hel p th e pe o p le i n Sichu a n.78. Ive 1 o st i n t e r e st in my w o rk.这个岛上丰富的资源有待开发和使用o我对这份工作己经失去了

14、爱好。79. The e a rth q u a ke i n S ich u an ma d e Chines e pe o pie uni t e a s o n e.发生在四川的地震使中国人民团结的像一个人似 的。80. I am writing this 1 e 11 er to complain ab o u t the serv i ce i n your ho t e 1 .我写这封信的目的是要投诉贵酒店的服务。81. He h a s a foreign frie n d wh o 1 i v es in A me r ica.他有个住在美国的外国朋友。82. Sh e li

15、k es to help any one wh o is i n d ifficu 1 t y .她喜欢帮助任何一个有困难的人。83. He is a Iway s veryac t i ve i n st u de n t a c t i vities.他总是积极参与学生活动。84. He had a traf f i c acc i d e n t last week.上星期他出了一个交通事故。85. A great many chang e s h a ve taken place i n China sine e th e polic y o f reform and op e n i

16、ng to th e out s i de world.自从改革开放以来,中国发生了很大的变化。86. Abu n d ant n a tura 1 r e s o u rces in t heAll t hat g 1 i tters is n ot g o Id. 所以闪光的未必都是金子。87. A 1 I t hin g s are difficul t b efor e they ar e ea s y.凡事总是由难而易。88. As i s known t o all, Bei j in g is the ca p ita 1 o f Ch i na.众所周知,北京是中国的首都。89

17、. As wa s exp e cted, he pa s sed t h e e xam easily.果然不出所料,他轻而易举的通过了考试。90. B e cau s e of his careless n ess, Jack hit h i s car i n toabigtreeby t he ro a dsi d e. 由于粗心,杰克开车撞到路边的树上。91. B ob was su c h a har d workin g man that he a 1 w a y s worked la t e ti 1 1 n i g h t.鲍勃是个勤奋的人,他总是工作到深夜。92. Can

18、 you answer a qu e s t i o n whi c h I wan t to a s k an d which i s puz z ling me ? 我有个问题弄不懂,想请教你,你能回答吗?93. Crops grow well i n the south. 庄稼在南方生长得很好。94. D o n9t you s e e i t was just fo r fu n ? Yo u g ot i t all w ro n g .island a re to be ex p loi t e d an d us e d. 你没看出那但是是开开玩笑吗?你完全误解了。95. Eac

19、h time hi s t o ry r epeat s i tself, th 102.H e want e d to help a 1 1 the woundede p r i ce goes up.历史每重演一次,代价就增长一分。96. E con o mists s t udy the way a s o ciety use s sc a r c e res o u rc e s such a s 1 and, 1 abor and raw mate r ials.经济学家研究社会使用土地,劳动力及原材料等 稀有资源的方式。97. Even young peop 1 e with li

20、ttle money do not w ant to buy cheap furnit u re t h at they may soon di s like.就连手里没多少钱年轻人也不想买便宜家具,由于 对这些便宜家具不久就会厌倦。98. G r eat w r ite r s are thos e who n ot onl y have g re a t t h o ugh t s b u t als o e xpress these thou ghts in p ow e r f ul or moving w o rd s .伟大的作家是那些不仅拥有伟大的思想,并且还 能用有力,感人的语

21、言表达这些思想的人。99. He is the ve r y person whom Im loo k i n g for.他正是我要找的人。100. He tol d me that he had lived in Amer i c a for t en years before he came t o China.他告诉我,在来中国之前他在美国已生活了十年。people no matter whi c h s ide they wer e fig h ti n g f or.他想帮助所有受伤的人,不管他们是为了哪一 方而战。103. He was s u ch a hard w o rki

22、 n g s tu d e n t t h a t he a chi e ved t hefirstplac e i n t he f inal exam.他是一个学习十分用功的学生,因此他在期末 考试中考取第一名。104. He w e nt ou t of th e r oom and c a me ba c k a f ew m i nute s later.它跑出房间,几分钟后又回来了。105.1 saw a man walk i ng a cross the road w i t h t he o b viou s in t en t ion of tai k i n g to me

23、.我看到一个人穿过大街,明显的想跟我交谈。106.1 t ook Mr. J ohn to t h e v ilia g e where I had spe n t m y carefree chil d h ood.我把约翰先生带到乡村,在那里我度过了无忧 无虑的童年。107. I was hav i ng a nap when sudd en 1 y the te 1 e ph o ne r a ng.我在午睡时,忽然电话铃响了。108.1 was s o b ew i 1 d ered by t h ei r conflicting a dv i c e th a t I d i d n

24、ot kn o whow to act.sam e compan y f or t e n years.我被他们互相矛盾的意见搞糊涂了,不知如何 去做才是。109.1 f y ou d o nt mind, pie a se p a s s me the s a It. 假如方便的话,请把盐递给我。llO.In a n age of plent y , w e feel s p ir i tu a 1 hu n ger.在这个物质财富富余的时代,我们感到精神上 的饥渴。111. I n m a ny fact ories, an assembly 1 i ne i s used to sp e

25、 e d u p t he e f ficienc y o f t he workforce.许多工厂采用装配线来提到生产效率。112.1n no ot h e r country i n t h e wo r Id ca n you f ind su c h pl a nts a s thi s one.像这种植物在其他国家是不也许到的。113. I n no other r egion in th e wo r 1 d c an you f i nd such rare an i mals as giant pandas.像大熊猫这样的珍稀动物在世界其他地区你 是找不到的。1.1 .1ns

26、 i de, this large p 1 an e look s more 1 i ke a high bui 1 d i n g than a pl a ne.从里面看,这架飞机看起来更像一个高大的建 筑,而不像飞机。115 .Jack and Tom have wo r ked i n th e杰克和汤姆已经在同一个公司工作了 202 3To.J o h n and his b r ot h er di f fer i n per s onality even if t heir d i ff e r e n c es in age are not s ign i fica n t.尽管

27、约翰和他哥哥在年纪上相差不大,但他 们的个性却不相同。116 .J o hn has be e n tea c h ing English here since he came t o Chi n a i n 2 0 23.约翰2 023年来到中国后就一直在这儿教英 语。117 .Karsh was p rai s ed a s a m a s ter por t ra i tist, often working i n bla c k a n d w h ite, inf 1 ue n ced by grea t p atient painte r s o f the past.卡什被人们誉

28、为人像大师,由于受到历史上一 些著名画家的影响,他在拍摄中经常运用黑白摄影。118 . L a pt o p comp u ters a re p o p u 1 a r a 1 1 o v er t he w orl d a nd g ive pe o pie easy acc e ss t o the In t erne t .手提电脑在全世界都十分普及,为人们提供便 利上网的途径。119 .LiPing, s fa t her h a s b e en an Engl i sh t ea c he r s i nee he gradu a t ed from Pek i ng U n i

29、 v e r s i t y.李萍的父亲从北京大学毕业后就一直做英语 教师。120 .Luckily, th ep lan e s a p pea r t o be q uite safe.很幸运,这些飞机安全降落了。121 .Man y valuable re s ources i n C h inas w e st area are to be ex p loi t e d a nd used.中国西部地区有许多珍贵的资源有待开发和 运用。122 .Most of thep 1 ants like w a t er and sunsh ine.大多数植物都喜欢水和阳光。123 .Most

30、o fus c an f in d15 mi n ute s orh alf a n hour each day for s o me s p e c i f i c regular a cti v ity.我们中的大多数人可以天天安排一刻钟或半 小时进行某项具体的常规性活动。124 .My doctor advised tha t I write d own any w orries, thought s or questio ns be fore I g o t o b ed.我的医生建议我上床睡觉前写下所有担忧,想 法和问题。125 .Pa per is one of t h e mos

31、t important prod u c t s e ver i n ve n ted by man.纸张是人类发明的最重要的产品之一。size and 1 ight i n w e i g h t.半导体芯片体积小并且重量轻。126 .She h a s a perfe c t f ig u r e .她身材很棒。127 .Shy people are a n xious and s elf-conscious, exce s s i v e 1 y(过度)concerne d wit h t he i r own a pp e a r an c e and acti o ns.腼腆的人容易

32、焦急,自我意识较强,过度关注自 己外表和行为。128 .S o me pe o pie take n o i n terest in c o u ntry thi n g s : for t hem, h a p p i n es s lies in the tow n , w i th i ts cinemas, s h ops, d a nc e halls a nd r es t au r ants.有些人对乡村事物不感爱好,对他们来说,快乐 存在于城乡及其电影院、商店、舞厅、餐厅等场合。 131. S o o n it was time fo r m y frie n d to t a

33、ke Jac k f o r wa 1 k .过会儿,就是我的朋友带着杰克去散步的时间 了。132 .T h e evo 1 uti o n t h e o r y explai n s t hed ifferenc e s in s le e p amo n g anim a Is.进化论解释动物之间的睡眠差异。133 .The fa r me r did not spe n d muc h time w orkin g o n hi s farm.127.Semic o nduc tor chip s are smal 1 i n134.Th e g r e ater am o unt o

34、f time you s pent 1这位农夫在农活上没花多长时间。ear ning English, th e great e r p rogress yo u141. T he new s t adium shoul d h av e been b ui 1国旗必须手动升降。149.T h o u gh this questi o n is very diffic u 1 t , iar e lik e 1 y to make.你投入英语学习的时间越多,也许取得的进步 就越大。135 .The li b rary is to be cl o sed b ecau s e it need s

35、 red eco r ating.图书馆要关闭,由于它需要重新装修。136 .The little gi r 1 r a n s o fas t that she was th r o wn o f f balance and fell over.那个小女孩跑得太快,身体一下失去平衡,跌 倒了。137 .The mo r e ex p e r iences we have, the more ca p able we a re likely to be.我们经历得越多,我们的能力就会越强。138 .The more p a s si o ns we have, t he m o re hap

36、pine s s w e a r e 1 i kely t o e x p e rienc e .我们的激情越多,我们有也许体验到的快乐就 越多。139 .The more yo u read the tex t , the eas i er you w ill fin d i t to unde r s t and it.你把课文读得越透,你就会发现就越容易理解 它。140 .Th e nat i on a 1 f 1 a gs s h ould raised a nd 1 o w ered by h a n d .t by now.到现在为止,这座新体育馆应当建成了。142 .The o

37、nly othe r people who knew the seer e t we r e h i s father and mo t he r .别的知道这个秘密的人就是他的父母。143 .The st u d ent s a r e e n c ouraged t o tak e p a rt in t he national English spea k ing c ontes t .鼓励学生参与全国英语演讲竞赛。144 .T h ere is a la r ge a mount of ene r gy wasted due t o f ric t ion.由于摩擦而消耗了大量的能量。

38、145 .They we r e bro u ght up und e r the same r oof w h en t hey were young.他们小的时候是在同一个家中被抚养长大的。146.1 t is ind e ed a mos t press i ng p ro b lem. 这的确是一个非常棘手的问题。147 . This pl a ce has p 1 entiful materia 1 resources.这个地方的物质资源是丰富的。148 .Thou g h it was b e yo n d them, they tr i ed t hei r best t o d

39、 o i t .虽然这件事超过他们的能力,他们还是尽力去 做。f you keep on t ry i ng, you will f i punished.nd the r ig h t answ e r .尽管这个问题很难,但是假如你继续不断尝 试,你会得到对的答案的。150 .To mark stud e nt s test p ap e r s, a c hecking m a c h ine i s us e d .为判学生的试卷使用了判卷机。151 .Trans i s to r s a re sm a 11 in s ize and li g h t i n w ei g ht.晶

40、体管的体积小重量轻。152 .Various s ubs t anc e s d i f f e r widely in t h ei r mag net ic char acte r i st i c s .各种材料的磁性有很大的不同。153 .We w e re h aving a par t y a t s c h o o 1 las t n i ght when th e lights s u dd e nl y w ent out.昨晚我们正在学校举行派对,忽然电停了。154 . When comp 1 eted, t his br i dge wi 1 1 b e th e lar

41、gest i n A s i a .这座桥一旦竣工将是亚洲最大的桥。155 .W h en we pr a ise t h e Chinese 1 eadership and the peopl e , we are no t m erely b ein g polite.我们赞美中国领导人和中国人民不仅仅是出 于礼貌。谁违反了法律就要受到处罚。157 .W i th a 1 1 h i s savings gone, h e s t a r ed t o lo o k for a job.积蓄都用完以后,他就开始去找工作。158 . Woul d you plea s e help me w

42、ith m y horn e work?你能帮我做这个作业吗?159 . S he s a id h e sho u Idnt b e lif t ing th o se heavy milk boxes.她说他不应当举起这些沉重的牛奶箱子。160 . The n a wai t e r f o und out th e reaso n.后来,一位服务员发现了因素。161 .Thes e pe o p 1 e moved from pl a ce t o p 1 ace.这些人四处迁徙。162 .A 1 ot of natur a 1 resour c es i n th e mo u n t

43、 ai n area are t o be expl o i t e d a n d u s e d .那个山区有许多自然资源有待于开发运用。163 .The st u d ents a re encouraged b y the i r t each e r to d o more 1 istenin g , reading and writ i ng.老师鼓励学生多听,多读,多写。156.W ho e ve r dis o beys the law wil 1 be 164.The pl a n has been o ver fulfill e d b y now.h e e a rthq

44、u a k es.目前,已经超额完毕计划。165 .T hemo s t comm o n samp 1 es of i norga n i c mate r ials are the gase s of the atmos p here, wa t er, r o ck s , etc.大气中的气体、水、岩石都是无机物中最普 通的实例。166 . I f you dec ided to learn a new lang u age, yo u woul d hav e to de d i c a te yo u r self whole h ea r tedl y t o t h e cau

45、se.假如你决定学一门新语言,你必须全身心的投 入。167 .The taxi driver often r e m i nds p ass e n g e rs to take t h eir belon g ing s when the y lea v e the car.出租车司机经常在乘客们下车的时候提醒他 们携带自己的物品。168 . You shou 1 d pu t pa r t of you r s a lary i n the bank each mo n th.你应当每月把部分工资存入银行。169 . L ife i s me a n i ngles s wit h ou

46、t a purpose.没有目的的生活是毫无意义的。170 .W hen wi 1 1 the wo r k be f ini s hed?工作何时完毕?火灾导致的损失也许比地震还严重。172. A r e y ou fon d o f music?你喜欢音乐吗?173. My r oommat e , Tom, i s also a gr a d uate s tu d e n t like m e .我的室友汤姆和我同样也是研究生。174. M a ny s c hools wil 1 not open for lessons until the b eg i nnin g of S e

47、ptember.很多学校到九月初才开学。175. Wh a t t i me d o y o u go s w i mmi n g e v e ry day?你天天什么时候游泳?176. Wh e n sh e 1 e ft sc h ool, she went f i r s t to Bri tain.在她毕业后,她先去了英国。177. 0nly on weeken d s, Cent r a 1 Par k is cl o se d to c a rs.只有在周末,中央公园不许汽车入内。178. The y t h ought that there mus t be s o methi n g w r ong with th e ir TV set.他们认为电视机一定出了毛病有问题了。179. I ambusy s t udying for m y exams. 我忙于备考。180.1 plan t o play football with my c la ssmates.171.Fires m a y do more d am age th a n谁去接电话?我打算与我的同学踢足球。181.This box c an h o 1 d more b


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