1、课程教学大纲BPO英语和职业素养(第二阶段下)目 录一、课程简介二、教学目标三、教学中需注意的问题四、教材与参考书目五、教学课时分配表1. BPO英语总计22学时课程分配表2.职业素养总计10学生课程分配六、教学内容BPO英语:第一章 Credit Card第二章 Loan & Mortgage第三章 Foreign Exchange第四章 Insurance职业素养:第一章时间管理第二章公众演讲 Gain more knowledge through After-Class practice二、 Personal Housing and Automobile Loan()Vbcabulary
2、Vocabulary list Task 1: Select the appropriate words to match the following meanings;Task 2: Fill in blanks with the words in the box in right form.(二)Listening ComprehensionTask One: In this section, you will hear a short passage. There are several missing words or phrases in it. Fill in the blanks
3、 with the exact words or phrases you hear. Task Two: Listen to the dialogue once again, and then retell it in your own words to your partner.(三)Relaxing TimeDavid Beckhams Career and Family(四)Reading ComprehensionReading Practice Read the following passage and share your greeting views with us. The
4、price of loans Instructions(五)Extended ReadingWord list Renting and LoaningFinancial considerations Personal preferencesKnow your budget How to apply for your mortgageLocking in your interest rate(六)Business in ActionDirections: Make and Act out a dialogue according to the followingsituation in pair
5、s. SituationUseful Expressions Role play activities本章思考与讨论:1 .在贷款是,应注意些哪些相关事项?2 .你是如何认识高利贷的?他的产生原因是什么?第三章 Foreign Exchange & Securities本章教学要求:本章主题为“Foreign Exchange”这个单元的内容,即为“外汇”。外汇交易 在当今国际金融市场上占有重要一席。我们的课堂内容会涉及到外汇产品、外汇 交易以及比较流行的外汇交易平台,英语作为一个窗口,能够让学生了解一些国 外的一些外汇产品。本章教学重难点:重点是相关外汇的词汇和语句。第 13 节 Forei
6、gn Exchange一、Learning Objectives and Background(一)Learning Objectives: Be familiar with the vocabulary about Foreign CurrencyGet to know how to start foreign exchange business Make dialogues under different business situations(二)Background Introduction IKON GroupIntroduction Main businesses and prod
7、uctsDevelopment in China二、 Foreign Exchange Introduction(一)Vbcabulary Vocabulary listTask 1: Select the appropriate words to match the following meanings; Task 2: Fill in blanks with the words in the box in right form.(二)Listening ComprehensionTask One: In this section, you will hear a short passage
8、. There are several missing words or phrases in it. Fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear. Task Two: Listen to the dialogue once again, and then retell it in your own words to your partner.(三)Relaxing TimeEllens Speech at Tulane University(四)Reading ComprehensionReading Practic
9、e Read the following passage and share your greeting views with us. Money exchangeInstructions(五)Extended ReadingWord list How to start a foreign exchange businessInstructions MT4 Platform(六)Business in Action Directions: Make and Act out a dialogue according to the following situation in pairs. Sit
10、uationUseful Expressions第 4-6 节 Stock & Security一、Learning Objectives and Background(一)Learning Objectives: Be familiar with the vocabulary about Stock & SecurityBe able to talk about Stock & Security in details with your partner Make dialogues under different business situationsGain more knowledge
11、through After-Class practice(二)Background IntroductionAmerican Stock IntroductionNASDAQ New York Stock二、 Stock & Security(一)VocabularyVocabulary list Task 1: Select the appropriate words to match the fallowing meanings;Task 2: Fill in blanks with the words in the box in right form.(二)Listening Compr
12、ehensionTask One: In this section, you will hear a short passage. There are several missing words or phrases in it. Fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear. Task Two: Listen to the dialogue once again, and then retell it in your own words to your partner.(三)Relaxing TimeThe Oracl
13、e of Omaha(四)Reading ComprehensionReading Practice Read the following passage and share your greeting views with us. Instructions(五)Extended Reading Word listWhat is Nasdaq?(六)Business in ActionDirections: Make and Act out a dialogue according to the following situation in pairs. SituationUseful Exp
14、ressions Role play activities本章思考与讨论:L外汇交易中,应该注意哪些问题?2.证券交易产品主要有哪些?第四章 Insurance本章教学要求:本章重点围绕“保险”展开,本章主要包括人寿保险、财产保险和车险三 个部分。介绍了保险的品种以及应用。因为保险产品种类较多,要求授课老师要 多加一些案例,引导学生了解更多、更新的保险知识。本章教学重难点:重点是相关保险的的词汇和语句,难点是学生如何理解相关的保险产品的 应用。第 1-3 节 Money Market Mutual Funds一、Learning Objectives and Background(一)Lear
15、ning Objectives: Be familiar with the vocabulary about insurance businessGet to know the process of applying for a Life insurance Learn how to do business with Property and Auto insurancesMake dialogues under different business situations Gain more knowledge through After-Class practice (二)Backgroun
16、d IntroductionMetlife Introduction Insurance Products Development in China二、Life Insurance(一)VocabularyVocabulary list Task 1: Select the appropriate words to match the following meanings;Task 2: Fill in blanks with the words in the box in right form.(二)Listening ComprehensionTask One: In this secti
17、on, you will hear a short passage. There are several missing words or phrases in it. Fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear. Task Two: Listen to the dialogue once again, and then retell it in your own words to your partner.(三)Relaxing TimeHow do you like your Leonardo DiCaprio?
18、Butch or boyish?(四)Reading ComprehensionReading Practice Read the following passage and share your greeting views with us. Insurance Instructions(五)Extended ReadingWord list Life Insurance of MetlifeTerm life insurance Permanent life insuranceWhat is the whole life insurance? Universal Life Insuranc
19、e(六)Business in Action Directions: Make and Act out a dialogue according to the following situation in pairs. SituationUseful Expressions and information Role play activities第 4-6 节 Property and Auto Insurance一、Learning Objectives and Background(一)Leaming Objectives: Be familiar with the vocabulary
20、about insurance businessGet to know the process of applying for a Life insurance Learn how to do business with Property and Auto insurancesMake dialogues under different business situations Gain more knowledge through After-Class practice、 Property and Auto Insurance(一)VocabularyVocabulary list Task
21、 1: Select the appropriate words to match the following meanings;Task 2: Fill in blanks with the words in the box in right form.(二)Listening ComprehensionTask One: In this section, you will hear a short passage. There are several missing words or phrases in it. Fill in the blanks with the exact word
22、s or phrases you hear. Task Two: Listen to the dialogue once again, and then retell it in yourown words to your partner.(三)Relaxing TimeThe Grace of Audrey Hepburn(四)Reading ComprehensionReading Practice Read the following passage and share your greeting views with us. Motor Insurance of China Instr
23、uctions(五)Extended ReadingWord list How car insurance worksTypes of auto coverage Understanding your auto insurance needsKnow how much money you want to spend Know you vehiclesKnow about your other insurance The price of auto insuranceCar insurance deductibles(六)Business in ActionDirections: Make an
24、d Act out a dialogue according to the following situation in pairs. SituationUseful Expressions Role play activities本章思考与讨论:1 .目前主要流行的保险理财产品有哪些?2 .保险作为一种理财手段,如何使用?职业素养部分:第一章时间管理本章教学要求:学生能够掌握时间管理的本质是自我管理,认识到时间管理的重要性,对 科学的管理时间的技巧有较好地把握。本章教学重难点:重点是时间管理的本质和方法;难点是灵活运用时间管理技巧。第一节时间是什么一、我们对待时间的态度二、时间的主要特性第二
25、节时间管理中的问题一、没有目标二、没有计划三、从拖延中“获益”四、不分主次五、不懂得拒绝第三节时间管理的方法和技巧一、管理时间的本质和意义二、诊断时间管理状况三、记录时间的管理方法四、与时间作朋友(一)设定目标(二)治疗拖延(三)“时间四象限”(四)拒绝的学问(五)节约时间(六)持续改善第二章公众演讲本章教学要求:学生对整个演讲流程有较好的把握,能够组织逻辑性强的演讲提纲;在演 练过程中掌握能积极调动观众情绪的技巧,展现个人魅力。本章教学重难点:重点是通过演讲视频解剖公众演讲的流程和讲解演讲技巧;难点是克服公 众演讲时的紧张情绪和肢体、语言、表情方面的完善。第一节 演讲的前提-自信一、自信二、
26、如何获得自信三、如何赢得观众第二节演讲内容一、确定主题二、开场方式:三种最有效的开场方式三、构思讲稿-5要素演讲提纲 四、结尾方法第三节现场技巧BPO英语和职业素养教学大纲一、课程简介BP0英语和职业素养是为金融学(国际金融服务外包方向)学生开设的 一门专业方向选修课。本课程,即业务流程外包英语和职业素养,课程内容主要 包括“财务英语” “职业素养”两个部分。在BPO英语课程的编辑中,本书综 合考虑学生求职及工作需求,贴合真实求职情景、岗位实况及行业现状,不仅提 供当下常用交流用语及行业术语,同时按照热门岗位分类为学生提供行业相关知 识的听力练习及生活工作情景对话练习,帮助学生提前熟悉职场英语
27、环境。同时在职业素养方面,通过修心、修型、修言、修行四大内容,结合当前企 业实际工作案例,全面系统的引导学生养成守时、踏实、耐心的习惯,逐步培养 学习能力、专业能力和社会能力,引导树立规范、合作、沟通的意识。要求在校 生以准职场人身份严格管理自己的言谈举止,为自己未来的职业规划、职业定位 打下良好的基础。二、教学目标本课程的教学目标是教授与学生专业相关的英语专业术语,扩充学生的专业 词汇量,并扩充学生对行业英语相关内容的了解;通过与专业相关话题的讨论与 学习,逐步培养学生的英语交流能力与思考能力;通过与专业内容相关的听力场 景的练习,提高学生的听力能力;通过与专业话题相关的阅读材料,提高学生的
28、 阅读与翻译技能。总之,通过本课程的学习,学生听、说、读、写、译的各方面 的能力都能够得以相应的提高,并具备了使用英语这个工具来从事与专业相关工 作的能力。具体到本阶段的英语教学目标,就是让学生知道英语是用来用的,是 我们接触外面世界的工具,而不是“躺”在课本上的文字。同时,职业素养教育在本学期主要引导学生进行时间管理和训练其公众演讲 能力。时间管理课程中通过课堂讲解、体验式游戏、案例分析和管理活动等,引 导学生在时间管理中运用和掌握有效的工作方法,实现在思维和行动上的转变, 养成高效工作的习惯,有效分配和管理时间,促进目标的完成;公众演讲部分, 通过流程分析帮助学生调整演讲的逻辑性,训练学生
29、公众演讲的能力,发挥自己一、调动情绪二、语言表达三、非语言技巧的才能,展现自己的魅力。三、教学中需注意的问题BPO英语(第二阶段下)主要是围绕财经类英语展开,包括银行的开户、挂失、 公司融资、投资等英语类口语、听力、阅读等内容。学生专业方向为金融外包方 向,所以主要侧重的就是金融方面的英语。在通过大一整个学年的练习,大部分 学生不会畏惧开口说英语,但是在金融专业英语方面还有所欠缺。在实际的授课 过程中,要注重英语与专业相结合,将相关的英语词汇与相应的专业术语搭配上, 这样学生理解起来也比较方便。第二阶段注重提高学生的阅读能力,所以教材中 有较大篇幅的英语阅读材料。在教学中,教师应多侧重对阅读文
30、章背景知识的介 绍,而不是单纯给大家讲解单词或重难点巨型。这样才能帮助学生理解整片文章 的大意,才能容易读懂。时间管理部分,授课老师应采取互动、体验和情景式的教学方法,使道理易 懂易学易操作,从而使学生认识到时间管理的重要性,清晰自我时间管理的关键; 公众演讲部分,通过观看演讲视频深入剖析演讲技巧,实战的演练帮助学生在说 服力、眼神、肢体、表情上进行完善,提高公众演讲的逻辑性和调动性。四、教材与参考书目授课教材:BPO英语实训教程(第二阶段下)济南网融创业服务有限公司 职业素养实训教程(第二阶段下)济南网融创业服务有限公司 参考书目:会计英语刘建华对外经贸大学出版社国际贸易英语约瑟芬克林顿 北
31、京大学出版社金融英语刘箸蓉清华大学出版社职业素养与英语训练济南网融创业服务有限公司大学生就业指导上海交通大学出版社大学生职业生涯规划上海交通大学出版社五、教学课时分配表示选学内容,教师视情况分配学时。表L总计22学时课程分配教学内容学时分配弹性学时第一章 Credit Cards6无第二章 Loan & Mortgage6第三章 Foreign Exchange6第四章 Insurance4总授课学时22表2.总计10学时课程分配教学内容学时分配弹性学时第一章时间管理4无第二章公众演讲6总授课学时10六、教学内容以章节形式规划教学内容,具体教学过程可以依据学生专业特点和学时分配 进行适当安排教
32、学顺序、教学内容以及侧重点。BPO英语部分:第一章 Credit Cards本章教学要求:本章的主题是“Credit Cards”以信用卡为主题。信用卡交易越来越广泛, 也是金融机构一项重要的业务。通过本单元内容,让学生了解信用卡的相关业务, 并且能够用英语表达出来。本章教学重难点:重点是相关信用卡的术语。第 13 节 Credit Card一、Learning Objectives and Background(一)Learning Objectives: Be familiar with the vocabulary about the credit cardLearn how to us
33、e a credit card Make dialogues under different business situationsGain more knowledge through After-Class practice(二)Background IntroductionAmerican Express IntroductionMain products and businesses Various Credit CardsDevelopment in China二、 Application for a Credit Card(一)Vocabulary Vocabulary listT
34、ask 1: Select the appropriate words to match the following meanings; Task 2: Fill in blanks with the words in the box in right form.(二)Listening ComprehensionTask One: In this section, you will hear a short passage. There are several missing words or phrases in it. Fill in the blanks with the exact
35、words or phrases you hear. Task Two: Listen to the dialogue once again, and then retell it in your own words to your partner.(三)Relaxing TimeSix Interesting things about Jack Ma(四)Reading ComprehensionReading Practice Read the following passage and share your greeting views with us. Credit Cards Ins
36、tructions(五)Extended ReadingWord list Credit CardsAdvantages of credit cards Disadvantages of credit cards(六)Business in Action Directions: Make and Act out a dialogue according to the following situation in pairs. SituationUseful Expressions Role play activities第 4-6 节 Credit Card Transaction一、Lear
37、ning Objectives and Background(一)Learning Objectives: Be familiar with the vocabulary about the credit cardLearn how to use a credit card Make dialogues under different business situationsGain more knowledge through After-Class practice二、Credit Card Transaction(一)Vocabulary Vocabulary listTask 1: Se
38、lect the appropriate words to match the following meanings; Task 2: Fill in blanks with the words in the box in right form.(二)Listening ComprehensionTask One: In this section, you will hear a short passage. There are several missing words or phrases in it. Fill in the blanks with the exact words or
39、phrases you hear. Task Two: Listen to the dialogue once again, and then retell it in your own words to your partner.(三)Relaxing TimeLinsanity(四)Reading ComprehensionReading PracticeA Read the following passage and share your greeting views with us. How to use credit cards wisely Instructions(五)Exten
40、ded ReadingWord list How to process card loss reportingDebit or credit cards?(六)Business in ActionDirections: Make and Act out a dialogue according to the following situation in pairs. SituationUseful Expressions Role play activities本章思考与讨论:1 .信用卡交易与普通交易有何区别和联系?2 .如何更明智的使用信用卡交易?第二章 Loan & Mortgage本章
41、教学要求:本章的两个主题是 uPersonal Consumer Loan” 和 uPersonal Housing and Automobile Loan,即为个人贷款和房贷以及车贷。本单元主题是围绕信用卡展 开的,即包含了个人信贷,也包括个人房贷及车贷。因此要求授课老师要多为学 生展示一些案例,进行案例分析。本章教学重难点:重点是关于信贷业务的词汇和语句,难点是让学生如何更好的模拟信贷交 易。第 1-3 节 Personal Consumer Loan一、Learning Objectives and Background(一)Learning Objectives: Be familia
42、r with the vocabulary about the loan serviceGet to know the process of transacting the loan service Make dialogues under different business situationsGain more knowledge through After-Class practice(二)Background IntroductionBank of AmericaA IntroductionFinancial Services Loan and CreditProducts and
43、development in Asia二、 Personal Consumer Loan(一)Vocabulary Vocabulary listTask 1: Select the appropriate words to match the following meanings; Task 2: Fill in blanks with the words in the box in right form.(二)Listening ComprehensionTask One: In this section, you will hear a short passage. There are
44、several missing words or phrases in it. Fill in the blanks with the exact words or phrases you hear. Task Two: Listen to the dialogue once again, and then retell it in your own words to your partner.(三)Relaxing TimeThe Princess Taylor Swift(四)Reading ComprehensionReading Practice Read the following
45、passage and share your greeting views with us. Installment buying in America Instructions(五)Extended ReadingWord list Bank of AmericaWho we serve-People Who we serve-CompaniesWho we serve-Institutional investors Mission and principles(六)Business in Action Directions: Make and Act out a dialogue acco
46、rding to the following situation in pairs. SituationUseful Expressions Role play activities第 4-6 节 Personal Housing and Automobile Loan一、Learning Objectives and Background(一)Learning Objectives: Be familiar with the vocabulary about the loan serviceGet to know the process of transacting the loan service Make dialogues under different business situations