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1、2010学年第一学期期学考试样卷高三英语试题卷泰认队分说小达加作选择题两附分逸扑题“分】鎏】2页4选神处才分吊13 f. II反 满 分120今 年认叶何120分计选择题部分1共8力分)注意小项:I .芬达抨他有,t务z利自已的H名.,土号切尺工长的&字2先钠.书写&?;题嫉 上.2 .母小必选出芬全e用镜芯把衣卷纸上叶代题II的茶宴标号冷,如夕收出阳憔式 干冷n.方逸涂其他笨*临号.不能.白认&上.3 .#逸朴心芬金察书写d茶改乐上.不能写在认卷上.,依M士年七将各达木文网第一33分:英语短识运用(共两节,满分W分)6 -R:小瑚坨空(共20小题;小均。,3分.满分10分)从aj,.c 和-

2、叫个选项中.选出可以加人;门处的公仆以岐.nannm i将该通用 标号除黑.1. Pan!. you _ _(nil tn liavr n walk in I hr bcaiiiiful park onwarm springSunday.A. Al nB. a:不mC. rhrj 小域l).不巾:浦()r$ thr Ittit-rtivt ;pir;r rnaty ix-w cxpu-s.ions. nintiy cfan widely isvi in ourliaily life./. thatB. whichC. themI), ihtoihi-r hys.A. as much half

3、as B, hrdf much :in C. tiiiu-li ; li:il( as I), ns half much asI Kn * t rxpi il 1 hat ytm e.m i v.i|h . 3 onr can g-t ;w;iy with chrnting in an xaiii.A. I 1 putiihi-il 1$. piinislivti (. li punishI . punishing1. I h- iir nriio h 1|li(w. for hv i5 fully oi upn l with Ins ownprojt rt.A. at r*plrtblfB.

4、 ilapiahl-. aeo-ssihlrA 英的立 K 1 fl i I33. nt- lh;it ,,“ h 乂c“l 卜.A. irnporiMtii B. BchifVHblrC. pt*idlI), spiriuinlu i, Itt ihr opinion of lr author. .1 orxl gonl is nm ihi is.A. v.y i iinnh tor you to fi rl ,B. hih t noiigii but Hchiev.blh lD.front time to timeGoals have ti hr tlclailed m that pi-)

5、|4-.A. .1 rr sure 10 r xch ttv lrv,|s、“ for lu nisrivvsB. 0111 know h”w h*y rr getting along at eju h siagC. may grt Mn.tll reward、such “、h rnval outb. ran .tdjusi ilit-rn on various (“、bar a goal 10 1 nvliicvctl. on*- hii to.A. bvhrvv in whatever h doingB. .ulapi onovif to new rha(iK. c ,! bank. ih

6、- only !, in tin* world nitning lo roIk-ct all of th”、wild pliint 、pcci:、 ha、 rr.v (I Kink Prop i t. run by K“w oifirudly(bjosii the 24200lh species on Thursday, a pink* wild Iwnm frorn China.Mor* ti .ui J nunitif* an new mi liarl with Kk but vast pl.iro of the lobr. iri-lu(linK India end Brazil sti

7、ll nMl to piin tn anvv4s. ihriTtor Paul Smith SI(L1I1 mtI bajk 17 n- of the Lir*、i anst ihv, rc in du woi id with rn 1. billion seeds. Its go;il i to lie ip prntrci dr phnel * bio- divity liring a titnr of rlimutr ch.inK.I lv wild bafi.ttih st ittuirr ilirv;it rf rxtuiciinn it) southwrsi China from

8、ultural ! !rit. Ii 1、.1 vi Ui I focxi source for A、i” n.ni for : rowing l;maTias for hiini.in they can l.oi for ilKtnls of years, iliv mv .iw.hi ilw hy riuti scivntisi?. Ik|m nw-f “:”、- when thr、jm、no longe-r exist iri ii- wild.Il 1、.i r;icrtinu4 SnnihImtxuw “1 thf Ias!.Uonr. 20 plunts hrhl mthf ban

9、k have already Ik vm wipc! iit in ihr wild. Hr vslinmtrs that l twern a thirl and “A ,由以屿口( 14卜四外) io|n;iri r will li(oiur vxiinci niury*h,、urvni “nd it 1、lin|(irturut now. An aru of Enghinl. i clc;ir-l cf pninarv v g-t.itou IA W)ind.I$ food .itxl rimitfifK-x ctunv from n/tinn pro( t iing wili plaiK

10、 5|ncivs 1、 quite import.trit. si -.ay. I here an- mIready many otiit-r ,i hnnk、 s( Mmriing (ocmI crops, which only .ivroiun fur 0. )|rcc, ri:(4 |iliint livity.Fnr K-w n xt 匕八;/ clio:.itnts n il l r?4i!li(n poinitis . yrar or . lop nt ihi JO rni|i(in tiny h.ivv .iirva*ly hn NrHUted.Wh.1t ,s the fina

11、l purpose of die Britnin bank?A. Io collvcr nouh money (ar d- project.B. I o SM(vguard GkmI .IrntTJ wild from xtinction. I). Io hvlp7”(ly wild plants.:R. I lu, wild lianana src of.A. ih- vxpftmling ofworkB. the4. inpr in tins nrMC ihf large number of eh-phunts I). hmii.U rxvl now nru: then Jill (m-r

12、 the wnrhlB. Brazil ;.jh! Imlia hawnt joinl in thr llank Projvri at present(,.lhcr only cne b. nk it; t h- the botanist in Hew ; r! n li.ivr nircady got S 100 million tor thrir projrri 60. What th* iiruh rlinnl word -ii* Clanigruph 7) refer io?A. riM. rxiijh hoi. of plnnt spiTio.B. The Millennium -

13、iMnk Project.C. Britain lumk.I. Kewiwxi goal.5二0& Bob. Cg和I九、“I是八位新帅,61至Gi麴公他们各口急,尺改进林 投扁的力而.何汝A K六位成功英ih七帅精的梅登(A F). A出M/介力用(土新 校师的网心 小K.itr*汴g出格该项标号涂累选坳中4一项址多余述现.61. lioh; I tn at .1 les、on Iuhv to lu-lp 1 hot run good al learning or iiavmg IcarnitiK! oni r. 62. Scoti I have no idea how m l nn 彳川r

14、”“、with rny colkagiM-s .mtii| rits.63. Ag: I dcmbi if Hurhm i、nf any mijioriatiev only by workitig with chiklrt-ri tr)siva 1. Atmi I ,m w(niltui!rnis cv”xruwin* thirst fnr kiuiwk小:“ intht- Hjinrmation xpkihn65. iMvid: I * t:; v.igvr o infoniu ti of how to rn.ik* tny f ra Hicjk more vffvciivr.马 &:A或也

15、卷(R t Z页)11AI homa5 CobbI huw h. n .n Erxhh i .rcFrank 16k “n1rachiriK allow* rnr to ir nni 、“li、fy tnywhile at du 5;nnrtnne Riiii younger proplr in lcc|npmM lh ir nwn tiilrnts n iiiigithiry. fruitful. crvaJivt l)ut dt-nianAt J hr sani*Wllilt ie-.H llilHt I 1 |1|.1 t - v.nr y (4 knnvl,. I tn ry .irt

16、ivr in |iro(vssioriHl nr舟”“/lion、; in fat i. I help prcpjirc for thr(cunirl 14 I rnch r (if l-nglish cofJvrciKT that will lv held in St. Lem、this f.ill. 1 .itu a I o vfy nt liw in I hr t wi r1op nicnt. in nrgam/atiOt) which provide、 (l for “”、t ol the M-lrKl(iitricts in I he St. I.cui、HI cKer Annrtl

17、e MuthtrncI lead 1 Hrnd En)di、h .ti XnriliLook 11 ih S in J loioHirt. I kn v wl r I w.i* iri hih Mhoc/I flint It Im, htra-h r. After T/il year* o( subMHuIr ( K 代)nni I 1 yr.irs of t a htriK. I rnoin. 1 try to h-lp myIilJiwv rn ibt niseivrs and(, ! eotdiih nt w!wi m iroubU-. 1( tin y Ii.ivi ihi、,otdn

18、lrnf. :h-y hav- ihv .tbiliiy to 51HVVCI.Donald ShultzI v hv-n U/ichxn Enidth ni n lngh xihiMtl (or 21 years .-mii I am (onl of ih” close rvlalionship that ha、irvrlopl among tin roup ofwith whom 1 work nntltin iifnag4rs I tf.ich. ()ni- ni*hi . w who waul to improv* t hvir :,“ki!ls. When 1 ,n no! buri

19、ed up io my thr Iq .lUtlfid MHi!;d I! I NMIM Without”hHiV f:ll rT bt|V lir (ff Ur- With ! H h.ul ErfV I:A I /;,( i lK MUrfM./rbT 、 Tl .is Klrnuir.ikd. iWurr k)i】K I had iurnii my anirrrst n; fla | 1n mmih- nlhr think:. Iui I tn my (dlhrt Wilhoit I o hivr ”加“cl * n.uclb )n thr)(iurnry *t lifr, ilnru

20、rnnIn Fi? in tn! (nil hr”J,n our view. o urir/” h】x ll;Mik th.en rur pir .3ball in “、”、t /I Hj)y working iti dir yard. bcyclit.?. jrigKinu. a nd pbm ning for vacation .I ina L. ScchItn r 卜/i、h u-uher l . hih, viitiiylv;Hiia. It bnij:- tphy nd sewing. Iking a icacliiT is nf th* gr with youiiK pvopl*

21、helping th:ful .nl ful(iil CouperI Krduarl Irotn Whitworth Coll in Sp(kanv. WaliitiKton. whr 1 Linfp;irtrnvnt. 1 had always knew” I wriuld i ach -in iih*known from thrunn out whai trrh niqtKS 1 wHikl “、,. I th voi- n lai of ltn io an.tlyziriK ant! compnfing usirhers .t、w ll as ihvir rnctlHls .m. rcf

22、lvc tin. .imil itnprovihK n)y n-arhniK:.向:英由反独钱(共卜四佻,1?2010学年第一学期期未考试样卷高三英语 ,仙F由加/中,i申/语;偈林.城八例出的电户搏,Hr P*V5、m3.用X1佳轶由处ynn卜血r一原的n余的司川tWJ孙仲 外长;GM/词卜M *4情色改):卜!tr;i的词.汁0 J.杭处讳说及从快也的WR!-力2. I!理处,第;】不计分.Wgh a . :. 1( grt v)h,tnvi”?iS tr ”nd wkfti| w:th ymk l.urkily tlieI - rEijhMy 伍p ihsi. “,Ill InTH ar

23、nvr m iVritnl m ntifGA-胡 u. r期如体MG4你的朋友张华叫州缗赋福7月南微rHI :你仰生询格 他; -H r nwil.ftpff) r null 口也从 FHt rry in ln.tr th.il.ifA I R:! 112010学年第一学期期末考试样卷高三英语参考答案及评分标准第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)国第一节:单项填空(每小题0.5分,满分10分)1-5 DDBBB 6-10 CAD B D 11-15 ADACB 16-20 CCDBA第四部分:写作(共2节,满分40分)第一节:短文改错(每小题:分,满分分)At thu age of 5

24、: I was fa鼠inatmw by the beautiful sound cf pianos. V.3thout hesitation: 您颇蒸皿;0 Mbough:fcrme with all he had. Even- day I would practice it over and over again as demanded. Beforelong, I had turned my interest in die piano tc some o:her things, but I began tc avoid practicing as muchso andas I could

25、. Ins:ead sccldm me. father encoivased and helped me throush the hardest time.here sincere express my :hanks :o my 七:her. Without her, i couldn: have achieved so much. Cn:hejourneyhimsircerelvoli*e, our parer: have given us hope Wba: :bey have core enriches our mire and broaden ourparer:sbroacers它.N

26、o one deserves bi :hanks than our parentfe!er第二节:完形填空(每小题1分,满分20分)21-25 BBDCD 26-30 ABADB 31-35 ABCAD 36-40 CABCA第二部分:阅读理解(每小题2分,满分50分)A) ABDD B) ACAA C) ACC D) ACBBD E) CABB 6165 ACDFE第一节:书面表达(满分10分)One possible versionDear Zhang Hua,Im sorry to hear that you didnt do well in your last exam. You ar

27、e not the only one who seems to try his best but end up with a failure in exams. Quite a number of students feel the same way as you and they tend to lose their confidence and dont want to study hard any longer. Im sure you know that its unwise to do so because you might be left far behind.I was onc

28、e in the same situation as you. Failure is the mother of success. In face of failure, what we need to do is to calm down, reflect our learning methods and make some possible changes or to ask the teachers for advice. Anyway, Rome is not built in a day. Only by working hard persistently (keeping on w

29、orking hard)can we make progress step by step till success.Remember, success is not final; failure is never fatal. Itzs what you do that counts.I truly hope I can be of some help to you.Yours,一、评分标准1 .本题总分为30分,按五个档次给分。2 .评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来 衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。3 .词数少于80和多于120的,从总分中减去2分。4

30、 .评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、上下文 的连贯性及语言的得体性。5 .拼写标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程序予以 考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。6 .如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。二、内容要点1 .因考试不利,情绪低落,学习消极应付;2 .消极行为可能带来的不良后果;3 .你的建议。三、各档次的给分范围和要求第五档:(2530分)能写明全部要点;语言基本无误;行文连贯,表达清楚。第四档:(1924分)能写明全部或绝大部分要点;语言有少量错误;行文不够连贯,表达 基本清楚。第三档:(1318分)能写明基

31、本要点;语言虽有较多错误,尚能达意。第二档:(712分)能写出部分要点;语言错误多,影响意思表达。第一档:(I6分)只能写出一两个要点;语言错误很多,只有个别句子可懂。四、说明1、内容要点可用不同方式表达。2、对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。Il:” ki r| .1(4.1I). lorn up. uh lirnr hi. w-1lion lushlyB. IkiwX. tf ( (dll tnby i (fhck. ( will nm lv ot!iinu at all.A. turn mlB. Iiitii !ownC. turn inMu. h ill)- f ilir v-nitm n

32、i * .UI ihrnf ilw (IihmIoI h;,r lu rnflown out lv Ixhcopti r.A. n-laXHtioriIk*, MirprisrI).! . While pfoplf pr* ( r tvl, vishmi h,r up lo ih w . tl - uttlik* iy tli.it i.kiu the m wspaprr roinph-h ly.A. r1”同“、IS. |!:,- r. will r-p!;uprd ur r Lmhliti !?X1 y i * hill ilM-v so f:r.A.Imm-ii clisctistu!B

33、. would In Jihvnss* Ih-hik12. rjiihy.A. iti n livfB. in turnin alv;it)*t*Ik in rrtnni13. A real scicniisi is (!) ihat iim. diy、hcw、Ju、.k-vnitnn uicurwrdu-、i/ of hi、IhifikA, rnilicr llinn Ik ,i ii lwour h how i ihbo(h at hoin- ;n! hi *. 1 i.A.H. |fr(nnf. bvhavrI). wrkIExchm m ! I 4 like i book :i for

34、 four for tin- dinner lonighi. Sorry sir. Imi ibvrr is ihmm- imitglit. Yu may try rrcauruiH,A, thr olhrr 15. anillit*rC. vithvrI). odwrI:. A、is (!in nf oiix (ntl)ji|lrr. an? pinyinfur money inslt.itl r)fthe spinr of、por。.A. iippropriaivly B. rxtr invlynuTflyI). abruptlyI A In Hi | di h dr i-. limb r

35、 a.;v n Chim-xv ih J:.,、l“山I 八,l;:ah、h “r”.、Iikt- -BA*(.SM/X, whichB. ilintC. whvih-rh. wluilIH, pp(iMt* o, 12 Mikllr S hnl.A. thrrr standing 1 hi briyirigB. flex thr It iyitiK 1%卬kI“.llu bfiying P.tgnl:iI).ihv Icivmg l*;igail;iA 是由K8丘, it,叫儿)19. Wi lihln 1 kiKHv you wvrv m tired I trip. oil rwisi.

36、wiyou n Ii.hmI.A. finiM l ndB. would li:r b inC,lmv U m IK woul| lcnlKm K.ii Xm Xin. t h- ti.iiiii - 4 I Ingiahim ni i|*ini*s iti Iniirx- w!Ii th” two n.inw*. romhiru 1B iiiiIhih. io br vikiiIhikmI第 最比坨节(J. 2小的,M小割I分,满分2.分汝卜冏4义中北大小从21 10各座所给的四上选瑚( 川口)中逃出 在H选项,井在许麴绒I转玲迷珀M,;涂T()n- tl.iv. a young rnati

37、 was thsrming l.iitins when hr c.nnr .”I、” hriKht n d rtivx-lopr. W rilt n n tin 2 wtr I Im- woril*. * I ruv g;u|sn!i. 22 it was his Kr.imlfathc-r s haiHlwriiinu. i!n br)y opcnv ar Rcniny. ago you ranic io rjiv for Im Ip. You *r;inl|a. 22 i、ii i h.ii you * v nun !i :t your lih Sih ( 124 but I , fn .4f-.niy Ih !、:ruHH】uw. I )_ 1th; n tu : i.ii yuvr g.u1 li wli il I Ik-


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