1、Syllabus of Management Information SystemCourse Name: Management Information System Course Code: NO85OOO8Credits: 3Total Credit Hours: 48Lecture Hours: 32Experiment Hours:Programming Hours: 16Practice Hours:Total Number of Experimental (Programming) Projects 5Where, Compulsory ( 5 ), Optional ().Sch
2、ool : BusinessTarget Major: Business AdministrationI、Course Nature & AimsManagement information system is the core course of mpeAbstractCourseTypeSupportingCourseObjectives1Familiar with businessprocess modeling tools3comprehensiveLeant to use office Visio software to draw flow chart according to th
3、e description of enterprise business process.Compulsory32familiar with basicdatabase3comprehensiveIwam to use Microsoft Accessdatabases.Compulsory63big data analysis -descriptionandrelevance3comprehensiveLeam to use SPSS software for simple descripiive and correlation analysis of big data.Compulsory
4、64big data analysisregression analysis3comprehensiveLearn io use SPSS software for simple regression analysis of big data.Compulsory65big data analysis - clustering and classification analysis4comprehensiveLearn to use SPSS software for simple clustering and classification analysis of big data.Compu
5、lsory6Note: Fill in comprehensive, designing, verification and demonstration in the experiment type, which refers to comprehensive experiment designing experiment, verification experiment and demonstration experiment, respectively.Comprehensive experiment refers to the experiment involving the compr
6、ehensive knowledge of the course or related knowledge of the course.Designing experiment refers to the experiment in which the students design the experiment scheme and complete it by themselves based on the given experimental objectives and experimental conditions.Verification experiment refers to
7、an experiment conducted to verify whether the knowledge or hypothesis is correct after a certain understanding of the research object is achieved or a certain hypothesis is put forward.Demonstration experiincnt refers to ihc experiment perfomicd by the teacher in line wilh ihc teaching content.VI、Te
8、aching MethodThis course is mainly laughi by teachers in class, supplemented by self-study and homework based on course video materials. The teaching process should be able to flexibly use blackboard writing and multimedia teaching, strengthen the interaction between teachers and students, and pay a
9、ttention to heuristic leaching. In view of the important knowledge points, this paper uses the ideas of raising questions, analyzing problems and solving problems to teach, and subtly cultivates the corresponding ability of students; emphasizes the importance of practical experience and studies in p
10、ractice.VII Course Assessment and Achievement EvaluationAssessment Methods: ExaminationExamination Formats: Closed-bookGrading Methods: Hundred-mark SystemCourse Assessment Content, Assessment Format and Supporting Course ObjectivesCourseObjectives (Indices)AssessmentContentAssessment Formats and Pr
11、oportion (%)GradingClassroomQuestioningAssignmentEvaluationRoutine TestExperimentReportTermReportTermPaperMidtermExamFinalExamProportion(%)Objective 1(Index6.1)Concept differences of data, infomuition, knowledge and wisdom; analysis and application of IPO Model; functions and differences of common m
12、anagement information systems111012Objective 2(Index11.2)ITinfrastnicture composition, software and hardware development trend, software and hardware application service development irend111012Objective 3(Index3.2)IT based organizational change; IT based businessprocess optimization12251020Objective
13、 4(Index3.2)PEST and 5 forces competition model; the influence of IT on competitive advantage; the relationship between information system and modem organization1251018Objective 5(Index3.2)Functions and characteristics of smarted connect products; 9 element model of business model; IT enabled produc
14、t1251018/ sen-ice innovation scheme design; IT enabled business model innovation scheme designObjective 6(Index3.2)Basic concepts and principles of database; concept and characteristics of big data; analysis methods of big data281020Total510101560100(Note: The assessment format is not limited to tho
15、se listed in the form, but is filled in according to theactual situation of Ihc course.)皿、Course ResourcesTextbooks:Kenneth C. Lawton. jane p. Lawton. Management information system (original book 15) M. Beijing: China Machine Press. 2019Bibliography:1. Zuo Mciyun, Course of information system develo
16、pment and management (Third Edition) M. Beijing: Published by Tsinghua UniversityClub, 2014.2. Guo Dongqiang, Fu dongmian. Modem management information system (3rd Edition) MJ. Beijing: Tsinghua UniversityPublishing house, 2013Huang Tiyun, Li Yijun. Management information system (Sixth Edition) M. B
17、eijing: Higher Education Press,2016.Reading Materials:1. No.IX、NotesPrerequisites: Advanced mathematics, principles of management, computer foundation of college students.Python ProgrammingFollow-up Courses: Business data analysis. E-commcrccContents and Requirements of Students Self-study: IT found
18、ationBilingual Teaching or Not: NotRcquircmcnis and Proportion of Bilingual Teaching:Discipline and Considerations of Practice Session: no practice sessionNotes:overcome the obstacles encountered, and help students to establish scientific thinking methods and the spirit of bravely facing challenges
19、in their work. From the perspective of the role of management information system discipline in the innovation driven development of our countiy. with the research work of outstanding contributors as the carrier, the education of socialist core values is integrated into the teaching content and all l
20、inks of ihc whole teaching process. This course will give prominence to the guidance of values, the teaching of knowledge and the cultivation of ability, help students to correctly understand the laws of history, grasp the basic national conditions, grasp scientific world outlook and methodology, an
21、d promote the establishment of correct world outlook and values.Z.Course ObjectivesThrough the study of this course, students qualities, skills, knowledge and abilities obtained are as follows: Objective I. Master the basic concepts and principles of information technology and information system fro
22、m the perspectives of technology and innovation, enterprise management and enteiprise value, and be familiar with all kinds of common enterprise management information systems.(Corresponding to Chapter 1-4. supporting for graduation requirements index 6.1)Objective 2. Master the IT infrastructure an
23、d its composition, software and hardware development trends, and have the ability to identify the best in technology based on tracking the latest technology development.(Corresponding to Chapter 2, supporting for graduation requirements index 11.2)Objective 3. Master the relevant concepts, processes
24、, tools and principles of business process management, and have the ability to use the potential of IT to propose innovative solutions for business process optimization.(Corresponding to Chapter 3, 6 , supporting for graduation requirements index 3.2)Objective 4. Have the ability (o design a set of
25、solutions for enterprises to achieve competitive advantage based on the analysis of the internal and external environment of enterprises and the potential of IT.(Corresponding to Chapter 4, 6, supporting for graduation requirements index 3.2)Objective 5. Have the ability (o leverage the polcnlial of
26、 IT to propose innovative solutions lor enterprise to improve products / services and business models.(Corresponding to Chapter 5. 6. supporting for graduation requirements index 3.2)Objective 6. Master the concept and principle of database and big data, and have the ability to conduct thepreliminar
27、y analysis of business data and find information and knowledge with business value.(Corresponding to Chapter 7. supporting for graduationrequirements index 3.2)3. Supporting for Graduation RequirementsThe graduation requirements supported by course objectives are mainly reflected in the graduation r
28、equirements indices 3.2,6.1, 11.2. as follows:Supporting for Graduation RequirementsCourseObjectivesGraduationRequirementsIndices and Contents Supporting for GraduationRequirementsTeachingTopicsLevel ofSupportIndicesContentsObjeciive 16. LifelongLearning AbilityIndex6.1:Be able to master effective l
29、earning methods and have the awareness of lifelong learning.Chapter 1、2、3、4MObjective 212. LifelongLearning AbilityIndex12.2:Demonstrate self-learning andsclf-molivaUon ability in related disciplines.Chapicr 2MObjective 3,4,5,63. CriticalThinkingIndex3.2:Be able to use the knowledge learned to make
30、logical analysis and judgment of problems and opinions in iheory and practice.Chapter 3、4、5、6、7HUI、Basic Course ContentChapter 1 Understanding the information system in the information ugc (supporting course objectives 1)opportunities and challenges in the context of the information age1.1 impact of
31、 information technology / information systemthe concept of information system from the perspective of innovation1.2 concepts of data, information and knowledgeconcept of information system from the perspective of technologyTeaching Requirements: Through case teaching, this course introduces the oppo
32、rtunities and challenges faced by enterprises in the Internet era, highlights the important role of information technology and information system, and lets students understand the characteristics of the course, teaching purpose and specific requirements ibr students and master the thinking of IT-ena
33、bled innovation. This course also introduces the basic concepts of management information system through cases study, and requires students to be familiar with the differences and connections between different management objects (data, information, knowledge and wisdom) of information system. On thi
34、s basis, students have the ability to distinguish different types of information system and management information system. This course introduces the basic structure of the management information system from the perspective of technology through a case study. Students are required (o master the basi
35、c structure model of the inpul-processing-oulpul-fccdback for an information system, and have the ability to use the model to analyze any specific information system and identify the specific contents of the input-processing-output modules of different information systems.Key Points: IT-enabled inno
36、vative thinking; differences in data, information, knowledge and intelligence concepts; I-P-O model.Difficult Points: As an interdisciplinary subject, management information system requires students to have the knowledge base of both IT and management, but this is what undergraduate students lack, w
37、hich challenges students to understand the teaching purpose of the course and cultivate the IT- enabled innovative thinking.Chapter 2 IT (software and hardware) foundation and development trend (supporting course objectives 1.2)IT infrastructure and its main components2.1 basic knowledge and develop
38、ment trends of computer hardwarebasic knowledge and development trends of computer software2.2 application service trends of hardware and softwareTeaching Requirements: Through theoretical and case study, students are required to master IT infrastructure and its main components, understand the posit
39、ion of IT infrastructure in enterprise management and relcvani stakeholders; through theoretical study, students should be familiar with the basic knowledge of computer hardware and computer software; through case study, students should master the latest application and development trends of compute
40、r hardware and software, understand the polential of these lechnologies, and have the ability to identify1 the potential of new technologies, solve various management problems and grasp business opportunities with these potential.Key Points: Development trends of hardware and softwareDifficult Points: Cultivate the ability of students to identify technical potential and solve management problems by using lechnology.Chapter 3 Information system from the perspective of enterp