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1、旅游学原理与方法双语教学大纲一、教学目的与要求旅游学原理与方法是门研究旅游学科基本原理、基本知识以及研究方法的课程, 是旅游管理、酒店管理专业的学科基础课和核心专业课程,是其他专业的限选课或选修课。 本教学大纲适用于48学时的旅游学原理与方法双语教学。通过本课程的理论教学,旨在使学生正确认识和了解课程性质、任务及研究对象,全 面了解课程的体系与结构;获得关于旅游现象的基本知识,包括其自身的形态、结构、特 征和性质等,理解其与社会其他有关方面的关系,并能对此做出解释;掌握基本概念、基 本原理和基本方法的基础上,具备一定的理论及研究能力,能通过旅游活动的微观现象, 揭示其中的微观和宏观发展规律;深

2、刻领会和掌握“旅游是市场经济发展的产物”和“旅 游是综合性的社会现象”两个基本原理,并转换学生在旅游基础理论学习中的产同思维方 式,即旅游现象的研究必须闱绕旅游者的需要为中心展开,必须把它放在全社会乃至全世 界的背景下来思考;巩固学生在双语环境下运用旅游学的相关理论和知识,学会利用英语 这一语言工具拓展自己的旅游专业知识以及在专业领域内与人交流、沟通的特定能力,不 断提高学生分析、解决问题的能力及创新的能力。旅游学原理与方法的理论性较强,这就要求本课程教学应注重理论与实践的结合, 把学科理论融入到旅游活动和现象的认识和研究之中,切实提高学生理论联系实际的能 力;关注国内外旅游管理和酒店管理的最

3、新理论与实践,使学生及时了解旅游及酒店业的 前沿动态。二、教学中应注意的问题1、注意学生综合素质的培养。旅游活动是当今社会中的一项社会、经济、文化复合 型的活动,不仅具有很强的经济辐射功能,还对社会、文化、环境等具有很大的正负影响, 因此可以说旅游活动与现象的正确认识和科学管理对于社会、经济、环境、文化等的影响 是巨大的。今日的学生,就是未来的社会栋梁。为了人类长远的利益,为了社会的可持续 发展,教学中应不断强化“旅游是综合性的社会现象”这一基本原理,引导学生树立注重 社会效益和环境效益的观念。在培养学生专业技能的同时,注意学生综合素质的培养。2、确保基本原理的传授。世界旅游业与酒店业发展迅速

4、,教学新案例的数量不断增 多,教学中课时分配弹性较大,但作为专业基础课程,在满足案例教学的情况下,教学中 应重视和确保基本知识、基本原理的传授,以为学生后期专业方向课的学习打下良好的基 础。3、丰富案例教学。针对本课程理论性强、学生理解困难的特点,教学中应灵活运用 国内外旅游活动中和酒店管理中的典型案例,借此开阔视野,丰富知识,同时锻炼学生分 析问题和解决问题的能力。3. How to understand the different tourism buying decision models?【讨论题】How internet changing tourism consumer behav

5、iour? In you opinion, what kind of person usually search for information and book travel through internet? How the internet changing the way of search for information and book travel? Which are important variables/factors of online travel purchase? Do you know the main travel products purchased onli

6、ne? Can you talk about the benefits and disadvantage of the online purchase for travel?【案例分析】1. Major case study 2. 1 (P67-70).Chapter four: Measuring Demand for Tourism【学习要求】1. An understanding of the reasons why we measure tourism demand;2. A knowledge of the main methods used to measure tourism d

7、emand;3. An appreciation of researching tourism market;【教学任务】Section 1 Why measure international tourismwhat is measured1. Volume statisticsValue (expenditure) statistics2. Visitor profile statisticsmeasured methods1. Sample surveysHousehold survey (p78) En-route survey (p82)Destination survey (p82)

8、 Surveys of suppliers (p82)Tourism Statistics Some words of cautionInterpreting tourism statisticsSection 2 Researching Tourism MarketsThe value of research1. The research processResearch design2. Designing questionnaires【重点】1 .测量旅游需求的重要性;2 .旅游需求的测量范围;3 .旅游需求的测量方法;4 .旅游市场调查的相关知识。【难点】1 .旅游卫星账户的涵义及使用;

9、2 .旅游市场调研的步骤。【复习思考题】Why we measure domestic tourism demand?1. How to collect the tourism data?3 .如何理解旅游的季节性?以烟台为例,谈谈可以如何减轻季节性对旅游业的影 响?4 .设计调查问卷时应注意哪些问题?调查问卷中有哪些设计问题的方法?【讨论题】1.针对大学生的消费特点,以小组为单位讨论并设计大学生旅游消费需求的调查问 卷。【案例分析】1. Major case study 3. 1 (P93-95).Chapter five: Tourism Demand Determinants and F

10、orecasting【学习要求】1. Familiarity with the determinants of demand which , at an individual level, are likely to affect propensity to travel.2. An understanding of social, technological, economic and political influences on tourism demand.3. An awareness of the reasons for forecasting demand for tourism

11、.4. An understanding of the major approaches to forecasting demand for tourism. 【教学任务】Determinants of demand for tourism1. Determinants at the individual scaleMacro determinants of tourism demandSection 1 STEP AnalysisForecasting tourism demand1. Why we forecastForecasting methods【重点】1 .旅游需求的微观影响因素;

12、2 .旅游需求的宏观影响因素;3 .预测旅游需求的原因;4 .旅游需求的预测方法;【难点】1 .生活方式和生命周期如何影响旅游需求;2 .如何运用STEP方法来分析旅游需求的宏观影响因素;3 .旅游需求预测的定量方法。【复习思考题】1. Do you have the experience to travel? Before your travelling, which factors influence you making decision for that trip?2. How to analyze the macro-scope factors which influence tou

13、rism demand?3. Which factors determine the tourism forecasting methods?4. How to understand lifestyle factors?【讨论题】1.讨论家庭生命周期不同阶段对旅游需求的影响。【案例分析】1. Major case study 4.1 (Pl19-122).Chapter six: The Impacts of Tourism【学习要求】1 .使学生了解旅游的经济影响。2 .使学生了解旅游的环境影响。3 .使学生了解旅游的社会、文化影响。【教学任务】The economic impact of

14、tourism1. Positive economic impactsIncreasing foreign exchange earnings Increasing incomeIncreasing employment Indirect and induced effectsNegative economic impacts LeakagesDisplacement and opportunity costs2. Methods of measuring economic impactTourism multiplier Types of multiplierMethodological a

15、pproaches Weaknesses and limitations of multiplier modelsThe environmental impact1. Positive impactsNegative impacts2. Environment impact assessment processThe socio-cultural impact1. What is socio-cultural impactPositive impacts2. Negative impactsSome other specific impacts【重点】1 .旅游活动及旅游业的经济影响;2 .旅

16、游活动及旅游业的环境影响;3 .旅游活动及旅游业的社会、文化影响:4 .旅游活动及旅游业的其他;【难点】1 .用乘数理论分析旅游的经济影响;2 .旅游环境影响评估。【复习思考题】Why we think tourism as a social phenomenon?1. How to understand host-guest interaction in a tourism destination?2. Which factors influence the attitude of people towards tourism?3. How the tourists contact with

17、 the hosts?【讨论题】1. What is the relationship between tourism satellite accounts and tourismeconomic impacts models?【案例分析】1. Case study (Pl67-168): Greeny s checklist of the environmental impacts caused by tourism.Chapter seven: Destination and Sustainable tourism【学习要求】1. A general understanding of de

18、stination2. An understanding of the concept of sustainability3. A recognition of the different ways that tourism can pursue sustainability4. An understanding of the concept of carrying capacity【教学任务】BackgroundSection 1 DestinationAttractions1. AccessAmenities2. Ancillary servicesCommon feature of to

19、urist destinationsSection 2 Sustainable tourism developmentDefinition1. Sustainable tourism developmentCarrying capacity【重点】1 .旅游可持续发展的大背景;2 .旅游目的地的特征:3 .旅游目的地的构成要素。4 .旅游可持续发展的涵义【难点】1 .旅游可持续发展的影响因素;2 .旅游承载力的内涵及影响因素。【复习思考题】1. In what ways should the behavior of the stakeholders in tourism be modified

20、 to move the industry towards a more sustainable future?2. Identify five key trends impacting future visitation patterns to urban and coastal destinations.3. What is the difference between a destination management organization and a destination management partership?【讨论题】1. Discuss *Carrying capacit

21、y is a dynamic concept. , ?【案例分析】1. Major case study 8.1 (P241-243).Chapter eight: Tourism and Development Planning【学习要求】1. Understand how tourism fits into the general theories of economic development;2. Understand the importance of integrated tourism planning and development, development planning

22、layers and the role of the community in this respect;3. Are able to identify characteristics of the tourism product that have implicat ions for tourism planning and development;4. Can out! ine the major steps involved in the tourism planning and development process.【教学任务】the tourism development plan

23、ning process1. Study preparation.2. Determination of objectivesSurvey3. AnalysisPolicy and plan formulation4. RecommendationsImplementation5. Monitoring and reformationPhases of the development plan1. Identification and inventory of the existing situationForecasts for the future.2. Plan formulation.

24、3. Specific project development.4. Implementation.Section 1 Tourism development plan failureFailure at the design stage1. Failure at the implementation stage【重点】1 .旅游发展规划的阶段;2 .旅游发展规划的失败。【难点】1 .旅游发展规划的步骤;【复习思考题】1. Why tourism should be selected as a development option?2. What characteristics make to

25、urism an attractive industry for economic development?3. What factors make tourism planning complex and how can they be catered for within the planning process?【讨论题】1. It is better to plan tourism development and fail than it is to allow tourism to develop in an unplanned manner. , Discuss this stat

26、ement, incorporating the various forms of plan failure that can occur.【案例分析】L请根据山东半岛蓝色经济区旅游业发展专项规划、昆布山旅游发展规划、莱山 省级旅游度假区发展规划三个规划文本分析旅游规划中可持续发展的体现。Chapter nine: The Tourism Sector【学习要求】1. Understand the general features of tourism industry.2. Understand the function of government organizations.3. Unde

27、rstand accommodation of tourism industry.4. Understand transportation of tourism industry.5. Understand intermediaries of tourism industry6. Understand attractions of tourism industry.【教学任务】The characteristics and trends of the tourism industrySection 1 Government organizationsReasons for government

28、 involvement1. Structure of a national tourism organizationTHE IMPACT OF THE PUBLIC SECTORSection 2 AccommodationTransportationSection 3 IntermediariesAttractions【重点】1 .旅游业的基本特征:2 .膳宿业的现状、分类、发展趋势等;3 .交通与旅游的关系。4 .旅游中介的作用。【难点】1 .政府及公共部分与旅游业的关系;2 .旅游吸引物的分类及管理。 【复习思考题】How to classify accommodation?1. Wh

29、at is the distinctive nature of accommodation?2. Does transportation is one of the components of tourism product?3. What is the function of transportation?4. What is the relationship between transportation and tourism?5. How to manage attractions?Chapter ten: Marketing for tourism【学习要求】1. Understand

30、 the historical roots of Marketing.2. Understand the characteristics of service product.3. Understand marketing management for service product.4. Understand marketing planning for service product.5. Understand marketing mix for service product. 【教学任务】Section 1 The historical roots of marketing1. Def

31、initions of marketingThe evolution of marketing2. Ushered factors Section 2 Marketing managementThe service product1. Planning the service incounterQuality management Main reasons Service quality determinants The Gronroos model The Parasuraman-Zeithaml-Berry model The business-to-customer interfaceM

32、arketing planning1. Purpose of the marketing planStructure of the marketing planSection 3 Marketing mix4Ps1. 7Ps【重点】1 .服务产品的特点;2 .服务产品营销管理的内容;3 .服务产品营销计划的步骤;4 .服务产品营销组合与有形产品营销组合的不同之处;【难点】1 .服务产品质量管理模型;2 .旅游产品营销组合。【复习思考题】What is marketing in your minds?1. What are the key terms for quality?2. What is

33、 a poor marketing plan?【讨论题】Are the 4Ps sufficient for service products?四、课时分配教学课时分配表章节名称课时分配课堂授课讨论课外备注绪论21第一章旅游业简述3第二章旅游需求管理31第三章旅游消费者行为31第四章旅游需求测量3第五章旅游需求预测21第六章旅游影响41第七章目的地和可持续发展31第八章旅游规划31第九章旅游要素31第十章旅游市场营销3合计328总授课课时40五、参考资料1 . G Cooper C. et al. Tourism: Principles and Practice. Pitman, 1998.2

34、 . Robert Christie Mill, Alastair M. Morrison. The Tourism System. Kendal 1/Hunt Publishing Company, 2002.3 .谢彦君.基础旅游学.中国旅游出版社,2004.4 .刘纯.旅游者行为与旅游业组织行为.高等教育出版社,2007.5 .张广瑞.旅游规划的理论与实践.社会科学文献出版社,2004.6 .艾伦.法伊奥等.旅游吸引物管理:新的方向.郭英之主译.东北财经大学出版社,2005.7 .郭英之等.中国旅游市场需求与开发.广东旅游出版社,2001.8 .复旦大学旅游学系.旅游学:新理论、新场域.

35、复旦大学出版,2011.9 .马勇、周娟.旅游管理学理论与方法.高等教育出版,2006.10 .吴必虎.区域旅游规划原理.北京:中国旅游出版社,2001.11 .李天元.旅游学.高等教育出版社,2002.12 .保继刚、楚义芳.旅游地理学.高教出版社,1999.4、强化参与式教学。针对本课程理论性较强的特点,且前期已经开设了旅游学概 论课程,结合课堂讲授内容,选择课程体系中旅游业这一篇内容,让学生根据旅游学 概论中已经学习的内容,查阅旅游六要素的相关理论、知识等,以小组为单位,整理成 果,准备PPT,并展示成果,既锻炼学生运用知识的能力,有发挥学生的积极性和创造性。5、灵活运用教学方法。学生是

36、否愿意接受知识,在很大程度上取决于教师的教学方 法。在教学过程中,应充分重:视学生在教学中的主体地位,发挥教师在教学过程中的“引 导”作用,注意知识性、信息性与趣味性相结合,通过知识导入、课堂讨论、案例分析、 课堂展示,甚至游戏等多种教学方式引导、启发学生思考、理解、接受知识。6、改革考核方法。课程考核直接引导学生的学习方向,”期末一次考试”的教学方 法不能引导学生重视分析问题、解决问题和探索真理的教学过程,应对学生成绩进行全面、 综合考评。具体考核办法为:学生总成绩;课堂表现+小组作业+小组自主评定+教师评定+ 小组展示与演讲+定期测验+期末测验。7、合理安排与其它课程之间的衔接。旅游学原理

37、与方法是以前期的管理学、 微观经济学、宏观经济学、旅游学概论等课程的学习为基础的,又为后期旅 游经济学、旅游市场营销、旅游资源开发与规划、生态旅游等做好铺垫, 因此在教学中应注意与上述课程之间的衔接,既避免已学知识的重复,又保证新知识对后 期学习的指导作用能发挥。三、大纲内容Preface【学习要求】.使学生了解本门课的性质、教学目的与要求、教学方法与成绩考核1 .本门课的教学内容【教学任务】the courseA new course1. A fundamental professional courseA bilingual curriculumthe contents and frame

38、Preface1. Part 1 an introduction to tourismAttempt to recognize the variety and scope of tourism and realize the elements of tourism. Outlines a tourism system and provides a framework of knowledge. Offers some ideas for approaching definitions2. Part 2 demand for tourismConcepts and Definition Moti

39、vation and Tourists BehaviorDeterminants of Tourism Demand Measuring the Demand for Tourism3. Part 3 the Tourist DestinationPatterns and characteristics of the supply of tourism The impacts of tourismSustainable tourism Tourism development planning4. Part 4 the Tourist sectorAttractions Accommodatio

40、nIntermediaries TransportationPublic sector and policy destinations5. Part 5 marketing for tourismThe historical roots of Marketing MarketingmanagementMarketingplanning Marketingmix the goals1. Study the professional vocabularies, knowledge and theories.2. Use the knowledge and theories to solve the

41、 problems.3. Foundation of the future study4. Improve the English level.Teaching ways1. Explanation2. Team discussion3. Case study4. Practice the examination1. Performance (20%)2. Teamwork and Homework (20%)3. Final test (60%) The referencesBooks Cooper C. et al. Tourism: Principles and Practice. Pi

42、tman, 1998. Robert Chri stie Mill, Alastair M. Morri son. The Touri sm System. Kendal1/Hunt Publishing Company, 2002. 谢彦君.基础旅游学.中国旅游出版社,2004.1. Journals (英文) Annals of Tourism Research 旅游研究年刊(美国) Tourism Management旅游管理(新西兰) Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research Tourism Geographies (美国) Internatio

43、nal Journal of Tourism ResearchTourism Culture & Communication Tourism & Hospitality ResearchJournal of Sustainable TourismJournal of Travel & Tourism MarketingJournal of Travel ResearchJournals (中文) 旅游学刊(北京) 旅游科学(上海) 北京第二外国语学院学报 旅游论坛(桂林高等旅游专科学校学报) 社会科学家(桂林) 经济地理、人文地理、地域研究与开发等 饭店世界 中国酒店 中国旅游 中国国家地理

44、中国旅游报、旅游调研 旅游管理(人大报刊复印资料)Related website (find articles) (hotel chain links) (tourism research links) (smith travel research) (TTI country research) (travel & tourism research association (hotel & motel management) (hotels) (lodging magazine) (美国旅行协会) (世界旅游组织) (世界旅游理事会) (中国国家旅游局)5.微信公众号 中国旅游研究院 中国旅游

45、报 旅游圈 烟台市旅游局【重点】1 .旅游学原理与方法的课程方法2 .旅游学原理与方法的教学目标【难点】1 .旅游学原理与方法的课程性质2 .旅游学原理与方法的课程内容和结构体系【复习思考题】1 . Why wc study this course?2 . What we can get from this course?3 . How importcint is the tourism industry?4 .你喜欢哪一种旅游资源?5 .你知道旅游业包括哪些吗?6 .旅游市场指什么?7 .你知道旅游会带来哪些影响吗?Chapter one: An introduction of the m,

46、 c, &e industry【学习要求】1. Attempt to recognize the variety and scope of tourism and realize the elements of tourism.2. Outlines a tourism system and provides a framework of knowledge.3. Offers some ideas for approaching definitions.4. Examines the options in terms of classifying tourists.【教学任务】TOURISM MYTHS AND PROBLEMS1. Important industry in terms of export earnings.2. Tourism contributes to world peace and has the benefits of mixing people and culture, the economic advantages.3. Tourism is a clean industry.Section 1 Tourism is surrounded by a number of myths which should be brokenSection 2


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