1、基础写作二教学大纲课程中文名称:基础写作(二)课程英文名称:Elementary English Writing 2课程编号:P1030 学分:2学时:32 先修课程:基础写作(一)、基础英语、英语阅读、英语语法 适用专业:英语语言文学 课程类别:专业基础、学位课程/必修 使用教材:黑玉琴.(2009, 2011).中级英语写作、高级英语写作.西安:西安交通大学出版社.开课单位:外国语学院一、 课程性质:基础英语写作课是为英语专业本科低年级学生开设的专业基础课、学位课、 必修课,是学生在进行过基础写作(一)、英语语法、基础英语、英语阅读等课 程的学习后进入英语能力培养的又一个重要环节。本课程将
2、以过程-体裁英语写 作教学法原则为指导思想,系统地传授英语写作语言知识和英语写作文化传统规 范;组织学生开展广泛的写作训练,完善学生的写作学习过程;使学生逐步提高 英语写作水平和各项语言运用能力,使学生学会自主学习、合作学习,并在写作 学习过程中提高阅读等其它语言技能。二、教学目标:本课程支撑英语专业人才培养方案中的培养目标:培养具有较强的学习研究 能力、创新精神和实践能力,能够在教育、经贸、文化、外事、旅游、科研等部 门从事教学、翻译、商贸、管理、研究工作的高素质专业化的复合型高级英语人 才。本课程支撑英语专业人才培养方案中的培养要求与特色第5 (教育、商贸、 翻译方向)和第6条(商贸、翻译
3、方向):掌握英语语言等方面的理论知识,掌 握英语听、说、读、写、译的基本技能。具体来说,本课程的教学目标是使学生 掌握议论文写作、图表描述、专四和专八考试写作、雅思写作、调查报告、简历 写作、创意写作等文体的写作,轻松应对专四、专八和雅思的写作考试,并为后 续课程(尤其是英语学术论文写作)和毕业论文写作打下坚实的基础。三、教学内容及要求(应包含各章节1 .教学内容2,重难点3.考核要点4.教学方法5.作业安排)7-Hj教学内容支撑的毕业 要求指标点学时分配讲课实验实践1Argumentative writing三-5,682Writing on graphic information三-5,6
4、103Survey report三-5,664Resume writing三-5,645Creative writing三-5,64第一章:Argumentative Writing (8 学时)1 .教学内容1) Introduction to the course1 学时2) Writing with a focus on TEM4 & TEM8 1 学时3) Read, summarize and comment 2 学时4) Structure, contents of writing2 学时5) Reasoning in the writing 2 学时2 .重、难点(1) Comb
5、ine reading and writing, get ideas for certain topics(2) Summarize accurately and adequately(3) Argue with sufficient, rational and logical evidence(4) Arrange paragraphs with unity and coherence3 .考核要点(1) How to make thesis statement?(2) How to support your position?(3) How to arrange reasons for t
6、he thesis?(4) How to achieve unity and coherence by using tansitional words?4 .教学方法A seminar style blended with teacher presentation, group presentation, student practice and peer review.5 .作业安排(1) Read, summrize and comment on some hot issues.(2) Prepare for Group-work 1-2.(3) Peer review and revis
7、ion.第二章 Writing on graphic information (10 学时)1 .教学内容(1) Line graphs: single line and double line 2 学时(2) Bar graphs 2 学时(3) Pie charts 2 学时(4) Tables 2 学时(5) Flow charts 2 学时2 .重、难点(1) Principles and structure of graphic writing(2) Choosing significant information from the graphs(3) Describing the
8、overall trend(4) Using non-repetitive language in writing3 .考核要点(1) Features of different types of graphs(2) Language indicating trends of increasing, decreasing and no change(3) Language of comparing and contrasting(4) Language of describing a process4 .教学方法A seminar style blended with teacher pres
9、entation, group presentation, student practice and peer review.5 .作业安排(1) Prepare for Group-work 3-6.(2) Write on the above 5 types of graphs.(3) Peer review and revision.第三章Survey report (6学时)1 .教学内容(1) Methodology and design 1 学时(2) Instrumentation of data collection1 学时(3) Analysing data1 学时(4) W
10、riting-up the survey report 1 学时2 .重、 难点(1) Conducting a survey(2) Designing questionnaire, interview questions(3) Doing statistics and data analysis(4) Report the results objectively(5) Use graphs to demonstrate results and describe the graphs3 .考核要点(1) Follow the procedure of survey-conducting str
11、ictly(2) Design questionnaire and interview questions with inner coherence and unity(3) Describe the graphs when reporting results(4) Use neutral language without showing your own position4 .教学方法A seminar style blended with teacher presentation, group presentation, student practice and peer review.5
12、 .作业安排(1) Prepare for Group-work 7-9.(2) Conduct a survey in groups.(3) Write up the survey report.(3) Peer review and revision.第四章 Resume writing (Writing a CV) (4 学时)1 .教学内容(1) Conventions of Resume (Curriculum Vitae) 0.5 学时(2) Structure of a CV 0.5 学时(3) Strategies to write an impressive CV1 学时(4
13、) Case studies 1 小时2 .重、 难点(1) Distinguishing a resume and an application letter(2) Using English to express typical Chinese things in Chinese context(3) Building up your positive personal image(4) Establishing appropriate reader-writer relationship3 .考核要点(1) Writing a resume in Chinese context(2) F
14、ollwing the formal format of resume(3) Using appropriate language(4) Highlighting your valuable characteristics4 .教学方法A seminar style blended with teacher presentation, group presentation, student practice and peer review.5 .作业安排(1) Prepare for Group-work 10-11.(2) Resume writing practice.(3) Peer r
15、eview and revision.第五章 Creative writing (4 学时)1 .教学内容(1) Creative writing with prompts1 学时(2) Fiction writing 1 学时(3) Writing poems 1 学时(4) Slogans for advertising 1 学时2 .重、难点(1) Be able to do different types of creative writing(2) Make your writing creative and impressive(3) Make your writing meani
16、ngful in some sense3 .考核要点(1) Write different types of creative writing(2) Write with suitable and readable language.4 .教学方法A seminar style blended with teacher presentation, group presentation, student practice and peer review.5 .作业安排(1) Prepare for Group-work 12-13.(2) Creative writing practice.(3
17、) Peer review and revision.、学时分配及对毕业要求指标点的支撑章节教学内容支撑的毕业 要求指标点学时分配讲课实验实践1Argumentative writing三-5,682Writing on graphic information三-5,6103Survey report三-5,664Resume writing三-5,645Creative writing三-5,64五、考核方式及成绩评定标准1、课程考核方式:考查。本课程采用形成性评估方式,无期末考试,注重对写作学习过程的考 查。主要采用小组阅读分享展示(30%)、个人写作文件夹(50%)、同辈评改(10%)、
18、 课堂表现(10%)等形式来考查学生是否达到教学大纲规定之要求。You will be assessed by your performance in the following aspects.(1) Group project (30%): Presentation: Sharing assigned topics in the textbooks. 20minutes, including learning points, sample analysis and exercises.(2) Individual writing (50%): Including 5 assigned wr
19、iting tasks, namely, paragraph writing, notewriting, summary writing, critical review and argumentative writing, each containing first draft, peer feedback and final version.(3) Peer feedback giving (10%): Your comments on the above 5 writing tasks written by your partner, according to the Peer Revi
20、ew Sheet for each task.(4) Class participation (10%): This is assessed on the basis of attendance, punctuality, class discussion and all kinds of class performance.2、课程成绩评定标准考核形式分值考核细则1.小组展示30%阅读分享内容准确完整,演示清楚,PPT和演示各50%。2.个人写作 文件夹50%至少5篇不同体裁的写作任务,每篇包括初稿、同辈评改 意见和定稿。3.同辈评改10%对其他同学5篇与作初稿的评改,参考每个任务的评改规 范列表。4.课堂参与10%含上课出勤和课堂参与讨论互动和贡献的情况。六、参考书目:Hyland, K. (2003). Second Language Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress.顾曰国.(2004).高级英语写作.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,.胡文仲.(2003).实用英谱与优北京:外语教学与研究出版社.杨永林.(2011).体缀菊吾写作(第一册、第二册,第二版).北京:高等教育出 版社.