1、 外教面试问题 Questions in interviews with foreign teachers I 基本信息 Basic Information 1 姓名 Name 2 年龄 Age 3 家庭 Family 4 母语 Mother Tongue II 签证 Visa 1 在中国多少年 How long have you been in China?2 预期还要待多久 How long can you stay in China?3 持什么签证 Whats kind of visa do you have?4 与否需要提供工作签证 Should we provide 5 与否喜欢在中
2、国工作 Are you willing to work in China?III 教育和工作背景 Education and Working Background 1 与否教育对口 Whats your studying Program in college?2 与否有教育经验 Do you get teaching 3 此前教过什么课程,教多大孩子,成果怎样 Whats subjects do you teach before?How old are the students?How is the teaching performance?IV 宗教信奉和风俗忌讳 Religion and Custom 1 工作时间 Working Time 2 饮食 Food 3 行为习惯 Behaves V 工作规定 Demands 1 全职还是兼职 Full-time or part-time 2 薪资期许 Salary Expectation 3 能否及时到岗 Can you start working ASAP?VI 其他规定 Other requirements