1、【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】工作文件工作文件1.定义:在会议进行到一定程度后,结合各国现阶段立场,由一国或几国写的文件。工作文件大 多是针对会议上遇到的某一问题的看法和观点的总结罗列,以及解决方法。2.工作文件的意义:它可以明确一下各国从开会到写文件时商讨的结果。工作文件也可以是决议草案的前身,很多决议草案都是把很多工作文件的内容直接粘贴在一起了(因为工作文件中有很多观点和代表们提出的方案的总结,可以直接用)。还有就是可以初步明确一下写这个文件的一个或几个国家的观点的初步总结,方便你来制定“对付”他们的策略。3.形成过程(1)游说和结盟(2)形成观点(对问题的认识及解决措施)(3)起草(4)提
3、候,一定立刻动议讨论这份文件例:【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】Working paperCommittee:GATopic:The security and development of IraqSponsor:KuwaitThe security and development of Iraq is a world focus problemin the world.After debating about this topic,the internationalcommunity and the Iraq itself should do the following aspects:1.In
4、ternational organizations:(1)UN:UN should play the most important role to lead post-warreconstruction of Iraq,including participation in the process thatmakes the new government fully legitimacy and maintains peaceand order in this region(2)WB:world bank should help evaluating the funds needed inreb
5、uilding in Iraq and providing loans(3)ADB:Asian Development bank should support funds and moreloans;(4)UNHCR:UNHCR should resettle the refugees the provideprotections and improve protection and improve the livingconditions(5)The internationalorganizationsshould coordinate with eachother,and do the b
6、est to help Iraq;2.Developed countries:(1)Ecnomic assistance:Development countries can provide funds for Iraq and build amore comprehensive trading system with Iraq.Also,they canmake polices to support the development of Iraq;(2)Security assistance:1.Developed countries should work together to facil
7、ities aprocess leading to an internationallyrecognizedrepresentative government of Iraq;【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】2.They should encourage international efforts to promote legaland judicial reform to rebuild the capacity of the Iraq scivilian police force through using the experience of thedeveloped countries;3.
8、Developing countries:The developing countries should support the UN to takeactions to help rebuilding the Iraq;Building more comprehensive trading system with Iraq andimproving the exports and imports to strength the economy;4.The neighboring countries:(1)The neighboring countries in the middle East
9、 should be standon the same line and keep harmony and do the best tosupport the reconstruction of Iraq;(2)Building trade system with Iraq;(3)Makingmorecommunicationswitheachotherontheeconomic、political and educational problems.5.Iraq itself:(1)Iraq government should own its the oil rights itself and
10、 fullydevelop and use the oil in recent times;(2Enhancy the efficiency of extraction and mining through theuse of the international fundsand technology that will be a goodway to strength the economic growth;(3)Investing more in the petroleum processing industry anddeveloping appropriate policies to support the free oil trade.(4)Improving infrastructure,such as health education and publicfacilities and enhancing the quality of citizens.【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】