1、rapid deverapid developmelopment of the market economy environment of the market economy environme nt to explnt to explore publiore public servants c servants duty consumptiduty consumpti on monetization monetizati on reform hason reform has provided a good foundation.Theprovided a good foundation.T
2、hesocialization of rear servisocialization of rear servi ce workce work has been lahas been launcheunched,and rapid,and rapid progred progress inss in some plsome places aaces andnd departmedepartments,duty consumption monetizants,duty consumption monetiza tion of carrier ation of carrier and and ap
3、prpproach to managemeoach to manageme nt hasnt has beebeen resolven resolved.Third.Third,in red,in recent years,exploricent years,explori ng the monetizating the monetizati on of duty consumption haon of duty consumption ha s made some progress,have gais made some progress,have gai ned some experine
4、d some experi ence and caence and ca n provin provide reference to thede reference to the comprecomprehehensive reform of the system of publinsive reform of the system of publi c servac servants dutynts duty consumptconsumption further.Implion further.Implementing aementing an honest can honest cant
5、een,stanteen,standarndardize official edize official e ntertainintertaining managemeng manageme nt;enhancing tnt;enhancing t he telecommunihe telecommuni cation expecation expense managnse management;elimiement;elimi nationnation of County travel andof County travel and countrysicountryside subside
6、subsidies;research village officialdies;research village official s capitalizatis capitalization maon management of corporate spenagement of corporate spe ndinding,ang,and so on.Finally,grnd so on.Finally,gr oup.oup.18 session to be hel18 session to be hel d id in Beijing fromn Beijing from NovemNov
7、ember 9,ber 9,2013 t2013 to 12to 12th.35 years ago blewh.35 years ago blew the t the thirdhird plenaryplenary session of the session of the reform and openi reform and openi ng up ing up i n then the sprispring breeng breeze,ze,chachanged,affect tnged,affect t he whe world;torld;todaoday,35 yey,35 y
8、ears later,in tars later,in t he eyeshe eyes of theof the nation and the worlnation and the worl d expect,agaid expect,agai n to refn to reform markorm mark ChiChina,ushena,ushered in tred in the 18 session.he 18 session.XI GeXI General Seneral Secretary pointecretary pointe d out that Chinas reform
9、 had out that Chinas reform ha s enteres entered ad a crucial period and thecrucial period and the Sham Shui Po Di Sham Shui Po Di strict,must bestrict,must be basebased on greaterd on greater politipolitical courage acal courage a nd wisdom,lnd wisdom,l oseose no timeno time in in deepenideepening
10、reform in imng reform in im portant fielportant fiel ds.ds.Dares tDares to crao crack a hard nut,ck a hard nut,dares to question thedares to question the Rapids,Rapids,whiwhichch dares tdares to break to break thehe barrier of ibarrier of i deas,deas,and dare tand dare t o benefit co benefit c ure b
11、arriers.ure barriers.DeepeniDeepening reform and opening reform and openi ng up is on scheng up is on sche dule tdule to achieve io achieve i nstitutinstitutionalonal safeguards of the moderately wellsafeguards of the moderately well-off.Under the five in one the General lay-off.Under the five in on
12、e the General layoutout of socialist mof socialist m oderodernization requirementnization requirement s,18s,18 session ofsession of the dethe decisicision won was a five inas a five in oneone and the imand the im provementprovement of overallof overall scheme of reform,wilscheme of reform,wil l prom
13、l promote an integrated aote an integrated a ndndcoorcoordinatedinated economic,d economic,politipolitical,cal,culturalcultural,social a,social a nd end ecolcologicalogical civilizationcivilization construction of theconstruction of the five reforms and the five reforms and the partys constrpartys c
14、onstr uctiuction ion in the aren the area of instita of instit utional reform.utional reform.The five in oneThe five in one programme is to aprogramme is to a chichieve a compreeve a compre hensive reform of instithensive reform of instit utional guarautional guara ntees forntees for objeobjectives
15、ofctives of builbuild ad a well-off societ well-off societ y,they,the smootsmooth prh progressogress of the constructiof the constructi onon of a wellof a well-off society and reform the-off society and reform the objeobjectivesctives of the prof the programme.ogramme.One,holdiOne,holding time and p
16、lang time and pla ce importance on November 9,2013 to thece importance on November 9,2013 to the 18 se 18 sessissionon of the 12tof the 12th Beijingh Beijing since 1978,35,since 1978,35,have been 7 plehave been 7 ple nary senary session,eassion,each timech time on majoron major issueissues of politi
17、cal as of political a ndnd economic life of theeconomic life of the countrycountry has madehas made importa important dent deployment.In aployment.In a ccordaccordancence with with PRC politicalPRC political practipractice,oftece,often at every session of the CPC Cen at every session of the CPC Ce n
18、tral Committee in a plenaryntral Committee in a plenarysessisessionon was held immediatelywas held immediately after the partysafter the partys Congress,on the theme personnel,diCongress,on the theme personnel,di scussiscussing eleng election Centrals top leaction Centrals top lea ders,ders,such as
19、tsuch as the elhe election of the Standing Committee of theection of the Standing Committee of thepolitipolitical Bureacal Bureau,through tu,through t he Centralhe CentralCommittee members,deciCommittee members,deci sions,such as memberssions,such as members of the Ceof the Central Military Commissi
20、on.ntral Military Commission.The second pleThe second plenary senary session,isssion,is held iheld in two sen two sessissionsons before the gebefore the general eleneral election,mainly toction,mainly to discuss a new State personnel idiscuss a new State personnel i ssussues.es.But by tBut by the th
21、irdhe third奖励处罚管理制度(试行)奖励处罚管理制度(试行)一、目的:一、目的:鼓励员工奋发向上,做出更大成绩,防止和纠正员工的违纪失职行为;保障集团公司工作秩序正常运行,保证公司各项经营目标的顺利完成。二、基本原则:二、基本原则:1、奖惩分明:有功必奖,有过必罚,执法公正严明.2、奖惩适当:执行奖罚中,要做到功奖相称,处罚相当。3、注重时效:奖励和惩罚必须及时有效;奖励的目的是通过表彰先进,激励一批人;惩罚的目的是通过严肃纪律,教育一批人.三、范围:三、范围:1、本制度为集团公司内部行政管理制度范围.2、本制度适用集团公司直属职能部门、子公司及所属部门的行政管理。3、本制度适用于公
22、司全体工作人员。四、管理职责:四、管理职责:1、集团公司人力资源部负责本制度的制订、考核和过程统计汇总。2、集团公司人力资源部和办公室责本制度执行过程的监督管理。3、集团公司下属各单位及部门负责本制度的执行与过程管理。五、奖励:五、奖励:1 1、奖励类别、奖励类别:一般性奖励;嘉奖;记小功;记大功;通令嘉奖;授予先进工作者。在给予上述奖励时,可以发给一次性奖金,或加薪、晋升职位等。(1)嘉奖与一般性奖励:员工在本职工作岗位能够认真履行职责,工作业绩比较突出,在本部门内有一定影响。(2)记小功、记大功、通令嘉奖:员工在履行工作职责过程中,工作业绩十分突出,在集团公司范围内有重大影响,按其敬业贡献
23、的影响程度确定嘉奖类别。(3)授予先进工作者:授与先进工作者属于年终综合评比范畴,按年终评比与奖励规定办理.2 2、奖励方式、奖励方式:通令嘉奖,当月奖励10002500元;记大功,当月奖励5001000元或加薪一级;记小功,当月奖励300500元;嘉奖,当月10100元;一般性奖励,当月奖励100300元。3 3、奖励原则:、奖励原则:以精神鼓励和物资奖励相结合,注重平时奖励;每年开展一次先进集体、先进个人评选,年终被评为先进工作者,在本年度的平时工作应被记小功一次以上。4 4、奖励条件:、奖励条件:对于有下列表现之一的员工,应由直接主管部门和子公司总经理酌情上报,人力资源部审核,公司总裁或
24、董事长审批,予以奖励:plenary sessiplenary session,eon,eachach sessionsession of the Ceof the Central Committee of natintral Committee of nati onal ional institutinstitutions and personnel prons and personnel pr oblemoblems have been arras have been arra nged,you canged,you can concentrate on natin concentrate
25、 on nati onalonal development adevelopment a nd reforms.nd reforms.Previous plePrevious plenary senary session is oftession is ofte n branded wn branded with a central leadiith a central leadi ng collectiveng collective,often by l,often by lookiooking at the thirng at the thir d d plenum of the init
26、iative tplenum of the initiative t o found theo found the currecurrent central leant central leadershipdership collecollective goverctive governance characteristinance characteristi cs.cs.From the analysis of theFrom the analysis of the processprocess of economic reform iof economic reform i n Chin
27、China,na,plenaryplenary sessisession,on,12 session,14,12 session,14,16 ple16 plenary senary session havession have programmatic meaniprogrammatic meani ng,respectiveng,respective ly,marking tly,marking the four stagehe four stages of Chis of Chinanas economis economic reform,and tc reform,and t hat
28、the start-uphat the start-up phase of reform,reform,constructionphase of reform,reform,construction phaphase and perfese and perfe cting the Scting the Socialocialist market economy framework stage of socialiist market economy framework stage of sociali st market economy.st market economy.Previous p
29、lePrevious plenary session topicsnary session topics proposeproposed to the thirdd to the third plenaryplenary sessisessionon of taking classof taking class struggle as tstruggle as t he key link,shifted to socialist moderhe key link,shifted to socialist moder nization;nization;12 session marked t12
30、 session marked the change from rural tohe change from rural to urbaurban,estan,established witblished with publich publicownerownershiship as the Fp as the Foundatioundation of aon of a plannedplanned commodity economy;commodity economy;13 session at a time whe13 session at a time whe n both tn bot
31、h t he olhe old and thed and the new systemnew system chachange,governge,governance anance and rend rectify the economicctify the economic order;order;14.Fair and eff14.Fair and eff icieicient and autnt and aut horitative Socialist judihoritative Socialist judi cial system,cial system,safeguard tsaf
32、eguard the peoples interehe peoples intere sts.sts.LegalLegal authority t authority t o upholo uphold the Constitutid the Constituti on,on,deedeepenipening the reformng the reform of administrative law eof administrative law e nforcemenforcement,ensure tnt,ensure t hat the righat the rig ht to exerc
33、iseht to exercise judicialjudicial powpower indepeer independendently and impartially antly and impartially a ccordiccording to law the prosecution,perfecting the running to law the prosecution,perfecting the running mechanismng mechanism of judiof judicial powecial power,improve tr,improve the syst
34、emhe system of judiof judicial prcial pr otectionotection of humaof human rights.n rights.PlePlenary session,Affairs the right to anary session,Affairs the right to a dhere to thedhere to the system,and let thesystem,and let the people apeople authority to let theuthority to let the powpower runer r
35、un in the Sun,is shutin the Sun,is shut up iup in a cagen a cage of the system powerof the system power polipolicy.cy.DeciDecision Sciesion Sciencence,impleme,impleme ntationntation shoulshould bed be constructed stroconstructed stro ng,supervise the running,supervise the runni ng of powerful systen
36、g of powerful syste m,improve the systemm,improve the system of punishing aof punishing a ndnd preventingpreventing corrcorruptiuption,on,promotipromoting politicalng politicalntegrity,antegrity,and strive tond strive to achieveachievecadres honest and Govercadres honest and Gover nment integritnmen
37、t integrit y,cley,clean politics.an politics.To form a scientific and effective coordiTo form a scientific and effective coordi nation of power restrictination of power restricti on aon and mechanisms to strend mechanisms to stre ngthengthen antin anti-corr-corruptiuption ion institutinstitutional i
38、onal innovation annovation and ind institutinstitutionalonal protectiprotection,on,sound improvemesound improveme nt style normal system.Plent style normal system.Ple nary session,builnary session,buil ding a socialiding a socialist cultst culture inure in ChiChina,ena,enhanhancincing national cultu
39、ral sng national cultural s oft powoft power,must adhere to theer,must adhere to the orientatiorientation of aon of advanced Socialistdvanced Socialist culturculture,adhere to the devele,adhere to the devel opmeopment of Socint of Socialist culture witalist culture wit h Chih Chinese characteristine
40、se characteristi cs,acs,adhere tdhere to the people-centreo the people-centre d workd work-orie-oriented,further deented,further dee pepening reform of culture.ning reform of culture.o improve the culto improve the cult ural managemeural manageme nt system,establint system,establi sh ash and imprnd
41、improve the modern market system aove the modern market system a nd builnd building modernding modern publicpublic cultcultural service system,improve tural service system,improve t he level of culturehe level of culture opeopening.Plening.Plenary session,achievinary session,achievi ng develng devel
42、opment reopment results moresults more equitableequitable benefit of all people,we must speed up reformbenefit of all people,we must speed up reformof socialof social programs aprograms and solve the ind solve the i ssues of concern tssues of concern t o the people the most direo the people the most
43、 dire ct and react and real interest,al interest,and better meetnd better meetthe neethe needs of theds of the people.people.To deepeTo deepen educatin education reform,improve ion reform,improve i nstitutinstitutional meonal mechachanisms for thenisms for therapid deverapid developmelopment of the
44、market economy environment of the market economy environme nt to explnt to explore publiore public servants c servants duty consumptiduty consumpti on monetization monetizati on reform hason reform has provided a good foundation.Theprovided a good foundation.The socialization of rear servisocializat
45、ion of rear servi ce workce work has been lahas been launcheunched,and rapid,and rapid progred progress inss in some plsome places aaces andnd departmedepartments,duty consumption monetizants,duty consumption monetiza tion of carrier ation of carrier a nd and apprpproach to managemeoach to manageme
46、nt hasnt has beebeen resolven resolved.Third.Third,in red,in recent years,exploricent years,explori ng the monetizating the monetizati on of duty consumption haon of duty consumption ha s made some progress,have gais made some progress,have gai ned some experined some experi ence and caence and ca n
47、 provin provide reference to thede reference to the comprecomprehehensive reform of the system of publinsive reform of the system of publi c servac servants dutynts duty consumptconsumption further.Implion further.Impl ementing aementing a n honest can honest canteen,stanteen,standarndardize officia
48、l edize official entertainintertaining managemeng manageme nt;enhancing tnt;enhancing t he telecommunihe telecommuni cation expecation expense managnse management;elimiement;elimi nationnation of County travel andof County travel and countrysicountryside subside subsidies;research village officialdi
49、es;research village official s capitalizatis capitalization maon management of corporate spenagement of corporate spe ndinding,ang,and so on.Finally,grnd so on.Finally,gr oup.oup.18 session to be hel18 session to be hel d id in Beijing fromn Beijing from NovemNovember 9,ber 9,2013 t2013 to 12to 12th
50、.35 years ago blewh.35 years ago blew the t the thirdhird plenaryplenary session of the session of the reform and openi reform and openi ng up ing up i n then the sprispring breeng breeze,ze,chachanged,affect tnged,affect t he whe world;torld;todaoday,35 yey,35 years later,in tars later,in t he eyes