4、,并处逃汇金额 30%以上 5 倍以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:(一)违法国家规定,擅自将外汇存放在境外的;(二)不按照国家规定将外汇卖给外汇指定银行的;(三)违反国家规定将外汇汇出或者携带出境的;(四)未经外汇管理机关批准,擅自将外币存款凭证、外币有价证券携带或者邮寄出境的;(五)其他逃汇行为。有下列非法套汇行为之一的,由外汇管理机关给予警告,强制收兑,并处非法套汇金额30%以上 3 倍以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任:(一)违反国家规定,以人民币支付或者以实物偿付应当以外汇支付的进口货款或者其他类似支出的;(二)以人民币为他人支付在境内的费用,由对方付给外汇的;(三)未
5、经外汇机关批准,境外投资者以人民币或者境内所购物资在境内进行投资的;(四)以虚假或者无效的凭证、合同、单位等向外汇指定银行骗购外汇的;(六)非法套汇的其他行为。私自买卖外汇、变相买卖外汇或者倒卖外汇的,由外汇管理机关给予警告、强制收兑,没收违法所得,并处违法外汇金额30%以上 3倍以下的罚款,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。个人存款帐户实名制规定个人在金融机构开立个人存款帐户时,应当出示本人身份证件,使用真名;代理人人在金融机构开立存款帐户的,代理人应当出示被代理人和代理人的身份证件。在金融机构开立个人存款帐户的,金融机构应当要求其出示本人身份证件,进行核对,并登记其身份证件上的姓名和号码,代理
6、他人在金融机构开立个人存款帐户的,金融机构应当要求其出示被代理人和代理人的身份证件,进行核对,并登记被代理人和代理人的身份证件上的姓名和号码。金融机构违反本规定第七条规定的,由中国人民银行给予警告,可以处1000 元以上 5000 元以下的罚款;情节严重的,可以并处责令停业整顿,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予纪律处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。非法金融机构和非法金融业务活动取缔办法未经中国人民银行批准,任何单位和个人不得擅自设立金融机构或者擅自从事金融业务活动。对非法金融机构和非法金融业务活动,工商行政管理机关不予办理登记。对非法金融机构和非法金融业务活动,金融机构不予开立
8、用有关资金。设立非法金融机构或者从事非法金融业务骗取工商行政管理机关登记的,一经发现,工商行政管理机关应当立即注销登记或者变更登记。设立非法金融机构或者从事非法金融业务活动,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,由中国人民银行没收非法所得,并处非法所得 1 倍以上 5倍以下的罚款;没有非法所得的,处 10 万元以上 50 万元以下的罚款。擅自批准设立非法金融机构或者擅自批准从事非法金融业务活动的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。中华人民共和国外资金融机构管理条例未经中国人民银行批准,擅自设立外资金融机构或者非法从事金融业务活动的,由
9、中国人民银行予以取缔;依照刑法关于擅自设立金融机构罪、非法吸收公众存款罪或者其他罪的规定,依法追究刑事责任;尚不够刑事处罚的,由中国人民银行没收违法所得,并处违法所得 1 倍以上 5 倍以下的罚款;没有违法所得或者违法所得不足 10 万元的,处 10 万元以上 50 万元以下的罚款。五、中国人民银行发布的规章银行帐户管理办法存款人在开立基本存款帐户、一般存款帐户、临时存款帐户的任一种时均须依照规定向开户银行出具有关的证明文件。存款人在银行开立基本存款帐户,实行由人民银行当地分支机构核发开户许可证制度;银行对存款人开立或撤销帐户,必须向中国人民银行分支机构申报。存款人的帐户只能办理存款人本身的业
11、登记表格;开户银行要逐笔登记,并定期报送中国人民银行当地分支行备案。对一日一次性地从储蓄帐户(含银行卡户,下同)提取现金 5 万元(不含 5万元)以上的,储蓄机构柜台人员应请取款人提供有效身份证件,并经储蓄机构负责人核实后予以支付。对一日一次性超过 5 万元以上的现金支付或一日数次累计超过 5 万元以上的现金支付,银行内部要逐笔登记,妥善保管有关资料,并按月向人民银行当地分支机构备案。典当行管理暂行办法典当行不得受理以下财产作当物:(一)法律、法规禁止买卖的自然资源或者财物;(二)依法被查封、扣押或者采取其他保全措施的财产;(三)易燃易爆物品、已被质押或者作担保的物品;(四)工业用金银原料、材
12、料、矿产金银以及一切非法所得金银;(五)赃物和来源不明的物品;(六)不能强制执行或者没有有效文件证明其合法来源的其他物品。典当行办理国家统收、专营和国家限制流通物品的典当业务,必须经有关部门批准。商业汇票办法签发商业汇票必须以合法的商品交易为基础。禁止签发、承兑和贴现无商品交易的商业汇票,严禁利用商业汇票拆借资金、抵押贷款和套取银行贴现资金。One,the provisions of article 191st of criminal law:Knowing is drug-related crimes,organized crimes of the underworld,terrorist
13、crimes,the crime of smuggling illegal income and theproceeds thereof,in order to hide,conceal the source and nature,one of the following acts,confiscate the illegal income and theimplementation of the above crime proceeds,five years of fixed-termimprisonment or criminal detention,and or single money
14、 launderingto amount to five percent above twenty percent fined;if thecircumstances areserious,fiveyears more thantenyears offixed-term imprisonment,and fined five percent money launderingamount above twenty percent:(a)provide funds account;(two)toassist in the transfer of property into cash or fina
15、ncial instruments;(three)by means of a transfer or other clearing the way helpingtransfer capital;(four)assisting to remit funds abroad;(five)to other methods to hide,conceal crime illegal income and sourcesof income and property.Units committing the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph,theuni
16、t is to be fined,and the persons directly in charge and the otherpersons who are directly responsible,five years of fixed-termimprisonment or criminal detention;if the circumstances are serious,the agency for more than five years of fixed-term imprisonment of tenyears.Two,billNote issuance,acquisiti
17、on and transfer,should follow the principleof good faith,with authentic trade relationship and the relationshipbetween creditor and debtor.The bill must be achieved,payment of consideration,that both partiesto a negotiable instrument shall be approved by the correspondingprice.Three,the peoples Repu
18、blic of China Insurance Law.In violation of the provisions of this law,without the establishmentof an insurance company or engage in illegal commercial insuranceactivities,shall be investigated for criminal liability,and thefinancial supervision and regulation department banned.If thecircumstances a
19、re minor,does not constitute a crime,shall be givenadministrative sanctions.In four,the State Council administrative regulations:Provisional Regulations cash managementOpen an account balance of payments and cash,must accept thesupervision of the bank.Account unit only within a certain range of the
20、use of cash.The amount of the cash account unit by the bank according to the actualneed to be approved.The bank shall be required to report to the peoples Bank of cashmanagement.The peoples Republic of China on the administration of foreignexchangeIndividuals carrying foreign exchange into or out of
21、 the territory,shall make declarations to the customs;carrying foreign exchange,exceeding the limit,shall present to the customs office validcertificate.Held by Chinese citizens residing in China s foreign currency paymentvouchers,securities denominated in foreign currency and other formsof foreign
22、exchange assets,without approval from foreign exchangeadministrations,shall not be carried or mailed out.Financial institutions engaged in foreign exchange business shall beapproved by foreign exchange control agencies,to receive foreignexchange business operation permit.Without approval from foreig
23、n exchange administrations,no unit orindividualmayengageinforeignexchangebusiness.Approvedfinancial institutions engaged in foreign exchange business,foreignexchange business shall not go beyond their approved scope.Any of the following acts of foreign exchange evasion of,by foreignexchange administ
24、rations shall be ordered to recall the exchange,forced redemptions,and evasion of more than 30%to5 times the fine;constitute a crime,shall be investigated for criminal responsibilityaccording to law:(a)in violation of national regulations,unauthorized use of foreignexchange deposit abroad;(two)are n
25、ot in accordance with state regulations will be sold tothe designated foreign exchange bank exchange;(three)in violation of state regulations,the foreign exchangeremitted or taken abroad;(four)without approval from foreign exchange administrations,unauthorized foreign exchange deposit certificates,S
26、ecurities denominated in foreign currency carrying or mailing ofexit;(five)other acts of foreign exchange evasion.Any of the following illegal arbitrage acts,given by foreign exchangeadministrationsWarning,forced redemptions,and illegal arbitrage amount 30%morethan 3 times the fine;constitute a crim
27、e,shall be investigated forcriminal responsibility according to law:(a)in violation of state regulations,paid in Renminbi or repayin kind should be paid in foreign exchange import payments or othersimilar expenses;(two)take the renminbi as the others pay the expenditure in China,by the other party t
28、o pay foreign exchange;(three)without foreign exchange authority,overseas investors inRenminbi or domestic goods and materials purchased in China forinvestment;(four)in a false or invalid certificates,contracts,and other unitsto purchase foreign exchange by designated foreign exchange banks;(six)oth
29、er acts of illegal foreign exchange arbitrage.Unauthorized trading exchange,disguised trading or Forex scalping,byForeign exchange control agencies shall give a warning,forcedredemptions,confiscate the illegal income,impose illegal foreignexchange value of 30%to less than 3 times the fine,which cons
30、titutesa crime,shall be investigated for criminal responsibility accordingto law.Personal account real-name provisionsIndividuals in financial institutions to establish individual account,they shall show their identity documents,using their real names;agent all open deposit accounts in financial ins
31、titutions,the agentshall show the principal and agent identification.In the financial institutions to open a personal account,thefinancial institution shall request him to show his own identity card,checking,and register their identity documents name and number,agents of others in financial institut
32、ions to establish individualaccount,the financial institution shall request the show is the agentand the agent s identity documents,verification,and registrationthe agent and the agent s identity documents name and number.Financial institutions in violation of the provisions of articleseventh,the pe
33、oples Bank of China shall be given a warning,can bemore than 1000 yuan a fine of 5000 yuan;if the circumstances areserious,shall be ordered to suspend business for rectification,thepersons who are directly in charge and the other persons who aredirectlyresponsibleshallbegivendisciplinarypunishment;c
34、onstitute a crime,shall be investigated for criminal responsibilityaccording to law.Illegal financial institutions and illegal financial businessactivities must be banned.Without the approval of the peoples Bank of China,no unit orindividual shall not be established financial institutions or without
35、permission to engage in business activities.On illegal financial institutions and illegal financial businessactivities,the administrative department for Industry and Commerceshall not register.On illegal financial activities,financial institutions shall openaccounts,provide settlements and loans.On
36、illegal financial institutions,or in a disguised form of illegalabsorbing public deposits absorb public deposits as well as theillegal fund-raising,the peoples Bank of China,once discovered,shallimmediatelyinvestigated,verified;thepreliminarydetermination,shall timely submit a request to the public
37、securityorgan for investigation.On illegal financial institutions and illegal financial businessactivities,the criminal suspect funds and accounts,the publicsecurity organ shall take measures,to prevent the escape of suspectsand the transfer of funds,property.On illegal financial institutions and il
38、legal financial businessactivities,thepeoplesBankofChinaInvestigationanddetermination,make a banning decision,announced that the financialinstitution and financial business activity is illegal,it shall beordered to stop business activities,and make a public announcement.The peoples Bank of China fin
39、ancial institutions for illegalfinancial institutions or illegal financial business activities toopen an account,provide settlements and loans,the financialinstitutions shall be ordered to immediately stop the related businessactivities.No unit or individual shall not spend the money.The establishme
40、nt of an illegal financial institution or engage inillegal financial business by the administrative department forIndustryandcommerceregistration,oncediscovered,theadministrative department for Industry and Commerce shall promptlycancel the registration or alteration of registration.The establishmen
41、t of an illegal financial institution or engage inillegal financial business activities,which constitutes a crime,shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law;if no crime is constituted,the peoples Bank of China shall confiscatethe illegal income,impose illegal income 1to 5 tim
42、es the amount ofillegal income;no more than 100000 yuan,500000 yuan fine.Theestablishmentofanillegalfinancialinstitutionwithoutapproval or without approval to engage in illegal financial businessactivities,the persons who are directly in charge and the otherpersons who are directly responsible shall
43、 be given administrativepunishment;constitute a crime,shall be investigated for criminalresponsibility according to law.ThepeoplesRepublicofChinaForeignCapitalFinancialInstitutions RegulationsWithout the peoples Bank of China approved the establishment of aforeign-fundedfinancialinstitution,withouta
44、uthorizationorengage in illegal financial business activities,the peoples Bankof China shall be banned;in accordance with the criminal law on thecrime of unauthorized financial institutions,crime of illegalabsorbing public deposits or other crime,shall be investigated forcriminalresponsibility;butno
45、tseriousenoughforcriminalpunishment,the peoples Bank of China shall confiscate the illegalthe1 times the illegal income,impose a fine of less than 5 times theillegalgainsortheillegalgains;nolessthan100000yuan,100000yuan and 500000 yuan fine.Five,the peoples Bank of China issued regulations Bank acco
46、unt management approachDeposits in open basic deposit account,a general deposit account,the temporary deposit account shall be in accordance with theprovisions of any kind of when to the bank issued the relevantdocuments.Deposit in the bank to open basic deposit account,implemented by thelocal branc
47、h of the peoples bank account bank issued a permit system;for depositors to open or cancel account,must be to the peoples Bankof China branch declaration.The depositors account for only the depositor itself businessactivities,shall not lease and transfer accounts.Provisionsontheadministrationofdomes
48、ticforeignexchangeaccountDomestic institutions,agencies generally do not allow foreigncurrency cash account.Individuals and foreign nationals in China aregenerally not permitted to open a foreign exchange account forsettlement.Open a foreign exchange account,should be used to obtain foreignexchange
49、administration approval.Administration of foreign exchange for domestic institutions andagencies in China s foreign exchange account shall carry out annualinspection.Administration of foreign exchange accountsOverseas by a domestic institution shall open foreign exchangeaccounts,required documents t
50、o apply for foreign exchange,approvedbefore opening.Domestic institutions through overseas foreign exchange account ofreceipts and payments account,shall comply with the provisions ofthe country or region where it is located.The domestic institution shall,in accordance with the foreignexchange admin