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1、学校:教师姓名:小学英语教师基本功竞赛试卷教育理论教育理论综合知识综合知识课标知识课标知识专业知专业知识识K1+478K1+478K1+5888K1+5888 段左侧片石混凝土挡土墙第段左侧片石混凝土挡土墙第 1 1 部分部分8 8、教学中的三维目标是:()、(、教学中的三维目标是:()、()和()和()。)。总分总分9 9、中华人民共和国国歌歌名为中华人民共和国国歌歌名为(),曲作者是曲作者是(),词作者是词作者是()。1010、“为中华之崛起而读书为中华之崛起而读书”是是()说过的一句话。乒乓球运动的发源地是(说过的一句话。乒乓球运动的发源地是()国。)国。二、简述题二、简述题(每题 5

2、分)1 1、简述本校的办学目标、校训、校风、学风和教风。、简述本校的办学目标、校训、校风、学风和教风。2 2、简述本校校徽的含义。、简述本校校徽的含义。教育法规及教育理论部分(1515 分)分)一、填空。(每空 1 分,计 7 分)1 1、我国义务教育法规定,国家实行(、我国义务教育法规定,国家实行()年义务教育。)年义务教育。2 2、义务教育法规定,义务教育法规定,实施义务教育实行实施义务教育实行“两免一补”“两免一补”,“两免”“两免”指指()。“一补”指(“一补”指()。3 3、我国已颁布的教育法规有、我国已颁布的教育法规有、等。等。二、简答题:(每题 4 分)1 1、说说生本教育的基本

3、理念。、说说生本教育的基本理念。2 2、谈谈义务教育法规定的“实施义务教育不收学、杂费”的意义。、谈谈义务教育法规定的“实施义务教育不收学、杂费”的意义。英语课程标准(2011 年版)(15 分)一、填空题(11 分)1 1、义务教育阶段英语课程各个级别的目标是指学生在(、义务教育阶段英语课程各个级别的目标是指学生在()、()、()、()和()和()五个方面应达到的综合行为表现。)五个方面应达到的综合行为表现。2 2、语言技能是语言运用能力的重要组成部分,主要包括(、语言技能是语言运用能力的重要组成部分,主要包括()、()、()、()等方面的技能以及这些技能的综合运用。)等方面的技能以及这些技

4、能的综合运用。3 3、义务教育阶段的英语课程具有()和(、义务教育阶段的英语课程具有()和()双重性质。)双重性质。二、简答题(4 分)义务教育阶段英语课程的总目标是什么?义务教育阶段英语课程的总目标是什么?教师综合素质测试题(20 分)一、填空(每空 0.5 分,计 10 分)1、20122012 年年 6 6 月月 1616 日日 1818 时时 5656 分,执行我国成功法发射首次载人交会对接任务的神分,执行我国成功法发射首次载人交会对接任务的神舟九号载人飞船,顺利将(舟九号载人飞船,顺利将()、()、()3 3 名航天员送上太空。名航天员送上太空。2 2、教教育育改改革革和和发发展展纲

5、纲要要的的全全称称是是(2010-20202010-2020)。3 3、“莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切!“莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切!”出自(”出自()的词()的词()。4 4、钢铁是怎样炼成的是前苏联作家尼古拉钢铁是怎样炼成的是前苏联作家尼古拉 奥斯特洛夫斯基所著的一部长篇小说,奥斯特洛夫斯基所著的一部长篇小说,小说主人公是(小说主人公是()。5 5、()(填年月日)(填年月日),我国成功举办了,我国成功举办了 2929 届奥运会,第届奥运会,第 3030 届奥运届奥运会将于会将于 20122012 年年 7 7 月月 2727 日在(日在()举办。)举办。6 6、“滚滚长江东逝水,浪淘尽英雄

6、。是非成败转头空。青山依旧在,几度夕阳红。滚滚长江东逝水,浪淘尽英雄。是非成败转头空。青山依旧在,几度夕阳红。”这是我国古典名著()的开篇词。这是我国古典名著()的开篇词。7 7、我国历史上第一个皇帝是(),最后一个皇帝是()。、我国历史上第一个皇帝是(),最后一个皇帝是()。1 1页脚内容页脚内容K1+478K1+478K1+5888K1+5888 段左侧片石混凝土挡土墙第段左侧片石混凝土挡土墙第 1 1 部分部分小学英语专业知识题(50 分)一、填空题:(共 14 分每题 0.5 分)1 1、在英语语法中,我们所学的时态有:、在英语语法中,我们所学的时态有:、和。、和。2 2、在英语语法中

7、,我们所学的代词有:人称代词、在英语语法中,我们所学的代词有:人称代词、和。、和。3 3、英语共有个音素。元音音素个,其中单元音个、双元音个,前元音是、英语共有个音素。元音音素个,其中单元音个、双元音个,前元音是、,中元音是、,中元音是、,后元音是、后元音是、。辅音音素个。辅音音素个。二、单项选择:从各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(共 15 分每题 1 分)()1 1You canYou cant pass the exam _ you study hard.t pass the exam _ you study hard.A Aif ifB BbecausebecauseC Cu

8、nlessunlessD Dsoso()2 2Look out!DonLook out!Dont get too close to the house roof-t get too close to the house roof-is under repair.is under repair.A AwhosewhoseB BwhichwhichC Cof whichof whichD Dthatthat()3 3If it were not for the fact that she _ sing,l would invite her to the party.If it were not f

9、or the fact that she _ sing,l would invite her to the party.A AcouldntcouldntB BshouldntshouldntC Ccancant tD Dmight notmight not()4 4AlwaysAlwaysread the _ _ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount ofread the _ _ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount ofmedicine.medicine.A Aexp

10、lanationsexplanationsB BinstructionsinstructionsC CdescriptionsdescriptionsD Dintroductionsintroductions()5 5GreenGreen productsproducts areare becomingbecoming moremore andand moremore popularpopular becausebecause theythey areareenvironmentally.environmentally.A AcommoncommonB BvariousvariousC Cfr

11、iendlyfriendlyD Dchangeablechangeable()6 6What happened to you this morning?The teacher asked me for my _when IWhat happened to you this morning?The teacher asked me for my _when Iwas late again.was late again.A AmeaningmeaningB BideaideaC CexcuseexcuseD Dansweranswer()7 7Would you help me put away

12、these things?Would you help me put away these things?_._.A AYes,quite rightYes,quite rightB BNever mindNever mindC CYouYoure welcomere welcomeD DWith pleasureWith pleasure()8 8HereHeres coffee and tea.You may have _.s coffee and tea.You may have _.Thanks.Thanks.A AeithereitherB BeacheachC ConeoneD D

13、it it()9 9WillWill youyou pleaseplease staystay herehere forfor thethe party?party?Sorry,Sorry,I I _._.IllIll havehave toto gogo toto ananimportant meeting.important meeting.A AmustntmustntB BneedntneedntC Ccancant tD Dwonwont t()1010What does the lady look like?What does the lady look like?_._.A AS

14、heShes fine and wells fine and wellB BSheShes really a nice ladys really a nice ladyC CSheShes tall and thins tall and thinD DShe likeShe likewearing skirtswearing skirts()1111Are you going to buy a camera?Are you going to buy a camera?Yes.But there are so many kinds that I cant decide _ to buy.Yes.

15、But there are so many kinds that I cant decide _ to buy.A AwhatwhatB BwhichwhichC ChowhowD Dwherewhere()1212I hear the weather will _ cold for another week.I hear the weather will _ cold for another week.I hope not.I hateI hope not.I hatecold weather.cold weather.A AturnturnB BlastlastC CstaystayD D

16、getget()1313Why donWhy dont you do it yourself?t you do it yourself?Sorry,I dont think Im _ to.I needSorry,I dont think Im _ to.I needsomeones help.someones help.A ApossiblepossibleB BreadyreadyC CafraidafraidD Dableable()1414Can you tell me_?Can you tell me_?He has just moved to another city.He has

17、 just moved to another city.A A where does he livewhere does he liveB B does he live wheredoes he live whereC C where he liveswhere he livesD D he liveshe liveswherewhere()1515Jim,have you finished reading Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince?Jim,have you finished reading Harry Potter and Half-Blood P

18、rince?No.Imy father on the farm all day yesterday.No.Imy father on the farm all day yesterday.A.would help B.had helpedC.was helping D.have been helpingA.would help B.had helpedC.was helping D.have been helping三、完形填空(共 15 分每题 1 分)Mrs.Ball had a son.His name was Mick.She 1him very much and as he was

19、not a 2child,sheMrs.Ball had a son.His name was Mick.She 1him very much and as he was not a 2child,shewaswas alwaysalways 3 3thatthat hehe mightmight bebe ill.ill.4she4she usedused toto taketake himhim toto seesee thethe bestbest 5 5 in in thethe towntown fourfourtimes a year to be looked6.7 one of

20、these visits,the doctor gave Mick all kinds of tests and thentimes a year to be looked6.7 one of these visits,the doctor gave Mick all kinds of tests and thensaidsaid to him,“Haveto him,“Have youyou hadhad anyany8 8withwith youryour nosenose oror earsears recently?”Mickrecently?”Mick9for9for a a sec

21、ondsecond and thenand thenanswered.“Yes,Ianswered.“Yes,I 1010”.Mrs.Ball was very”.Mrs.Ball was very 1111.“But Im sure you have.“But Im sure you have 12told me t12told me that,Mick!”Shehat,Mick!”Shesaidsaid worriedly.“Oh,really?”worriedly.“Oh,really?”saidsaid thethe doctordoctor 1313.“And.“Andwhatwha

22、t troubletrouble havehave youyou withwith your noseyour nose andandears,my boy?”“Well,”answered Mick,“I always have trouble with them when Imears,my boy?”“Well,”answered Mick,“I always have trouble with them when Im 14my sweater14my sweateroff,because the 15off,because the 15is very tight.is very ti




26、gC.keepingC.keepingD.puttingD.putting()15.A.collar15.A.collarB.noseB.noseC.mouthC.mouthD.earD.ear四、阅读理解。阅读下列短文,选出最佳选项。(共 6 分每题 2 分)Once there was a boy.He loved sweets very much.He always asked his father for sweets.TheOnce there was a boy.He loved sweets very much.He always asked his father for swe

27、ets.Theboys faboys father thought hard about how to stop the child from asking for so many sweets.A great manther thought hard about how to stop the child from asking for so many sweets.A great manlived nearby.The boys father decided to take the boy to him.He might be able to make the childlived nea

28、rby.The boys father decided to take the boy to him.He might be able to make the childgive up sweets.So they went to the great man.The father asked the great man to help him.But thegive up sweets.So they went to the great man.The father asked the great man to help him.But thegreat man liked sweets hi

29、mself.He told the father to bring his son back after a month.During thegreat man liked sweets himself.He told the father to bring his son back after a month.During themonth,the great man tried to give up eating sweets.At last he did it.When the boy and his fathermonth,the great man tried to give up

30、eating sweets.At last he did it.When the boy and his fatherreturned after a month,the great man had a talk with the boy.From then on,the boy did not askreturned after a month,the great man had a talk with the boy.From then on,the boy did not askfor sweets any more.The boys father felt surprised,“Why

31、 didnt you ask my son to give up sweetsfor sweets any more.The boys father felt surprised,“Why didnt you ask my son to give up sweetswhen we came to you a month ago?”The man answered,“How could I ask a boy to give up swewhen we came to you a month ago?”The man answered,“How could I ask a boy to give

32、 up swe etsetswhenwhen I I lovedloved sweetssweets myself?myself?InIn thethe lastlast monthmonth I I gavegave upup eatingeating sweets.”Asweets.”Apersonspersons exampleexample is isalways stronger than words.We should not ask others to do what we cant do ourselves.always stronger than words.We shoul

33、d not ask others to do what we cant do ourselves.36.The boys father took his son to the great man because _.36.The boys father took his son to the great man because _.A.the man lived close to the houseA.the man lived close to the houseB.the man might give him some helpB.the man might give him some h

34、elpC.the man was also fond of sweetsC.the man was also fond of sweetsD.the man had already given up sweetsD.the man had already given up sweets37.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?37.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A.The great man had a hobby of eating sweets.A.The great man had a hobby of eatin

35、g sweets.B.The great man gave up eating sweets in a month.B.The great man gave up eating sweets in a month.C.The father and son came back to the man a month later.C.The father and son came back to the man a month later.D.The boy failed to stop eating sweets at last.D.The boy failed to stop eating sw

36、eets at last.38.Which is the best title for the passage?38.Which is the best title for the passage?2 2页脚内容页脚内容K1+478K1+478K1+5888K1+5888 段左侧片石混凝土挡土墙第段左侧片石混凝土挡土墙第 1 1 部分部分A.Eating sweets is bad for childrenA.Eating sweets is bad for childrenB.A good way to give up eating sweetsB.A good way to give up eating sweetsC.Giving up sweets is not difficultC.Giving up sweets is not difficultD.Examples speak louder than wordsD.Examples speak louder than words不开口,没有人知道你想要什么;不去做,任何想法都只在脑海里游泳;不迈出脚步,永远找不到你前进的方向。其实你很强,只是懒惰帮了你倒忙。3 3页脚内容页脚内容


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