2、者不肯吃,贫者不解煮;早晨起来打两碗,饱得自家君莫管。苏轼9、小饼如嚼月,中有酥和饴。苏轼10、时绕麦田求野荠,强为僧舍煮山羹。苏轼11、长江绕郭知鱼美,好竹连山觉笋香。苏轼食事中的名句篇二食事中的名句篇二1、任何一种爱,都不比对美食的热爱真切。萧伯纳 George BernardShaw2、这世界如果有更多的人热爱美食与诗歌胜过爱黄金,这世界会是一个更美好的地方。托尔金 J.R.R.Tolkien3、只要告诉我你爱吃什么,我就能知道你是什么样的人。萨瓦林 JeanAnthelme Brillat-Savarin4、红酒是瓶装的诗歌。罗伯特刘易斯史蒂文森 Robert Louis Steven
3、son5、别吃任何你曾祖母看不出来是食物的食物。迈克尔波伦 MichaelPollan6、我厌恶那些对美食不认真的人,他们都是肤浅的。奥斯卡王尔德Oscar Wilde7、美食是身体的歌曲;而歌曲是心灵的美食。名人名言 格里高利罗伯兹Gregory David Roberts8、我们经常听到新闻说,“有人被鲨鱼咬死”;但不曾听过有人从另一观点看并且说,“有人忘了自己是鲨鱼的美食”。Gary Larson9、我们对小时候吃的美食都有着深刻记忆美食有着带我们回到过去的魔力。霍马洛坎图 Homaro Cantu10、满足身体的美食是不足够的,也得要有满足心灵的美食。陶乐斯戴Dorothy Day食事
4、中的名句篇三食事中的名句篇三1、人生如饮食,酸甜苦辣就像那人生百态,不亲自尝尝又怎么知道其中滋味呢。Life is like diet,sour,sweet,bitter and spicy are like all kindsof life.How can we know the taste without tasting it personally?2、心之需要智慧,甚于身体之需要饮食。The heart needs wisdom more than the body needs food.3、热食伤骨,冷食伤肺。Hot food injures bone,cold food injure
5、s lung.4、节制饮食加上工作是人类最好的两个医生。Diet and work are the two best doctors of mankind.5、节食比绝食更难。饮食适量需要头脑清醒,而滴水不进只需死硬的意志。Dieting is harder than hunger strike.A proper diet requires a clearmind,but not a drip of water requires a rigid will.6、人生成功的一部分秘诀是,吃下爱吃的东西,然后让食物在肚子里斗争到底。Part of the secret of success in l
6、ife is to eat what you love andthen let the food fight through in your stomach.7、人的健全,不但靠饮食,尤靠运动。Peoples health depends not only on diet,but also on exercise.8、虽然饮食这么不均衡,但一个人住的话,没人会骂你。Although the diet is so unbalanced,no one will scold you if youlive alone.9、与我同行的人往往因为对饮食十分讲究,所以常常因为无法得到满足食欲而感到不愉快。P
7、eople who travel with me often feel unhappy because they are soparticular about their diet that they cant satisfy their appetite.10、节饮食而后得健康。Diet and then be healthy.11、为了能够保持良好的健康,养料不仅分量要有节制,而且质料也要清淡。In order to maintain good health,nutrients should not only bemoderate,but also light.12、人为生而食,非为食而生
8、。Man eats for life,not for food.13、精神畅快,心气平和。饮食有节,寒暖当心。起居以时,劳逸均匀。Spiritual and calm.Eat a moderate diet,be careful of the cold andwarm.Living in time,work and leisure are even.14、你应该为生存而食,不应为食而生存。You should eat for survival,not for food.15、人知饮食所以养生,不知饮食失调。亦所以害生。People know diet,so they keep in good
9、health.They dont know dietdisorder.Thats why its harmful.16、饮食习惯的改良比其他任何改良,其优点显然要大得多。The improvement of dietary habits is obviously much moreadvantageous than any other improvement.17、凡事不可苟且,而于饮食尤甚。Everything should not be meticulous,especially diet.18、如果需要改变一种饮食习惯,那么最好对饮食全面重新调整一下。If you need to cha
10、nge a diet,its better to make a comprehensivereadjustment of your diet.19、一味追求食物精美是生活奢侈的标志,不愿再吃家常便饭是精神病症的预兆。Pursuing delicate food is a sign of luxury in life,and reluctanceto eat regular meals is a sign of mental illness.20、节饮食以养胃,多读书以养胆。Diet to nourish stomach,read more to nourish gallbladder.21、饮
11、食不节,杀人倾刻。Eat improperly,kill people.22、饮食如不适可而止,厨师亦成下毒之人。If the diet is not suitable,the cook will become a poisoner.23、人如果吃不好,就不能好好思考,好好爱,好好休息。If people cant eat well,they cant think,love and rest well.24、让食物成为你的药品,药品应该是你的食物。Make food your medicine.Drugs should be your food.25、你把消化弄得失常了,就是自己毒化自己的血液
12、。If you make digestion go awry,you poison your own blood.26、一个人不先感到饥渴,便享受不到饮食的乐趣。One cannot enjoy eating without first feeling hungry and thirsty.27、饮食调和,潜心静养与精神快乐,是世界上最成功的三大名医!Medium diet,meditation and spiritual happiness are the three mostsuccessful doctors in the world.28、我为生存,为服务于人而食,有时也为快乐而食,但
13、并不为享受才进食。I eat for survival,for service,and sometimes for pleasure,but notfor enjoyment.29、人的饮食要从五谷杂粮中吸收多方面的营养,也要从多种蔬菜中吸收营养,不能偏食。Peoples diet should absorb many kinds of nutrients from grain andmiscellaneous grains,but also from a variety of vegetables,not partial.30、食饮有节,起居有常。Eat and drink regularly,and live regularly.