1、朝阳区朝阳区2017-20182017-2018 学年度第一学学年度第一学期期末初三英语试题期期末初三英语试题朝阳区朝阳区2017-20182017-2018学年度第一学期期末教学统一检测试题学年度第一学期期末教学统一检测试题初三英语初三英语知识运用(共知识运用(共1414 分)分)一、单项填空(共一、单项填空(共6 6 分,每小题分)分,每小题分)1.I have a sister.name is Nancy.1.I have a sister.name is Nancy.A.A.HerHerB.B.HisHisC.C.ItsItsD.D.Y Yourour2.Spring Festival
2、 this year is162.Spring Festival this year is16thth February.February.A.atA.atB.inB.inC.onC.onD.toD.to3.Deng Y3.Deng Yaping isnaping isn t t soso clever,clever,sheshe has a veryhas a very strongstrongwill and works hard.will and works hard.A.andA.andB.butC.soB.butC.soD.orD.or4.I think Confucius is o
3、ne ofthinkers in China.4.I think Confucius is one ofthinkers in China.A.greatA.greatB.greaterB.greaterC.greatestC.greatestD.D.the greatestthe greatest5.5.-diddid youyou borrowborrow thethe bookbook fromfrom thethe library.library.-Yesterday morning.-Yesterday morning.A.WhereA.WhereB.WhenB.WhenC.HowC
4、.HowD.D.WhyWhy6.6.TheyThey willwill havehave a a tritri toto thethe GreatGreat WallWall if if it it nextnextSunday.Sunday.A.A.doesndoesn t t snowsnowB.B.wonwon t t snowsnowC.C.didndidn t snowt snowD.isnD.isn t snowingt snowing2 27.Imy aunt at the airport tomorrow.7.Imy aunt at the airport tomorrow.A
5、.A.meetmeetB.B.metmetC.C.willwill meetmeetD.have metD.have met8.We in the same school since three years ago.8.We in the same school since three years ago.A.A.arearestudyingstudyingB.B.havehavestudiedstudiedC.will studyC.will studyD.studyD.study9.-Mum,where is Dad?9.-Mum,where is Dad?-He a-He a newsp
6、apernewspaper inin thethebedroom now.bedroom now.A.A.readreadB.B.readsreadsC.C.willwill readreadD.is readingD.is reading10.10.MyMy classmatesclassmates asas volunteersvolunteers inin thethe ScienceScienceMuseum last weekend.Museum last weekend.A.A.workworkB.B.workedworkedC.C.willwill workworkD.are w
7、orkingD.are working11.11.-What-What werewere youyou doingdoing whenwhen wewe werewere playingplayingbasketball yesterday afternoon?basketball yesterday afternoon?-Ithe classroom.-Ithe classroom.A.A.cleancleanB.B.havehave cleanedcleanedC.C.willwillcleancleanD.was cleaningD.was cleaning12.12.-Can-Can
8、youyou telltell metometo London?London?-Sure.Sure.NextNextmonth.month.A.A.whenwhen youyou willwill traveltravelB.B.whenwhen youyoutravelledtravelledC.C.whenwhen willwill youyou traveltravelD.D.whenwhen diddid youyou3 3traveltravel二、完形填空(共二、完形填空(共8 8 分,每小题分,每小题1 1 分)分)The Train storyThe Train storyI
9、I waswas travellingtravelling byby traintrain oneone morning.morning.QuietlyQuietlyreading,reading,I I foundfound myselfmyself suddenlysuddenly listeninglistening toto thetheannouncementannouncement(广播)(广播).When the trainman makes an.When the trainman makes anannouncement,announcement,it it s s ofte
10、noften quitequite boring.boring.ButBut thisthis oneonewaswas1313 .As I looked up from my paper,I14As I looked up from my paper,I14others alsoothers alsolistening.Not only that,they smiled!listening.Not only that,they smiled!WhyWhy waswas soso muchmuch attentionattention beingbeing paidpaid toto this
11、thismessage?message?AsAs bestbest I I cancan remember,remember,thethe trainmantrainman said,said,“Good morning.Ladies,Gentlemen andGood morning.Ladies,Gentlemen and1515 .It.It s s7:35 a.m.and you7:35 a.m.and you ll be glad to know that we are rightll be glad to know that we are righton time.What a l
12、ovely morning it is in Sydney today.on time.What a lovely morning it is in Sydney today.TheThe sunsun is is shining,shining,thethe temperaturetemperature is is aboutabout 2121degrees,degrees,birdsbirds areare singing,singing,andand allall s s rightright withwith thetheworld.Thanksworld.Thanks for16f
13、or16 mymy traintrain andand I I hopehope toto seesee youyouagain.Have a great day!again.Have a great day!”Wow!Wow!HaveHave youyou everever heardheard anan announcementannouncementlikelike that?that?I I certainlycertainly hadnhadn t.t.AsAs wellwell asas gettinggettingeveryone smiling,there were quite
14、 a few people whoeveryone smiling,there were quite a few people who4 4startedstarted talkingtalking toto oneone anotheranother aboutabout howhow goodgood thethemessage had made everyone feel.message had made everyone feel.TheThe momentmoment I I gotgot offoff thethe train,train,I I ranran intointo t
15、hetheyoung trainman andyoung trainman and startedstarted toto17him.He17him.He seemed aseemed abitbit1818atat first.first.ContinuouslyContinuously I I said,said,“Well,Well,I I justjustwanted to thank you for your brilliant message on thewanted to thank you for your brilliant message on theway.It got
16、everyoneway.It got everyone s attention and smile.Thank yous attention and smile.Thank youso much for giving us such a good 19so much for giving us such a good 19 to the day.to the day.”ThatThat dayday I I gotgot twotwo messages.messages.TheThe firstfirst is is thatthatpeoplepeople s happiness at wo
17、rk shows in what they do ands happiness at work shows in what they do andsay.say.Also,Also,thethe storystory tellstells meme whatwhat youyou cancan getget fromfromthankingthanking peoplepeople forfor somethingsomething theythey veve done,done,2020whenwhen it it s snotnotexpected.expected.CanCanyouyo
18、uimagineimagine thetheconversationconversation thatthat trainmantrainman wouldwould havehave whenwhen hehe gotgothome,home,“GuessGuess whatwhat happenedhappened totomemetoday-atoday-apassenger thanked me!passenger thanked me!”13.13.A.A.differentdifferentB.B.famousfamousC.C.badbadD.easyD.easy14.A.hea
19、rdB.noticedC.gotD.kept14.A.heardB.noticedC.gotD.kept15.A.GuidesB.TeachersC.ParentsD.Children15.A.GuidesB.TeachersC.ParentsD.Children16.16.A.A.buyingbuyingB.B.takingC.takingC.visitingD.visitingD.passingpassing5 56 617.17.A.A.thankB.thankB.missmissC.C.trusttrustMyMy sister andsister and brother-in-law
20、brother-in-lawusedused toto livelive nextnext door.door.I Iwas only a little older than my sisterwas only a little older than my sister s kids,so I grews kids,so I grewup with my niece and nephew.I used to go over there aup with my niece and nephew.I used to go over there alot,lot,eateat chocolatech
21、ocolate togethertogether andand playplay chess.chess.I I waswas theirtheirfavorite aunt.favorite aunt.-Haruka,Japan-Haruka,JapanI used to love playing basketball with my four brothers.I used to love playing basketball with my four brothers.I grew up in a blended familyI grew up in a blended family(重
22、组家庭)(重组家庭).After my.After myparents got divorced,my father married a woman withparents got divorced,my father married a woman withtwotwo sons,sons,andand thethe fivefive ofof usus usedused toto playplaybasketball on a team.Besides,we all likedbasketball on a team.Besides,we all likedbread a lot.brea
23、d a lot.-Justin,Canada-Justin,Canada21.21.WhoWho hashas thethe happiesthappiest memorymemory aboutabout SundaySundaydinner?dinner?A.Rosa.A.Rosa.B.Sally.B.Sally.C.Haruka.C.Haruka.D.D.Justin.Justin.22.22.WhatWhat diddid HarukaHaruka useuse toto eateat withwith herher nieceniece andandnephew?nephew?A.A
24、.Candy.Candy.B.B.Sugar.Sugar.C.C.Bread.Bread.D.Chocolate.D.Chocolate.23.What did Justin and his brothers play?23.What did Justin and his brothers play?7 7A.A.Jokes.Jokes.B.B.Games.Games.C.C.Chess.Chess.D.Basketball.D.Basketball.B BCharlesCharles DickensDickens waswas anan EnglishEnglish writer.write
25、r.HeHe waswasbornborn inin 1812.1812.HeHe createdcreated somesome ofof thethe worldworld s sbest-known characters and many readers think he isbest-known characters and many readers think he isthethe mostmost importantimportant writerwriter ofof thethe VictorianVictorian eraera(1837-1901).(1837-1901)
26、.SomeSome ofof hishis famousfamous novelsnovels areare OliverOliverTwist,David CopperfieldTwist,David Copperfield and and Great ExpectationsGreat Expectations.Most.Mostpeople in his novels lived in London.people in his novels lived in London.In 1824,DickensIn 1824,Dickens father went to prison fathe
27、r went to prison(监狱)(监狱)because he couldnbecause he couldn t pay money to someone.In thoset pay money to someone.In thosedays,a mandays,a man s wife and young children went to prisons wife and young children went to prisonwith him.Charles was 12,so he left school to work inwith him.Charles was 12,so
28、 he left school to work inthethe prison.prison.LifeLife waswas hard,hard,andand a a lotlot ofof childrenchildrenworked in those days.Dickensworked in those days.Dickens own experience helped own experience helpedhim to write about poor children without a mother orhim to write about poor children wit
29、hout a mother orfather.Dickensfather.Dickens success began with the publication success began with the publication(出(出版)版)ofof TheThe PickwickPickwick PapersPapers inin 1836.1836.AndAnd hishis bookbookOliver TwistOliver Twist is about a boy without father.Important is about a boy without father.Impo
30、rtantpeople were more interested in the problems of poorpeople were more interested in the problems of poorpeople after reading Dickenspeople after reading Dickens books.books.DickensDickens novels are often very long and he wrote novels are often very long and he wrote8 8themthem inin differentdiff
31、erent partsparts forfor a a newspapernewspaper eacheach week.week.HisHis novelsnovels havehave a a lotlot ofof excitingexciting andand sadsad thingsthings ininthem.them.HeHe wantedwanted hishis readersreaders toto buybuy thethe newspapernewspaperevery week.And the readers wanted to finish the story!
32、every week.And the readers wanted to finish the story!DickensDickens novelsnovels areare popularpopular becausebecause manymany ofof hishisstories are about socialstories are about social(社会的)社会的)problems and familyproblems and familylife.Dickens was successful in writing and he has beenlife.Dickens
33、 was successful in writing and he has beenpraised by other writers for his style and characters.praised by other writers for his style and characters.24.When was Charles Dickens born?24.When was Charles Dickens born?A.A.InIn 1812.1812.B.B.InIn 1824.1824.C.C.In1836.In1836.D.In1901.D.In1901.25.Where d
34、id Dickens work when he was 12?25.Where did Dickens work when he was 12?A.In the prison.B.At a school.C.On a farm.A.In the prison.B.At a school.C.On a farm.D.D.In an office.In an office.26.Dickens26.Dickens novels are popular because novels are popular because.A.they have a lot of exciting and sad t
35、hingsB.they areA.they have a lot of exciting and sad thingsB.they areabout social problems and family lifeabout social problems and family lifeC.C.hehe hashas beenbeen praisedpraised forfor hishis stylestyle andand characterscharactersD.he is the most important writer of the Victorian eraD.he is the
36、 most important writer of the Victorian eraC CNextNexttimetimeyouyouhearhearyourselfyourselfwishingwishingforforsomethingsomething betterbetter inin youryour life,life,rememberremember thethe wordword“SMARTSMART”.When you.When you ve decided to take action,readve decided to take action,read9 9the fo
37、llowing first.the following first.S is for specificS is for specific(具体的)具体的):For example,instead ofFor example,instead ofsetting a goalsetting a goal(目标)(目标)ofof“I“I want to lose weight want to lose weight”,set,setyourselfyourself a a specificspecific goalgoal likelike“I“I wantwant toto loselose fi
38、vefivekilogramskilograms”.If If youyou wantwant toto climbclimb a a highhigh mountain,mountain,startstart youryour research,research,setset a a datedate andand traintrain forfor thetheclimbing fitness.climbing fitness.MM is is forfor measurablemeasurable(可测量的)(可测量的):DonDon t t trytry toto“becomebeco
39、me healthyhealthy”,instead,instead,setset a a goalgoal thatthat cancan bebemeasuredmeasured whilewhile carryingcarrying outout anan improvedimproved eating,eating,exercise or lifestyle plan.For example,try to go to theexercise or lifestyle plan.For example,try to go to thegymgym forfor anan hourhour
40、 threethree timestimes a a week,week,toto visitvisit youryourgrandma once a week for an evening meal,or to eatgrandma once a week for an evening meal,or to eatno more than 200 games of chocolate a week.no more than 200 games of chocolate a week.A is for achievableA is for achievable(可完成的)(可完成的):If y
41、ouIf you ve neverve neverexercisedexercised inin youryour life,life,dondon t t trytry toto taketake partpart inin thethe20202020 Olympics.Olympics.Rather,Rather,getget walkingwalking withwith a a specificspecificgoal of how many steps to take a day.No need to trygoal of how many steps to take a day.
42、No need to tryfor the stars-baby steps are good.for the stars-baby steps are good.R R is is forfor relevantrelevant(恰当的)(恰当的):ManyMany ofof usus choosechoosegoals that seem right,but are in fact wrong.They maygoals that seem right,but are in fact wrong.They maygogo onon forfor a a fewfew weeksweeks
43、beforebefore theythey fail.fail.TryTry toto avoidavoidmakingmaking thethe samesame mistake-rathermistake-rather choosechoose goalsgoals thatthat1010really speak to you.really speak to you.T is for time-consciousT is for time-conscious(心中有数的)(心中有数的):Finally,beFinally,bevery clear in your mind about h
44、ow much time you arevery clear in your mind about how much time you aregivinggiving yourselfyourself toto achieveachieve thethe goal.goal.ThatThat way,way,youyouknowknow whenwhen youyou veve succeeded,succeeded,failedfailed oror whetherwhether youyouneed to work harder to finish it before the last d
45、ay.need to work harder to finish it before the last day.27.According to the passage,the writer tells us how27.According to the passage,the writer tells us howto.to.A.A.loselose weightweightB.B.taketake exerciseexerciseC.C.setset a agoalgoalD.spend timeD.spend time28.28.WhatWhat doesdoes thethe wordw
46、ord“SMARTSMART”meanmean inin thethepassage?passage?A.A.FiveFive exerciseexercise plans.B.plans.B.FiveFive suggestions.C.suggestions.C.FiveFivetraining steps.training steps.D.Five big letters.D.Five big letters.29.Which of the following is not true according to the29.Which of the following is not tru
47、e according to thepassage?passage?A.A.SpecificSpecific numbersnumbers shouldshould bebe includedincluded inin thethe goalsgoalsyou set.you set.B.YB.You should begin with small steps while achieving aou should begin with small steps while achieving agoal.goal.C.In order to make the goal fit for you,y
48、ou should beC.In order to make the goal fit for you,you should becareful.careful.D.More time should be given for you to achieve yourD.More time should be given for you to achieve your1111goal.goal.D DDo you know some great inventorsDo you know some great inventorsand their inventions?What factorsand
49、 their inventions?What factors(因(因素)素)are needed for their success?are needed for their success?Well,Well,goodgood timingtiming forfor a a start.start.Y Youou cancan havehave a agreat idea which the public simply doesngreat idea which the public simply doesn t wantt wantyet.yet.The Italian Giovanni
50、Caselli invented the first faxThe Italian Giovanni Caselli invented the first fax(传(传真)真)machine in the 1860s.Although the machine wasmachine in the 1860s.Although the machine wasexcellent,his invention quickly died a commercialexcellent,his invention quickly died a commercial(商(商业的)业的)death.death.I