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1、初中英语选词填空讲解初中英语选词填空讲解-练习及练习及答案答案选词填空选词填空一、一、考点、热点回忆考点、热点回忆【词汇辨析】【词汇辨析】1.besides1.besides,exceptexcept,butbutexceptexcept,butbut 一般不用于一般不用于句首,但句首,但 besidesbesides 可用于句首可用于句首(1)(1)肯定句中,肯定句中,exceptexcept 意为意为“除除外外(不再有不再有);besidesbesides 意为意为“除除外外(还有还有):eg.We all passed the exam besides Tom.eg.We all pas

2、sed the exam besides Tom.除了除了汤姆外,我们也都及格了汤姆也及格了汤姆外,我们也都及格了汤姆也及格了Besides his wifeBesides his wife,his daughter also went tohis daughter also went tosee him.see him.I I gogo toto schoolschool everyevery dayday exceptexcept butbutSunday.Sunday.HeHe answeredanswered allall thethe questionsquestions excep

3、texcept thethelast one.last one.(2)(2)否认句中,否认句中,exceptexcept,butbut,besidesbesides 可以互换。可以互换。eg.No one passed the exam besides excepteg.No one passed the exam besides except,butbutJimJim(3)but(3)but 和和 exceptexcept 都可以跟都可以跟 thatthat 从句做宾语。从句做宾语。eg.eg.YouYou cantcant succeedsucceed inin thethe examex

4、am but/exceptbut/exceptthat you will work still harderthat you will work still harder2 2你假设不比以前学习更用功些,是不可能你假设不比以前学习更用功些,是不可能考上的。考上的。2.2.joinjoin,take part intake part in 参加参加(1)join(1)join 后面跟一个组织,后面跟一个组织,政党,政党,社团,社团,团体等,团体等,“参参加并成为其中一名成员加并成为其中一名成员eg.join the Partyeg.join the Party入党入党join the Leagu

5、ejoin the League 入入团团join the club.join the club.另外,另外,join sb.join sb.是是“参加到某人的行列之意参加到某人的行列之意eg.eg.HeHe joinedjoined usus forfor dinner.dinner.他与我们共进晚他与我们共进晚餐。餐。(2)take part in(2)take part in 动词短语指参加某种活动动词短语指参加某种活动eg.eg.AreAreyouyougoinggoingtototaketakepartpartininthethediscussion?discussion?DidDi

6、d theythey taketake partpart inin thatthat meetingmeeting lastlastMonday?Monday?【固定搭配】【固定搭配】be+adj.+be+adj.+介词介词be angrybe angrywith sb.with sb.对对 某人某人 发脾气发脾气eg:eg:Mother gotMother gotangry with me only because I had broken a cupangry with me only because I had broken a cupatat sth.sth.因某事生气因某事生气eg:

7、eg:HeHe waswasangry at what I saidangry at what I saidbe interested inbe interested in 对感兴趣对感兴趣eg:She iseg:She is3 34 44 4复读全文,验正答案。填完单词后,不可复读全文,验正答案。填完单词后,不可孤立地逐个检查词,而必须将所有填入的词代入文孤立地逐个检查词,而必须将所有填入的词代入文章中,复读全文,仔细检查所填词是否符合文章的章中,复读全文,仔细检查所填词是否符合文章的情景内容,读起来是否流畅,是否符合句法,单词情景内容,读起来是否流畅,是否符合句法,单词拼写是否有误,单词形

8、式是否正确等。发现问题及拼写是否有误,单词形式是否正确等。发现问题及时更正。通过再读全文,很可能利用语感将个别特时更正。通过再读全文,很可能利用语感将个别特别难的空处顺口“读出来。别难的空处顺口“读出来。二、二、典型例题典型例题inventinvent,nono,soso,interestinterest,mustmust,askaskhowhow,muchmuch,safesafe,thankthank,playplay,bebe,ThomasThomasEdisonEdisonwaswasa agreatgreatAmericanAmerican1_.When he was a child

9、,he was always1_.When he was a child,he was always2_ questions and trying out new ideas.No2_ questions and trying out new ideas.Nomatter 3_ hard it was,he never gave up.matter 3_ hard it was,he never gave up.YoungYoung TomTom waswas inin schoolschool forfor onlyonly threethree months.months.His teac

10、her didnHis teacher didnt understand why he had 4_t understand why he had 4_many strange questions.Most of them were not aboutmany strange questions.Most of them were not abouthis lessons.The teacher didnthis lessons.The teacher didnt want to teach Tom anywant to teach Tom any5 55_5_.HeHe askedasked

11、 TomsToms mothermother toto taketake thethe boyboyhome.home.TomsToms mothermother taughttaught himhim toto rearead d andand write,write,and she found him 6_ a very good pupil.Heand she found him 6_ a very good pupil.Helearntlearnt veryvery fastfast andand becamebecame veryvery 7_7_ ininscience.scien

12、ce.OneOne day,day,hehe sawsaw a a littlelittle boyboy 8_8_ onon thetherailwayrailway trackstracks atat a a station.station.A A traintrain waswas comingcoming nearnearquickly,quickly,andand thethe boyboy waswas tootoo frightenedfrightened toto move.move.EdisonEdisonrushedrushedoutoutandandcarriedcarr

13、iedthetheboyboytoto9_9_.The boys father was so 10_.The boys father was so 10_that he taught Edison to send messages by telegraph.that he taught Edison to send messages by telegraph.三、三、课后练习课后练习一一forgetforget,bringbring,mendmend,besidebeside,luckluck,pickpick,samesame,differentlydifferently,I I,every

14、every,stopstop,eacheachMr.Mr.BrownBrown hadhad anan umbrellaumbrella shopshop inin a a smallsmalltown.town.PeoplePeople sometimessometimes 1_him1_him brokenbrokenumbrellas,umbrellas,andand thenthen hehe tooktook themthem toto a a bigbig shopshop ininLondon.They were 2_there.London.They were 2_there.

15、One day Mr.Brown went to London by train.HeOne day Mr.Brown went to London by train.He3 _to take an umbrella with him that day.3 _to take an umbrella with him that day.6 6SittingSitting inin frontfront ofof himhim waswas a a manman withwith anan umbrellaumbrellastandingstanding 4 4 _the_the seat.sea

16、t.WhenWhen thethe traintrainarrivedarrived inin London,London,Mr.Mr.BrownBrown 5_up5_up thetheumbrella as he often did during his journey by train.umbrella as he often did during his journey by train.Just as he was getting off,he wasJust as he was getting off,he was6_by6_bythethe man.man.HeHe saidsa

17、id angrily,angrily,“Thats“Thats 7_!7_!Mr.Mr.BrownBrown s s faceface turnedturned redred andand hehe gavegave it it backback totothe man at once.the man at once.WhenWhen MrMr BrownBrown gotgot toto thethe bigbig shop,shop,thetheshopkeepershopkeeper hadhad gotgot hishis sixsix umbrellasumbrellas ready

18、.ready.AfterAfter a agood look atgood look at 8 _of them,he said,“Youve8 _of them,he said,“Youvemended them very well.mended them very well.In the afternoon he got into the train again.TheIn the afternoon he got into the train again.The9_man was in the same seat.He looked at9_man was in the same sea

19、t.He looked atMrMr BrownBrown andand hishis sixsix umbrellas,umbrellas,“Youve“Youve hadhad a a 1010_day,_day,he said.he said.before,before,discoverdiscover,fast,fast,in,in,come,come,watch,so,fast it,ago,shine,not canwatch,so,fast it,ago,shine,not canLightLight travelstravels atat a a speedspeed(速度速度

20、)whichwhich is is aboutabout a a7 7二二millionmillion timestimes 1 1 _than_than thatthat ofof sound.sound.2_one2_one second,second,lightlight travelstravels aboutabout 300,000300,000kilometers,kilometers,butbut soundsound travelstravels onlyonly 340340 meters.meters.YouYoucancangetgetsomesomeideaideao

21、fofthisthisdifferencedifferencebyby3 3_the_the startstart ofof a a runningrunning match.match.If If youyoustandstand far awayfar away from the starter(from the starter(发令员发令员),you),you cancan seeseesmokesmoke 4 4 _from_from hishis gungun 5_5_the sound reaches your ears.the sound reaches your ears.Th

22、eThe fastfast speedspeed ofof lightlight producesproduces somesome strangestrangefacts.The nearest star is 6 _far away thatfacts.The nearest star is 6 _far away thatlightlight whichwhich youyou cancan seesee fromfrom it it tonighttonight startedstarted tototraveltravel toto youyou fourfour yearsyear

23、s 7_at7_at a a speedspeed ofofnearly two million kilometers every minute.The lightnearly two million kilometers every minute.The lightfromfromsomesomeofoftonightstonightsstartedstartedonon8 8_journey_journey towardstowards youyou eveneven beforebefore youyouwere born.were born.So,if we want to be ho

24、nest,we 9 _say,So,if we want to be honest,we 9 _say,“TheThe starsstars areare shiningshining brightlybrightly tonight.tonight.WeWe havehavetotosay,say,“Th“The estarsstarslooklooknice.nice.TheyTheywerewere10_four10_four yearsyears agoago butbut theirtheir lightlight hashas justjust8 8reached our eart

25、h.reached our earth.三三allall,anyany,behavebehave,differencedifference,drinkdrink,eateat,enjoyenjoy,finefine,otherother,realreal,surprisesurprise,thesetheseOnce there was a teacher who took all his studentsOnce there was a teacher who took all his studentsfor tea.What made the students 1 _wasfor tea.

26、What made the students 1 _wasthat all the cups on the table were 2_.Eachthat all the cups on the table were 2_.Eachof them took a cup and started 3 _theirof them took a cup and started 3 _theirown tea,looking at the 4 _ cups.own tea,looking at the 4 _ cups.The teacher said;Do you notice yourThe teac

27、her said;Do you notice your5_?You are all looking at each others5_?You are all looking at each otherstea cups andtea cups and6 _of you even envy(6 _of you even envy(羡慕羡慕)the)the7_cups of others.Then he went on:I7_cups of others.Then he went on:Iput the different cups here on purpose!Life is like 8pu

28、t the different cups here on purpose!Life is like 8_tea.You all have the same thing in your_tea.You all have the same thing in yourcupscups tea.And yet you cant 9 _ enjoy it tea.And yet you cant 9 _ enjoy itin your envy of anothers cup.You forgetin your envy of anothers cup.You forget10_your own lif

29、e when you envy someone10_your own life when you envy someone9 9elses life.So now,taste your own tea!Does it matterelses life.So now,taste your own tea!Does it matterfrom which cup it comes from?from which cup it comes from?四四muchmuch,armarm,wait,wait,see,see,whenwhen,spend,spend,she,she,worry,worry

30、,have,have,growgrowOnlyOnly MotherMother LoveLove is is truetrue love.love.It It givesgives everybodyeverybodyeverythingeverything allall hishis life.life.1 1 _you_you areare stillstill a ababy,baby,mothermother takestakes goodgood carecare ofof youyou asas muchmuch asaspossible.In your waking hours

31、 she always holds you inpossible.In your waking hours she always holds you inherher 2_.2_.WhenWhen youyou areare ill,ill,sheshe stopsstops herherworkwork rightright nownow toto looklook afterafter youyou dayday andand nightnight andandforgetsforgets aboutabout 3 3 _._.WhenWhen youyou areare 4 4_up_u

32、p dayday byby day,day,sheshe feelsfeels veryvery happy.happy.When you are old enough to go to school,mother stillWhen you are old enough to go to school,mother stilllooks after you all the time.On cold winter days,shelooks after you all the time.On cold winter days,shealwaysalways tells youtells you

33、 toto putput onon 5_clothes.5_clothes.SheShealways stands in the wind 6 _for you backalways stands in the wind 6 _for you backfrom school.When you hurry to leave home for schoolfrom school.When you hurry to leave home for schoolwithwithlittlelittlebreakfast,breakfast,sheshealwaysalwaysfeelsfeels7_ab

34、out you at home.She usually knows7_about you at home.She usually knowsaboutabout youryour studystudy andand 8 8 _much_much moneymoney onon1010youryour schoolschool things.things.WhenWhen youyou dodo wellwell atat school,school,thethebrightest smile will be 9 _on her face.brightest smile will be 9 _o

35、n her face.MotherMother is is alwaysalways readyready toto givegive everythingeverything sheshe10_to10_to herher children,children,notnot toto receive.receive.WhatWhattruetrue lovelove thatthat is is inin thethe world!world!WeWe willwill rememberrememberMother Love for ever.Mother Love for ever.典型例题

36、典型例题 1.inventor1.inventor2.2.askingasking 3.how3.how4.so4.so 5.5.moremore6.to be 7.interested6.to be 7.interested8.playing 9.safety 10.thankful8.playing 9.safety 10.thankful一一1.brought1.brought2.mended2.mended 3.3.forgotforgot4.4.besidebeside5.picked 6.stopped 7.mine 8.each 9.same 10.lucky5.picked 6

37、.stopped 7.mine 8.each 9.same 10.lucky二二 1.faster1.faster2.In2.Ie5.before5.before6.so6.so7.ago7.ago8.its 9.cannot 10.shining8.its 9.cannot 10.shining三三l lsurprisedsurprised2 2differentdifferent3 3drinkingdrinking4 4othersothers5 5behaviorbehavior6 6somesome7 7finerfiner8 8thisthis9 9reallyreally l0 l0to enjoyto enjoy四四71-8071-80When,arms,hersef,growing,more,When,arms,hersef,growing,more,waiting,worried,spends,seen,haswaiting,worried,spends,seen,has111112121313


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