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1、2022经典台词_tvb经典台词 经典台词由我整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来便利,猜你可能喜爱“tvb经典台词”。 经典台词 人会死,花会谢,看似有价值的东西事实上毫无意义。最终留下的是一个影像,模糊的影像,供我们回忆。 她活在我心中,可我无处立足,在这世上我孤独无助。一个十六岁的人只有八年级的水平,你会顺着一个下降的螺旋到一个更糟的地方。你断了每一条路,拒绝了每次机会,你令全部曾经信任你的人都悲观了。 就在那一刻,我明白了,我得作出选择。我可以为自己找寻各种借口对生活低头,也可以迫使自己创建更好的生活。 我真的很聪慧,我会胜利的,我只是须要机会而已,是的,是这样的,我须要机会脱离我诞生的

2、环境,我相识的人全都充溢了怨气,他们活着只是为了生存,但是我信任有比那更好的地方,那里更发达,我要活在那种地方,就是这样。 为什么不能是我这种人,他们有什么特殊之处,是因为他们的诞生?我尽力拼搏,不让自己沦落到社会底层,假如、假如我更加努力呢?我现在离那层膜很近,触手可及。 我始终都爱着我的妈妈,无论何时何地,我始终都爱着她,尽管有的时候连她自己都遗忘了,但是我始终都爱着她,自始至终,对自始至终。她活在我心中,可我无处立足,我孤独无助。 我爱你,妈妈。” 利兹 “我爱你,爸爸,你是我遇到的最好玩的人。”“爸爸,我要上学,我必需要去。” 利兹 “修10门课,用2年读完,这不太可能,太辛苦了。”

3、“没关系,我可以。” 利兹 “利兹,像我们这样的人,是不行能胜利的,更不行能进哈佛。” “我会的。” 利兹 不要以为世界会随你的意志而变更,因为别人的意志比你强大得多. 我很聪慧,我可以变更我现在的生活,变更我的一生。我须要的只是这个机会。我为什么要觉得可怜,这就是我的生活。我甚至要感谢它,它让我在任何状况下都必需往前走。我没有退路,我只能不停地努力向前走。我为什么不能做到?” 我爱我的妈妈,自始至终,自始至终,尽管她吸毒尽管她没有照看女儿,而始终是我在照看她,似乎她变成了我的孩子。 就算你是世界上最差劲的妈妈,就算在世人的眼里你是人见人怕的瘾君子,妈妈,我依旧那么地爱你。假如可能,我情愿放弃

4、我全部的一切,来换取我家庭的完整。世界是虚无的,我们活在彼此的心中。她住在我心里,可是我却没有容身之地! 我可以找寻各种理由对生活低头,也可以迫使自己更好地生活. 每天起床,我望见的世界上的每个人,都似乎都披着一层膜,无法穿透。这种感觉很惊奇,有点悲伤,可是没有方法变更。这些人的动作举止,为什么这么不一样?是不是因为,他们来的世界就是这么不一样?若是这样,那我要更努力、更努力,把我自己推到那个世界去。 有妈妈的地方就是家。 不,这才叫活着. 要是我更加努力呢?那须要努力,但并非不行能,( 那个老师讲给丽兹听的) 假如我不顾一切发挥每一点潜能去做会怎样?我必需做到,我别无选择. 放下负担,让它过

5、去,这样才能接着前进. 我知道外面有一个更好更丰富的生活,而我想在那样的世界里生活. 在那一刻,我意识到,我必需选择,要么对一切屈服,得过且过的生活,要么就得努力,争取过上好日子. 我觉得有些人只对生活的艰苦垂头丧气,因此把时间都奢侈在垂头丧气里,还把这称之为生气,拒绝用全面的眼光去看到这种逆境. 请不要闭眼,机会就在下一秒出现 没有人可以和生活讨价还价 所以只要活着 就肯定要努力 世界在转动,你只是一粒尘埃,没有你地球照样在转。现实是不会根据你的意志去变更的,因为别人的意志会比你的更强些。生活的残酷会让人不知所措,于是有人终日沉醉在彷徨迷茫之中,不愿睁大双眼去看清形势,不愿去想是哪些细小的因

6、素累积在一起造成了这种局面。 我觉得我自己很幸运,因为对我来说从来就没有任何平安感,于是我只能被迫向前走,我必需这样做。世上没有回头路,当我意识到这点我就想,那么好吧,我要尽我的所能努力奋斗,看看原委会怎样 我为什么要觉得可怜,这就是我的生活。我甚至要感谢它,它让我在任何状况下都必需往前走。我没有退路,我只能不停地努力向前走。我为什么不能做到?” 我爱我的妈妈,自始至终,自始至终,尽管她吸毒尽管她没有照看女儿,而始终是我在照看她,似乎她变成了我的孩子。 就算你是世界上最差劲的妈妈,就算在世人的眼里你是人见人怕的瘾君子,妈妈,我依旧那么地爱你。, 假如可能,我情愿放弃我全部的一切,来换取我家庭的

7、完整 人跟生活计较是没法的。” 假如物品不顾一切发挥每一点潜能去做会怎样?我必需做到,我别无选择. 英文台词1.Id give it back, all of it, if I could have my family back. 2.I was 15 when I went out in the world.Whats a home anyway? A roof? A bed? A place where when you go there, they have to take you? If so, then I was 15 when I became homele. 3.But I s

8、till didnt know how to be in school.I still didnt know how to be normal. 4.I knew at that moment I had to make a choice.I could submit to everything that was happening and live a life of excuses.or I could push myself.I could push myself and make my life good. 5.Sometimes I feel like there is skin u

9、pon the world.And those of us who are born under it, can see threw it.We just cant get threw it. 6.Im smart.I know I can succeed.I just need a chance.A chance to climb out of this place Ive born in.Everyone I know are angry and tired.Theyre trying to survive.But I know that there is a world out ther

10、e that is better, thats better developed.And I want to live in it. 7. Liz Murray: I love you, dad. Peter: Thats a waste of energy. 8. Liz Murray: My mother was dying.My father was gone.But I had to believe that their road would rise up to meet me. 9. Chris: I dont want to go to school.I dont belong

11、there and neither do you. Liz Murray: Yes, I do. Chris: You think they let people like us in to Harvard? 10. Lisa: I loved going to school so much.You never went to school.Why would they gave you a scholarship? Liz Murray: Because Im homele and Im doing really well on school. Lisa: Youre not homele,

12、 Liz.You could stay here. Liz Murray: No, I couldnt. 11. Jean Murray: Lisa said you stopped going to school. Liz Murray: I am going to go back. Jean Murray: When? Liz Murray: When you get better 阿甘正传 cd1 ti: ar: al: by: 02:54.49nihao。我叫福雷斯,福雷斯甘 Hello.My names Forrest快!Go! 20:16.83跑,福雷斯! Run, Forrest

13、! 20:21.47始终以来 Now, it used to be 20:23.08我到哪儿都跑着去 I ran to get where I was going.20:26.08我没想过后来会跑遍全部地方 I never thought it would take me anywhere .20:58.05那原委是什么人? Who in the hell is that? 21:00.19那人叫福雷斯甘,教练 That there is Forrest Gump, Coach.21:03.06当地的傻瓜 Just a local idiot.21:05.13你能信任吗? And can yo

14、u believe it? 21:07.56我也能上高校了 I got to go to college, too.21:16.07福雷斯,快! Forrest, move it! 21:17.58跑! Run! 21:18.58好! O.K.! 21:19.58跑! Run! 21:20.75跑,你这狗娘养的傻瓜!跑! Run, you stupid son of a bitch! Run! 21:36.43跑,狗娘养的,跑!快跑! Run, son of a bitch, run! Go! Run! 21:41.54跑!跑! Run! Run! Go! 21:55.62他也许是狗娘养的最傻

15、的傻瓜 He must be the stupidest son of a bitch alive , 21:59.13但他跑得真是快 but he sure is fast.22:04.07或许只是我这样觉得 Now, maybe its just me, 22:06.00但高校生活让我特别迷惑 but college was very confusing times.22:10.41联邦军队,执行法庭的判决 Federal troops, enforcing a court order, 22:12.81今日在亚拉巴马高校取缔种族隔离 integrated the University o

16、f Alabama today.22:15.15允许两名黑人进学校 Two Negroes were admitted, 22:16.75但乔治华莱士州长随后 but only after Governor George Wallace 22:18.75发出他的象征性威逼 had carried out his symbolic threat 22:20.75站在教学楼门口 to stand in the school house door.22:23.26我对于那个声明 I take it from that statement.22:26.09伊尔,出什么事了? Earl, whats g

17、oing on? 22:28.10“熊崽”想进这学校 Coons are trying to get into school.22:30.60熊崽?假如浣熊想进我家的后院 Coons? When raccoons tried getting on our back porch, 22:33.60妈妈会用扫帚赶它们走 Mama just chased them off with a broom.22:36.11我不是说浣熊,傻瓜。是黑鬼 Not raccoons, you idiot.Niggers.22:38.04他们想和我们一起上学校 And they want to go to schoo

18、l with us.22:41.05和我们一起?他们? With us? They do? 22:43.05在华莱士州长 Shortly after Govern or Wallace 22:45.05将堵塞校门的威逼付诸实施之后 had carried out his promise to block the door way, 22:48.06肯尼迪下令国防部运用武力 Kennedy ordered these cretary of defense to use military force.22:51.19本台播放的录像,是当时在现场 Here, by video tape, is th

19、e encounter 22:53.59国民警卫队指挥官格拉汉将军 by General Graham, commander of the National Guard, 22:56.10和华莱士州长的冲突 and Governor Wallace.22:57.73因为国民警卫队 Because these National Guardsmen 23:00.57今日是作为亚拉巴马州的联邦士兵 are here today as federal soldiers for Alabama, 23:04.08他们住在本州境内 and they live within our borders.23:0

20、6.08他们是我们的兄弟 They are our brothers.23:08.08我们已经获得成功 We are winning in this fight, 23:10.75因为我们唤醒了美国人民 because we are awakening the American people 23:13.75去面对我们谈论已久的危机 to the dangers that we have spoken about so many times 23:17.76今日的事清晰地显示 that is so evident today- 23:19.76我们的国家正在走向军事独裁 A trend tow

21、ard military dictatorship in this country.23:26.60就这样,当天傍晚 And so, at days end, 23:28.60在图卡卢沙的亚拉巴马高校的隔离被取缔 the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa had been desegregated, 23:32.14学生杰米胡和费文马隆 and students Jimmy Hood and Vivian Malone 23:34.75已登记参与夏季的课程学习 had been signed up for summer claes.23:40.45太太,你

22、的书掉了 Maam, you dropped your book.23:42.26太太 Maam.23:43.92华莱士州长说到做到 Govern or Wallace did what he promised.23:46.43在图卡卢沙的校内里,他让人们 By being on the Tuscaloosa campus, he kept the mob.23:50.10喂,那是阿甘吧? Say, wasnt that Gump? 23:51.63不,不会的 Naw, that couldnt be.23:53.74肯定是他 It sure as hell was.24:00.08几年之后

23、A few years later, 24:02.11教学楼门口那位坏脾气的小个子 that angry little man at the school house door 24:04.62觉得去竞选总统是个好办法 thought itd be a good idea and ran for president.24:10.59但有人觉得不是 But somebody thought that it wasnt.24:13.83但他没有死 But he didnt die.24:21.60我的车到了 My bus is here .24:23.61这是9路车吗? Is it the num

24、ber 9? 24:25.61不,这是4路车 No, its the number 4.24:27.61很兴奋和你闲聊 It was nice talking to you.24:33.29我还记得那时候 I remember when that happened, 24:35.12当华莱士遇刺时 when Wallace got shot.24:36.62我还在上高校 I was in college.24:38.06你上的是女子高校 Did you go to a girls college 24:40.56还是男女都有的高校? or a girls and boys together c

25、ollege? 24:43.00男女都有 It was coed.24:44.27珍妮上的高校我不能去上 Cause Jenny went to a college I couldnt go to.24:47.07那是所女孩子读的高校 It was a college just for girls.24:49.24但我一有机会就去看她 But Id go and visit her every chance I got.24:58.17“我不知道我为何爱你” #I dont know why I love you# 25:01.54“可我就是爱” # But I do # 25:06.88“我

26、不知道我为何哭泣” #I dont know why I cry so # 25:10.95“可我就是哭” # But I do # 25:16.65“我只知道我知道” #I only know I know that.# 25:23.03很痛 That hurts.25:24.53“可我不知道我为何爱你” # But I dont know why I love you# 25:29.57“可我就是爱” # But I do # 25:35.58福雷斯! Forrest! 25:37.18福雷斯! Forrest! 25:39.52福雷斯,住手! Forrest, stop it! 25:4

27、1.52住手! Stop it! 25:43.02你干什么? What are you doing? 25:44.52他在损害你 He was hurting you.25:46.02不,他没有! No, he wasnt! 25:47.53往那边走! Get over there ! 25:49.53比利,对不起 Billy, Im sorry.25:51.03请离我远一点 Just keep away from me.25:52.53不要这样不要走 Dont be such- Dont go.25:54.53比利,等一下 Billy, wait a second.25:56.54他不懂事

28、He doesnt know any better.26:00.54福雷斯,你为什么那样做? Forrest, whyd you do that? 26:06.05我给你带了巧克力来 I brought you some chocolate.26:09.55对不起 Im sorry.26:13.56现在我要回我的学校了 Ill go back to my college now .26:16.06福雷斯 Forrest- 26:20.57瞧你 Look at you.26:24.07来吧 Come on.26:25.57来吧 Come on.26:33.85这是你自己的房间吗? Is this

29、 your own room? 26:35.35嘘! Shh! 26:39.96你有过幻想吗,福雷斯 Do you ever dream, Forrest.26:43.70幻想你将来要成为什么人? about who youre going to be? 26:46.87我将来要成为什么人? Who Im going to be? 26:48.38对 Yeah.26:49.38我将来不能做我自己了吗? Arent I going to be me? 26:51.38你恒久都会是你 Youll always be you, 26:52.71但会是另一种人 just another kind of

30、 you.26:54.72你明白吗? You know? 26:56.89我想成名 I want to be famous.27:00.06我想当个琼贝兹那样的歌手 I want to be a singer like Joan Baez.27:03.73我只想 I just want to be.27:05.73站在空旷的舞台上 on an empty stage 27:07.23伴着我的吉它,我的歌声 with my guitar, my voice.27:11.40只有我自己 Just me.27:14.24我想自己去接触大众 And I want to reach people on

31、a personal level.27:20.08我想能够谈一些事 I want to be able to say things, 27:22.58只是两个人之间 just one to one.27:30.93你有和女孩子一起过吗,福雷斯? Have you ever been with a girl, Forrest? 27:35.37我和她们坐一起 I sit next to them 27:36.87在家政课的课堂上 in my home economics cla all the time.28:08.31啊,对不起 Oh, Im sorry.28:09.64没关系 Its O.K

32、.28:10.74对不起 Sorry.28:18.92没关系 Its all right.28:23.66没关系 Its O.K.28:25.16啊,我头晕 Oh, Im dizzy .28:34.51我想你在家政课上没做过这个吧 Ill bet that never happened in home ec.28:42.12没有 No.28:49.29我想我弄脏了你室友的浴袍 I think I ruined your roommates bathrobe.28:52.76我无所谓,反正我不喜爱她 I dont care .I dont like her anyway .28:55.26跑!跑

33、!跑!跑! Run! Run! Run! Run! 28:57.93跑!跑!跑!跑! Run! Run! Run! Run! 29:00.10跑!跑!跑!跑! Run! Run! Run! Run! 29:01.60跑!跑!跑!跑!跑!跑! Run! Run! Run! Run! Run! Run! 29:03.64停!停!停! Stop! Stop! Stop! 29:10.78高校生活过得真快 College ran by real fast 29:12.79因为我美式足球打得太多 cause I played so much football.29:16.04他们还把我弄进一个什么东西

34、They even put me on a thing 29:17.24叫做全美明星队 called the all-America team 29:18.74那样你可以去见 where you get to meet 29:20.57合众国的总统 the president of the United States.29:22.58肯尼迪总统接见了 President Kennedy met 29:23.91全美高校足球队 with the collegiate all-American football team 29:26.15在椭圆形办公室 at the Oval Office tod

35、ay .29:27.66那里最棒的一点 Now the really good thing 29:29.43见合众国的总统的时候 about meeting the president of the United States 29:32.44是食物 is the food.29:33.94他们让你呆在一个小房间里 They put you in this little room 29:36.27里面有你爱吃或喝任何东西 with just about anything youd want to eat or drink.29:39.95但是,因为第一: But since, number o

36、ne, 29:41.61我不饿但是口渴 I wasn t hungry but thirsty, 29:43.28其次,这全是免费的 and number two, they was free, 29:45.95我也许喝了15瓶汽水 I must have drank me about 15 Dr.Peppers.29:52.26入选全美明星队感觉如何? How does it feel to be an all-American? 29:54.93很荣幸,先生 Its an honor, sir.29:56.27入选全美明星队感觉如何? How does it feel to be an a

37、ll-American? 29:58.94很好,先生 Very good, sir.30:00.97入选全美明星队感觉如何? How does it feel to be an all-American ? 30:03.64很好,先生 Very good, sir.30:05.14庆贺你。你感觉如何? Congratulations.How do you feel? 30:07.15我想撒尿 I got to pee.30:09.65我听着他好象说他想撒尿 I believe he said he had to pee.30:26.77不久之后,不知什么缘由 Some time later,

38、for noparticular reason, 30:29.61有人枪杀了这位不错的年轻总统 somebody shot that nice young president 30:32.98当时他坐着他的车 when he was riding in his car.30:35.45又过了几年 And a few years after that, 30:37.38有人又枪杀了他的弟弟 somebody shot his little brother, too, 30:39.89这次他是在一个酒店的厨房里 only he was in a hotel kitchen.30:43.46做兄弟可

39、真不简单啊 Must be hard being brothers.30:47.13我不明白 I wouldnt know .30:48.66福雷斯甘 Forrest Gump.30:50.00你信任不信任? Now can you believe it? 30:51.50只不过玩了五年足球 After only five years of playing football, 30:54.00我得到了高校学位 I got a college degree.30:55.67庆贺你,孩子 Congratulations, son.30:58.34妈妈傲慢极了 Mama was so proud.3

40、1:01.71福雷斯,我为你傲慢 Forrest, Im so proud of you.31:04.05我替你拿着这个 Ill hold this for you.31:05.72庆贺你,孩子 Congratulations, son.31:07.89你有没有考虑过你的将来? Have you given any thought to your future ? 31:12.56考虑? Thought? 31:15.26nihao。我是福雷斯,福雷斯甘 Hello.Im Forrest.Forrest Gump.31:17.27根本没人会关切 Nobody gives a horses sh

41、it 31:18.94你叫什么名字,脓包! who you are, pus ball! 31:20.60你还不如低等生物,吃屎的蛆! Youre not even a lowlife , scum-sucking maggot! 31:23.44你赶快坐到座位上! Get your maggoty a on the bus! 31:25.78你现在到部队了! Youre in the army now ! 31:27.28有人坐了 Seats taken.31:31.28有人 Taken.31:35.46起先我觉得我犯了个错误 At first it seemed like I made a

42、 mistake.31:38.43入伍第一天 It was only my induction day, 31:40.43我就给骂得狗血喷头 and I was getting yelled at.31:46.07你情愿的话可以坐下 Sit down if you want to.31:48.74我不知我会遇到谁 I didnt know who I might meet 31:51.08或他们会问我什么 or what they might ask.31:52.58你有没有乘过真正的捕虾船? You ever been on a real shrimp boat? 31:55.41没有 No

43、.31:57.25可我乘过一条真正的大捕虾船 But I been on a real big boat.32:00.09我指的是一种特地捕虾的船 Im talking about a shrimp catching boat.32:03.09我始终都在捕虾船上干活 I been working on shrimp boats all my life .32:06.09起先是我叔叔的船 I started out on my uncles boat 32:08.43那时我也许9岁 when I was about maybe 9.32:10.43我刚在考虑自己去买一条船 I was just

44、looking into buying my own boat 32:13.44然后就应征入伍了 and got drafted.32:15.44我的名字叫本杰明巴弗布鲁 My given name is Benjamin Buford Blue.32:18.78人们都管我叫布巴 People call me Bubba, 32:21.11好象个乡下佬的名字 just like one of them old red neck boys.32:23.61很难以置信吧? Can you believe that? 32:24.95我叫福雷斯甘 My names Forrest Gump.32:2

45、7.12人们都管我叫福雷斯甘 People call me Forrest Gump.32:29.46布巴来自亚拉巴州拉巴特湾 So Bubba was from Bayou La Batre, Alabama, 32:32.46他的妈妈是煮虾的 and his mama cooked shrimp.32:36.16她的妈妈也是煮虾的 And her mama before her cooked shrimp, 32:38.60还有她妈妈的妈妈也是煮虾的 and her mama before her mama cooked shrimp, too.32:42.27布巴家的人了解全部 Bubb

46、as family knew everything 32:44.11跟捕虾有关的事情 there was to know about the shrimping busine.32:46.61我知道全部 I know everything there is to know 32:48.95跟捕虾有关的事情 about the shrimping busine.32:50.28我自己也打算去捕虾 Im going into the shrimping busine for myself 32:52.78等我退伍之后 after I get out of the army.32:57.96好的 O.K.32:59.03阿甘! Gump! 33:00.36你到部队来干什么? Whats your sole purpose


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