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1、Object Oriented Programming面向对象程序设计(双语)教学大纲一、教学目的和要求1二、教学中应注意的问题2三、教学内容1四、教学课时分配3五、参考书目4课程名称:Object Oriented Programming 学 时:40 学时课程类型:必修课程性质:学科核心课开课学期:第3学期先修课程:程序设计基础、程序设计基础n、离散结构适用专业:网络工程专业一、教学目的和要求Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to : Demonstrate their ability t
2、o implement data abstraction using classes; Explain how to overload operators to extend C+s capabilities; Create new classes using inheritance ;Design and implement systems that are more extensible and maintainable using virtual functions and polymorphism ;Use function templates to create a group of
3、 related functions ;Correct errors in C+ programs using exception handling ; Demonstrate applications of the Standard Template Library(STL).二、教学中应注意的问题Object-oriented programming is easier than procedural programming with respect to routine code writing, but harder with respect to creative design. I
4、n any case, its diff even t, so you cant expect to rely only on approaches and techniques you know from procedural programming. Programmers derive great satisfaction from seeing their object-oriented designs come to life, but they have to invest a lot of time and thought. This course is an introduct
5、ory course in object-oriented programming. The fundamental concepts of object oriented programming will be studied using the C+ programming language.Prerequisites: C Programming Language.三、教学内容Chapter 2 A Tour of C+What is C+; Programming Paradigms; Modular Programming; Data Abstraction; Object-Orie
6、nted Programming; Generic Programming.Chapter 3 A Tour of Standard LibraryThe Standard Library Namespace; Output; Strings; Input, Vector, List, Standard Containers; Use of Iterators; Complex Numbers, Vector Arithmetic; Standard Library Facilities, Basic Numeric Support.Chapter 4 Types and Declaratio
7、nsFundamental Types; Booleans; Character Types; Character Literals; Integer Types; Floating-Point Types; Sizes; Void; Enumerations; Declarations.Chapter 5 Pointers, Arrays, and StructuresPointers; Array Initializers, String Literals; Pointers into Arrays; Pointers and Constants; References; Pointer
8、to Void; Structures, Type Equivalence.Chapter 6 Expressions and StatementsA Desk Calculator; Operator Summary; Statement Summary; Comments and Indentation.Chapter 7 FunctionsFunction Declarations; Argument Passing; Value Return; Overloaded FunctionNames, Overloading and Return Type, Overloading and
9、Scopes, Manual Ambiguity Resolution, Resolution for Multiple Arguments; Default Arguments;Unspecified Number of Arguments; Pointer to Function; Macros;Namespaces and ExceptionsModularization and Interfaces; Namespaces; Exceptions, Throw and Catch, Discrimination of Exceptions.Chapter 8 Source Files
10、and ProgramsSeparate Compilation; Linkage; Using Header Files; Initialization of Nonlocal Variables, Program Termination.Chapter 9 ClassesMember Functions, Access Control, Constructors, Static Members, Copying Class Objects, Constant Member Functions, Self-Reference, Structures and Classes, In-Class
11、 Function Definitions; Efficient User-Defined Types; Objects, Destructors, Default Constructors, Construction and Destruction, Local Variables; Class Objects as Members; Arrays; Temporary Objects; Placement of Objects; Unions.Chapter 10 Operator OverloadingOperator Functions; A Complex Number Type;
12、Conversion Operators; Friends; Large Objects; Essential Operators; Subscripting; Function Call; Dereferencing; Increment and Decrement; A String Class.Chapter 11 Derived ClassesDerived Classes; Abstract Classes; Design of Class Hierarchies; A Traditional Class Hierarchy, Abstract Classes, Localizing
13、 Object Creation; Class Hierarchies and Abstract Classes.Chapter 12 TemplatesA Simple String Template; Function Templates; Using Template Arguments to Specify Policy; Specialization; Derivation and Templates.Chapter 13 Exception HandlingError Handling; Grouping of Exceptions; Catching Exceptions; Re
14、source Management; Exceptions That Are Not Errors; Exception Specifications; Uncaught Exceptions; Exceptions and Efficiency; Error-Handling Alternatives; Standard Exceptions.Chapter 14 Class HierarchiesMultiple Inheritance; Access Control; Run-Time Type Information; Pointers to Members; Free Store.C
15、hapter 15 Library Organization and ContainersStandard Library Design; Container Design, Specialized Containers and Iterators, Based Containers, STL Containers; Vector.Chapter 20 StringsCharacters; Basic_string, Types, Iterators, Element Access, Insert, Concatenation; The C Standard Library.Chapter 2
16、1 StreamsOutput Streams; Input Streams; Formatting; File Streams and String Streams;Buffering; C Input/Output.Chapter 23 Development and DesignAims and Means; The Development Cycle, Design Aims, Design Steps, Experimentation and Analysis, Testing, Software Maintenance, Efficiency; Management; Reuse;
17、 Scale.Chapter 25 Roles of ClassesKinds of Classes; Reuse of Concrete Types; Abstract Types; Node Classes; Interface Classes; Handle Classes; Application Framewo四、教学课时分配学时分配表章次课时分配(学时)授课实验Chapter 21Chapter 31Chapter 822Chapter 922Chapter 1042Chapter 1122Chapterl242Chapterl322Chapterl422Chapterl522Chapterl62Chapter202Chapter212Chapter232Chapter252合计4016五、参考书目1 Bjarne Stroustrop, The C+ Programming Language, 20032张基温,C+程序设计基础,高等教育出版社,1999